Section 3. Agricultural sciences
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Msc. Karapanci Nikolin, AgriNet Albania Organization, Korce, Albania
Dr. Besnik Skenderasi, Fan S. Noli University, Korce, Albania Prof.Dr.Shpend Shahini works as Chief of Department at the Agriculture University of Tirana, Tirane, Albania E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The tendency to increasing the area cultivated with apples, increasing production and introducing new varieties has led to the addition of a number of problems that apple farmers and growers in the Korça region has faced on a daily basis. Among these problems one of the most important is the management of pests and diseases, where one of the most important pests is the Coodling Moth. In addition to these problems it is the low reliability of the effectiveness of the preparations that are applied to the control and management of this pest.
Keywords: coodling moth, variety, effectiveness, credibility, infection percentage, F factic dhe teoric.
1. Introduction
Apples production is one of the sectors that occupies the most important fruit crop site in Albania, with the Kor^a region being one of the largest regions in the country with apple trees planted areas. In Korca region there are three main apple cultivation districts, the districts of Korga, Devoll and Kolonja where there has always been a tendency of growing the surfaces planted with apples in both ways, with traditional and intensive blocks [1].
This increasing trend of surface and cultivated trees where the number reaches up to 3 million trees has also led to an increase in the quantity and quality
ofproduction where today can be ensured a production of90.000 tonnes per year.
Regarding the varietal structure of apples that are mostly produced in the Korça region, the main two are Red Delicious (Red Chief and Starking) derivatives, both of which are locally referred as «Starking», which make up 52% of the fruit trees, and Golden Delicious making up 42%. Other apple varieties make up 6% of other fruit trees. Here are included other non - traditional varieties grown in the region, such as Gala (which is an early variety), Mutsu (a derivative of Golden Delicious), and Granny Smith [2].
All this tend ency to increasing the area cultivated with apples, increasing production and introducing new varieties has led to the addition of a number of problems that apple farmers and growers in the Ko-r^a region has faced on a daily basis. Among these problems one of the most important is the management of pests and diseases, where one of the most important pests is the Coodling Moth.
The main damage in the fruit is caused by the larvea which opens a gallery towards the fruit seeds, the affected fruits are distinguished from healthy fruits as they are smaller and intense in color, these fruits usually fall prematurely on the ground. Depending on the area, the coodling moth can show from 1 to 3 generations [3].
Referring to the above facts about pest risk as well as the low reliability of growers for the effectiveness of the preparations that they use for the managemant of this pest, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies and experiments to assist in this direction.
Therefore, during 2017, an experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of the three most widespread preparations on the market for coodling moth control such as a.i. granulosevirus, cpgv, a.i. in-doxacarb, a.i. diflubenzuron, with predetermined dose and amount of solution used. The effectiveness of the insecticides used was determined by infection percentuage for the Golden Delicious and Star King test varieties compared with the untreated control varieties [4].
2. Materials and methods
The setting up of the study experiment was carried out during 2017 within a 5 ha plot of apple cultivated in Dvoran village of Kor£a region. Dominant in this excperimental plot were the two main varieties Golden Delicious and Star King, both separated in rows which in themselves represented variants al and a2. To conduct the experiment, a small parcel area of 100 m2 with 240 apple trees was selected. Each replicate for each variant was represented by 10 apple trees, whereby the first and tenth trees were labeled as P1 a1 b2 to make them more dis-
tinct. Then, according to the forcast - signalisation system by monitoring attractive pheromone traps, the moment of application of chemical preparations was determined and the insecticides were tested with active ingredients: a.i. granulosevirus, cpgv, a.i. in-doxacarb and i.a. diflubenzuron which constituted in themselves the variants b1, b2 znd b3. Their application for the first generation was made at the end of May, while for the second generation it was carried out in the third week of July. The parcel that served as a witness (control block) was not treated with any kind of pesticide.
To determine the infection rate at the beginning of July for the first generation and at the end of August for the second generation on ten apple trees labeled for each variety, ten fruit per tree were analyzed in total 100 fruits. The rate of infection and the percentage of infection indicated the number of fruits, in percentage, affected per 100 fruits analyzed. Apple fruit completely infected by the pest was considered complete when the pest had penetrated deep into the fruit. (to the seeds). All these comparisons were made with untreated control cultivars at the same time and the effectiveness of chemical preparations (insecticides) used for pest protection was determined [5].
3. Results and discussion
Data on the percentage (%) of fruit infection for each variant for all three replicants in both Golden Delicious and Star King cultivars for both generations studied for 2017 are presented in (tables 1, 2).
From the table data we see that:
The percentage (%) of fruit infection for each variant for all three replicants in both Golden Delicious and Star King cultivars for both generations studied for 2017 indicates that in both variants where were treated with a.i. indoxacarb, a.i. diflubenzuron and a.i. granulovirus percentage (%) of fruit infection in Golden Delicious cultivar was 0%, 0.3% and 1.6% in first generation. Compared to Star King cultivar where infection was 2% when treatment with a.i. indoxacarb, 1.3% treated with a.i. diflubenzuron and 2.6% in the treatment where was
Star King cultivar the percentage (%) of infection for the second generation in the variants treated with a. i. indoxacarb, a.i. diflubenzuron and a.i. granulovirus was respectively 2.6%, 1% and 10.3%. In comparison with the control plot where the percentage (%) of infection was 8 times higher in the first generation and more than 20 times in the second generation.
Table 1. - Data on percentage (%) of infection in fruit for each variant for all three replicant in both Golden Delicious and Star King cultivars for both generations studied for 2017
used a.i. granulovirus in first generation. Regarding the second generation in both variants where was treated with the active ingredients a.i. indoxacarb and a.i. diflubenzuron, the percentage (%) of fruit infection in Golden Delicious cultivar was 0% while in treatments with active ingredient a.i. granulovirus the percentage (%) of infection was 7.6%. While in
Year Gener Preparation Golden delicious a, Star king a2
P, P2 P3 1 Avar P, P2 P3 1 Avar
2017 I A.i. granulosevirus 3 1 1 5 1.6 b 4 2 2 8 2.6 ab
A.i. indoxacarb 0 0 0 0 0 b 2 1 3 6 2 b
A.i. diflubenzuron 0 1 0 1 0.3 b 1 3 0 4 1.3 ab
Control 4 9 10 23 7.6 a 10 13 9 32 10.6 a
Sum 7 11 11 29 9.5 17 19 14 50 16.5
Avarage 1.75 2.75 2.75 7.25 2.375 4.25 4.75 3.5 12.5 4.125
LSD Lsd = 2.87966 for @ 0.05 according to the test Dunnett's
II A.i. granulosevirus 10 5 7 23 7.6 ab 13 9 9 31 10.3a
A.i. indoxacarb 0 0 0 0 0 b 2 3 3 8 2.6 a
A.i. diflubenzuron 0 0 0 0 0 ab 2 1 0 3 1 a
Control 32 31 38 101 33.6 a 37 33 33 103 34.3 a
Sum 42 36 45 124 41.2 54 46 45 145 48.2
Avarage 10.5 9 11.3 31 10.3 13.5 11.5 11.25 36.25 12.05
LSD Lsd = 2.87966 for @ 0.05 according to the test Dunnett's
Note: a the highest level of authenticity for Lsd = 2.87966for @ 0.05 dhe ab= the lowest level of authenticity for Lsd = 2.87966for @ 0.05 according to the test Dunnett's
In (Table 2) are presented the results of One -way ANOVA analysis ofvariance (One - way ANOVA) on the percentage (%) of fruit infection for each variant for all three replicants in both Golden Delicious and Star King cultivars for both generations studied for 2017.
This is verified by the F - factic values tah are 10.77** in the first generation in Golden cultivar and 23.14** in Star King cultivar and in the second generation 149.24** for the Golden cultivar and 359.81** in Star King cultivar verified for levels of P 0.05 and P 0.01 of the probability which is greater than the theoretical F values that are 4.75 and 9.779 (Table 2).
Comparison between the F - factic values of the replicantns with those of the tables shows that the replicantns do not give statistically significant differences for both levels of P = 0.05 and P = 0.01 because the F - factic values are smaller than; F -teoric which shows that our experiment is set up in the correct conditions and allows us to continue the data analysis.
The comparisons of percentage (%) of infection according to the replicants for all three variants in the study for the year 2017 according to the Dunetts test (Lsd = 2.87966 for @ 0.05 according to Dunnett's test) shows the presence of confirmed differences between the variants taken for the s tudy (Table 2).
Table 2. - One - way ANOVA analysis of variance for the infection percentuage% in apple fruit according replicants for all three variants in the study year 2017
Culti- Anova
Gener. Sources of Quadratic Freedom Quadratic F factic F teoric
vars variation sum Degrees mean 95%
Golden del Variants 114.9167 3 38.30556 10.77 ** 4.75 9.78
1 Replicant 2.666667 2 1.333333 0.375 ns 5.14 10.9
Mistake 21.33333 6 3.555556
Total of error 138.9167 11
<g Variants 171.6667 3 57.22222 23.14 ** 4.75 9.78
1 n Replicant 3.166667 2 1.583333 0.640 ns 5.14 10.9
r t Mistake 14.83333 6 2.472222
Total of error 189.6667 11
Golden del Variants 2300.917 3 766.9722 149.24** 4.75 9.78
2 Replicant 10.5 2 5.25 1.021 ns 5.14 10.9
Mistake 30.83333 6 5.138889
Total of error 2342.25 11
<g Variants 2128.917 3 709.6389 359.81** 4.75 9.78
2 n Replicant 12.16667 2 6.083333 3.084 ns 5.14 10.9
r t Mistake 11.83333 6 1.972222
Total of error 2152.917 11
Note: **: Verified for the level of probability 1% (p < 0.01); *: Verified for the level of probability 5% (0.01 = < p < 0.05); ns: Without verified probability (p > = 0.05)
Verified differences between the variants taken 4. Conclusions for the study when comparing them according to Based on the statistical refinements reflected in
Dunetts test (Lsd = 2.87966 for @ 0.05 according the preceding paragraph resulted in some conclu-
to Dunnett's test for @ 0.05) sorts the variants into sions presented as follows:
different classes (Table 2).
Thus for the Control variant is signed with the letter a for both generations of pests which are statistically verified for Lsd = 2.87966 for @ 0.05 according to Dunnett's test; For the variant treated insecticide a.i. indoxacarb and a.i. diflubenzuron are signed with the letters b and ab for the first generation of the coodling moth and signed with the letters a, b and ab for the second generation of the coodling moth. Thus or the variant treated insecticide a.i. granuloseviru for Lsd = 2.87966 for @ 0.05 according to Dunnett's are signed with the letters b and ab for both generations of pests.
The percentage (%) of fruit infection for the 2017 data on the Golden Delicios variety was lower compared to the Star king variety and 8 to 10 times lower than for both varieties when compared to the percentage (%)) of infection to the control for both generations of coodling moth;
In the second generation of apple worm it results that the percentage (%) of infection is higher than in the first generation in both Golden delicious and Star King varieties even when all three preparations a.i. indoxacarb,
a.i. diflubenzuron and a.Lgranulosevirus, cpgv have been used;
Analysis of variance results in the presence of confirmed differences between variants over the infection percentuage% for both generations and in both cultivars, confirmed by F- factic of 10.77** in the first generation in Golden cultivar and 23.14** for Star King cultivar as well as 149.24** for the second generation in Golden cultivar and 359.81** for Star King cultivar;
Better results on the effectiveness on coodling moth protection was provided by chemical preparations a.i. indoxacarb and a.i. diflubenzuron for both generations of pest;
When applying a. i. granulosevirus, cpgv had a slightly higher percentage (%) of coodling moth infection in both generations and therefore it's effectiveness in pest control was somewhat lower compared with two other preparations;
In the plot left for control it results that the percentage (%) of infection and damage in fruit coused by coodling moth is many times higher than in cases where coodling moth is managed with chemical preparations; To have better pest control and to have a lower infection rate resulting in a guaranteed quantity and quality of production requires the application of chemical preparations.
1. Apple Buletin for Korça Region, year 2010. - P. 1-2.
2. Agro Web. "Albania, one of the largest apple consumers in Europe". October, 2015.
3. Cakalli D. Shahini Sh. Varaku S. "Integrated Protection in Fruit Trees". 2005.
4. CABI, Skenderasi B. "Lecture Integrated Pest Management". 2011.
5. Isufi E. "Integrated Pest Management in practice". 2000.