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Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Sulaimanova Gulnura, Ismaiilova Altynai, Ilimbek Kyzy Meerim

This paper deals with the importance of the national values and its practical significance in teaching because a regional component can have its valuable points such as a being significant factor of personal development useful tool for language skills and critical thinking. Considering the present English teaching conditions in Kyrgyzstan, we think the key for students to effectively study English is motivation and interest. To solve that problem, it is very important to stimulate students’ interests in using the language. To achieve that end, it is of vital importance to systematically study the advanced teaching methods such as contemporary language teaching theory and methodology. This article suggests some techniques of introducing new texts using concept maps.

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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №1. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86

UDC 372.881.111.1 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86/48



©Sulaimanova G., Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, gulnura_64_kg @mail.ru ©Ismaiilova A., Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, altynai197923@mail.ru ©Ilimbek kyzy M., Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, meermilmbekova523@gmail.com



©Сулайманова Г. Ж., Ошский государственный университет,

г. Ош, Кыргызстан, gulnura_64_kg @mail.ru ©Исмайилова А. И., Ошский государственный университет,

г. Ош, Кыргызстан, altynai197923@mail.ru ©Илимбек кызы М., Ошский государственный университет, г. Ош, Кыргызстан, meermilmbekova523@gmail.com

Abstract. This paper deals with the importance of the national values and its practical significance in teaching because a regional component can have its valuable points such as a being significant factor of personal development useful tool for language skills and critical thinking. Considering the present English teaching conditions in Kyrgyzstan, we think the key for students to effectively study English is motivation and interest. To solve that problem, it is very important to stimulate students' interests in using the language. To achieve that end, it is of vital importance to systematically study the advanced teaching methods such as contemporary language teaching theory and methodology. This article suggests some techniques of introducing new texts using concept maps.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается важность национальных ценностей и их практическое значение в обучении, поскольку региональный компонент может иметь свои ценные моменты, являясь важным фактором личностного развития, полезным инструментом для языковых навыков и критического мышления. Учитывая нынешние условия преподавания английского языка в Кыргызстане, мы считаем, что ключом к эффективному изучению английского языка студентами являются мотивация и интерес. Для решения этой проблемы очень важно стимулировать интерес учащихся к использованию языка. Для достижения этой цели жизненно важно систематически изучать передовые методы обучения, такие как современная теория и методология преподавания языков. В данной статье предлагаются некоторые приемы введения новых текстов с помощью концептуальных карт.

Keywords: national values, motivation, musical instrument, komuz, concept map, critical thinking, music, students.

Ключевые слова: национальные ценности, мотивация, музыкальный инструмент, комуз, концепт-карта, критическое мышление, музыка, студенты.

High schools need to be "a place that involves students in rich authentic, collaborative work that takes responsibility for building 21st century skills" affirms Coughlin [1]. Schools are faced with the challenge of redesign in an effort to create an environment where students build skill sets that ensure success in a competitive world. There exist many ways of representing a new topic in

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №1. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86

contemporary language class. Concept Map is one of them and it was developed by Joseph Novak [2]. They help to answer "Focus question(s). They represent organized knowledge necessary for effective teaching and effective learning. A concept map consists of nodes or cells (often a circle) that contain a concept, item or question and links (lines). The links are labeled and denote direction with an arrow symbol. The labeled links indicate the relationship between the nodes. Words are used to label the links in order to more explicitly depict relationships. This article suggests some techniques of introducing the text about national values using concept maps. As D. Willingham states "Thinking critically should be taught in the context of subject" [3]. Now we will look at several steps toward building more dynamic lesson.


Encourage students to appreciate diverse musical instruments

Create concept map to national musical instrument komuz and legends about komuz

Gain musical aptitude, awareness and confidence


1. Lead-in. The teacher asks the class which bands and musicians they like domestic or foreign. Get them to tell you some names and write them on the board under the headings;

Band/Musician Type of music Country

Atay Ogonbaev Folk music Kyrgyzstan

2. Speaking. Teacher can use "Brainstorming" activity by asking questions like What do you know about music? What sort of music do you like? What music irritates you? How can music influence people? What does music make you think of? This Spider map helps them to answer the questions [4].

3. The students are asked to match the sentences with their meanings based on their background knowledge about music. Then they work in pairs to compare their answers and share their findings in open class.

1. This song has incomprehensible lyrics. A. The music sounds familiar.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №1. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86

2. It's very catchy song. B. The rhythm makes you want to tap your feet.

3. This music is so moving. C. It almost makes me want to cry

4. It's a song with a very strong beat. D. I can't understand what it's about.

5. I think his voice is very monotonous. E. I can't get it out of my head.

6. I don't know what it's called but I recognize the tune. F. It almost sends me to sleep. (Answers 1 -D, 2-E, 3-C, 4-B, 5-F, 6-A)

4. Gallery walks. Before the lesson, the teacher hangs illustrations of musical instruments around the class. When the lesson starts, the teacher asks students to walk around the room, look closely at pictures and stick the names of the instruments on the corresponding picture. Together with teacher they discuss the correct names of given musical instruments and memorize their names.

A Kyiak B chopo choor C komuz D jygach ooz komuz

E violin F piano G saxophone H ooz komuz

(answers - A-5, B-6, C-2, D-7, E-3, F-4, G-8, H-1) [5].

5. Pre-reading. The teacher reads the poem Komuz by Alykul Osmonov in English (translation by W. May) [5]. The students listen to the poem carefully and try to remember the words that characterize the features of Kyrgyz musical instrument. They discuss them after teacher finishes reading the poem and answer the questions under the poem. Three keys, one keel, three strings make one komuz. To raise a melody skillful hands you must use. It looks as simple as simple to the eye, Although to express its boldness - well, words refuse. From age to age it counted dream on dream And to our happy day it tried to stream.

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №1. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86

Yes, this komuz has crossed full many a ford;

Our people, like this komuz, would simple seem.

1. Have you ever tried to learn to play an instrument?

2. Is there any instrument you would like to learn to play?

6. Reading. The students have read two texts at home: "Kyrgyz musical instrument komuz" and "Legends about Kambarkan". Students are asked to answer the following questions according to the information in the text:

What kind of musical instrument is Komuz?

What legends do you know about Komuz?

What famous Kyrgyz komuz players do you know?

The traditional Kyrgyz komuz is a three-stringed instrument, with an elongated pear-shaped body. Usually, a komuz is crafted from one piece of wood apricot, juniper or walnut being the most common. In the past, the strings were formed from the intestinal sinews of sheep or goat, but today synthetic strings are the norm on most instruments. The komuz is lightweight, born on the meadows of mountains into the nomadic lifestyle of Kyrgyz shepherds. The sounds of the komuz, to the Kyrgyz ear, reflect the sounds of nature and recall scenes of lonesome mountain life. Most songs are either extolling the praises of a beloved beauty or pining for the days of jailoo. The komuz does not have frets, and therefore notes and finger placement are deeply connected to the player's sense of pitch and dedication to practice. Usually held horizontally on one knee, performance on the komuz is as much about the sounds, tones, and rhythms as it is the choreography and showmanship. Players learn to "dance" with their wrists, elbows, and fingers while they strum, thrum, and pluck the strings. Experienced players demonstrate their mastery by moving the komuz into different positions while continuing to play, sometimes on the shoulder, upside down, or even behind their head! The first description of this Kyrgyz instrument can be found in the works of Sim Jiang (201 years before our era) [2]. Komuz is also mentioned in the Oguz Epic Kitabidedekorkud (IX-X centuries) and before that it was widely spread in the professional art of the Kyrgyz. Professional komuzists are called "komuz players". There are many outstanding performers who played the komuz of their own work, such as Murataaly, Karamoldo and Toktogul. People who made komuz are often talented players as well [3].

There are a number of legends about the origin of the komuz. One tells of a Kyrgyz hunter, Kambarkan, who knew the "language" of many birds and wild animals, so that he could recognize them each by their voice. Once, when he was in the forest, he heard a new and wonderful sound. He was so taken by this incredible new sound that he could not leave the forest until he had discovered its source, and so he looked around to see if he could find where it was coming from. He climbed a tree to get a better vantage point, and there he saw two branches of a neighboring tree connected by the dried intestine of a squirrel. The sound seemed to emanate from that "string". "Perhaps," he thought to himself, "she had tried jumping from one branch of the tree to another but cut herself open". Anyway, he took the string and a piece of wood from the tree and fashioned for himself a musical instrument and became known as the Father of Melody [4]. Kyrgyz artists have repeatedly proved that on the first look an unimaginable musical instrument with a third of strings can surprise. The mass performance of komuzists became the calling card of the II World Nomad Games in 2016. 1000 komuzists who played the melody Mash Botoi, Melodies of the komuz based on philosophical thoughts, the image of life and culture, passing from generation to generation, reached our days [5].

7. Post-reading. Constructing the concept map. The students are given some tips of how to construct a concept map:

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №1. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86

1. Create a focus question that clearly specifies the issue that the concept map should address (in our case we have used the following questions: What kind of musical instrument is Komuz? What legends do you know about Komuz?

What famous Kyrgyz komuz players do you know?)

2. Tell students (individually or in groups) to begin by generating a list of relevant concepts and organizing them before constructing a preliminary map.

3. Give students the opportunity to revise. Concept maps evolve as they become more detailed and may require rethinking and reconfiguring.

4. Ask them to draw their concept maps on the poster.

Students are divided into two groups to create their concept maps on the given texts. They are assigned the roles and have certain responsibilities: recorder, timekeeper, reporter, reader, monitor and observer. It would be better if they do this activity as competition game. While designing concept maps students try to use their prior and background knowledge with acquired one.

Group #1

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice https://www.bulletennauki.ru

Т. 9. №1. 2023 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86

Group #2

8. Group poster presentations. After designing their concept maps, they present their posters in front of each other.

We encouraged students to create maps that:

• Employ a hierarchical structure that distinguishes concepts and facts at different levels of specificity

• Draw multiple connections, or cross-links, that illustrate how ideas in different domains are related

• Include specific examples of events and objects that clarify the meaning of a given concept. Students' works can be assessed by each other and the teacher following the above criteria, or they may create their own rubric to evaluate the presentation.

Concept maps help students to develop independent critical thinking skills when teacher gives presentation by him or herself students will not fully develop analytical skills. When students do task themselves, they will increase their critical thinking abilities. In this environment, students can successfully acquire language.

9. Discussion. Writing log (reflection journal -a home task)

Students are asked to write their reflection about the lesson. Students are provided with the following questions to assist them in their reflections.

1. What do you think you have learnt especially from today's lesson?

2. What kind of thinking have you engaged in the activities we did today?

3. How did you carry out this kind of thinking?

4. Do you find any differences between these teaching strategies compared to your usual way of teaching? Explain how?

5. In today's lesson, is there any aspect, which you had difficulty with? If yes, what were they?

6. What are the challenges you faced while accomplishing this task and how did you overcome these challenges?

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №1. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86

7. Do you think you can apply this strategy in other situations?

8. What is your general thought about today's lesson? Do you think this is an effective way of teaching?

In this paper we tried to use some techniques and ways of introducing Kyrgyz musical instrument komuz using concept maps. The language component of the national culture of students becomes the most important issue of their cultural and educational needs. Subsequently, it leads to developing these needs and concerns towards languages as a means of intercourse between nations and ethnic groups. The study of culture should be combined with a study of language. Our national values serve as an important source in the education of our young generation, they are carrying out the foundation tasks in the transition from national revival to national progress. The development of the society depends on values that will become our belief. Such values strengthen the national community, ensure intergenerational inheritance.


1. Coughlin, P. K. (2010). Making field trips count: Collaborating for meaningful experiences. The Social Studies, 101(5), 200-210. https://doi.org/10.1080/00377990903498431

2. Novak, J. D., & Gowin, D. B. (1984). Learning how to learn. cambridge University press.

3. Willingham, D. T. (2007). Critical thinking: Why it is so hard to teach?. American federation of teachers summer 2007, p. 8-19.

4. Sulaimanova, G. Zh., & Ismailova, A. I. (2021). Vneuchebnaya deyatel'nost' cherez natsional'nye i regional'nye tsennosti. Osh.

5. Osmonov, A. (1995). Komuz translated by Walter May. Bishkek.

Список литературы:

1. Coughlin P. K. Making field trips count: Collaborating for meaningful experiences //The Social Studies. 2010. V. 101. №5. P. 200-210. https://doi.org/10.1080/00377990903498431

2. Novak J. D., Gowin D. B. Learning how to learn. Cambridge University press, 1984.

3. Willingham D. T. Critical thinking: Why it is so hard to teach? //American federation of teachers summer 2007, p. 8-19.

4. Сулайманова Г. Ж., Исмаилова А. И. Внеучебная деятельность через национальные и региональные ценности. Ош, 2021.150 с.

5. Osmonov A. Komuz translated by Walter May. Бишкек: Сорос-Кыргызстан, 1995.

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Sulaimanova G., Ismaiilova A., Ilimbek kyzy M. Introducing Komuz Kyrgyz National Musical Instrument Through Concept Map // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2022. Т. 9. №1. С. 328-334. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86/48

Cite as (APA):

Sulaimanova, G., Ismaiilova, A., & Ilimbek kyzy, M. (2022). Introducing Komuz Kyrgyz National Musical Instrument Through Concept Map. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 9(1), 328-334. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/86/48

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