CORPORATE AND TECHNOLOGICAL NETWORK FOR REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Pisetskiy Yuriy Valerevich, Mukhamedaminov Aziz Odiljonovich

At present time, it is very important to build corporate networks that meet all modern requirements. Proposals on the construction of a modern complex of network technologies based on the example of the power industry are considered, which will help optimally develop the necessary network for the monitoring of hazardous facilities, using various communication lines.

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Pisetskiy Yuriy Valerevich, Tashkent University of Information Technologies

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, E-mail: yuriy.pisetskiy@mail.ru Mukhamedaminov Aziz Odiljonovich, Tashkent University of Information Technologies

Tashkent, Uzbekistan, E-mail: azizusmonov1992@gmail.com


Abstract: At present time, it is very important to build corporate networks that meet all modern requirements. Proposals on the construction of a modern complex of network technologies based on the example of the power industry are considered, which will help optimally develop the necessary network for the monitoring of hazardous facilities, using various communication lines.

Keywords: Corporate network, technological network, monitoring systems, convergent networks, information, CCNS technologies, high-frequency technologies, information protection.

Introduction ing systems consider it necessary to have access to the in-

The corporate network is territorially distributed, formation of such systems, and on their own corporate that is, uniting offices, subdivisions and other structures network to remotely watch the status of monitoring sys-that are at a considerable distance from each other. The principles behind the corporate network are quite different from those used to create a local network [1]. This limitation is fundamental, and when planning a corporate network, all measures should be taken to minimize the amount of data transferred. In the rest, the corporate network should not impose restrictions on which applications and how they process the information transferred on it.

A characteristic feature of such a network is that it operates equipment of various manufacturers and generations, as well as heterogeneous software, which is not initially oriented to the joint processing of data.

In the conditions of commercialization of relations between many government agencies and users, such aspects of building networks as first of all: their functional fullness, safety and reliability of functioning, real-time monitoring of the state [2].

Formulation of the problem

At all stages of extraction, processing, storage and transportation of explosive gases, gas leakage warning systems, explosive gas concentration monitoring systems and protection systems are used. The subdivisions and head offices of energy companies that use such monitor-

tems in the interesting local areas.

Features of the requirements for building corporate networks of such enterprises are in danger of the objects themselves, the geographical locations of monitoring objects, the infrastructure of factory buildings, remoteness of controlled areas and other indicators [3]. The occupational safety specialists must continuously watch the status of the sensor readings at any point in the production process in order to avoid the occurrence of emergencies at the plants and main lines.

In the article we will consider some types of networks through which, depending on conditions and requirements, it is possible to create an optimal network, engaging in the extraction, processing and transportation of natural gas.

Results and discussion

The main condition in the task is to rationally build optimal data transmission networks that meet the criteria of price and quality, which will take into account all the requirements of the customer.

Each network system is unique and has its own peculiarities: geographic, system and others. Network building can include various systems: cable, fiber, radio frequency and others.

General structure ofthe network being developed

The technological basis for building a network for the monitoring system for dangerous gases in industrial facilities is a sensor network that combines sensor modules of combustible and explosive gases and an executive device in the form ofa central information gathering unit [4]. The monitoring network is built on the radio channel in the unlicensed frequency range with the star topology [5].

To combine the collection of information from several such radio monitoring systems, it is necessary to build networks of the most convenient technologies and optimal structure [3]. At the same time, all information, with several separate systems, should be collected on the server and archived for further processing.

To connect remote users to the corporate network, the simplest and most affordable option is to use telephony. Where possible, ISDN networks can be used. In most cases, global data networks are used to connect network nodes. Even where it is possible to install dedicated lines (for example, within a city), the use of packet switching technologies allows reducing the number of necessary communication channels and, importantly, ensuring compatibility of the system with existing global networks.

To transfer data within a corporate network, it is also worthwhile to use virtual channels of packet switching networks. The main advantages of this approach are universality, flexibility, security.

Collection of information

The organization of a reliable and efficient data archiving system is one of the most important tasks to ensure the safety of information in the network. In small networks, where one or two servers are installed, the most common method is to install the backup system directly into the free server slots. In large corporate networks, it is most preferable to organize a allotted specialized archive server. Storage of archival information of special value must be organized in a special guarded room. Specialists recommend storing duplicate archives of the most valuable data in another building, in case of a fire or a natural disaster [6].

Access to the information of such servers will have specialists who can remotely monitor the state of their objects on the corporate network. And also, in case of occurrence of an extra situation, will be instantly notified for taking appropriate measures in a particular place.

Converged networks

Until recently, energy companies' networks, as a rule, were built on three independent functional criteria: the transmission of speech and telemechanics signals, protection and automation, office applications, using appropriate equipment.

In recent years, the combination of voice, telemechanics, monitoring and protection functions is quite actively used. In high-frequency technology, the principle of frequency division multiplexing is used for this purpose, in the cable channels - TDM multiplexing [6].

For office applications, including for automatic control system of energy resources, remote monitoring of potentially dangerous objects and diagnostics, transmission of post-emergency information, mail and the Internet, cable or radio channels, own or rented, with IP technology are usually used. A separate application consists of radio, satellite or trunking networks for mobile teams. Technological and engineer achievements of the recent time have led to the creation of equipment that combines the technological and office components of the corporate network ofpower engineers, which allows us to talk about a new philosophy of applied communication networks - Converged Corporate Network Solutions (CCNS).

Advantages of CCNS technology

- Reduction of financial and functional dependence on third parties;

- Increase the return on own assets;

- Ability to quickly change the configuration;

- Ability to secure network resources for critical applications;

- Unified management and monitoring environment;

- Full control of the stability and reliability of the network;

- Safety of technological and commercial data;

- Secure remote connection, including via the Internet;

- Secure provision ofnetwork resources to third parties.

Wherein the main emphasis is not on simply replacing old equipment with new ones, but on changing the principles of designing technological networks and combining heterogeneous network traffic. The main thing is not the usual performance of functional requirements for the channels, and the equipment of their generators, but

the economic efficiency of the network being created, its adaptability to new tasks.

High-frequency technologies

In the existing high-frequency technologies, network channels are invested huge investments, which sooner or later must be returned, and consequently, issues related to high-frequency communication for a long time will be quite relevant. It follows that with fiber-optic lines or channel lengths of less than 5-7 km, cable channels using the simplest multiplexers are more profitable. For long fiber-optic lines or channels and a lack of financing, high-frequency channels should be used [2].

With longer fiber optic lines or channels, the more powerful the multiplexer will be installed, the higher the system's efficiency will be, and the return on investment will be faster. Especially if it is possible to rent out part of the system's capacity.


- With fiber-optic lines or channel lengths of less than 5-7 km, with existing cable infrastructure (fiber optic lines or radio channels), channels with broadband high-frequency systems are more profitable;

- If the length of fiber-optic lines or channel is less than 5-7 km, in the absence of cable infrastructure, it is necessary to consider the applicability of radio channels of the point-to-multipoint type;

- With optical fiber or channel lengths of less than 5-7 km, in the absence of a cable infrastructure and problems with electromagnetic compatibility, optical or copper channels using simplest multiplexers are more advantageous.

Above we do not speak of specialized channels intended, for example, only for data transmission of automated remote monitoring systems (other channels, GSM or satellite, can be effective here), but about the converged channels that solve most of the tasks in the corporate networks of power engineers.

Up to now, high-frequency communication channels are the most in demand both in terms of capital costs and in terms of the large lengths of fiber-optic lines. They also have an advantage over optical lines from the point of view of constructing systems that take into account the requirements for the time parameters of the transmitted command signals. As well as physical limitations on the propagation time of signals in an optical fiber, high-frequency channels can have a large extent.

Protection of corporate network information

The problem of protecting information from unauthorized access has escalated with the widespread use of local and, in particular, global computer networks. It should be noted that very often the damage is not caused by "malicious intent", but because of elementary errors of users who accidentally spoil or delete vital data. In this regard, in addition to access control, the necessary element of information security in computer networks is the delineation of the powers of users [7].

It can be detailed the classification of ways to ensure the security of computer networks. Because of this, it is worth considering how to protect computer networks from unauthorized access - the use of certain security services. Such services indicate directions for neutralizing possible security threats. Here are the main security services: 1. Authentication; 2. Ensuring integrity; 3. Classification of data; 4. Access control; 5. Protection from failures.

It should be noted that the number of security connections should be equal to the number of security services installed. That is, if for a given virtual connection at the same time requires authentication, confidentiality and reliability of the data, then three separate security connections are established.

A set of information security services that provide user requirements form a security profile.


It should be concluded that the correctly chosen method of building a corporate network should help to understand the variety of options for building networks and the large number of nuances that arise at all stages of creating and upgrading the enterprise network.

It is important to note that when building networks that have a heterogeneous and complex structure, it is necessary to use those types of devices that are most suitable for price and functional requirements. For example, in the complex infrastructure of a larger city, it is more appropriate to use a radio channel, and within a large building, it would be more appropriate to use fiber lines.

Providing computer security in corporate networks should be given special significance. A hierarchically correctly constructed data access system, modern equipment, a staff of skilled workers responsible for computer security is the guarantor of the safety of state and com-

mercial information. The more attention will be paid to I would also like to emphasize that no hardware, soft-

the problems of computer security, the more will be the ware or any other means or organizational work of vari-confidence that information of special importance will ous kinds can guarantee the absolute reliability and not be lost if there is a slight malfunction in the operation security of data, but at the same time reducing the risk of the equipment or with unauthorized access. of loss to a minimum is possible only with a conscious,

integrated approach to computer security.


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