Белков А.С.
Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Придтпровська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури " завiдувач кафедри безпеки життeдiяльностi, доктор технiчних наук, професор
Рабгч О.В.
Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Придтпровська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури " доцент кафедри безпеки життeдiяльностi, кандидат технЫних наук, доцент
Мещерякова 1.В.
Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Придтпровська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури " аспiрант кафедри безпеки життeдiяльностi
Крекнша В.М.
Пол^Шка «1нтерпайп НТЗ» лкар Чумак Л.О.
Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Придтпровська державна академiя будiвництва та архтектури " доцент кафедри безпеки вищо'1 математики, кандидат технiчних наук, доцент
Belikov A.
State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture" Head of the Department of Life Safety, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Rabich O.
State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture" Associate Professor of Life Safety, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Meshcheriakova I.
State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture" graduate student
Kreknina V.
Medikal centr PJSC «Interpaipe NTRP» doctor
Chumak L.
State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture"
Associate Professor of Security, Higher Mathematics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Враховуючи сучаснг вимоги до освгтлення £вропейського Союзу та змгни вимог викладенг в ДБН В.2.5-28:2018 «Природне i штучне освгглення» виникла необхгдшсть в проведеннг комплексних дослгджень по-ширено1 групи пращвникгв класу робгт 3.1-3.2. Для дослгджень використано гнженерно-психологгчний метод зорового шкалювання, що визначае гнтегральш характеристики сприйняття людини. Для отримання до-стовгрних результатгв сформульовано критери вгдбору операторгв, а також обгрунтованг параметри варгю-вання умов свгтлового середовища. Розроблено новг методи пгдходу як1 дають змогу комплексно оцгнити вплив свгтлового середовища при виконаннг робгт високо1 напруженостГ Запропонованг критери яш дозво-ляють комплексно оцгнити умови пращ за фактором свгтлового середовища. Запропонованг методики дозво-ляють прогнозувати з достатнгм ступенем надшносп психофгзюлопчш дй' операторгв при змгнах параметргв штучного свгтлового середовища.
Given the current requirements for lighting in the European Union and changes in the requirements set out in DBN B.2.5-28:2018 "Natural and artificial lighting" there is a need for comprehensive research of a common group of workers of work class 3.1-3.2. The engineering-psychological method of visual scaling is used for research, which determines the integral characteristics of human perception. To obtain reliable results, the criteria for selecting operators are formulated, as well as the parameters of variation of lighting conditions are substantiated. New methods of the approach which allow to estimate comprehensively influence of light environment at performance of works of high tension are developed. The proposed criteria that allow a comprehensive assessment of working conditions by the factor of the light environment. The proposed techniques allow to predict with a sufficient degree of reliability psychophysiological actions of operators when changing the parameters of the artificial light environment.
Ключовi слова: свгглове середовище; умови пращ; природне освiтлення; штучне освiтлення. Keywords: light-environment; working conditions; natural light; lamplight.
Based on the analysis of statistical data and information sources, we determined that the high level of injuries and occupational diseases covers all areas of activity of workers in industrial cities, according to his analysis, working conditions do not meet the standards (73%). Hygienic requirements for the creation of a safe, production (environment) in the premises are violated, and if in the production of building materials the source of hazardous factors is raw materials and technology (manufacturing methods) which is a specific factor of the production environment, the lighting environment covers all workplaces. Thus, the assessment of working conditions for permanent workers, the determination of factors of the production environment and the labor process by hygienic indicators is a key task to improve safety and reduce injuries and occupational diseases.
In the process of work and life in general, a person receives 90% of information through sight. Thus, the analysis showed that working conditions, occupational health and safety depend to a greater extent on visual perception.
According to statistics, the mismatch of the light environment leads to significant health problems and injuries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 150 million patients in the world with significant visual impairment. Over the last 20 years, the number of blind people has increased by 12 million [9], which indicates a mismatch between the lighting environment in the workplace.
A special place among eye diseases is occupied by atrophy of the optic nerves. This is due to the severity of the disease, which in many cases significantly reduces visual function [7]. According to E.S. Liebman [9], this pathology occupies one of the leading places in the unosological structure of blindness and myopia, second only to glaucoma and degenerative myopia.
The severity of the disease leads to a significant reduction in efficiency and disability. Significant dynamics of technological processes using machines, equipment and control devices leads to an increase in the voltage of visual perception, which leads to a number of eye diseases. According to WHO statistics, the level of disability in patients with optic nerve atrophy has doubled in recent decades.
In Ukraine, in recent years, the group of socially significant eye diseases has expanded, due to cataracts, glaucoma, diseases of the optic nerve and retina, which are the most common causes of blindness [12]. Among such diseases, atrophy of the optic nerves prevails, which is associated with high tension of visual perception.
According to statistics, the number of nervous diseases has increased in Ukraine. In Ukraine, the prevalence of optic nerve atrophy has increased from 73,6 to 84,6 per 100 thousand population in ten years and has
become one of the first places in terms of growth rate [12], which indicates the imperfection of the choice of lighting systems in the workplace.
According to medical research, atrophy of the optic nerves is the result of various pathological processes that affect different parts of the visual analyzer - from retinal ganglion cells to the visual cortex of the brain [7]. Among the etiological factors are dominated by diseases of the central nervous system (volume processes of the brain, inflammatory diseases of the brain, traumatic brain injury, pathological processes in the optic nerve and retina) (inflammation, dystrophy, impaired blood supply, toxins), atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus), hereditary factors [14; 15].
In Ukraine in 2001-2010, the incidence of diseases of the eye and its appendages and the prevalence of this pathology increased significantly. The incidence increased from 2985,3 per 100 thousand population in 2001 to 3334,2 in 2010, the prevalence - from 7932,6 to 8952,2 [13].
Working conditions at each workplace are formed by factors of the production environment and labor process. According to the analysis of the content of work of workers (operators and apparatchiks perform a number of technological operations in the production of construction products in the construction industry and in construction using a number of machines and equipment) it is determined that in recent years due to changes in technology, automation of technological processes are increasingly in the production of various industries are: operators, technicians, workers for maintenance, operation and monitoring of technological equipment, assembly of equipment and machinery, specialists, professionals [5].
To improve working conditions in permanent workplaces in terms of light environment, it is necessary to take into account the intensity of work as the light environment in different ranges of light and color temperature affects the activity of the functional state of the worker and directly affects the production of cortisol or melatonin hormones.
In certain occupations, according to the classifier [5], as well as in the automation of production processes of operators and technicians change not only the factors of the production environment, but also working conditions, the main content of which is receiving, processing and sending information. The corresponding conditions are characterized by monotony and intensity of work. There are requirements for quick perception, concentration, speed of thinking. Therefore, the effectiveness of work depends on the psychophysiological factors that affect the performance of these functions. Factors of working conditions at permanent workplaces are presented in table. 1.
Table 1
Analysis ^ of working conditions of construction workers
№ Professions of construction workers according to the classifier Content of work Factors of working conditions:
Factors of the production environment Labor process by indicators and classes
1 2 3 4 5
1 Managers, managers, managers (Section 1) (12, 121, 1210, 1210.1, 122, 1222.1, 1222.2, 1223, 1223.1, 1229, 123, 1235, 1237, 1238, 13, 1312, 14, 144) Management of enterprises, institutions, organizations, departments Microclimate, indoor lighting environment Intellectual load: according to the content of the work class 1-3.2. Emotional load: degree of responsibility class 1-3.1
2 Professionals (section 2) (21, 213, 2131.2, 2132.2, 214, 2149.2, 2141.2, 2142, 2142.1, 2142.2, 2143.1, 23, 231, 2310, 2310.1, 232, 2351, 2352, 2359.1, 2359.2, 2411, 2419.1, 2419.2, 2432.2, 2441) Application of certain concepts of methods of solving problems, tasks, systematic implementation of relevant disciplines Microclimate, indoor lighting environment Intellectual load: according to the content of the work class 1-3.2 Emotional load: degree of responsibility class 1-3.1
3 Specialists (section 3) (34, 3439, 31, 3111, 3112, 3121, 313, 3123, 3139, 315, 3151, 3152, 33, 3436, 3436.1, 3436.2, 3436.3) Preparation, storage, recovery of information, calculations, performance of special work related to the application of the provisions and the use of methods of relevant sciences Microclimate, indoor lighting environment Intellectual load: according to the content of the work class 1-2 Sensory loads class 1-3.1 Emotional load: degree of responsibility class 1-3.1
1 2 3 4 5
4 Technical staff (Chapter 4) (41, 411, 4113, 4115, 412, 4122, 4121, 4131, 4132, 414, 4141, 419) Digital data recording and processing, data registration and transmission Microclimate, indoor lighting environment Intellectual load: according to the content of the work class 1-2 Sensory loads class 1-3.2 Emotional load: degree of responsibility class 1-3.1
5 Skilled workers with tools (Chapter 7) (72, 724, 7243, 712, 7122, 7123, 7124, 7129, 713, 7136, 7137, 7141, 7142, 721) Production, construction Partial group of physical and chemical factors (depending on the specifics of production) Work in the open field (for open areas class 2-3.3) indoor environment class 2-3.2 Intellectual load: according to the content of the work class 1-2 Difficulty of work class 1-3.2 Sensory loads: class 1-3.2 Operating mode class 1-3.2
6 Workers for maintenance, operation and control of technological equipment, assembly of equipment and machinery (Chapter 8) (8139, 814, 8151, 82, 821, 8212, 828) Conducting the work process production on equipment or machines for assembling parts, assemblies Partial group of physical and chemical factors (depending on the specifics of production) Work in the open field (for open areas class 2-3.3) indoor environment class 2-3.2 Monotony of loads class 1-3.1 Difficulty of work class 1-3.2 Operating mode class 1-3.2
Studies have shown that the inherent working conditions in the workplace are determined by the creation of safe working conditions due to rational lighting environments, as evidenced by intellectual load.
They are united by the content of work, perception of information by means of the personal computer, sensors, information processing, decision-making and reproduction of the processed information. According to the Hygienic classification of working conditions for such professions, working conditions are formed by the following production factors (physical): microclimate, non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation, lighting; factors of the work environment: tension (intellectual load, sensory, emotional load).
It was determined that one of the important factors in the implementation of these employees in the relevant operations in the decisions is important light envi-
ronment, which generally affects the psycho-physiological state of man and occupational safety. Therefore, there is a need to analyze working conditions in permanent workplaces and conduct research for this category of workers to determine the impact of light according to the requirements of DBN B.2.5-28: 2018 Natural and artificial lighting [4] and DSTU EN 12464-1: 2016 " Light and lighting. Workplace lighting. Part 1. Internal jobs "(EN 12464-1: 2011, IDT) [6] taking into account the intensity of the labor process.
Studies of working conditions at permanent workplaces on the indicators of the light environment we performed on the basis of a standard assessment of working conditions [8]. The research was carried out according to the developed algorithm taking into account the factors of the production environment and labor intensity presented in Fig. 1.
Working conditions
Fig. 2. Algorithm of researches of working conditions on indicators of light environment taking into account factors of production environment and labor intensity.
When assessing the working conditions of this category of workers according to our proposed method of studying working conditions were carried out taking into account the current indicators:
1. Analysis of the content and study of human activity according to the hygienic classification (factor of labor intensity);
2. The choice of standard methods for determining the intensity of work on the indicators normalized by the Hygienic Classification;
3. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the employee (age, sex, the presence of chronic diseases);
4. Determining the indicators of the light environment to ensure optimal working conditions.
Research has shown that currently in Ukraine in assessing working conditions in terms of light environment, in automated technological processes, did not
take into account the psychophysiological functions of employees, determined by engineering psychological method, which give an objective assessment of functional status and efficiency of workers.
On the basis of the conducted researches of working conditions according to the classifier of trades the related working conditions for the following workplaces are defined: heads, managers, managers, technical employees, experts, skilled workers with the tool, workers on service, operation and control of work of the technological equipment. and machines conditionally this category of professions is called "operators".
It is determined that one of the important factors in the performance of these operations by the relevant employees in the decisions made is the light environment, which in general affects the psycho-physiological state of man and occupational safety.
1. Available at:
2. Available at:
3. Available at:
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Шумтова К.В.
Нацюнальний yHieepcumem «Одеська морська академiя», м. Одеса, Украша
Онищенко О.А. доктор mexHi4Hux наук, професор, Нацiональний yнiверситет «Одеська морська академiя», м. Одеса, Украша
Shumilova K.
Postgraduate Student, Department of Fleet Operation and Maintenance, National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", Odesa, Ukraine
Onishchenko O.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", Department of Fleet Operation and Maintenance, Odesa, Ukraine
В статп проаналiзовано сучасну шформацш про морсьш шциденти, причинно -Ha^WKOBi зв'язки ава-ршносп суден, проведено детaлiзaцiю фaкторiв ризишв з визначенням ïx основних титв. Запропоновано основш етапи дш у надзвичайних ситуащях для оргашзацп кризового управлшня процесами судноплaвноï галузг
The article analyzes current information on maritime incidents, causal links of accidents, details the risk factors with the definition of its main types and develops the main stages of action in emergencies for the organization of crisis management of the shipping industry.
Ключов1 слова: фактори ризику, класифшащя i щентифшащя ризишв, безпека судноплавства, аварп на мор^ шбербезпека, морський шберпроспр, людський фактор на морг