Научная статья на тему 'CONCEPT AS A FORM OF THOUGHT'

CONCEPT AS A FORM OF THOUGHT Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
concept / Hierarchical structure / Prototype theory / Exemplar theory / Cultural factors / Contextual factors / Perception / Memory / Reasoning / Problem-solving / Creativity / Innovation / Intellectual growth.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mamatkulov Rashid Pazilbekovich

The concept is a fundamental cognitive construct that plays a crucial role in human thought processes and the organization of knowledge. It serves as a mental representation of a category or an idea that enables individuals to generalize, classify, and make sense of the world around them. This abstract explores the nature of concepts as a form of thought, examining their characteristics, formation, and significance in human cognition. The abstract begins by elucidating the nature of concepts, emphasizing their role as mental representations that encapsulate shared features and attributes of objects, events, or ideas. It highlights the hierarchical structure of concepts, from basic-level categories to more abstract and complex ones. Furthermore, the abstract explores the relationship between concepts and language, illustrating how concepts provide the building blocks for linguistic expression and communication.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CONCEPT AS A FORM OF THOUGHT»


Mamatkulov Rashid Pazilbekovich

Associate Professor, Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo. 10714840

Abstract. The concept is a fundamental cognitive construct that plays a crucial role in human thought processes and the organization of knowledge. It serves as a mental representation of a category or an idea that enables individuals to generalize, classify, and make sense of the world around them. This abstract explores the nature of concepts as a form of thought, examining their characteristics, formation, and significance in human cognition. The abstract begins by elucidating the nature of concepts, emphasizing their role as mental representations that encapsulate shared features and attributes of objects, events, or ideas. It highlights the hierarchical structure of concepts, from basic-level categories to more abstract and complex ones. Furthermore, the abstract explores the relationship between concepts and language, illustrating how concepts provide the building blocks for linguistic expression and communication.

Keywords: concept, Hierarchical structure, Prototype theory, Exemplar theory, Cultural factors, Contextual factors, Perception, Memory, Reasoning, Problem-solving, Creativity, Innovation, Intellectual growth.

Today, the changes in the field of democratization of society and further improvement of legal culture require raising the attitude to legal education to a new level. from this point of view, it is appropriate to equip lawyers with methods of logical thinking and argumentative discussion. Nowadays, great discoveries and complex processes are taking place in natural and social humanitarian sciences. A new attitude and a new way of thinking to analyze such news is high on the agenda. It is especially important in the worldview of future lawyers to form the signs of clarity, consistency, non-contradiction and reasonableness in the context of logical thinking, that is, in the process of professional activity, about events and phenomena occurring in objective reality, and in this context, to form skills about the place and role of logical laws in judicial and investigative practice. is earning. From this point of view, the analysis of the logical method of understanding has its place in the activities of legal professionals.

A concept is a form of thought. Man thinks and reason through concepts. The concept arises as a result of the reflection of objective reality in the human mind.

A concept is a form of thinking that reflects common, important characteristics of objects and events.

The concept reflects important common features of one or more objects and the relationships between them. The symbols of each subject are infinite. For example, there are general and important signs of the concept of crime.

Any subject has different characteristics. Some of them have a unique characteristic of one subject. Some say that these signs belong to a certain group and are considered general signs. Each person has his own unique (individual) signs (for example, inner world, facial structure, physical structure, walking posture, gesture, facial expressions, etc.). Based on these signs, each person is different from others. At the same time, there are characteristics specific to each social group (for example, nationality, social affiliation, professional activity, etc.). There are also signs characteristic of criminal groups, such as organized crime, generational crime, etc. There are also

signs that are common to all humans, which distinguish humans from other living creatures. For example, making work tools, the ability to think abstractly, language and other symbols.

In the science of logic, in addition to individual and general signs, important and insignificant signs of things and events are also studied.

Important signs - ensure the existence of things and events, and express their essence and nature. For example, the physiological structure of a person, DNA AND RNA, and the number of chromosomes, etc. These characters ensure the existence of man as a species.

Insignificant signs - do not determine the essence and nature of things and events. With their disappearance, the essence and nature of the subject do not change. For example, a person's clothing, race, nationality, and gender are not considered essential to his existence.

Since things and events are in constant motion and change, important signs belonging to it can change to insignificant ones, and on the contrary, insignificant signs can change to important signs. That is, signs have a relative character.

A logical way to create a concept.

To understand a subject, it is necessary to identify its important and common features. This process has its complexity. Therefore, various logical methods are used. These logical methods consist of comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, and generalization.


The first method: Comparison is a logical method that determines the similarities and differences between things and events. Based on the comparison of several subjects, we determine their common features. For the comparison result to be correct, it is necessary to follow the following rules.

It is necessary to compare such subjects, there should be a certain connection and connection between them, and only then we can achieve a good result. For example, comparing the concepts of "horse and poetry" and "mind and apple" is a waste of time. Comparing the concepts of "crime and theft" can give good results.

The validity of any comparison depends on what is taken as the basis of the comparison. For example, if we compare the amount of plowing done by the tractor brigade, the first brigade may have done more plowing than the second brigade.

However, this is not a sufficient basis. The reason may be that the tractors of the first brigade did not perform the plowing work at the required level. For example, the plowing depth does not meet the standard requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the quantitative but also the qualitative indicator for the comparison result to be correct. Only then will the comparison be made correctly.

In any comparison process, the choice of indicators is important in the comparison, when comparing one or more objects, it is necessary to proceed from one sign and the same relationship. For example, people observed the process of turning water into steam in different situations and compared them based on one sign.

Comparison should be made based on necessary and important signs for the objects being compared. For example, each socio-economic formation has its own necessary and important features.

Based on the comparison, things and events are compared with each other, and their similar, common aspects and individual characteristics that differ from each other are determined.

Analysis and synthesis.

Any object consists of separate parts, each of which has its characteristics. The concept of a bicycle consists of separate parts. Each part is necessary and important to the concept of a bicycle. The reason is that the bike is made up of parts.

To fully illuminate the essence and content of the subject and separate its signs, we mentally divide them into pieces.

So, analysis is a logical operation, with the help of which the subject is mentally divided into parts. It is to gain complete knowledge about a subject by mentally dividing it into parts. Determining which of these separate parts are important and unimportant for the subject. It consists in determining the importance and place of each part for the subject as a whole.

Synthesis is a logical method that mentally combines the parts of the analyzed subject and brings them into a whole. Each part has its individuality, thus ensuring the wholeness and integrity of the object. In this way, it determines the importance of the subject.

Analysis and synthesis are opposite methods. But they are logical methods that complement each other and make each other exist. Abstraction and generalization.

Based on the analysis and synthesis of the signs of the objects, we distinguish that some of them are important, and others are unimportant and secondary. We focus our attention on the important features of the subject and away from the unimportant features.

Abstraction (abstraction) is a logical model in which the important features of the subject are separated from the mind, and insignificant secondary features are removed from the mind.

Abstraction can be right or wrong. It is a correct abstraction if the essence content belonging to the subject is reflected. No concept can be formed without abstraction. Generalization.

By distinguishing the important features of the objects, it is determined that they belong to other similar, similar objects, and it is shown that they also belong to them. It is generalized that certain characters belong to a group or whole subjects. Therefore, generalization is a logical method that consists of mentally combining the common characteristics and signs of similar objects of the same gender.


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