Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №6. 2023
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91
UDC 37.022 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91/79
©Abdibait kyzy B., Batken State University, Batken, Kyrgyzstan, begimaib109@gmail.com ©Babanazar kyzy K., Batken State University, Batken, Kyrgyzstan, ainazik.marjan@mail.ru ©Abalbayeva Zh., Batken State University, Batken, Kyrgyzstan, abalbaevazazgul@gmail.com
©Абдибаит кызы Б., Баткенский государственный университет,
г. Баткен, Кыргызстан, begimaib109@gmail.com ©Бабаназар кызы К., Баткенский государственный университет, г. Баткен, Кыргызстан, ainazik.marjan@mail.ru ©Абалбаева Ж., Баткенский государственный университет, г. Баткен, Кыргызстан, abalbaevazazgul@gmail.com
Abstract. Techniques are considered on how to teach the Kyrgyz language, how to enhance the activities and skills of students. It is recommended to integrate the study of the alphabet with teaching in other academic subjects and the use of different methods in teaching. It is concluded that if the teacher conducts a lesson with research in accordance with his skills, then the lessons of the past will be better absorbed.
Аннотация. Рассматриваются приемы, как преподавать кыргызский язык, как активизировать деятельность и навыки учащихся. Рекомендуется интегрировать изучение алфавита с обучением на других учебных предметах и использование разных методов в обучении. Делается вывод, если учитель проводит урок с исследованием в соответствии со своими навыками, то уроки прошлого будут лучше усваиваться.
Keywords: Kyrgyz language, method, integration, learning. Ключевые слова: кыргызский язык, метод, интеграция, обучение.
The Kyrgyz language is one of the most difficult school subjects. On the one hand, knowledge of the Kyrgyz language is given from childhood, he also grows with natural breathing and masters it. On the other hand, it is a difficult school subject that requires a lot of work and a lot of success. In order to master the rules of the Kyrgyz language well and apply them quickly and accurately, the teacher himself must learn to clearly master a number of general skills. Pedagogical psychology pays great attention to the problems of the formation of teachers' skills in general didactics and individual methods. Due to the requirements of preparing children for work, life, and active participation in it, this issue is of particular relevance in modern schools [1].
Skills are automated components of an activity that are included in a particular target activity of a person as a means to achieve a goal. As the skill develops, movements and operations that are considered unnecessary are eliminated, individual operations and movements are combined into one complex action, consciousness increasingly switches not to methods of action, but to its results, operations (motor, intellectual) begin to be carried out faster, creative skills begin to form and
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №6. 2023
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91
improve with self-control.
A special requirement for conversational skills is the spelling skill. Spelling skills are the art of writing. When a person writes a letter or a book, he thinks about the content of what he writes, and not about the spelling of each word. When you start thinking, planning and writing, special attention is paid to the meaning of the written sentence, and the sentence or the meaning of the text begins to achieve its goal [2].
Literate writing is conversational work; the accuracy of each letter is a complex activity based on our speech; each letter reflects the structure of the language in one way or another. Speaking about the psychophysiological nature of spelling skills, it is important to take into account not only vision and hand movements, but also Hearing and speech. The writer always starts with a memorable word, distinguishes the main sounds (phonemes) in it, pronounces them correctly and provides the correct graphical representation of this word. In other words, if a student hears a word well, he writes it correctly. The teacher pronounces the word himself, helps the writer: clarifies the sound composition of the word, regulates the writing process, promotes self-examination [3].
The correct placement of each word in its place when composing a text is a very difficult task, and only when we begin to freely compose sentences with students, read them over and over again, rearrange and rewrite, we begin to understand both the spelling of words and the form of the sentence structure. At the same time, you can consciously control only what was originally created as targeted ways of working with this material. The ability to control distinguishes consciously generated operations from operations that occur by "correcting" certain patterns. For a simple proof, let's turn to a principle in another field. The skill of walking can be mastered without any theoretical basis. But a sports pedestrian should carefully analyze all the operations related to walking if he wants to improve his training [4].
The same should be said about the methods of improving spelling skills. One should not lose sight of the opportunity to be sensitive, intuitive. In the same conditions: in the same classroom, with the same teacher, at about the same level of development - children achieve different results. Is it possible to ignore the natural literacy of some students? To write words without mistakes, it is enough for students to see the written word or feel it once in the movement of the hand (letter). When learning the Alphabet, it is necessary to focus on the spelling of the words written in it. It is necessary to indicate the reading and then the spelling of the word being read and explain that the sound has undergone changes. One of the best achievements of pedagogical science is a polite explanation using various methods of teaching spelling. Conscious writing refers to writing based on spelling rules that summarize phonetic, lexical, and other characteristics of words. When a student sees it, keeps it in his mind and understands it well, then reading and writing this word automatically come to his mind.It is proved that the success of spelling training depends on how timely, deeply and correctly students understand the characteristics of a word as a language unit. However, K. D. One of the advantages of Ushinsky was that he developed a theory of spelling skills in which consciousness and automatism do not contradict each other, do not exclude each other, but represent different stages of skill formation. It should be noted that K. D.Ushinsky allowed to learn spelling mechanically, as clerks usually did, but he was against this method of mastering spelling [5].
Automation of activity is understood as the absence of intention and consciousness in its implementation, which does not mean that under certain circumstances and if necessary, it cannot be made conscious again. This provision applies entirely to spelling skills. Spelling actions are slowly automated. The time of automation depends on the complexity of writing. Automation of conscious actions includes: firstly, a gradual reduction in the role of awareness of one's own actions,
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №6. 2023
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91
secondly, a reduction in mental operations due to fundamental and then operational judgments, thirdly, the unification and generalization of individual actions, and fourthly, the improvement of methods of performing actions, the choice of rational methods for solving spelling problems.obtaining and, finally, automating actions, in which students write according to the rule without understanding the rule itself, for example.A. without any reflection [1].
It is difficult to combine automation work and mental work, as Ushinsky said, so we need to practice more in teaching reading and writing to 1st grade students. For example: to teach the word "school", we must first show a photo of the school, and then teach again and again, writing down what we read in written letters, buz is the requirement of the present. Or, to spell the word "family" correctly, it would be great if we could explain it together with the house by pointing out the composition in that house, where you would also need to easily explain why the dash was written dash. Here both intersubject integration and the method of working with images will be used. That if the lesson were conducted using such methods, it would probably be very interesting for the students, or maybe it would be more digestible if we also painted this picture for the students themselves, their own homes and their family members at home (https://goo.su/3No6AF).
In the research of psychologists D. N. Bogoyavlensky, V. Burkova, V. A. Kustareva the mechanism of formation of spelling skills as a temporary connection is revealed. If we focus on the following stages of learning and writing words:
1) listening to a word or sentence is an articulation technique;
2) pay attention to the semantic and grammatical meaning of the word, morphemic composition and memorize it;
3) eye addiction is a written reaction [3-5].
When solving the task of work on the formation of spelling skills of students, the teacher must first of all take into account the psychological nature of spelling skills. As mentioned above, skills are automated components of conscious work. It is important to remember that this word first refers to the method of forming a skill as an action based on the conscious application of certain rules, and
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №6. 2023
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91
only then is automated during practice.
It is also important to pay attention to the following point: an automated skill allows you to be aware of every step again, especially when a problem arises. Skills are formed based on skills, for example.A. automation becomes a skill. Skills, in turn, are related to the assimilation of knowledge and its application in writing.
The following types of spelling skills and abilities are formed in the school:
- writing words in the spelling dictionary of the Kyrgyz language;
- search and correction of spelling errors.
Conditions necessary for the formation of spelling skills:
- high level of spelling training;
- the relationship between the formation of spelling skills and language development;
- know the spelling rules;
- knowledge of the rules application scheme (spelling analysis scheme) and the ability to conduct spelling analysis that contributes to the application of the rules;
- exercises that practice the ability to use the spelling rule [1].
In addition, it is necessary to teach how to write correctly with the help of exercises. It is necessary to ensure that words, sentences are spelled incorrectly so that they can find the correct answer themselves. Then mind and movement will go together, and quality will also work.
Skills and abilities are formed on the basis of performing a certain system of exercises, are improved and consolidated in accordance with their creativity in changing situations.
In psychology, an exercise is called the repeated performance of a certain action or action, the purpose of which is a foundation based on understanding and accompanied by conscious control and correction. This definition emphasizes the focus of exercises that are performed on the basis of understanding and carefully thought-out pedagogical guidance. Actions cannot be improved without planning. Planning only works if you do a lot of training. At first, students will not know exactly what is being studied, they will try to remember the appropriate rule when they encounter difficulties. As the action improves, the need to memorize the rule or method disappears. Gradually, actions are automated and transferred to skills. In this case, the students' attention is switched to the process of obtaining the desired result and the quality of the action or operation. At the same time, the tracking of automated human activity never stops. For example, even the student himself automatically records what his teacher says. You don't need to memorize the rules for writing individual letters. But when a word with an unfamiliar or complex spelling appears in dictation, the writing process involves memory, thinking and other psychological processes [6].
Realizing the function of "hidden control", consciousness seems to be constantly "in reserve", and when the execution of automated actions encounters any obstacles: the ink in the fountain pen runs out, the word is chosen incorrectly, hair appears on the paper, and the letter stops working - in all these cases, the "chief controller" immediately turns on - human consciousness. He analyzes the problems and determines how to eliminate obstacles. The skill developed as a result of such control and elimination of complexity continues to work.
Indicators of successful skill development: the presence of a large number of exercises; their intended use; relentless search for a teacher. A teacher is an artist, a singer, a storyteller, a storyteller, a teacher, a psychologist, and a methodologist. He is a person who teaches a child to write and read at the same time, and without hesitation to publicly express his opinion, and dance, and sing, and jump, and play the komuz. Therefore, when teaching correct reading, correct writing and speech in the Kyrgyz language, teachers should practice various forms of learning. If teachers who teach in primary schools are constantly looking for and teaching using various methods,
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №6. 2023
https ://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91
attracting students and giving them in-depth knowledge, then in the future the people he educates will become more literate.
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Ссылка для цитирования:
Abdibait kyzy B., Babanazar kyzy K., Abalbayeva Zh. Comprehensive Teaching of Subjects in the Lower Grades of the School // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2023. Т. 9. №6. С. 622-626. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91/79
Cite as (APA):
Abdibait kyzy, B., Babanazar kyzy, K., & Abalbayeva, Zh. (2023). Comprehensive Teaching of Subjects in the Lower Grades of the School. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 9(6), 622-626. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/91/79
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