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Ключевые слова
invironmental management / greening of socio-economic activity / socio-economic ecological system / sustainable development / integrated approach / market and planned methods / green enterprises / инвайронментальное управление / экологизация социохозяйственной деятельности / социохозяйственная экологическая система / устойчивое развитие / комплексный подход / рыночные и плановые методы / «зеленые» предприятия

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Bikmetov Evgeny Yurievich, Amirkhanova Lilia Rifovna

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the invironmental concept of sustainable socioeconomic development through an integrated approach to the implementation of the program of greening socio-economic activity, which is based on the harmonious use of system-dialectic, process, situational, historical and ethical-behavioral approach. To achieve the goal the following tasks are proposed: identification of the main directions of greening; development of criteria for classifying enterprises as "green"; development of a choice continuum between the planned and market methods of solving the problem of reducing the negative effects of management on the environment. The main directions for managing the greening of socio-economic activities are highlighted: creating large state-controlled enterprises producing mass products; planning their activities so that there is no crisis of overproduction, as this affects the overconsumption of natural resources; ensuring the safety of complex technological and technical systems; establishment of a new business ethics and moral climate through the development of positive norms and values of rational consumer behaviour; introducing technologies that are environmentally friendly; improving technologies for the disposal of industrial and household waste. The criteria for classifying enterprises as "green" were developed: production of products to solve the problem of greening; the ability to manufacture products in a mass production environment; the ease of planning the amount of products needed for consumers. To overcome the contradiction between the program of ecologization of socio-economic activity and the idea of an open society, it is proposed to use the continuum of choice between the planned and market methods of solving the problem of reducing the negative consequences of management for the environment. The choice is justified by the key factors of the situation: products or services affecting the solution to the problem of greening socio-economic activity; the urgent need to solve the problem of improving environmental security; external threats.

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Целью статьи является обоснование инвайронментальной концепции устойчивого социально-экономического развития посредством комплексного подхода к реализации программы экологизации социохозяйственной деятельности, которая основана на гармоничном использовании системно-диалектического, процессного, ситуационного, исторического и этико-поведенческого подхода. Для достижения цели предложено решение следующих задач: выделение основных направлений экологизации; разработка критериев отнесения предприятий к «зеленым»; разработка континуума выбора между плановым и рыночным методами решения проблемы уменьшения отрицательных последствий хозяйствования для окружающей среды. Выделены основные направления управления экологизацией социохозяйственной деятельности: создание крупных контролируемых государством предприятий, производящих массовую продукцию; планирование их деятельности с тем, чтобы не было кризиса перепроизводства, так как это влияет на перерасход природных ресурсов; обеспечение безопасности сложных технологических и технических систем; формирование принципов новой деловой этики и морально-психологического климата путем разработки положительных норм и ценностей разумного потребительского поведения; внедрение технологий, сберегающих природу; совершенствование технологии утилизации промышленных и бытовых отходов. Разработаны критерии отнесения предприятий к «зеленым»: производство продукции для решения проблемы экологизации; возможность изготовления продукции в условиях массового типа производства; легкость планирования количества необходимой для потребителей продукции. Для преодоления противоречия между программой экологизации социохозяйственной деятельности и идеей открытого общества предлагается использовать континуум выбора между плановым и рыночным методами решения проблемы уменьшения отрицательных последствий хозяйствования для окружающей среды. Выбор обосновывается ключевыми факторами ситуации: продукция или услуги, влияющие на решение проблемы экологизации социохозяйственной деятельности; острая необходимость решения проблемы повышения экологической безопасности; внешние угрозы.



Научная статья

DOI: 10.15593/2224-9354/2023.4.14 УДК 504.03: 316.334.5

E.Yu. Bikmetov, L.R. Amirkhanova


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the invironmental concept of sustainable socioeconomic development through an integrated approach to the implementation of the program of greening socio-economic activity, which is based on the harmonious use of system-dialectic, process, situational, historical and ethical-behavioral approach. To achieve the goal the following tasks are proposed: identification of the main directions of greening; development of criteria for classifying enterprises as "green"; development of a choice continuum between the planned and market methods of solving the problem of reducing the negative effects of management on the environment.

The main directions for managing the greening of socio-economic activities are highlighted:

creating large state-controlled enterprises producing mass products; planning their activities so that there is no crisis of overproduction, as this affects the overconsumption of natural resources; ensuring the safety of complex technological and technical systems; establishment of a new business ethics and moral climate through the development of positive norms and values of rational consumer behaviour; introducing technologies that are environmentally friendly; improving technologies for the disposal of industrial and household waste.

The criteria for classifying enterprises as "green" were developed: production of products to solve the problem of greening; the ability to manufacture products in a mass production environment; the ease of planning the amount of products needed for consumers.

To overcome the contradiction between the program of ecologization of socio-economic activity and the idea of an open society, it is proposed to use the continuum of choice between the planned and market methods of solving the problem of reducing the negative consequences of management for the environment. The choice is justified by the key factors of the situation: products or services affecting the solution to the problem of greening socio-economic activity; the urgent need to solve the problem of improving environmental security; external threats.

Keywords: invironmental management, greening of socio-economic activity, socio-economic ecological system, sustainable development, integrated approach, market and planned methods, green enterprises.

The study of sustainable development of the socio-economic ecological system is of direct relevance to globalisation and the associated symptoms of unsustainabil-ity. They are manifested in environmental pollution, household pollution, reduction of biodiversity, deterioration of habitat quality, depletion of natural resources, food

© Bikmetov E.Yu., Amirkhanova L.R., 2023

Bikmetov Evgeny Yurievich - Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Department of Digital Technologies in Economics and Management, Ufa University of Science and Technology, e-mail: bicprof@mail.ru.

Amirkhanova Lilia Rifovna - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Digital Technologies in Economics and Management, Ufa University of Science and Technology, e-mail: nfs_kamil@mail.ru.

shortages, deterioration of physical and spiritual health of people. In the second half of the twentieth century the scientific community, entrepreneurs and managers intensified their search for solutions to the problems of sustainable development of socio-economic life activities in connection with the preservation of the environment and climate protection. These ideas were reflected in a number of documents [1, 2]. For example, Russia's decarbonisation programme for industrial enterprises proposes a technological component to the decarbonisation concept: green energy, the purchase of a certain amount of emissions by enterprises from state supervisory bodies, and a switch to energy-efficient technologies.

The content of economic policy is largely determined by the conceptual framework. The policy, based on the open society theory (K.R. Popper [3]), had the consequences of strengthening the values of utilitarianism, individualism, enrichment at any cost in the mass consciousness, the spirit of technocratism in the understanding socio-economic processes, the trends of consumer behavior, which lead to deformation of social relations. The main thing for such a society is the existence of demand or the formation of demand for goods. The moral content of the demand is of little interest to the business owner, which can lead to damage to the interests of the consumer. If the rules of human society are scientifically sound and harmonious, they preserve the resources of nature and human freedom of choice and ensure the safety of human life.

It is necessary to develop a concept that contains not only a technological, but also an organisational and social component. The strategy of ecologization of socioeconomic activity can be successfully integrated into the concept of sustainable development, the methodology of responsible management.

The theme of sustainable development of the socio-economic ecological system is reflected in a large number of interdisciplinary publications on environmental issues. This theme is reflected in a number of studies [4-11]. J. Elkington identified the basis of sustainability of the socio-economic system as the 3Ps (People, Planet, Profit). Responsible management decisions should balance the needs of the future and the present, corresponding to the use of natural resources, the direction of investment, focus on technological progress and institutional change. The focus of research interest is the greening of the economy [12-19].

It is necessary to develop the concept of ecologization management of socioeconomic activity in an integrated manner, using a system-dialectic, process, situ-ational, historical and ethical-behavioral approach.

The application of the system-dialectical approach implies correlation of goalsetting with available opportunities, planning of priority actions aimed at the sustainable development of the socio-economic ecological system. The dialectical approach is implemented in certain principles, including systemic ones: to consider the diversity of relations, forms of interaction of elements, their multivariate nature; to proceed from the idea of integrity, which involves the delimitation of any phenome-

BecTHUK nHMny. Co^anbHO^KOHOMunecKue HayKu. 2023. № 4

non, its separation from the environment [20, 21]. A. Etzioni established that in modern conditions economic activity has overcome the boundaries of the traditional economic form. Economic development should be considered systematically in the context of society and personal structure that includes values and emotions [22]. The desire to harmonize technological, socio-economic and spiritual processes ensures the sustainability of development of the socio-economic ecological system. The systems approach allows us to consider society as a set of subsystems. Each subsystem can become a direction for solving the problem of ecologization. At the same time the process approach leads researchers to identify and consider the links between subsystems. Accounting for the strength of the influence of one subsystem on another involves the timely exchange of information between them along the process chain. The need to constantly optimize the natural resources used, taking into account the specifics of the situation allows us to talk about the situational approach. The principles of centralization and decentralization of management of the socioeconomic ecological system should be applied according to the current situation.

The ethical-behavioural approach is related to the formation of a culture of reasonable human consumption of products and services, the ethics of responsible economic management. Sustainable development is associated with the reproduction of the essential forces of man, society in the conditions of utilitarianism dominance in socio-economic relations, which implies the development of people's ecological self-consciousness. To express the possibilities of developing self-awareness is to explore the inner connection between dialectical thought and the desire to transcend pragmatic thinking. Business ethics is directly related to the freedom and responsibility of entrepreneurial activity and includes actions, ways of thinking, anticipating social, moral consequences of managerial decisions. Responsibility ethics contributes to the formation of value consciousness. It includes, according to ancient tradition, two kinds of virtues: the intellectual (knowledge is of a value nature) and the ethical, expressed in moral behavior. In Aristotle [23] we find the idea that all that man possesses by nature he first receives as an opportunity and then realises in reality. Ethical responsibility links macro- and micro-level decision-making. The subject of management accumulates information. But this information by itself doesn't lead to successful solutions to emerging problems, because over time, the way of thinking, value orientations of the bearer changes under the influence of environmental factors.

The technical mind has evolved into a socio-historical project appropriate to the circumstances. Technology affects the dominance of utilitarian, material goals in the social consciousness, especially of entrepreneurs, which is largely "due to the gap between the achievements of technology and the socio-environmental state of cities and society as a whole" [24, p. 112]. Understanding the dialectics of sustainable development allows us to distinguish an independent component from the cognitive aspect of the socio-economic ecological system. This component focuses on

the reproduction of socio-cultural and ecologically valuable knowledge. Dialectics aims at an integrated understanding of the human being, pushing the boundaries of the present, allowing the assessment of possible risks. It's incompatible with a pragmatic and technocratic approach to design that excludes consideration of the social and moral consequences of decisions.

The historical approach requires attention to the positive traditional socio-cultural experience of mankind, taking into account which it is necessary to implement the ideas of ecologization of the socio-economic system.

Given the above, the concept of ecologization management of the socioeconomic system should be linked to the model of sustainable socio-economic development based on the flexible use of market and planned management methods.

Socially oriented policies shouldn't only aim to satisfy material needs, but also to develop the social and spiritual sphere of society. For example, human consumption behaviour is based on the desire to have as much material goods as possible. The constant increase in the consumption of these goods leads to an overload of production, the onset of an overproduction crisis, which causes additional damage to the environment.

When choosing between planned and market methods of management to solve the problem of ecologization of the socio-economic system, we will use a continuum (Figure 1). The extremes of the continuum will not be effective; they can cause unproductive costs. To select an adequate method or set of methods for managing the solution to the problem of greening the socio-economic system, it's necessary to consider the key factors of the situation. "The management approaches used in relation to enterprises may be different for different sectors, i.e. somewhere close to the planned one and somewhere close to the market one. Even in one industry the planned method can be used in regulating business activities in relation to some enterprises and the market method - for others" [25, p. 163]. The choice depends on taking into account the key factors of the situation that are difficult to manage.

To meet the increased needs of man in the modern conditions of economic management manufacturers are developing more and more goods and services, expanding inordinate range and the motives of increasing demand. This leads to satiety in material goods and a lack of satisfaction with spiritual values, which harms human health and nature, and nature, through a chain of feedback, harms man.

Socio-economic strategy of the state and business should be based on socially and environmentally responsible behavior and thinking, which contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of public trust, shared values, increases the level of manageability and adjustability of socio-economic ecological system, ensures the sus-tainability of the development of structural elements of the system at all levels. In the concept of sustainable development "the relationship of economic, social and political processes is a complex multi-level hierarchical system" [26, p. 256].

BecTHUK nHMny. Co^anbHO^KOHOMunecKue HayKU. 2023. № 4

Planning methods


Market-based methods


Directive planning and tight government control

Indicative planning and minimal government intervention

Key situational factors 1. Products or services affecting the greening of socio-economic activities

Significant impact

Slight impact

2. The urgent need to address the challenge of improving environmental security Low level of security High level of security 3. External threats Existence of significant threats Minimum threats

Figure 1. Continuum on the choice of management methods for addressing the greening of the socio-economic system

Sustainable development isn't an unchanging state of harmony, but a process of change in the socio-economic ecological system, where the scale of resource exploitation and orientation toward technological development are consistent with the current and future needs of people.

Taking into account the considered methodological position, the strategy of the state and business should be understood in the context of the harmonious development of the socio-economic ecological system. "The provisions of the green growth strategy are more instrumental because they allow for balanced decisions, being a real policy tool for the transition to sustainable development [27, p. 9].

In order to maintain a balance in the development of the socio-economic ecological system, a shift from market-based to planned economic management is required, depending on the situation. According to certain criteria, it is necessary to identify those enterprises whose activities should be strictly controlled and planned. Such enterprises may be referred to as "green enterprises". The following criteria are suggested for classifying enterprises as "green": production of products to solve the problem of greening; production is possible in a mass production type; ease of planning the quantity of necessary products. Large enterprises aiming to save energy and reduce hydrocarbon emissions shouldn't be in competition with related domestic enterprises. They should be state-owned and operate not only for profit, but also to meet the needs of the people and industry of the country in the first place. They can only compete with foreign enterprises. Enterprise consolidation through concentration and combination is beneficial when the products produced will be needed on a mass scale and, given that the digitalisation of the economy has started, it will be

relatively easy to plan their activities. Enterprises that don't meet the above criteria can be regulated by the state through market methods.

One of the key objectives of the state is to meet the needs of the population. Here planned methods of economic management will be required, allowing the efficient use of natural resources, regulating competitive relations, and this leads to adjustments in the consumer behaviour of the population.

Organisational changes in socio-economic activity include:

- establishment of large state-controlled enterprises producing mass products;

- planning their activities so that there is no crisis of overproduction, as this affects the overconsumption of natural resources;

- ensuring the safety of complex technological and technical systems;

- establishment of a new business ethics and moral climate through the development of positive norms and values of rational consumer behaviour;

- introducing technologies that are environmentally friendly;

- improving technologies for the disposal of industrial and household waste.

Thus, successful greening requires the use of innovative technologies for natural

resource processing, product production and service provision. Then there is a need for science-based management of competition, changing its vector towards social orientation. According to the authors, the ways to transition to sustainable development and increase the efficiency of management of ecologization of socio-economic activity are:

- increased investment in health-saving, harmless, waste-free technologies;

- focusing on fundamental science in the transition to sustainable development;

- development of civil society networks, including non-profit and volunteer movements and organizations;

- activation of humanistic enlightenment and education aimed at the development of common sense in the public and managerial consciousness.

There is a need to move away from the ingrained concept of raw materials as the main driver of economic development in the managerial mindset. The foundation for the successful development of a socio-economic ecological system lies in the human, intellectual capital and culture that support its structures and processes.

Subjects of economic activity in modern conditions should be socially responsible not only for the consequences of economic actions, but also for the strategic thinking of managers. The current situation requires managers and administrators to create new mechanisms of forward-looking management taking into account the environmental factor.

The rate of selfconstitution in the socio-economic ecological system through natural and artificial processes must exceed the rate of its degradation. Man acts not only as a natural, but also as a coherent self-reproducing, intellectual element of the system. The future of man is linked to the consideration of economic activity taken together with the biosphere and the noosphere. Sustainable development is linked to an understanding of ecology as the science of the human home, which today is the entire planet. This position is incompatible with an egoism oriented towards the here and now.

BecTHUK nHMny. ^k^^o^^^MM^c^e HayKU. 2023. № 4


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Оригинальность 86 %

Received 10.05.2023 Approved 30.05.2023 Accepted for publication 01.12.2023

Е.Ю. Бикметов, Л.Р. Амирханова


Целью статьи является обоснование инвайронментальной концепции устойчивого социально-экономического развития посредством комплексного подхода к реализации программы экологизации социохозяйственной деятельности, которая основана на гармоничном использовании системно-диалектического, процессного, ситуационного, исторического и этико-поведенческого подхода. Для достижения цели предложено решение следующих задач: выделение основных направлений экологизации; разработка критериев отнесения предприятий к «зеленым»; разработка континуума выбора между плановым и рыночным методами решения проблемы уменьшения отрицательных последствий хозяйствования для окружающей среды.

Выделены основные направления управления экологизацией социохозяйственной деятельности: создание крупных контролируемых государством предприятий, производящих массовую продукцию; планирование их деятельности с тем, чтобы не было кризиса перепроизводства, так как это влияет на перерасход природных ресурсов; обеспечение безопасности сложных технологических и технических систем; формирование принципов новой деловой этики и морально-психологического климата путем разработки положительных норм и ценностей разумного потребительского поведения; внедрение технологий, сберегающих природу; совершенствование технологии утилизации промышленных и бытовых отходов.

Разработаны критерии отнесения предприятий к «зеленым»: производство продукции для решения проблемы экологизации; возможность изготовления продукции в условиях массового типа производства; легкость планирования количества необходимой для потребителей продукции.

Для преодоления противоречия между программой экологизации социохозяйственной деятельности и идеей открытого общества предлагается использовать континуум выбора между плановым и рыночным методами решения проблемы уменьшения отрицательных последствий хозяйствования для окружающей среды. Выбор обосновывается ключевыми факторами ситуации: продукция или услуги, влияющие на решение проблемы экологизации социохозяйственной деятельности; острая необходимость решения проблемы повышения экологической безопасности; внешние угрозы.

Ключевые слова: инвайронментальное управление, экологизация социохозяйственной деятельности, социохозяйственная экологическая система, устойчивое развитие, комплексный подход, рыночные и плановые методы, «зеленые» предприятия.

Бикметов Евгений Юрьевич - д-р социол. наук, профессор кафедры цифровых технологий в экономике и управлении ФГБОУ ВО «Уфимский университет науки и технологий», е-mail: bicprof@mail.ru.

Амирханова Лилия Рифовна - д-р экон. наук, профессор кафедры цифровых технологий в экономике и управлении ФГБОУ ВО «Уфимский университет науки и технологий», e-mail: nfs_kamil@mail.ru.

Поступила 10.05.2023 Одобрена 30.05.2023 Принята к публикации 01.12.2023

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Просьба ссылаться на эту статью в русскоязычных источниках следующим образом:

Бикметов, Е.Ю. Управление экологизацией социохозяйственной деятельности как условие устойчивого развития / Е.Ю. Бикметов, Л.Р. Амирханова // Вестник ПНИПУ. Социально-экономические науки. - 2023. - № 4. - С. 198-208.

Please cite this article in English as:

Bikmetov E.Yu., Amirkhanova L.R. Managing the greening of socio-economic activities as a condition for sustainable development. PNRPU Sociology and Economics Bulletin, 2023, no. 4, pp. 198-208 (In Russ.).

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