COVERAGE OF LEGAL MATERIALS FOR YOUNG AUDIENCE: CONDITIONS, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS (SOLUTION) Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Urolova Dilshodabonu Olimjon Kizi

This article criticizes the fact that the legal materials covered in the mass media are not intended for a youth audience. There are also comments on what materials on this topic should be in order to improve the legal culture of young people.

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58 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 английских фонем, мы попытались определить особенности фонемной структуры слов в английском языке.

Выводы. Существуют противоречивые взгляды на состав фонемной системы азербайджанского языка. Хотя некоторые авторы отмечают, что в азербайджанском языке 33 фонемы (9+24), А.Ахундов, изучавший систему фонем современного азербайджанского языка, показал, что в азербайджанском языке 40 фонем [9, с.17]. Ф.Я.Вейсалли «предположил, что в современном азербайджанском языке 32 фонемы [12, с.90]». Каждый язык отличается от других своей фонемной структурой и количественными показателями фонемной системы.

Отмечается, что в немецком языке 40 фонем (17 + 23) [22, с.233], а в русском языке 43 фонемы. Различие связано с тем, что при анализе существующей литературы не только разных систематических языков, но и наблюдалось применение разных принципов при определении структуры фонем одного и того же языка. Разница в определении фонем в языке также была обнаружена в определениях, данных в этой единице. В зависимости от подхода к фонеме (функционального, семантического,

психологического, лингвистического) определения были разными.


1. Musayev, O. (Türksevar). ingilis dilinin qrammatikasi. -Baki: Qismat, -2007, -587 s.// Мусаев О. (Турксевер). Английская грамматика. -Баку: Кисмет, -2007, -587 с.

2. Медникова, Э.М. Значение слова и методы его описания. - М.: ВШ, - 1974, - 202 с.

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6. Dilgilik ensiklopediyasi, II cild. -Baki: Mutarcim, -2008, -526 s.// Лингвистическая энциклопедия, Том II. -Баку: Переводчик, -2008, -526 с.

7. Левковская, К.А. Теория слова. Принципы ее построения и аспекты изучения лексического материала. ВШ, - М.: - 1962, - 296 с.

8. Арнолд, И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. -М.: Изд-во Литературы на иностранных языках, -1959, -351 с.

9. Axundov, A. Muasir Azarbaycan dilinin fonetikasi. -Baki: -1984, -391 s. // Ахундов, А. Фонетика современного азербайджанского языка. -Баку: -1984, -391 с.

10. Cavadov, Э.М. Matn va cumlada sozlarin sirasi // AMEA-nin xabarlari, Эdabiyyat, Dil va incasanat seriyasi, №4. -Baki: -1978, - s. 32-35// Джавадов, Э.М. Последовательность слов в тексте и предложении // Новости НАНА, Серия литературы, языка и искусства, №4. -Баку: -1978, - с. 32-35

11. Babayev, S.M., Qarayeva, M.G. English Phonetic's. - Baki: -2005, -322 s.

12.Veysalli,F.Y.Azarbaycan dilinda sozun prosodik modelinin ikizirvaliliyina dair // Dil, adabiyyat va onlarin tadrisi metodikasinin aktual problemlari. -Baki: Mutarcim, -2008, s. 176-182.// Вейселли Ф. О двойственности просодической модели слова в азербайджанском языке // Актуальные проблемы языка, литературы и методы их обучения. -Баку: Переводчик, -2008, с. 176-182.

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Urolova Dilshodabonu Olimjon kizi

PhD student of University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan



Abstract. This article criticizes the fact that the legal materials covered in the mass media are not intended for a youth audience. There are also comments on what materials on this topic should be in order to improve the legal culture of young people.

Keywords: legal culture, youth, journalists, mass media, press, television.

Media coverage of legal issues has its own complexity. If it is prepared for a youth audience, it becomes more difficult. In this case, the journalist is required to present the topic in a simpler language that is understandable for young people. It should be noted that the media pay increased attention to improving the legal culture of young people, and the number of journalistic materials on this topic is great. However, it is obvious that most of them are written in a very formal language, the extreme complexity of the sentences, the abundance of unnecessary sentences in the text.

As our President said, "First of all, our journalists must be active in avoiding dry official statements, critical analysis, creative approach, coverage of today's life with all its scope, content and, if necessary, complexity". [1]

Due to the above-mentioned shortcomings of journalistic materials prepared in order to raise the legal culture of young people, most young people refuse to read or watch them. Often, young people read comics, astrological predictions and other simple texts from the last pages of newspapers and magazines, and watch



interactive TV and radio programs. Therefore, when assimilating legal knowledge, one should take into account the age of the audience and the level of its literacy.

Youth policy is the recognition by the state of youth as an important strategic force on the path of democratic development, full implementation of managerial and social functions in relation to youth at the level required by a democratic political system, international or national legislation.

The main directions of the state youth policy in the Republic are:

1. Direction of spiritual and educational activities.

2. Direction of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Direction of crime prevention.

4. Direction of social protection and employment.

5. Orientation to support talented youth and disclosure of their creative and intellectual potential.

6. Raising legal and political awareness of youth.

The problem of improving the political and legal

culture of young people is not only related to one of the above areas. This suggests that it is necessary to take all effective measures to achieve the goal without delay.

Reforms began in youth policy. In particular, over the years of independence, the country has developed more than 500 legislative acts, of which about 100 have been adopted laws on youth. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Foundations of State Youth Policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan" is a vivid example of this. The proclamation of 2008 as the Year of Youth, 2010 as the Year of Harmoniously Developed Generation and 2021 as the Year of Support for Youth and Public Health, in order to strengthen the focus on youth, will expand the participation of youth in public life, laying the foundation for further development, increasing legal literacy and culture.

Well-known writer, journalist and scholar Khurshid Dostmukhammad writes: "A journalist first communicates with people, his readers through the press. In modern terms, when it comes to communication, ignoring the audience makes all their efforts in vain. In fact, it is useless to talk to the press that does not reach the people". [2] So, one of the most important tasks of a journalist working on youth problems is to talk about young people, raise questions that are close to young people, write in words that are understandable to young people.

"Shortness is the sister of talent" (Chekhov), "Life is actually simple, we try to complicate it" (Confucius), "The simplicity of life, language, habits gives strength to the people. And complicating them leads the people to defeat" (English writer John Ryoskin) shows how short and simple we need not only modern journalism, but also our lives.

Recently, the information service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations provided the following information: "We know that the audience believes the information they first heard. In this regard, we strive to convey reality as quickly as possible. But for some reason the figure does not change. Despite the fact that we cover the incident much earlier than sources disseminating biased information for various purposes, the audience receives information not from the official MES portal, but from biased foreign sites such as

East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 59 "Ozodlik", "BBS Uzbek". For example, last year there was a risk of avalanches in the Surkhandarya region. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations evacuated the population from dangerous areas in a timely manner, provided them with the necessary items and food. The official website of the MES was one of the first to provide information about the assistance provided. However, the news spread by foreign sites became popular among the population. According to them, no assistance was provided to the population. We are thinking hard about what to do in this situation".

The solution to this problem may seem difficult at first glance. However, when viewing and comparing national and Uzbek opposition foreign sites, it immediately became clear what the problem was. The advantage of foreign sites is that the information is presented simply, fluently, understandably, and not according to an official template. Photos and videos are provided. On our national websites, in particular on the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations www.fvv.uz, you can see the opposite: all the news are the same, based on a certain pattern, reality is expressed in a very official language, images and videos are practically absent.

Therefore, we can only achieve our great goal of building a democratic state based on the rule of law if we use the methods used by foreign sites as a means of defense against them for good purposes.

Another reason many media outlets are not gaining popularity among young people is their design.

Young people psychologically strive for beauty. At this age, they pay more attention to appearance than content. Consequently, media design for a youth audience requires perfection. Choosing the most optimal one, from color to font and size, gives good results.

It should be noted that there are similarities not only in print and online publications, but also in television work with young audiences.

In fact, the role of television in introducing social and legal information into human consciousness, in shaping our national and legal values is invaluable. According to Anthony Giddens, a renowned British sociologist, "British children spend 100 days a year in school in front of a TV screen. "Research shows that if a story is covered differently in newspapers and on television, people will have twice as much confidence in the television version as in the newspaper".[3]

In fact, in our country there is a television channel designed for a young audience. "Yoshlar" TV channel was created under the Uzteleradiocompany on the basis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 26, 1998 "On measures to further improve the social and spiritual environment, prevent religious fanaticism".

However, the channel's activities have been criticized by the general public for failing to produce material based on the interests and worldview of its audience. Viewers commented on social media that the TV channel "Yoshlar" is not commensurate with its name.

At the meeting of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev with young people on June 30, 2017, it was noted that "Yoshlar" TV and radio channel is not able to

60 East European Scientific Journal #2(66), 2021 effectively use its potential. [1] In this regard, the channel has been strengthened, with 50 percent of its shares transferred to the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.

True, over the past few years, the channel has radically changed its activities, youth programs began to appear on the air. However, private TV channels still dominate in attracting a young audience. Watching these commercially available channels can have a negative impact on youth morale. In this regard, "Yoshlar" TV and radio channel, which sets as its main task the improvement of the legal culture of young people, should be creative in its presentation, while maintaining its ideas.

Formality, documentary, and clarity prevail in legal publications. As a result, the sensitivity of the published materials decreases. Viewers do not accept articles of a formal nature. Thus, the most important task of a journalist when covering legal material is to strike a balance between document reliability and enthusiasm. In addition, issues such as storytelling, professionalism, accuracy and generality, and the ability to use analogies and expressions also play an important role in the work of a journalist.

A journalist who contributes to improving the legal literacy of young people must not only correctly apply and learn legal terms and expressions, rules of procedural law, but also, as a propagandist of legal education, make these concepts understandable to a wide audience.

However, the existing shortcomings in the specialization, skills, legal literacy, and professional ethics of journalists have a negative impact on the effectiveness of journalism.

The well-known journalist Norali Ochilov explains the reasons for such shortcomings in the practice of the national press: "... only some major newspapers have legal departments and specialists in this field. In some newspapers, citizens' complaints and appeals are forwarded to a non-specialized correspondent or any other journalist to the editorial office. Sometimes this task is assigned to the regional correspondent of the newspaper. As a result, in most cases, the article of the journalist, who does not distinguish between "Judgment" and "Decision", "Divorse' and 'Presentation", is published in the newspaper. The editors will then have to either correct it or explain the mistake in court". [4]

Indeed, some of the articles on legal issues in today's press resemble a court verdict, ruling, or lawyer's appeal. First of all, this is due to the legal literacy and specialization of journalists, and secondly, to the fact that the articles were prepared without in-depth analysis of the case on the basis of court documents (sentences, decisions, orders) submitted by interested parties.

A small public opinion poll was conducted to substantiate the above points. A single sentence on the topic covered in the press was taken as a sample and 160 young people were asked how they understood it. The sentence reads: "The introduction of the institutions of reconciliation and habias corps, the



transfer of the right to impose sanctions from the prosecutor's office to the judiciary has further humanized the image of the judicial system". According to the survey, only 12.5 percent of the respondents (20 respondents) correctly analyzed the said opinion. While 38% of them expressed a partial content of the text, 49.5% did not understand the sentence at all. The conclusion of the survey is that such texts require the use of simpler sentences to make them easier for all young people to understand.

In conclusion, raising the legal culture of the largest social group in Uzbekistan - youth - is very important in the formation of the rule of law and civil society. The role of the media in providing legal information to young people is the leading one. However, the media do not take into account the interests and worldview of young people when covering legal issues.

In this regard, first of all, the most important task of a journalist working on youth topics is to talk about young people, raise questions that are close to young people, and write words that are understandable for young people.

Second, young people pay more attention to the appearance of things psychologically than to the content of things. This means that media design for a youth audience needs to be perfectly developed.

Third, TV channels, which have identified raising the legal culture of young people as their main task, should take a creative approach to the presentation, while maintaining their ideas.

Fourth, legal information should not be disseminated in the media as it is, but should be simplified by specialized journalists and made available to the public.

Fifth, in the process of processing legal information, it is necessary not to damage its content, not to make legal mistakes.


1. https://kun.uz/uz/news/2017/07/01/savkat-mirzieev-eslar-nasriet-ujini-taskil-etis-vakti-keldi

2. Dostmukhammad Kh. Problems of professional ethics of a journalist: theoretical and methodological analysis. Monograph. - T .: Yangi asr avlodi, 2007. - P.85

3. Giddens E. Sociology. Handbook for higher education institutions // Trans. N.Mamatov and J.Begmatov. - Tashkent: Sharq, 2002. - P.489-490.

4. Ochilov N. Problems of specialization of journalists in the field of justice // Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan. -Tashkent, 2004. - №9. - P.47.

5. Mamatov X. Legal culture and problems of formation of civil society in Uzbekistan. Monograph. -Tashkent, 2009.

6. Usmanova Z.B. The role of mass media in the formation of political and legal activity among students. Tashkent: "Modern Education" journal. -2017.

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