
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE ECOLOGIZATION OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
ecologization of economic systems / economy / ecology / ecological situation / sustainable development / environmental protection / екологізація економічних систем / економіка / екологія / екологічна ситуація / сталий розвиток / охорона навколишнього середовища

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Panova I.

The article emphasizes that modern socio-economic development leads to an increase in global contradictions between the functioning of environmental, economic and social systems. From the second half of the twentieth century. mankind recognized that positive economic growth was largely achieved through increasing pressure on the environment. The dynamics of the development of key indicators of the development of the world economic system shows that such a development in the future threatens not only the existence of the ecological system in the common sense, but also the very existence of man on Earth, his civilization and culture. It is concluded that the stability of economic development is determined by the optimal correlation between the main macroeconomic indicators and qualitative characteristics of society, the correspondence of the level of economic and technological methods of nature use to the optimal indicators of development, restoration and conservation of the environment.

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У статті підкреслюється, що сучасний соціально-економічний розвиток призводить до наростання глобальних суперечностей між функціонуванням екологічних, економічних і соціальних систем. З другої половини ХХ ст. людство визнало, що позитивне економічне зростання багато в чому досягалося за рахунок зростаючого пресингу на навколишнє природне середовище. Динаміка розвитку ключових показників розвитку світової економічної системи показує, що подібний розвиток у майбутньому ставить під загрозу не тільки існування екологічної системи в загальноприйнятому розумінні, а й саме існування людини на Землі, його цивілізації і культури. Робиться висновок, що стійкість економічного розвитку визначається оптимальним співвідношенням між основними макроекономічними показниками і якісними характеристиками суспільства, відповідністю рівня економічних і технологічних методів природокористування оптимальним показникам розвитку, відновлення та збереження навколишнього середовища.


The scientific heritage No 32 (2019) 23


Панова 1.О.

викладач кафедри туристичного б'знесу та кра'тознавства Харквський нацюнальний ун'!верситет 'mew В.Н. Каразта


Panova I.

Teacher of the Department of Tourism Business and Country Studies V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


У статп щдкреслюеться, що сучасний сощалью-екоюм1чний розвиток призводить до наростання глоба-льних суперечностей м1ж функц1онуванням еколопчних, економ1чних i сощальних систем. З друго! половини ХХ ст. людство визнало, що позитивне економiчне зростання багато в чому досягалося за рахунок зростаючого пресингу на навколишне природне середовище. Динамша розвитку ключових показникiв розвитку свггово! еко-номчно! системи показуе, що подабний розвиток у майбутньому ставить тд загрозу не тiльки кнування еко-лопчно! системи в загальноприйнятому розумiннi, а й саме кнування людини на Землi, його цившзаци i куль-тури. Робиться висновок, що cгiйкicть економiчного розвитку визначаеться оптимальним спшвщношенням м1ж основними макроекономiчними показниками i як1сними характеристиками сустльства, вiдповiднicгю рiвня економiчних i технолопчних метод1в природокористування оптимальним показникам розвитку, вщновлення та збереження навколишнього середовища.


The article emphasizes that modern socio-economic development leads to an increase in global contradictions between the functioning of environmental, economic and social systems. From the second half of the twentieth century. mankind recognized that positive economic growth was largely achieved through increasing pressure on the environment. The dynamics of the development of key indicators of the development of the world economic system shows that such a development in the future threatens not only the existence of the ecological system in the common sense, but also the very existence of man on Earth, his civilization and culture. It is concluded that the stability of economic development is determined by the optimal correlation between the main macroeconomic indicators and qualitative characteristics of society, the correspondence of the level of economic and technological methods of nature use to the optimal indicators of development, restoration and conservation of the environment.

Ключовi слова: еколопзащя економiчних систем, економша, еколопя, еколопчна ситуащя, сталий роз-виток, охорона навколишнього середовища.

Keywords: ecologization of economic systems, economy, ecology, ecological situation, sustainable development, environmental protection.

In today's conditions of the development of economic, ecological and social systems, taking into account the active globalization processes, the humanity has come to the indisputable conclusion, that the implementation of the economic growth policy cannot ensure a decent life of man on Earth. According to many local and foreign researchers, globalization and economic growth lead to a still deeper gap between developed and underdeveloped countries in the distribution of global wealth, making developed countries richer and underdeveloped poorer.

The structure, specific character and directions of ecologization of economic research in the modern globalized world are the subject of discussion both in the framework of theory and research and in the applied sphere. The issues concerning ecologization of economic systems are considered by researchers in such terms as analysis of the specific character of impact that environmental factors have on the system of international economic relations and definition of new objectives in the implementation of eco-economic transformations (D. Bell [1], D. Bohler [2], V. Vernadsky [3], V. Danilov-Danilyan [4], H. Daly [5], K. Losev [4] etc.). At the same time, the issues of revealing the essence of the very process of ecologization of the economic system

and its role in economic development remain insufficiently studied.

The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and evolution of the process of ecologization of the economic system and its most general and fundamental features.

Let us define the theoretical essence of the notion of "ecologization of the economic system", which means updating the methodological basis for conducting eco-economic research with the help of arranging the paradigms of political and economic fundamentals and the mechanism of the model of sustainable development. On the one hand, the distinctive feature of the process of ecologization of the economic system is that its basis and core principle lie in the fact that it begins with the full understanding of the fact that "economy" and "ecology" are interdependent systems. On the other hand, ecologization of the economic system is a process consisting of a large number of constituents, subsystems, elements or parts, which interact in a complex way and can create spatial or temporary structures.

In modern science, the process of ecologization of the economic system must be regarded as an integral living organism and its transformation by man can be carried out only within the framework of sustainable

development, which implies taking care of future generations. Moreover, incompliance with the principles of sustainable development may lead to an irreversible change of the entire system, its transition to a crisis state, which in its turn may cause irreversible deterioration and death of mankind.

We believe any system is rather made up by interrelation, interdependence, interpenetration and mutual qualitative conditioning of its elements than by their quantity. The process of ecologization of the economic system consists of a set of relations (ecological, economic and social), aimed at the most efficient use of natural resources to ensure economic growth and maximize the welfare of man and the society. In addition, these relations should ensure the highest possible level of protecting the environment from the negative aftereffects of public production.

However, at the turn of the century global contradictions between the growth in public production and severely constrained capabilities of the biosphere endanger the further development of mankind. On the eve of the third millennium, it became clear that the socioeconomic situation is so acute, and the trends for deterioration between society and the biosphere are progressing so dramatically, that the humanity has faced the dilemma - either to survive or to perish. Within this context, the process of ecologization has penetrated all sciences, both natural and human. The dependence of economic activity on its resource base, which is natural environment, used to be the main research point in the classical economics, but not in the neoclassical one. The theory and methodology of the modern "environmental economics", which is an interdisciplinary branch of studying ecological, economic and social systems, develops and improves at a great pace. However, alongside ongoing debate concerning the present and future impact of man on the biosphere, researchers have come to the understanding that contemporary socio-economic development, based on the fundamental categories of economic theory, is leading to the aggravation of global contradictions between the functioning of ecological, economic and social systems. Since the second half of the 20th century, the humanity has recognized that positive economic growth was largely achieved due to the growing pressure on the natural environment. Growth dynamics of the key factors indicating development of the global economic system shows that such a development in the future threatens not only the existence of the ecological system in its conventional meaning, but the very survival of man on Earth, his civilization and culture.

At present, modern science struggles to answer an urgent question: whether ecology is a part of economics or economics is a part of ecology. On the one hand, the vast majority of economists argue that ecology is a part of a more general notion of "economics". This viewpoint is based on the fact that economics includes environmental economics as its branch and thus, ecology is a part of economics, inextricably linked with the issues of environmental pollution. On the other hand, there is an opposite viewpoint supported by environmental scientists, which states that economics exists as an inherent part of the Earth's ecosystem, and thus, economics is a part of a more general notion of "ecology".

For a more detailed consideration of this problem, it is necessary to take a closer look at the constituent elements of the notions of "economics" and "ecology", namely, to man. In our opinion, man is definitely one of their most important constituents that, on the one hand, draws these two notions together, and, on the other hand, separates them. This is because, on the one hand, man is an important biological unit and therefore is a part of the natural system and, consequently, of "ecology", while on the other hand, he bears properties and features of a social unit and thus is viewed as an active member of the social system (society), including "economics". And indeed, speaking about the interrelation of the notions of "economics" and "ecology", it is necessary to point out that from historical perspective the natural system was the first to emerge and man originated from it much later. However, in terms of categorical correlation and hierarchy, "economics" and "nature" can be considered as categories of the same level since their interaction is based on the same object, which is man, who actively influences both economic and natural process. However, irrespective of the categorical level of the given notions it can be stated that when building these systems it is essential to preserve harmony and their mutual compatibility. Unfortunately, the modern economic system largely lacks compatibility with ecological systems both on the micro- and global level. The global economic system is almost completely desynchronized with existing ecosystems and this problem is getting more and more acute especially given the current pace of economic growth.

From this perspective, the primary research task is the necessity to investigate contradictions both in the "man-nature" and "economy-ecology" system. The importance of this task can be explained by historical factors and current radical changes in the development of civilization, observing disproportionate population growth, multiple increase in energy, natural resources, and food consumption, which in its turn has led to a large-scale pollution of the natural environment.

In our opinion to describe interaction in the "man-nature" system more accurately and completely it is necessary to conduct both historical (vertical) and eco-economic (horizontal) analysis. Thus, from historical perspective, we can distinguish three main stages in the development of relations in the "man-nature" system.

The first stage is well-balanced, characterized by a minimum anthropogenic influence of man on the natural environment. At that stage, natural environment was regarded as an integral coherent system, from which man originated as its inherent part, being entirely dependent on nature that had a predominant influence on its duality.

The second stage was industrial, characterized by the emergence and rapid development of industrial relations, when natural environment was viewed as an inexhaustible source of natural resources and man, exploiting "free" natural-resource wealth, developed the means and objects of labor, with the help of production forces shaping the society as a coherent system. This stage was based on the ideology of maximizing the use of natural resources in order to maximize the welfare of society. In the course of social development man started to subjugate nature, actively altering it and exploiting

all the elements of the natural system to satisfy his needs. In such a way "market economy" was formed, with its nature-destructive character, which led to the deterioration of the living standards in the society, that is, to the degradation of the natural system.

The third stage is represented by the sustainable development, characterized by the establishment, formation and study of the noosphere, which allowed the society to become aware of the real extent of the influence on the natural system and begin to take certain actions aimed at protecting the natural environment. The idea of endless progress and boundless economic growth is replaced by the idea of sustainable development. There is a controlled process of the co-evolutionary development of the "man-nature" system, aimed at ensuring a healthy meaningful life in harmony with the nature for present and future generations on the grounds of a well-balanced development of economic systems with due regard to the protection (enrichment) of the cultural and natural heritage.

In our opinion, eco-economic (horizontal) analysis must be based on the interdisciplinary cross-section of the interaction between economics and ecology with the definition of the structure of emerging relations. From this perspective it can be stated that the problem field of the process of economic system ecologization started to acquire a clear form only at the beginning of the 20th century. The main principles of the system hierarchy manifest themselves within this framework: integrative levels, duplication regarding structures of different quality, distinctive character of the operational goal of an organization within environmental relations and internal capabilities of the system.

Thus, it can be determined that the process of ecologization of the economic system can be viewed as the direction of its development, characterized by a set of ecological and economic processes, in which both economic and environmental structures are closely interrelated with the flows of matter, energy and information forming a complex of ecological and economic relations, which consist in the efficient and rational use of natural resources.

Obviously, any modern eco-economic system has a clearly expressed layer hierarchy in its structure, that is, it consists of non-linearly interacting subsystems and components (systems of a lower level) that can fit into a certain hierarchical structure, which, as subsystems, components, subsets, and, consequently, the whole system develop, forms still larger functional objects with new properties. Thus, there exist emergent properties, which suggests the impossibility of studying the dynamics of the process of the economic system ecologi-zation only through its hierarchical segmentation into subsystems and their subsequent isolated study, since in this case the properties that are determined by its integrity are inevitably lost.

However, it should be noted that both ecological and economic systems have a certain level of autonomy and, consequently, have their own, in many ways individual, development vectors. In the process of interaction of these systems, specific relations are formed, with the help of which it is possible to categorically identify and substantially characterize the relationship

between economic and environmental entities in modern economic conditions. The root cause of eco-eco-nomic relations can be found in a well-known eco-eco-nomic contradiction, the essence of which pertains to the existence of dialectical unity and interconnection of objective environmental and economic needs of society. In fact, the basis of the development of any eco-economic system is determined by the interaction of various interconnections, which determine the degree of its stability, equilibrium, stability and integrity. The dynamic development of the eco-economic system is constantly characterized by its approaching or distancing from the state of equilibrium, and since the modern eco-economic system is an open system, it is prone to the influence of the external environment, and therefore, the state of equilibrium in this system is relative and temporary.

In our opinion, the notion of equilibrium of the eco-economic system is represented as a process of preserving the given state of continuity of interconnections, interdependencies and relations, as well as a set of actions aimed at maintaining the optimal balance of economic and environmental characteristics and parameters that determine the general direction of development of the whole system. In this context, the direction of development of the eco-economic system can be determined solely by the balance of existing economic and environmental parameters and characteristics. Thus, given these parameters and characteristics, it can be argued that the process of ecologization of the economic system develops according to certain principles, rules and laws, the main of them being as follows:

- strengthening of the structural interrelation and interdependence of all parameters characterizing the development of the eco-economic system;

- compliance of existing and potential productive forces with the natural resources potential;

- optimal growth of parameters and characteristics of the eco-economic system, which contributes to the formation of conditions favourable for its sustainable development in the long-term perspective;

- development and improvement of the eco-eco-nomic system, carried out through preserving its integrity and ensuring the dynamic balance of all its subsystems and elements;

- nonlinear interaction of all its subsystems and components, which leads to the determination of the hierarchical structure.

The current state and further development of the process of ecologization of the global economic system is determined by the following characteristics:

- the presence of distinct consistently dynamic parameters, which allow to establish global ways of development of the whole eco-economic system to obtain the synergetic effect;

- establishment of subject-object relations in the "economy-ecology" system, which takes place under the increasing pressure of dehumanization of society and worldview;

- relations in the "economy-ecology" system are determined not so much by the laws of nature, but by the dynamics of economic, social and environmental

needs and interests of society, as well as anthropogenic environmental transformations;

- a constant increase in the rate of economic growth has led to an inevitable emergence of contradictions: on the one hand, it is the desire of society to protect the environment from technological pressures, while on the other hand, it is the maximum satisfaction of needs by means of expanding production;

- the internal structure of the eco-economic system determines the direct impact of the environment on the conditions of public production;

- the existence of the triad of interconnections in the global economic system that can be implemented both with and without man: economic relations of the "man-man" type; technological relations of the "man-means of production-natural environment" type; ecological relations between individual natural elements;

- the process of economic system ecologization, which includes a great number of elements, interconnections and subsystems, is open and prone to the influence of factors that destabilize its equilibrium state;

- if one or more structural parameters are changed in the process of economic system ecologization, the entire system becomes unstable and a qualitatively new state begins to form.

It is obvious that in addition to these characteristics, taking into account the presence of different subsystems of the process of global eco-economic system ecologization, the following can be distinguished as the main quantitative and qualitative indicators describing the state of this system at any given time:

- economic indicators (population, industry, agriculture and forestry, construction, banking, transport, services, etc.) show the economic consequences of the influence of anthropogenic factors on the environment;

- political indicators (social structure, political and social institutions, jurisprudence, political and public organizations, management structures and mass media) reflect to what extent and by what means public and political activity affects the environment and correlates with the target systems and systems of values and norms of a particular society;

- energy indicators (extraction, production, processing, transportation, storage and consumption of non-renewable natural resources, including indicators of their energy efficiency) reflect the energy dependence of the economy on non-renewable natural resources;

- sociocultural indicators (science, art, education, religion, health care, means of communication) mainly characterize the spiritual sphere and cultural orientation of society, which allows to identify the level of ecolo-gization of sociocultural processes and of the system of values and norms of a particular society;

- ethnosocial indicators (national characteristics, ethnic, linguistic and everyday life features, traditions) primarily describe the historical peculiarities of the use of natural resources pertaining to a particular ethnic entity in a particular geographical environment;

- environmental (natural) indicators (state of flora, fauna, the atmosphere, surface and ground water, climate), modified natural indicators (technical and

technological impact, landscape alteration, cultivated plants and farm livestock) and indicators of artificial nature (technical structures, technological systems, residential buildings and special purpose buildings, industrial products and chemical products) characterize the current state of the environment;

- personal indicators (biosocial, genetic features, structural aspects of individual activity, status and role functions) reflect the social activity and adaptation of man to a specific environment.

With respect to the above characteristics, it can be argued that the current state of the problem field of the process of economic system ecologization requires the in-depth study with the help of establishing and improving methodological tools of the ecological economics, with the identification of priority areas of researching the problems of the sustainability of the eco-economic system in its broad sense.

In fact, the eco-economic system only strives for sustainability, being constantly unstable. As noted earlier, the quantitative and qualitative parameters and characteristics of the eco-economic system determine the complex and unstable nature of internal and external interconnections. It should be noted that the eco-economic system is quite dynamic, and its sustainable development implies that the equilibrium characteristics of this system, as well as the balance of economic and environmental parameters, are preserved even under external influence. In our opinion, the stability (equilibrium) of the entire system can be both static and dynamic. Static stability suggests a zero growth of the parameters of the eco-economic system, while dynamic stability implies continuous movement, that is, the change of its seven main quantitative and qualitative indicators (economic, political, energy, sociocultural, ethnosocial, environmental and personal), characterizing the state of the system elements.

The equilibrium state of the eco-economic system, its sustainability or stability, although of a temporary nature, may manifest themselves in the form of a certain quantitative and qualitative set of economic and environmental characteristics and parameters. The stability (sustainability) of the eco-economic system can be determined by optimal correlation between the main macroeconomic indicators and qualitative characteristics of society, the conformity of the level of economic and technological methods of the use of natural resources to the optimal indicators of development, restoration and preservation of the environment. However, sustainability, stability and equilibrium of the system will be achieved only through the establishment of the institutional basis for an efficient economic mechanism for regulating the environmental sphere, which takes into account the laws of development of both ecological and economic systems. At the same time, the tendency of the eco-economic system towards equilibrium will be aimed at achieving Pareto-optimal state simultaneously solving two problems: maximizing the welfare of all members of society with the maximum conservation of the natural environment.

Thus, problems of the development and scientific research of the process of ecologization of the eco-

nomic system exist because of the lack of a comprehensive set of methodological tools for studying these systems and emerging relations. The elaboration of methods and techniques for the scientific research of the process of economic system ecologization is restrained by insufficient substantiation of theoretical conclusions. Hence, the main task is to develop the general concept of studying the process of ecologization of the economic system, which would allow to develop a consistent system of indicators to evaluate various components, optimal in terms of balancing the interests of nature and economy.

Список лггератури

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Пиль Э.А.


Pil E.A.

Academic of the RANH, professor, d.t.s., Saint-Petersburg, Russia


В статье рассматривается вопрос расчета переменной X2su и построение для нее 2Б-графиков. Полученные значения переменной X2su позволяют выявить на нее влияние переменных X1su, X3su, X4su и параметра Ssu.


The present article deals with the calculation of a variable X2su and plotted 2D-figures. The meanings of variable X2su allow us to understand how the following variables X1su, X3su, X4su and parameter Ssu influence on it.

Ключевые слова: расчеты, переменная X2su, 2D-графики.

Keywords: calculation, variable X2su and 2D-figures.

Ранее автор провел расчеты для X2su, но применительно к параметру Vsu [1, 2, 3]. В представленном ниже материале показано, как влияют значения трех переменных X1su, X3su, X4su и параметра Ssu, на расчеты переменной X2su и построение 2D-графиков для нее. При этом значения переменных могут быть постоянными, увеличиваться или уменьшаться в 10 раз. Таким образом, рассматривается вопрос изменения X2su = f(X1su, X3su, X4su, Ssu).

Итак, на рисунке 1 показан 2D-график X2su, когда значения переменных были следующими Xlsu=X3su = X4su = 1, Ssu = 0,1..1. Как видно из данного рисунка построенная кривая увеличивается в 3,16 раза.

На следующем рисунке 2 изображенный 2D-график X2su при переменных X1su = X3su = 1, X4su = Ssu= 0,1..1 имеет максимум 0,19 в точке 7.

Рис. 1. X2su = fX1su, X3su,X4su,Ssu) X1su = X3su =X4su =1, Ssu=0,1..1

Рис. 2. X2su=fX1su, X3su,X4su,Ssu) X1su=X3su=1,X4su =Ssu=0,1..1

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