FEATURES OF TEACHING YOUNG PRESCHOOL CHILDREN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Botoyarova Maral, Ormonova Kymbat, Egamkulov Dzhaanbai

The relevance of early learning of a foreign language is determined by the needs of society. Teaching a foreign language to preschool children creates excellent opportunities for learning a foreign language. In this regard, this article is devoted to the need to study the peculiarities of teaching young children English in order to achieve the most effective result in its further study. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the features of teaching English to young children, to identify methods that allow developing constructive interaction between teachers and students, as well as the development of lesson plans. The object of the study is the process of teaching a foreign language. The subject of the study is the use of methodological recommendations in teaching preschool children. The question of when to start teaching a child a foreign language is of interest to many parents. This is quite expected, because knowledge of at least one foreign language in our time has turned from a desire into a necessity.

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Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №3. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88

UDC 37.02(811.111) https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88/46


©Botoyarova M., Osh Technological University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, maral.botoyarova.83@mail.ru ©Ormonova K., Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after B.Sydykov,

Osh, Kyrgyzstan, k.ormonova.92@gmail.com ©Egamkulov D., Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after B.Sydykov, Osh, Kyrgyzstan, janyshegemkulov@gmail.com



©Ботоярова М. А., Ошский технологический университет, г. Ош, Кыргызстан, maral.botoyarova.83@mail.ru ©Ормонова К. А., Киргизско-Узбекский международный университет им. Б. Сыдыкова,

г. Ош, Кыргызстан, k.ormonova.92@gmail.com ©Эгамкулов Д. Т., Киргизско-Узбекский международный университет им. Б. Сыдыкова, г. Ош, Кыргызстан, janyshegemkulov@gmail.com

Abstract. The relevance of early learning of a foreign language is determined by the needs of society. Teaching a foreign language to preschool children creates excellent opportunities for learning a foreign language. In this regard, this article is devoted to the need to study the peculiarities of teaching young children English in order to achieve the most effective result in its further study. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the features of teaching English to young children, to identify methods that allow developing constructive interaction between teachers and students, as well as the development of lesson plans. The object of the study is the process of teaching a foreign language. The subject of the study is the use of methodological recommendations in teaching preschool children. The question of when to start teaching a child a foreign language is of interest to many parents. This is quite expected, because knowledge of at least one foreign language in our time has turned from a desire into a necessity.

Аннотация. Актуальность раннего изучения иностранного языка определяется потребностями общества. Преподавание иностранного языка детям дошкольного возраста создает прекрасные возможности для изучения иностранного языка. В связи с этим данная статья посвящена необходимости изучения особенностей обучения детей младшего возраста английскому языку с целью достижения наиболее эффективного результата при его дальнейшем изучении. Целью работы является выявление и описание особенностей преподавания английского языка детям младшего возраста, выявление методов, позволяющих развивать конструктивное взаимодействие между учителями и учащимися, а также разработка планов уроков. Объектом исследования является процесс обучения иностранному языку. Предметом исследования является использование методических рекомендаций в обучении детей дошкольного возраста. Вопрос о том, когда начинать учить ребенка иностранному языку, интересует многих родителей. Это вполне ожидаемо, ведь знание хотя бы одного иностранного языка в наше время превратилось из желания в необходимость.

Keywords: competence, education system, policy, skills, globalization, pedagogical influence, preschool children, personality, imagination, attention, education.

Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №3. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88

Ключевые слова: компетентность, система образования, политика, навыки, глобализация, педагогическое влияние, дети дошкольного возраста, личность, воображение, внимание, образование.

Modern globalization manifests itself in all spheres of human society, so there is no doubt that knowledge of at least one foreign language is of great importance. People communicate with each other and express their knowledge, thoughts, emotions, mood, and all this happens with the help of words. If you know a foreign language, you will open up new perspectives in life, communication and work. Currently, English is the universally recognized language of international communication, its vocabulary has its own national specifics. This indicates the widespread influence of the English language when we use words borrowed from English in our everyday vocabulary without any translation. In particular, it is true that the strengthening of the migration process promotes language learning. A large number of language centers in the city testifies to the high interest and demand for the study of foreign languages. As noted by Zh. Kadenova "It is becoming more and more difficult in the world every day, the whole planet is entangled with Internet networks, any information can be distributed through information sites, social networks. The inhabitants of the planet mostly communicate in several languages (English, Chinese, German, French, Russian), and the rest of the languages are on the verge of extinction" [1].

Early development scientists believe that it is in the first years of life that it is necessary to be strict and affectionate with a child, and when he begins to develop independently, you need to gradually learn to respect his "I", his will. More precisely, the influence of parents on the child should stop before kindergarten. Laissez-faire at an early age, and then pressure on a child at a later age can destroy talent in him and cause resistance [2].

Issues related to teaching a foreign language to young children are relevant, since the age of 5-6 years is considered by experts as the most favorable period for mastering a foreign language. I. Futerman, V. S. Mukhina, E. I. Negnevitskaya, N. D. Galskova, etc.) Teaching English to children pursues a comprehensive implementation of practical, educational, educational and developmental goals. The implementation of the practical goal should ensure the achievement of the other three: developing, educational and general education, and, thus, a foreign language contributes to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, which is the main task of a secondary school at the present stage of the formation of our society.

The leading goal of early learning of a foreign language is the goal of development. However, this does not mean reducing the importance of practical goals or reducing the requirements for the level of proficiency in oral and verbal communication in a foreign language. Moreover, the development of effective technologies for early learning of a foreign language allows us to take a fresh look at the problems of intellectual development of younger schoolchildren [3].

Currently, a foreign language is a ubiquitous practice based on modern and effective technologies for teaching a foreign language, taking into account a personality-oriented methodology, age characteristics of young children.

The purpose of teaching young children a foreign language is to form an interest in learning, cognition of the surrounding world, relationships and cultures on the basis of mastering foreign speech.

Early learning of a foreign language determines the following tasks:

1. Formation and development of phonetic skills of a foreign language (while the speech apparatus is plastic and the mechanisms of mastering native speech are still active, these skills are easily assimilated, so it is important to be on time);

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №3. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88

2. Development of listening skills (understanding speech by ear);

3. Development of conversational skills (i. e. formation of a child's idea of a foreign language as a means of communication);

4. Formation and replenishment of the lexical stock.

It is important to note that the correct organization of foreign language teaching plays an important role. Optimally organized activities at an early age (visual, constructive, labor, play, and also related to the performance of regime elements) should be used in the formation of foreign language skills in children. Each type of activity, in turn, provides great opportunities for the assimilation of specific groups of words, which further ensures the formation of oral-speech skills, provides children with the opportunity to communicate at an elementary level with the help of the language being studied and give them a sense of their own successes [4].

Zh. Kadenova's works note that the formation of a child's cognitive activity should begin at an early age. "The knowledge of the world for every child and adult is a necessary area. This process begins at a young age. Cognition of the world is a broad concept. One of them is the knowledge of the earth. In the Kyrgyz folk pedagogy for the education of a military commander, the knowledge of the earth is considered the main goal" [5].

The main factors affecting the development of a preschooler's personality can be called the main factors:

1. Heredity is the transfer of certain qualities and abilities from parents to children. The carrier is the genes that provide the hereditary program of human development. Some scientists, including N. M. Amosov, P. K. Anokhin, K. Lorenz, believe that not only anatomical and physiological features of the body can be inherited, but also intellectual, moral qualities, as well as the predisposition of the child to aggressiveness and cruelty.

2. Environment. The environment can be considered as natural conditions, the state system, the material conditions of life, as well as the direct objective and human environment of the child. Also, in preschool pedagogy, the concept of "developing environment" is used — a set of pedagogical, psychological and socio-cultural conditions for the construction of the pedagogical process.

3. Education-effectiveness depends on the child's readiness for pedagogical influence.

Until the age of five, a child learns his native language. And the main thing is not only that he thinks in his native language, expresses his thoughts in it, understands others and learns, but also in the meaning of his native language for personal development. After all, there is a bottomless, unconscious depth behind this — the child's native language is absorbed from the mother's mouth, the first words to her are on it, the first words to him are on it, the first emotions and feelings are on it. And in the words of my native language — everything, absolutely everything, that for the first time in my life [6]!

"By mastering the native language, the child learns... a lot of concepts, views on objects, a lot of thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of language... Taking language as an organic creation of folk thought and feeling, in which the result of the spiritual life of peoples is expressed, we, of course, will understand why a special character is expressed in the language of each people... and the deeper we dive into the language of the people, the deeper we get into their character" [7]. This means that with the native language, the child perceives the peculiarities of national identity and, forming as a person, finds himself connected with age-old folk traditions and culture by strong, albeit invisible threads. He understands not only speech in all its nuances, in all its meaning, he understands others, life itself through the enduring value of communicating with people as a native speaker [8].

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №3. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88

It is unacceptable to endanger this most important stage of personality formation by studying a foreign language prematurely. It should be noted that K. D. Ushinsky also suggested started learning a second language from the age of seven or eight [8].

So, what can be done to make a child want to learn a foreign language? Young children have a need for play, so a foreign language can be mastered by them only in play [9].

The child has mastered the native language in communication with parents, peers, and he will master a foreign language, not studying one-on-one with a teacher, but in communication with relatives and peers. The father uses a foreign language in conversation with him, he plays with peers or with a group of peers using foreign words and phrases. It is very good if a sister or brother is learning a foreign language. Then there is a motive — to imitate the highest authority. Then communication in a foreign language is also possible. It is very good if the child and his mother look through children's illustrated books in foreign languages and the mother is able to translate what is written in them, explain using words and phrases in these languages. The same is true for transparencies. The child learns that there are English, German, French, Spanish languages, but there are also English, German, French, Spanish peoples, and also there are children for whom these languages are native, and you can meet and play with these children. In the last decade, the computer factor has become real when it meets foreign speech in a computer game [10].

Students should learn English as a means of communication. Children should learn English in the process of interested communication and interaction with various characters: a teacher, dolls. Alternatively, you can organize a home puppet theater when the Bill doll in the play talks to the Betty doll in English. In the same way, you can act out performances in which children are actors. Any communication (indirect and direct) begins with a motive and a goal, that is, with why and why something is said, perceived by ear, read and written. The child should clearly imagine the purpose and result of his speech action, his final result — what exactly will be achieved if he utters a word, builds a statement, listens to or reads the text. In order to successfully complete the process of learning a foreign language, it is necessary to create motives for each speech and non-speech action of children, both when teaching communication tools and in communicative activities. Children should see the results of the practical application of the language.

Thus, a foreign language up to the age of seven is mastered only in the form of oral speech. The alphabet, reading and writing are studied only after the child has mastered all this in his native language.

From the age of seven or eight, it is necessary to master the system of concepts characteristic of a particular foreign language. Mastering a foreign language also involves thinking in it. A well-known expert in the field of languages V. A. Artemyev notes that in English there are two present tenses, in German there are two past and two futures, and, consequently, an Englishman and a German operate somewhat differently with the concept of time than a person speaking and thinking in Russian. That's how difficult it is, but from the age of eight a child is able to learn these features of a foreign language [11].

When teaching children, a foreign language, it is necessary to remember that the psychological and pedagogical concept on which foreign language teaching was based in different countries was based on the theory of language acquisition by a child that existed until recently. According to this theory, a child learns language as a result of imitating the speech of adults, in an imitative way without purposeful learning. In other words, no one divides the flow of speech for a child into units of assimilation, does not dose speech samples, does not arrange them in a certain sequence, does not explain the rules of grammar, but, nevertheless, a normally developing child by the age of five or six already masters this, most have a complex grammar so much that he builds independent statements, successfully solving communicative tasks, and by the age of seven or eight,

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice https://www.bulletennauki.ru

Т. 9. №3. 2023 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88

complex sentences and texts of considerable length appear in the child's speech. And the second language, according to this theory, the child learns, as well as the first — spontaneously, without distinguishing the rules, thanks to the extraordinary ability to imitate, which is lost over the years. The proof is the development of a child in a bilingual environment. As you know, many children speak their native language from an early age, which is used in everyday communication in the family, and the language of the people among whom they live, also in everyday communication. For example, in a family living in Kyrgyzstan, they speak Kyrgyz and Russian. Naturally, the mother tongue, the language of the family, dominates. In this case, of course, in two languages. However, a number of foreign and especially American researchers believe that bilingual children often lag behind monolingual children in mental development [6].

But imitation is not the main mechanism of language acquisition in childhood — the ability to independently construct an utterance is achieved thanks to the enormous analytical work of the child (unconscious), who not so much imitates as dissects and generalizes everything he sees and hears and deduces systems of rules that determine the expression of individual thoughts, intentions of the child.

"All children, regardless of the peculiarities of their native language, go through the stage of so-called super generalization. Such formations as "children", "turned on the light", "fish have no teeth" in the speech of Russian children, "comedian", "goed", "pupsiki" in the speech of young native speakers — all this suggests that the child discovered the rule ("this is how you should do when there are many of them"), and he wants to act together with these generalized rules. Sometimes it is said that a child acts by analogy, but what is it and what is the psychological nature of actions by analogy? Any analogy, as the psychologist A.R. claimed. Luria suggests generalization" [9].

How many days a week should a child study in a language group and what is the optimal duration of the lesson? The criteria are the strength of motivation (desire) of the child and individual endurance. So, if one child is allowed a load of one or two lessons per week (at least one lesson per week) with one or two lessons of 30 minutes, then the other can study three to five times a week for two or three lessons of 30-35 minutes each without prejudice to himself [12].

The fullness of the group, the frequency and duration of classes Z. Y. Futerman, speaking about foreign language classes in kindergarten, insists on working with a whole group (25-30 people), motivating this by the fact that children are used to each other, as well as greater efficiency of mass games in kindergarten the learning process. The teacher conducted an experiment that did not show an increase in the effectiveness of classes in conditions of division into two subgroups. However, I. L. Sholpo questions these conclusions and writes that, perhaps, in kindergarten conditions, the habit of children to each other is really so strong that it turns out to be a decisive factor, however, if we are talking about other structures where unfamiliar children join groups, then classes with a group of 25 people are ineffective, and even 15 people in to the group, this is a serious test for the teacher. I. L. Sholpo recommends forming groups of at least five and no more than ten people, explaining that a general conversation (as established by psychologists), organized joint activities are possible in a group consisting of no more than 8 people.

Another equally important issue is the duration and frequency of classes. Z. Y. Futerman argues that classes for five-year-olds should not last more than twenty minutes, and for children of six years - twenty-five. This statement is also based on the results of the experiment, however, I. L. Sholpo believes that its results are related to the previous condition: with a group of 25-30 people, neither the teacher nor the children are able to study longer. The experience of E. I. Negnevitskaya in groups of 5 to 15 people and the experience of I. L. Sholpo in groups of 7-10 people, show that with such a number of children, the duration of the lesson from thirty-five to forty-five minutes

Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №3. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88

does not tire children, and they still have that reluctance to leave, to complete the lesson, which, as Z. Y. Futerman quite rightly believes, is necessary for effective learning. It is only important to change the type of activity every ten minutes, to move from playing in the fresh air to talking at the table; then to warm-up, exercise; after that to singing a song, etc. The usual frequency of classes, according to I. L. Sholpo, is two to three times a week. Classes once a week are extremely unproductive, children manage to forget the material that has not received reinforcement for so many days.

Readiness to learn a foreign language comes by the age of five. The teaching methodology should take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, as well as his linguistic abilities. As noted by Zh. Kadenova, at the younger school age, the perception of the fairy tale deepens. To find the meaning of life, a child must go beyond the narrow limits of self-focus and believe that he will make a significant contribution to the world around him, if not now, then at least in the future [13]. Training should be aimed at their development. The child's education should take place in a communicative form so that he perceives language as a means of communication, which means that he should not learn to assimilate phrases and speech patterns, but independently build speech constructions according to models known to him in accordance with emerging communicative needs.

Communication should be motivated and purposeful. The child needs positive motivation and interest in the language being studied. This requires a game. It establishes a connection between the student and the teacher, develops imagination and attention, and should also have an end-to-end game methodology that combines and integrates other activities in the process of learning a language. The basis of the game technique is the creation of an imaginary situation and the acceptance of a certain role by the child or teacher [14-16].

Thus, the conducted research in the context of the preparation and writing of this article, devoted to the issues of the peculiarities of teaching children of younger preschool age a foreign language, indicates that the assessment and study of the features, state, formation and essence of teaching children of primary school age English shows the importance and significance of teaching children a foreign language from an early age. Teaching a foreign language puts forward the task of humanitarian and humanistic formation of the child's personality. This is facilitated by familiarity with the culture of the country of the language being studied; education of politeness, benevolence; awareness of oneself as a person of a certain gender and age, individuality. Learning a foreign language is also intended to make a certain contribution to the development of independent thinking, logic, memory, imagination of the child, in the formation of his emotions, in the development of his communicative and cognitive abilities.


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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 9. №3. 2023

https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88

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в редакцию 15.02.2023 г. 21.02.2023 г.

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Botoyarova M., Ormonova K., Egamkulov D. Features of Teaching Young Preschool Children a Foreign Language // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2023. Т. 9. №3. С. 369-376. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88/46

Cite as (APA):

Botoyarova, M., Ormonova, K., & Egamkulov, D. (2023). Features of Teaching Young Preschool Children a Foreign Language. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 9(3), 369-376. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/88/46

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