THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF CHILDREN'S PUBLICATIONS IN THE PRESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mirzaeva Nargiza Abdukaharovna, Yakubova Feruza Anvarovna

This article examines the fact that in the modern world the children's press is an independent component of the general media system, children's journalism is very unique and has a number of features. The typology of children's publications and the role of journalists working in children's media are also discussed.

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Гусакова Ю. О. Кросскультурный анализ французских заимствований: автореф. дис ... канд. филол. наук. - Великий Новгород, 2010. - 22 с.

Далян Н. Е. Кросскультурный подход в системе современного языкового образования при обучении русскому языку как иностранному: автореф. дис ... докт. пед. наук. - Ереван, 2017. - 38 с.

Маринова Е. В. Иноязычная лексика современного русского языка. - М.: Флинта, 2013. - 296 с.

Маринова Е. В. Иноязычные слова в русской речи конца ХХ - начала XXI в.: проблемы освоения и функционирования: монография. - М.: ЭЛПИС, 2008. - 495 с.


1. Ефремова Т.Ф. Новый словарь русского языка. Толково- образовательный. - М.: Рус. яз., 2000. - 1209 с.

2. Комлев Н.Г. Словарь иностранных слов. -М.: Эксмо, 2006. - 672 с.

East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 59

3. Крысин Л.П. Толковый словарь иноязычных слов. - М.: Эксмо, 2009. - 944 с.

4. Ожегов С. И., Шведова Н. Ю. Толковый словарь русского языка. - М.: Аз, 1996. - 928 с.

5. Попов М. Полный словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в употребление в Русском языке. URL: http ://rus-yaz. niv.ru/doc/foreign-words-popov/index.htm.

6. Скляревская Г.Н. Введение // Толковый словарь русского языка

конца XX века. Языковые изменения / Под ред. Г.Н. Скляревской.-М.: Эксмо, 2006. - 1136 с.

7. Скляревская Г.Н. Толковый словарь русского языка начала XXI века. Актуальная лексика / Под ред. Г. Н. Скляревской. - М.: Эксмо, 2006. - 1136 с.

8.Скляревская Г. Н. Толковый словарь конца XX века. Языковые изменения/ Под ред. Г. Н. Скляревской. - СПб: Фолио-Пресс, 1998. - 700 с.

9. Национальный корпус русского языка. URL: // http://www.ruscorpora.ru/.

Mirzaeva Nargiza Abdukaharovna

Senior Lecturer at Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan Yakubova Feruza Anvarovna

Lecturer at Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan


Abstract. This article examines the fact that in the modern world the children's press is an independent component of the general media system, children's journalism is very unique and has a number of features. The typology of children's publications and the role of journalists working in children's media are also discussed.

Keywords: children's publications, press, children's audience, child psychology, children's magazine, specialization, youth press.

The media of our time are undoubtedly a factor influencing the formation of the worldview and consciousness of the institution of the family, out-of-school institutions, schools, institutes, etc. Children's periodicals have spiritual and moral potential and can help in the process of raising a child and instill in him cultural norms and values inherent in society.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) defines the right of every child to cultural development, education and access to information. The development of children and adolescents is directly related to the information they receive from external sources, among which the media occupy a special place. Childhood is a period of continuous formation of a person, his personal development, the introduction of certain values into a person. This is a complex process, defined by the word "socialization", and therefore socialization is one of the most important tasks of the children's press.

The main trend in the development of mass media in the world is the movement towards an information society, which is primarily associated with the introduction of new revolutionary technologies such as digital television and the Internet. In journalism, there is a differentiation and expansion of the variety of print

and electronic media, as well as their integration. It is no secret that the majority of Internet users regularly watch entertainment and entertainment content. Because people strive for easy, easily digestible topics - directions. Maybe they want to get away from the Internet at least in real life situations ?! This can be explained by the uniqueness of the Internet in the entertainment direction.

A journalist who writes on a wide variety of topics, especially children, needs to feel this deeply. This requires a lot of knowledge and skills from the journalist. In order for each material they prepare to attract the user's attention, it is necessary to correctly see the composition of the material, not to forget about the consistency. In this regard, factors such as comprehensive coverage of the topic in a short period of time, short and accurate questionnaires, the composition of the material, and adequate use of Internet resources are important.

The young generation is most easily influenced by the modern information resources of the world. Periodicals, television, radio and the Internet have become part of the life of young people. He not only wants to receive daily information about what is happening in the country and the world, but also to take

60 East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 an active part in the process of creating and distributing news. For this reason, the children's press pays great attention to the issues of childhood and adolescence.

Children's press helps a child to "join" a certain group of young schoolchildren in a certain social institution (school, friends, family) as a representative of the target audience's information about society and the axiological base adopted in it, forming a certain behavior. in a specific situation. replies to emails, etc.). There is no doubt that children's periodicals help develop and shape the personality, communication skills of children, broadcasting the maximum amount of journalistic, artistic, scientific information from all strata of society, changing them depending on the age of students at different stages of childhood, providing appropriate forms of thinking and perception".11

In the modern world, children's press is an independent component of the overall media system. Studying children's periodicals is also important for building a culture of reading ("reading literacy"), as young readers often prefer the magazine to the book, which means that children's periodicals have a special responsibility and their roles, functions and models change. Publications for children and youth have become reliable helpers for parents and teachers in the upbringing of the younger generation.

According to S.V.Frolova, the essence of the concept of children's press is to maximize journalistic, artistic, scientific and other information in all spheres of human life, to change it in accordance with the age of students at different stages of childhood, to provide appropriate forms, thinking and perception, balance and personal development, socialization of citizens".12

Of course, the children's audience is a special audience. Its distinctive character is characterized by rapid psychophysical modifications, multifaceted orientation of interests, versatility of character and constantly changing features. Knowing the specifics of age helps editors of children's publications take into account the interests of the target audience and meet its needs. Depending on the age for which the publication is intended, editors will develop their own content; creates a specific structure and size for this content".13

The system of children's periodicals meets the different needs of the audience: it involves, explains, gives advice, and so on. Today there are many different typologies based on many criteria, but the most common typologies take into account the following factors:

1. Age

2. Gender

3. Interests.

Thus, according to the first typology, there are:

- Magazines for preschool children;

- Magazines for children of primary and secondary school age.

Children's journalism performs a number of functions that are carried out under the influence of the pedagogical role of society in the formation of the personality. Based on S.G.Antonova's14 research, we identify the following main tasks of children's typography.

- educational;

- information;

- cognitive;

- communication function;

- recreation;

- socialization function.

Accordingly, we can highlight the following functions of children's periodicals:

1) to reflect the text ("under this term it is customary to perceive the process of involving a child in reading, as well as to arouse in him a love for this process. This remains the main task of every publication for children. Such a requirement N.I. Novikov put it into children's journalism, this interpretation is still relevant today)15;

2) communication about the environment, the formation of the child's thoughts, attitudes and positions;

3) broadening the worldview (this task is the basis for publications that take the child out of school textbooks aimed at popularizing science, technology, etc.)

4) providing leisure (basic for entertainment magazines that try to keep the child busy and diversify their free time).

In the early twentieth century, the interest of society and art in children, in the world of childhood, manifested itself as a system of values and images.

Critics' interest in children's literature in general, and its special field - children's periodicals, has also revived.

In order to present the main ideas of twentieth-century critique of children's periodicals, it is necessary to consider the most important critical and theoretical works of three influential authors of that period. These are M.N.Vasilevskiy ("Do Children Need a Children's Magazine"), K I.Chukovskiy ("On Children's Magazines for Mothers") and V.Zelenko ("Do you need children's magazines?").

An ideal children's magazine for reading to M.N.Vasilevskiy: "It is not enough to give interesting literary material in the magazine, to give articles of great and famous writers and, finally, to answer all the questions. A children's magazine should definitely

11 Дожиева Л. Б. - Особенности влияния образовательно -воспитательного потенциала детской прессы на развитие личности детей // Вестник ЧитГУ. - 2012. - №8.

12 Фролова С. В. Российские периодические

издания для детей: обзор и классификация / С. В.

Фролова // - Начальная школа. 2003. -№ 1. С. 108-


13 Хилько М. Е., Ткачева М. С. Возрастная психология: конспект лекций. -М., 2012.

14 Антонова С.Г. Редакторская подготовка изданий / С.Г.Антонова // - М.: Логос, 2004. - 521 с

15 Николаева Т. А. Философские взгляды Н. И. Новикова // Вестник МГТУ. 2007. №3 С.430-435.



become an assistant for schools and parents; a series of articles designed to instill in their readers a meaningful attitude towards life around them, develop their aesthetic taste and interest, guide them through good morals and useful work, guide the child's life skills, raise children with love for the Motherland and all of humanity, useful activities for children and youth, the history of preparation for family life and the life of wonderful people should be supplemented with illustrative examples, as well as popular science information".

An important aspect of M.N.Vasilevsky's views on a magazine for children's reading is the following definition: "... Children's magazines are a completely independent and special kind of journalism. They cannot be compared to the type of adult magazine. Don't look at a children's magazine as a mere random collection of articles or a textbook".

He believed that the most important function of a children's magazine in society is socialization.

M.N.Vasilevskiy, of course, expressed his position on specific issues of children's journalism that belonged to the twentieth century.

First, the magazine believes that it should be published taking into account the age of the audience: "... Every young person has his own needs and interests. For one (child 5-6 years old), reading should replace and replenish the toy, one more (12 years old) - smart and useful entertainment, additional and partly even changing the school. Secondly, politics and various vices of the day are completely unthinkable in a children's magazine; it must react to the most important events of modern life, because they can understand and interest young readers. However, the journal should not provide complete information, but should arouse interest in the topic. Therefore, in M.N.Vasilevsky's opinion, fun is an integral part of a children's magazine. An integral part of it are the scientific articles that should be given in the system, so that when reading the scientific section, the children get a solid knowledge, not confusion in their heads. Third, the children's magazine should not be dry and boring, it should have a picture and a joke and a comedy section".16

V.Zelenko, another participant in the discussion of children's periodicals of the twentieth century, a well-known critic and employee of the "News of Children's Literature" magazine, published articles in magazines on children's reading management, works on the theory of criticism of children's literature, reviews of children's books and magazines. In 1912, the main article in News of Children's Literature, devoted to the problems of children's periodicals, was the article "Do we need children's magazines?"

V.Zelenko cited data from a public survey conducted by the St. Petersburg Society for the Development of Preschool Education to determine the needs of children in magazines. Of the 3000

16 Васильевский М.Н. Нужен ли детям детский

журнал / М.Н. Васильевский. - М.: Наука, 1911. -


East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 61 questionnaires sent to young readers, 2848 returned. "39% of those who showed interest in a book or magazine ... put the magazine first". The author of the article drew attention to the volume of motives for such a choice: "The book may be interesting, but does not find what I need", "I prefer the magazine because I can choose what I want in the magazine", "The magazine provides a lot of exemplary information about modern life", "The magazine is always up to date with news about modern discoveries".17

According to the critic, a children's book cannot replace a magazine. It is "a close network of invisible threads that connects us to other people to bring it into the complex modern world and give the child a constant flow of new materials to carry out the child's mind's rapid functioning, personality formation and socialization. raw or skillfully processed ?! The dynamism of information saves its not so high artistic level ".

Another important point, which the author of the article emphasizes, is the role of the journal in the traditional system of parenting. V.Zelenko recommends the children's magazine as a "third element" between children and the teacher, because children have endless questions that the teacher cannot always answer. He notes that children read only what they need, which is confirmed by a survey of the St. Petersburg Society for the Development of Preschool Education. The magazine has a lot of material for the exchange of mutual impressions between the teacher and the child, for discussing what is written in it.

The third author is K.I.Chukovskiy, a well-known journalist, literary critic, and a brilliant children's writer. He was an active participant in the creation of a new culture in the early twentieth century. Chukovsky was personally acquainted with many masters of culture of the Silver Age, participated in their projects, including those related to children's literature.

The peculiarity of K.I.Chukovskiy's position is that he looks at the child and his world in a completely different way. Hence the original take on a magazine designed to be read by children. The child "creates his own world, his logic and his astronomy, and those who want to talk to children must enter and stay there, children live in the fourth dimension. This world is a real legend for them".18

Thus, unlike K.I.Chukovskiy, M.N.Vasilevskiy and V.Zelenko, the child is not controlled by the "socializing style" of the attitude. In his opinion, adults should not "shape" the child's personality according to their own model, but should only help him develop, because the child's individuality is the highest value.

As K.I.Chukovskiy notes: "Give the reader less and get more - this is the motto from which a children's magazine should come out. Otherwise, all his aspirations will not be a special kind of subtle spiritual violence. Magazines develop very little initiative in

17 Чуковский, К. Матерям о детских журналах / К.Чуковский. - СПб.: Наука, 1911. - С.17

18 Чуковский, К. Матерям о детских журналах / К.Чуковский. - СПб.: Наука, 1911. - С.17

62 East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 children. (if it is large) to form a garden, to fly with a leaf is a thousand times more useful than all Lincolns and Brenet in the world. "Therefore, the critic prefers the magazines" Golden Childhood ","Firefly" and "Beacon", where children are invited to glue, paint and do crafts with your own hands and eyes.

"Instead of discussing which magazine is best for children, mothers often unconsciously discuss which magazine is best for them," Chukovskiy said.

The critic categorically objected to the early involvement of children in their own problems of the "world of adults", therefore, in his opinion, chronicles and scientific sections should be given very little space in periodicals. From his review, we can conclude that a magazine for children is something that can be distributed in the children's world, because the magazine in its modern form brings many "adults" into the world, which is a subtle spiritual violence.

Children's journalism, due to the nature of the audience, is very unique and has a number of features. The preparation of children's magazines requires journalists to know the stages and characteristics of a child's development, child psychology, the age of the audience and the characteristics of specific stages of a child's development. Children are an audience with rapidly changing social interests and lifestyles, many questions and a dynamic development of the psyche.

Now in our country the children's press is an independent component of the general media system. Its uniqueness is determined by age-specific attention, pronounced to the children's audience. In this regard, children's journalism uses special, unique ways of covering reality, its own means of expression, forms and ways of communicating with the audience.

N.Kasimova, N.Toshpulatova 19 depending on the methods, ways and means of influencing the children's audience, the journalist emphasizes the following tasks:

- informing, enlightenment, coordination, standardization;

- propaganda, education, organization, management;

- generalization, education, promotion of spiritual values, etc.;

- integration into society (children with disabilities) and assistance in self-government, informing about the real situation and situation, dissemination of knowledge, formation of public opinion;

- to help members of society to be socially active, to promote culture, to entertain.

Children and adolescents are an important element of the educational system, and the children's press actively cooperates with children (children's television, radio journalism), as well as with various social institutions involved in the pedagogical process (education, science, culture) and other components of the media.

19 Крсимова Н., Тошпулатова Н. Узбекистан

оммавий ахборот воситаларида болалар мавзусини ёритишнинг назарий ва амалий асослари. Укув кулланма. -Т.,2014. Б.-117.

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In various publications for teenagers, the process of differentiating them according to the interests of the audience is highlighted. This is because children feel the need to learn, go out of school programs, become interested in different areas of activity - science and technology, literature and art, history and archeology, and so on.

Publications for high school students focus on many topics that analyze the complex field of human relations, the spiritual and moral problems of modern society.

In a market environment, children's publications present their products to several age groups at the same time to attract the attention of the audience: preschoolers and young schoolchildren, young schoolchildren and teenagers, teenagers and high school students. This is because age boundaries are mobile, and as you move from one age to the next, a child's attitude toward reality does not change immediately.

In the context of the development of market relations, the children's press seeks to fully cover the real-life problems of children and adolescents, to gain popularity in its audience. After all, it is the children's audience that determines the fate of a particular publication today. From the stream of information directed to him, the child has the opportunity to choose the literature that interests him, to help him solve the complex problems of our time, to choose his own path in life.

Children's publications are divided into 3 main groups according to the intended purpose 20:

information and journalism, the purpose of which is to report on the world around us, to form public opinion, to influence the conscious choice of means of solving social, industrial and other problems;

publications promoting science, technology, art, broadening worldviews and disseminating religious publications, promoting spiritual enlightenment;

carrying a hedonistic function that provides entertainment, recreation;

There is also a small group of publications, which are more purposeful, aspire to artistic publications, participate in aesthetic education. However, along with literary works, these magazines also contain articles promoting popular literature, art, and history. Most children's publications are based on the "entertainment-teacher" principle. They are widely used in game forms.

By the nature of children's print media: universal and multi-themed; traditional and youth.

Universal children's publications cover all areas of society, while multi-themed publications cover specific topics (education, culture, art, literature, science, technology, nature, geography, recreation, etc.).

The range of topics of children's publications is very wide. Traditional publications specialize in the

20 Детская литература. Учебное пособие /под ред. Николаева С., Арзамащева И.Н., М.: Академия, 1997.



work of professional journalists, while youth publications specialize in the work of amateur children. A distinctive feature of modern children's journalism in Russia is the emergence and successful development of the "youth press", in which children and adolescents work at all levels of information production - from correspondent to editor-in-chief. Youth press publishing houses have official founders and publishers. These publications are printed by printers or computer experts. They are led by experienced journalists who strive to provide the content and format of youth publications at a professional level. Publications for young people are the most relevant, directly interesting and different from the traditional children's press for young readers.

Children's journalism is very unique and has a number of original features. The defining element in the content of children's publications is the character of the audience. The preparation and publication of children's publications requires knowledge of the basic laws and stages of child development, a clear understanding of the developmental characteristics of children of a certain age, for which these media are designed.

As mentioned above, the special role of children's magazines lies in the process of forming a complete picture of the child's world, his ideas about morality, the development of personal qualities and creative abilities.

East European Scientific Journal #3(67), 2021 63


1. Антонова С.Г. Редакторская подготовка изданий / С.Г.Антонова // - М.: Логос, 2004. - 521 с

2. Васильевский М.Н. Нужен ли детям детский журнал / Наука, 1911. - С.11.

3. Детская литература. Учебное пособие /под ред. Николаева С., Арзамащева И.Н., М.: Академия, 1997.

4. Дожиева Л. Б. - Особенности влияния образовательно-воспитательного потенциала детской прессы на развитие личности детей // Вестник ЧитГУ. - 2012. - №8.

5. Николаева Т. А. Философские взгляды Н. И. Новикова // Вестник МГТУ. 2007. №3 С.430-435.

6. Фролова С. В. Российские периодические издания для детей: обзор и классификация / С. В. Фролова // - Начальная школа. 2003. -№ 1. С. 108- 113

7. Хилько М. Е., Ткачева М. С. Возрастная психология: конспект лекций. -М., 2012.

8. Чуковский, К. Матерям о детских журналах / К.Чуковский. - СПб.: Наука, 1911. - С.17

9. Крсимова Н., Тошпулатова Н. Узбекистан оммавий ахборот воситаларида болалар мавзусини ёритишнинг назарий ва амалий асослари. Укув кулланма. -Т.,2014. Б.-117.

Nikiforova Zh.A.

candidate of philology, assistant professor Graduate School of Service and Trade Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University


Никифорова Жанна Александровна

Канд. филол. наук, доцент Высшая школа сервиса и торговли Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого



Summary. This article is devoted to the study of lacunar units, as one of the most striking characteristics of the national and cultural specifics of each language. The research was carried out on the material of the Germanic languages (English and German). The works of contemporary writers from England and Germany were used as research material. In the analysis, the linguistic lacunas of these languages were revealed and the features of their meaning and use were described.

Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена исследованию лакунарных единиц, как одной из наиболее ярких характеристик национально-культурной специфики каждого языка. Исследование проведено на материале германских языков (английского и немецкого). В качестве материала исследования были использованы произведения современных писателей Англии и Германии. В ходе анализа выявлены лингвистические лакуны данных языков и описаны особенности их значения и употребления.

Key words: national and cultural specifics, lacunar unit, non-equivalent vocabulary, linguistic lacuna, vector lacuna, absolute lacuna, relative lacuna

Ключевые слова: национально-культурная специфика, лакунарная единица, безэквивалентная лексика, лингвистическая лакуна, векторная лакуна, абсолютная лакуна, относительная лакуна.

Язык является определяющим фактором Гумбольдта говорится о языке, как о «круге», человеческого мышления, влияющим на языковую образованном вокруг народа и определяющем ход картину мира его носителя. Еще в работах В. фон его мыслей, воздействующем на человеческое

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