Original article УДК 376.36
DOI: 10.35854/2541-8106-2021-4-73-78
Correction of speech disturbances in elevated form of dysartria in elder preschool children
Ekaterina A. Efimova
Donetsk National University, Institute of Pedagogy, Donetsk, DPR,
Abstract. This article discusses the use of speech therapy rhythmics in order to correct speech disorders in preschoolers with an erased form of dysarthria. In the course of this work were in s manifest features of tempo-rhythmic organization of speech of children with the erased form of dysarthria; the positive influence of speech therapy rhythmics on children of this category is described and examples of effective exercises in the process of its use are given.
Keywords: speech disorders, erased form of dysarthria, speech therapy rhythm, senior preschool age
For citation: Efimova E. A. Correction of speech disturbances in elevated form of dysartria in elder preschool children. Uchenye zapiski Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta tekhnologiy upravleniya i ekonomiki. 2021;22(4):73-78. https://doi.org/10.35854/2541-8106-2021-4-73-78
Научная статья
Коррекция речевых нарушений при стертой форме дизартрии у детей старшего дошкольного возраста
Екатерина Александровна Ефимова
Донецкий национальный университет, институт педагогики, Донецк, ДНР,
Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены вопросы применения логопедической ритмики в целях коррекции речевых нарушений у дошкольников со стертой формой дизартрии. В процессе исследования выявлены особенности темпо-ритмической организации речи детей со стертой формой дизартрии. Описано положительное влияние логопедической ритмики на детей данной категории. Автором также приведены примеры эффективных упражнений при ее использовании.
Ключевые слова: речевые нарушения, стертая форма дизартрии, логопедическая ритмика, старший дошкольный возраст
Для цитирования: Efimova E. A. Correction of speech disturbances in elevated form of dysartria in elder preschool children // Ученые записки Санкт-Петербургского университета технологий управления и экономики. 2021. Т. 22. № 4. С. 73-78. (На англ.) https://doi. org/10.35854/2541-8106-2021-4-73-78
In the modern world, due to the large number of adverse effects from exogenous factors on the mother's fetus in the prenatal, natal and postnatal period, the number
© Ефимова Е. А., 2021
of children with pathologies that further affect the child's speech development increases significantly. The erased form of dysarthria is no exception and is found among children with organic damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, obtained by the influence of negative external factors.
The localization of the pathological process leading to the problem can develop at different levels of the nervous system responsible for the formation of sounds, the logical harmony of the story:
• the nuclei of the cranial nerves, which are responsible for the nerve control of the tongue, lips, soft palate, etc.;
• pathways between the cortex and cerebral nuclei;
• subcortical centers;
• cerebellum and pathways, pathways from it and to it;
• cerebral cortex.
The erased form of dysarthria is a speech disorder caused by a mild violation of the innervation of the organs of the articulatory apparatus [1]. It is diagnosed mostly in preschool children after five years.
Causes of dysarthria:
• toxicosis;
• antenatal hypoxia;
• immune conflict in the ABO system and the Rh factor;
• chronic pathologies in a mother carrying a child;
• complicated course of childbirth;
• birth trauma;
• childbirth before 37 weeks;
• asphyxia.
All these factors can lead to organic brain damage, incl. centers responsible for the development of speech. At the same time, infantile cerebral palsy is often formed, and its severity correlates with the severity of speech disorders.
In addition, dysarthria can develop in early childhood in the original healthy child. In this case, the reasons lie in severe neuroinfections and intoxications, for example, carbon monoxide, alcohol poisoning, etc., as well as tumors and brain injuries.
The main defects in the erased form of dysarthria are violations of the phonetic and prosodic components of speech, that is, sound pronunciation, intonation, tone, timbre, and expressiveness of speech. Also, among the characteristics of this form of dysarthria, one can single out the asymmetry of the nasolabial folds and corners of the mouth, the lack of tone of the lips, tongue, and the poverty of facial expressions. During articulation exercises, the child experiences uncontrolled tongue movements and tremors. Difficulties arise in keeping the organs of the speech apparatus in a static position.
Children with this disorder are motor awkward. They have a limited range of active movements, the muscles quickly get tired during temporary loads. Steadily standing on one leg is a rather difficult task for children with an erased form of dysarthria; they also cannot jump on one leg and walk along the "bridge". In particular, motor failure is noticeable in music and physical education classes. Children lag behind in the rhythm and tempo of movements, as well as switching from one movement to another.
Hyperkinesis with erased dysarthria is manifested in children in the form of trembling of the tongue. Also, a tremor of the tongue is characteristic, which manifests itself during functional tests and loads. If we talk about apraxia, then it is revealed simultaneously in the absence of the possibility of performing any
arbitrary movements with the hands, as well as with the organs of articulation. Children with such a disability learn self-care skills late and with great difficulty. For example, they do not hold a pencil well in drawing classes. They have noticeable motor awkwardness of hands in the applique class and with plasticine. Difficulties in the spatial arrangement of elements on the plane are noticeable.
At the initial acquaintance with the child, it is worth paying attention to his sound pronunciation. It is scored as complex or simple dyslalia. During the examination, distortion of sounds is revealed, their replacement or complete absence. But, the main difference from dyslalia, the speech of a preschooler with erased dysarthria also has impairments in the prosodic side.
Problems of pronunciation and prosodics have an impact on the expressiveness, intelligibility and intelligibility of a child's speech. A child with erased dysarthria, in addition to articulatory sounds that are complex and close in place and method of formation, also distorts acoustically opposed ones. Often, with the erased form of dysarthria, interdental utterance is noted, as well as lateral overtones. Children have difficulty pronouncing words with a difficult syllabic structure. The consequence of this is that they simplify its sound filling by omitting some sounds when consonants are confluent.
Violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech in children with an erased form of dysarthria is manifested in the acceleration or deceleration of the tempo of speech, accompanied by an irregular, changeable rhythm [2]. Children are not musical, as a rule, it is difficult to memorize poems, due to the fact that they do not perceive the rhythm of poetry, do not feel its rhyme. Difficulties also arise when you try to reproduce rhythmic and dynamic stresses.
All children whose symptoms correspond to erased dysarthria are referred to a neurologist for consultation to clarify or confirm the diagnosis and to prescribe treatment. With erased dysarthria, the method of correctional work should be comprehensive and include medical intervention, psychological and pedagogical assistance and speech therapy work.
Based on the above disorders in children with an erased form of dysarthria, the most effective method of correction in the process of organizing speech therapy work, in my opinion, will be the use of elements of speech therapy rhythm. Speech therapy rhythm is a corrective technique for teaching and educating people with various developmental anomalies, including speech pathology, means and movement, music and words [3]. The purpose of logorhythmic exercises is to strengthen the child's facial muscles, develop motor skills, establish the rhythm and tempo of speech, and form the phonetic system.
What technologies and tasks are used in logo rhythmics?
1. Finger gymnastics — poems and songs that are accompanied by hand movements. Aimed at the development of fine motor skills, expressive and fluent speech, speech memory and hearing.
2. Musical-rhythmic and musical games. They help to develop speech, attention, a sense of rhythm, the ability to navigate in space.
3. Vocal-articulation exercises and speech therapy gymnastics. Strengthen the muscles of the articulatory organs, develop their mobility.
4. Classes on the development of singing data — phonopedic exercises, clean phrases. They teach to distinguish similar sounds, are used to correct pronunciation, strengthen the larynx, and form correct speech breathing.
5. Classes on the development of word creation. Expand the child's active vocabulary.
6. Communicative dancing and games. This type of exercise in logo rhythm develops associative-figurative thinking and the emotional sphere, forms a positive sense of self in the baby, teaches non-verbal communication.
7. Activities aimed at developing general motor skills. They improve musculo-skeletal activity and improve coordination of movements.
8. Exercises aimed at developing facial expressions.
Preschoolers with an erased form of dysarthria learn to combine speech and movements, subjecting them to one rhythm, form spatial orientation, and develop melodic and intonational properties of speech.
In speech therapy rhythm, teachers distinguish several directions in the work on the formation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech. The first direction includes work on the correction and formation of non-speech tempo and rhythm. This direction is very important in corrective work with children with an erased form of dysarthria, since the normal pace and rhythm of the general movements of the child will contribute to the education of the correct tempo-rhythmic organization of speech [4]. The second is the direction includes work by developed Theological speech rate and rhythm children, phonational breathing, articulation motor and raise a moderate pace and rhythm of speech, as well as coordination of speech preschooler with his movements.
At the moment, I will focus on the description of the elements of speech therapy rhythmics that can be included in the structure of speech therapy classes with older preschool children with an erased form of dysarthria. To develop the articulatory apparatus of a child with this disorder, at the beginning of a speech therapy lesson, exercises are always carried out for the tongue, lips and lower jaw. In this case, you can use such dynamic articulation exercises as: "Horse", "Brush your teeth", "Smile — proboscis", "Swing", "Accordion", "Painter" and add a rhythmic basis in the form of a beat, count or accent in music for the formation of rhythmic movements in a preschooler.
It is imperative to work on setting the correct diaphragmatic breathing with children with an erased form of dysarthria, teach them to breathe in noiselessly, economically and smoothly consume air on exhalation during speech. Exercises performed by a child to calm music are suitable here. The child breathes in while raising his arms above his head, while exhaling, he performs light swaying movements with his arms and body to the right-left, pronouncing the sound [f]. Then he inhales again with raising his arms, and as he exhales, he slowly lowers his arms and makes the sound [sh] for a long time.
Also, mandatory exercises during speech therapy rhythm are exercises that develop general motor skills and form a sense of pace and rhythm. Exercises can include simple movements such as clapping, waving arms, bending the torso, then adding leg movements, walking, marching, running to the music. Examples of such exercises are the well-known "Watch" and "Stream".
It can be used in practice to form the tempo, rhythm of speech and coordination of the child's speech with his movements. This element can be included in the main stage of a speech therapy lesson, provided that the speech material is correctly selected and corresponding to the topic of the lesson. A preschooler, together with a speech therapist, reads a poem at a moderate pace, and at the same time slaps his rhythm. Yes Goes exercise will contribute to the absorption of the rhythmic structure of cl Peninsula and enrichment of the child's active vocabulary.
An important element in conducting speech therapy rhythmics with children with an erased form of dysarthria is exercise aimed at relaxation and regulation of the child's muscle tone. The purpose of these exercises is to reduce muscle tension
in the whole body and organs of the articulatory apparatus, to foster voluntary, controlled muscle tension and relaxation. A speech therapist needs to remember that the selected music should be sufficiently rhythmic. It is necessary to ensure that children perform all movements in accordance with the rhythm of the melody, and if it is necessary to accompany the music by counting or tapping out a rhythmic pattern.
Lesson rules
1. Logorhythmic technique is based on imitation. All exercises are structured according to the same principle: the child repeats the movements and text after the adult. You do not need to specifically memorize text material. Let the child memorize it from class to session, gradually. In the first lessons, the adult reads the text and encourages the child to repeat it. Gradually, the child also joins in reading. Once he starts repeating all the phrases without mistakes and in the correct rhythm, he is allowed to take the initiative.
2. The results of the lessons do not come immediately. Logorhythmics are done 2 times a week for about 30 minutes, and if the child stutters — about 4 times. The effect of regular exercise can be seen in at least 612 months.
3. The logo rhythm is carried out in an exciting and fun way. The child should enjoy every activity. During the exercises, it is imperative to use toys, pictures, bright costumes that do not hinder freedom of movement.
4. The exercises must be repeated until the child masters them perfectly. If the kid cannot cope with some movement or text, this element of the exercises is temporarily removed from the training program, but then they must be returned.
5. It is important to be careful with the selection of music. Children's songs, fragments of classical works, and recordings of sounds of nature are also suitable for logo rhythmics.
6. The program should be tailored to the child. It is possible and necessary to change the duration of classes, the composition of the exercises, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby. The teacher's fantasy is not limited by anything other than the requirement to observe the unity of speech, music, and movement.
7. Speech exercises are performed with the utmost care. Poems are pronounced so that it is easy for the baby to adjust the movements of the legs, arms, body to the rhythm of speech. It is important to adhere to the correct sequence of actions: first, the child looks at the action performed by an adult, then repeats it with a mentor and only then does it independently, pronouncing the words and observing the rhythm.
8. The educator must be patient. There is no need to be upset or angry if something does not work out for the kid — he may withdraw and lose interest in classes. No need to quit what you started, no matter how difficult it may be at first. This rule is also important for parents to take into account — you should not demand instant results from the child and the specialist.
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the grated form of dysarthria is a rather complex and difficult to correct disorder in older preschool children, which manifests itself in a violation of the sound-pronunciation and prosodic side of speech. In view of the complexity of the violation, a speech therapist is neces-
sary to plan their work well with this category of children, considering all their individual peculiarities. A large number of different correction methods are used while working with children with an erased form of dysarthria, one of which is speech therapy rhythm. Using logopedic rhythm in the speech therapy sessions will facilitate the formation of tempo-rhythmic organization of speech and language development of the child as a whole, since the combination of movement, music and carefully chosen speech therapist speech material, actively affects the central nervous system and has a positive effect on the development of higher mental functions of the child. Based on all the positive aspects and results of speech therapy rhythmics, it can be considered a rather effective element involved in the process of correcting speech disorders in older preschool children with an erased form of dysarthria.
References / Список источников
1. Волкова Л. С., Лалаева Р. И., Мастюкова Е. М. Логопедия. М.: Просвещение, 1989. 528 с.
2. Архипова Е. Ф. Стертая дизартрия у детей. М.: Астрель, 2007. 330 с.
3. Шашкина Г. Р. Логопедическая ритмика для дошкольников с нарушениями речи. М.: Академия, 2008. 192 с.
4. Комаровская А. О. Роль логоритмики в коррекционной работе с детьми с дизартрией. Витебск: Витебский государственный университет имени П. М. Машерова, 2017. C. 225-227.
Information about the author
E. A. Efimova — Student of Bachelor's Degree.
Информация об авторе
Е. А. Ефимова — студент бакалавриата.
Conflict of interest: the author declares no conflict of interest related to the publication of this article.
Конфликт интересов: автор декларирует отсутствие конфликта интересов, связанных с публикацией данной статьи.
The article was submitted 15.06.2021; approved after reviewing 30.07.2021; accepted for publication 20.12.2021.
Статья поступила в редакцию 15.06.2021; одобрена после рецензирования 30.07.2021; принята к публикации 20.12.2021.