Научная статья на тему 'Comparing the size and number of leaves of some cultivars and the roots of the applein the Anamorava region'

Comparing the size and number of leaves of some cultivars and the roots of the applein the Anamorava region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Salihu Nehat, Zajmi Agim, Salihu Dilaver

The present paper investigated the number and surface of the leaves of some varieties and combinations the roots six apple cultivars of these three young varieties have been planted for the first time in agro-ecological conditions of the region of Anamorava for the past two years. Researchisincludedaverageleafsurface, inm² forthetree, andtheaveragenumberofleavespertree. Area with the largest average leaf is reached the combination Jonagold on M 9 (30.15 cm ²) for the firstyearoftheresearchaswell(31.85 cm²) forthesecondyear, whilethesmallestcombinationof Red Chief MM 106 (19:26 cm ²) for in the first year, while Gala MM 106 (22:25 cm ²) for the second year.Terms of the average number of leaves, the highest number in the first year of the research has achieved combination of Granny Smith on M 9 (492), while the smallest combination D. Arts clone B on M 9 (381), while for the second year again leads the combination G. Smith on M 9 with the average number of 530 while the lower leaves Jonagold with 467 leaves. On average leaf surface per sq./m per body for the first year leads combination Jonagold and Granny Smith on M 9 (1.15 m), while the small Red Chief MM 104 (0.84 m²) and for the second year leads Jonagold combination again on M 9 (1.49 m), while the lower Pinova MM 104 (1.16 m²).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Comparing the size and number of leaves of some cultivars and the roots of the applein the Anamorava region»

Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България-Пловдив. Серия В. Техника и технологии, естествен ии хуманитарни науки, том XVI., Съюз на учените сесия "Международна конференция на младите учени" 13-15 юни 2013. Scientific research of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, series C. Natural Sciences and Humanities, Vol. XVI, ISSN 1311-9192, Union of Scientists, International Conference of Young Scientists, 13 - 15 June 2013, Plovdiv.


Nehat Salihu1, Agim Zajmi2, Kushtrim Qamili1, Dilaver Salihu3

1 Agricultural High School "Arberia" - 60000 Gjilan. Kosova

2 University of Agriculture and Veterinary - 10000 Prishtine. Kosova

3 College of Geosciences and Technology - 20000 Mitrovice. Kosova


The present paper investigated the number and surface of the leaves of some varieties and combinations the roots six apple cultivars of these three young varieties have been planted for the first time in agro-ecological conditions of the region of Anamorava for the past two years.

Research is included average leaf surface, in m2 for the tree, and the average number ofleaves per tree.

Area with the largest average leaf is reached the combination Jonagold on M 9 (30.15 cm 2) for the first year ofthe research as well (31.85 cm 2) for the second year, while the smallest combination ofRed Chief MM 106 (19:26 cm 2) for in the first year, while Gala MM 106 (22:25 cm 2) for the second year.

Terms of the average number of leaves, the highest number in the first year of the research has achieved combination of Granny Smith on M 9 (492), while the smallest combination D. Arts clone B on M 9 (381), while for the second year again leads the combination G. Smith on M 9 with the average number of 530 while the lower leaves Jonagold with 467 leaves.

On average leaf surface per sq./m per body for the first year leads combination Jonagold and Granny Smith on M 9 (1.15 m), while the small Red Chief MM 104 (0.84 m2) and for the second year leads Jonagold combination again on M 9 (1.49 m), while the lower Pinova MM 104 (1.16 m2).

Key words: surface of the leaves, number of leaves, leaf surface per m2, cultivar, the


Apple fruits are very nourishing for the human body and beneficial, so apple is prevalent in almost all the continents of the world, and according to FAO 2008 a production of 64,255,520 tons per year, and thus ranked third after citrus and banana production.

For an apple so high productivity attributed to the following factors: the ability of apples to successfully cultivate in different climatic and soil conditions, nutritional values, higher yields per unit area, successful preservation of fruits, etc. In Kosovo ancient tradition in the cultivation of trees.


Given the importance of the nutritional and medicinal value of fruit trees, we can say that using them regularly is one of the conditions for normal development of the human organism.

The purpose of the research

The purpose of the research was to make a comparison between some vegetative parameters for dense planting apple cultivars, especially for cultivars which are new to our country Pinova, Red Chief and Gala grafted onto the roots vegetation with low production M 9 and roots, vegetative medium production MM 106, MM 104, ecological conditions of Anamorava.

As the main purpose was to be explored in ecological conditions of Anamorava KK Gjilan some vegetative parameters as is the surface of the leaf and number of leaves per tree and pre-calculated leaf surface in m2 / tree.

Fot.1. Orchard where they perform research Overview of literature

About reports of vegetative and generative growth of some apple cultivars on the roots, M 9, MM 106 and MM 104 are taking a number of local and international authors, but we will cite

only a few.

According invents et al. (1993) - cultivar Pinova derived from Germany obtained from Dr. Fischer from Pillnitz. Cultivar diploid for the first time is described Ctps in 1993 and presents hybrid between Clive x golden Delishesi. This cultivar % sugar has ranges from 14-15% and 5-7 acidity expressed as Malik acid per liter of juice. These authors also provide data on the origins golden Delishesi cultivars, Gala, Jonagold, Granny Smith etc.

Gvozdenovic (2007) also provides data on cultivars Jonagold, Golden Delishesi Clone B, Granny Smith, and Gala. The authors Delishesin specify how the Clone gold prospect is REINDERS which creates less wire on the surface of the fruit.

GLIHA (1978) - Variety MM 106 states that it is tolerant to drought and shows consistency in less fertile lands, multiplies easily. Rather preferred cultivar producing poor and Spur types. Cultivars grafted onto variety MM 106 enter early supplying fruit, while their fruits ripen about 7 days later than on variety M 9.

According to data author MICHELESI (1980) cit. ZAJMI (1986) - gives the characteristics of the two roots, with small production and medium production M MM, while variety MM 106 states that it has an impact on the initial supplying fruit and supplying fruit is greater. Supplying fruit coefficient of cultivars on the roots is emphasized as productive depending on the thickness of the trunk.

Misic (1978, 1984) states that the roots MM 106 are one of the best apples. Excellent root system orchard, also in a permanent place, but in countries with strong winds needs support; does not trigger in the orchard. Sensitive average root neck cancer. Cultivars grafted earlier take supplying fruit; great fruitful and regular. Good quality fruits and ripe 5 - 7days later than M 9.

STAMPAR et al. (2009) provide data for some cultivar which have been the subject of our research, so cultivar Gala and Delishesin gold rank in the group with high production whereas cultivar Pinova in the group with high production up be sensational and Jonagoldin in the group with production large, while the size of the fruit, small fruit Gala to large, Jonagold large to very large, golden Delishesin great and Pinova moderately large.

ZAJMI (1986) with its own research four years from 1978 to 1981 has concluded that cultivar Jonagold on variety MM 106 has reached the surface of leafy on average in the first year of research 38.7 cm 2, the second year of 38.1 cm 2, in the third year of 39.9 cm 2 and in the fourth year of 39.5 cm 2, or eventually on average for four years 39.05 cm 2.

With its research SALIPUROVIC and DZAMIC (2001) in 4-year orchard cultivar Idared, Jonagold and Gloucester grafted onto the roots, M 9, M 26 and MM 106, cultivar Jonagold estimate how much quality and quite sensational. For variety M 9 write that has shallow root system with weak production while M 26 is somewhat sensational while MM 106 state that is average production. Cultivar Jonagold average leaf area by roots is at MM 106 (0359 dm 2) for M 26 (0359 dm 2) whereas variety M 9 (0357 dm 2). The authors conclude that production roots, to an extent no impact on the leaf surface. Variety poor production M 9 authors have found that leaf area was small. When it comes to larger surface then cultivars showed Jonagoldi (0.37 cm 2), and Gloucester (0.36 cm 2) and finally Idaredi 0.31 cm 2.

ZAJMI (1997) provides detailed data on the roots of apple used in this research.

Climatic and soil conditions


Apple orchards culture is characterized by a high adaptability to climatic conditions. So, Apple can successfully cultivate up to 700 m height above sea level. Kosovo has a moderate continental climate with a Mediterranean influence what that penetrates through the White Drin Valley with suitable climatic conditions for the cultivation of apples. Also Region Anamorava under climate research meets the requirements for successfully growing apples. 122

Following are presented monthly and annual average air temperatures for Gjilan region, multi-year period, which the station is representative for the facility where they are carried out research.

Tab. 1. Monthly and annual average air temperatures for multi-year period 1951-1980 (ZAJMI 1996).

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII The average annual Veg. The average annual temp.

-1.1 1.7 5.2 10 14.8 18.2 20 19.7 15.6 10.8 6.2 1.2 15.5 10.2

Tab. 1 shows that the average annual temperature is 10.2 °C, and that over 15.5 °C vegetation, which means that conditions are favorable for the growth and development of trees.

Tab. 2. Monthly and annual average temperature for the year 2008. IHK

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII The average annual Veg. The average annual temp.

-0.3 3.0 6.7 11.1 15.2 19.3 20.5 21.4 14.3 11.3 6.4 2.9 16.96 11.03

On the basis of the data presented in Table no. 2, the average annual air temperature starts 11.03 °C, and the average temperature during the vegetation starts 16.96 °C

Tab. 3.The average monthly temperature for 2009 annual questionnaire. IHK

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII The average annual Veg. The average annual temp.

-0.9 0.8 4.7 11.7 15.5 18.3 20.7 20.6 16.4 10.8 6.5 3.4 17.20 10.8

On the basis of the data presented in Table no.3, the average annual air temperature 10.8 °C begins, and the average temperature during the vegetation starts 17.20 °C


In Kosovo during the year on average for about 744.5 mm rain. Although the amount of rainfall is not enough they are not well sorted during the year, where the amount of rainfall during the vegetation is 346.7 mm.

On the other hand during the three summer months (June - July and August) fall a total of 156 mm, which does not meet even 1/3 of the demand of the trees.

The following is the present amount of annual rainfall during the vegetation Gjilan region for the period in mm.

Tab. 4. Monthly and annual average rainfall in mm for many years in the region of Gjilan period (1951-1980), (ZAJMI 1996).

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Amount vegetation Amount annual

40.2 39.3 38.4 44.1 70.4 64.9 48.2 43.5 41.7 55.9 63.3 53.0 312.8 603

Tab. 4.seen that the amount of rainfall during the vegetation was 312.8 mm and 603 mm annual amount.

Tab. 5. Monthly and annual average rainfall in mm for 2008. IHK

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Amount vegetation Amount annual

13.5 21.7 88.8 25.2 46.5 66.8 64.1 53 50.4 23.5 59.7 94.8 306 558.3

Tab. 5.seen that the amount of rainfall during the vegetation was 306 mm and 558.3 mm annual amount.

Tab. 6. Monthly and annual average rainfall in mm for 2009. IHK

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Amount vegetation Amount annual

60.7 31.1 37.3 37.3 49.3 101.7 30.9 79.0 23.5 85.6 102 90.5 321.7 576

Tab. 6.seen that the amount of rainfall during the vegetation was 321.7 mm and 576 mm annual amount.


Earth represents an environment in which the tree is reinforced and receives water-soluble mineral substances. Land where the research is alluvial type with deep physiological profile.

Data from mechanical and chemical composition of soil are presented in tab. 9 and 10.

Tab. 7. Mechanical composition of the soil.

Mechanical composition fractions

Depth CM 2-0.2 0.2-0.02 0.0020.0002 0.0002 Argil Sand %

0-20cm 12 33 28 27 45 55 1.9

20-40cm 10.5 37.5 26 26 48 52 1.5

60-80cm 19 32.5 21.5 27 51.5 48.5 1.2

Tab. 8.Chemical properties of soil.

Depth m CaCO3 pH Y1 n/ Ekv Komp-Adsorp. V % H % Mat.fiz. active

H2O 5.48 T S T-S P2O5 K2O

0-10 0 6.3 4.5 12.30 7.99 11.63 19.62 59.3 4.9 1.0 1.65

20-40 0 5.45 4 12.45 11.96 3.75 15.69 23.7 1.6 1.0 1.95

60-80 0 5.70 4.82 12.90 8.328 5.09 13.47 37.7 - - -

In the whole area before building orchard apple is performed fertilization with fertilizers melorativ appropriate amount as those rows both phosphorus and potassium. Place, the material and methods of work


Orchard where conducted research has been at the age of 3 years, while the facility located at 450 m above sea level. Orchard area of 1ha with slope of 1-2%. Our research is conducted in private property of Mr. Esat Kamberi Skifteraj village KK Gjilan (Region Anamorava).

Photo 2. Orchard where the research is conducted.


The research included the 6 cultivars: Mondial Gala and Redchif grafted onto variety medium production MM 106, and Pinova is grafted onto variety MM 104, while gold Delishesi cultivars (Clone B), Jonagold, Granny Smith are grafted in variety poor production M 9. First and last order is planted with cultivar Idared or orchard is surrounded on the entire surface with this cultivar which is not involved in the research. During research in orchards is applied agro common mown grass between rows while crabgrass in terms of the order is fighting with the help of herbicides. Were made during the summer tree irrigation, with irrigation "point-point". Were placed concrete poles with three wire thread. Orchard was treated according to the calendar regularly for protection against infectious diseases and pests. Planting distance cultivars grafted onto variety MM 106 and MM 104 is 3.7 x 1.6 m and cultivars grafted onto the roots with poor production (M 9) distance is 3.7 x 1.3 m. Working Methods

Randomly for each cultivar, the experiment is set in four replication. A parcel has been composed of four bodies, namely 16 troops' cultivars, which mean that in general received 96 bodies for all cultivars.

Two-year research was carried out during 2008 and 2009.

• Leaf area was determined by measuring 50 randomly selected leaves for each parcel with the help of mill metric paper. Values are expressed in cm 2 / foliage. Measurements were carried out on 20.08.2008 and 08.07.2009

Fig. 3. 1a. Leaf, 1b. Leaf drawing mill metric paper

• The number of leaves on a body in a parcel is determined by counting all the leaves. Measurements were carried out on 16.08.2008 and 14.06.2009.

• The average weight of the leaves was determined with electronic scales measuring 100 leaves a

Results and Discussion

Leaf area for 2008 Data on the leaf surface are shown in Chart 1.


0.05 0.01

3.79 5.25

Graph.1.Leaf area in cm for 2008

On the basis of analysis of variance were found high significant differences between some combinations. Cultivar with the largest surface is Jonagold on M 9 30.14 value cm 2, while the smallest value is the cultivar Red Chief on MM 106 (19:26 cm 2). Our results for the combination Jonagold on M 9 do not match the results of the author Zajmi 1986 and this can be explained to some extent that the author Zajmi roots per cultivar Jonagold had variety with average production MM 106, while our data for leaf surface Jonagold combination M 9 partially agree with the authors Salipurovic & Dzamic.

Following are the data on the leaf surface for 2009.


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0.05 5'25 LSD 7 26

0.01 726

Graph.1.Leaf area in cm for 2009


On the basis of analysis of variance found significant differences between some combinations. Cultivar with the largest surface is Jonagold on M 9 31.85 value cm 2, while the smallest value is the cultivar Gala on MM 106 (22:25 cm 2). Tab.9. Leaf surface in m2 / body for 2008

Types Jonagold M9 G. Smith. M 9 D. arte M 9 Gala MM 106 Red Chief MM 104 Pinova MM 104

Area Of leaf in m2/ tree 1.15 1.15 1.02 1.03 0.84 1.02

Combination with larger surface area for body expressed in m2 is Jonagold and Granny Smith on M 9 (1.15 m), while the combination with significantly lower surface is the combination of Red Chief on MM 104 (0.84 m2).

Tab.10. Leaf surface in m2 / body for 2009

Types Jonagold M9 G. Smith M 9 D. arte M 9 Gala MM 106 Red Chief MM 104 Pinova MM 104

Area Of leaf in m2/ tree 1.49 1.44 1.33 1.18 1.24 1.16

In 2009, the combination with the largest surface is Jonagold on M 9 (1.49 m), while the lower Pinova on MM 104 (1.16 m2). The values of the combination of Red

Chief on MM 104 (1.24 m2) of 2009 is much higher than the value in 2008 (0.84 m2).

The number and average weight of the leaves

Figures on the number and average weight of leaves are shown in the following table.

Tab. 11. Number of leaves for 2008


Parameters for 2008 Jonagold M 9 Granny Smith Delishesi arte Klon B Gala MM Red Chief Pinova M M

M 9 M 9 106 MM 104 104

The number of leaves on the body 383 492 381 434 438 369

Tab. 11.seen that the number of leaves to the body in 2008, is the biggest cultivar Granny Smith on M 9 (492 leaves) while most little cultivar Delishesi of Golden Clone B on M 9 (381 leaves).

Tab. 12. Leaf number and average weight of 100 g leaves. for 2009


Parameters for 2008 Jonagold M 9 Granny Smith M 9 Delishesi arte Klon B M 9 Gala MM 106 Red Chief M M 104 Pinova M M 104

The number of leaves on the body 467 530 471 522 497 470

In tab. 12. values are presented for 2009, so the largest number of leaves for the body has reached combination of Granny Smith on M 9 (530 leaves) and smaller numbers reached Jonagold combination on M 9 (467 leaves / body).


Based on our research two years in agro ecological conditions of the region of Anamorava carried out in the orchard in the village Skifteraj with an area of 1 ha planted in 2006 where a total of 7 cultivars planted, while investigations are carried out to six cultivars: Jonagold, Granny Smith, Delishesi Golden Clone B on variety M 9, Gala, Red Chief on MM 106, and Pinova on variety MM 104 aged 3 and 4 can be drawn the following conclusions:

• Both the roots of the cultivars during the research were noted their inherent properties.

• As the roots with production weaker average shown M 9, while production larger roots, MM 106.

This research carried out with very young cultivars as Pinova, Gala and Red Chief will serve as new scientific knowledge and will find practical use in determining the list of cultivars when downs of new orchards.


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Gvozdenovic, D. 2007. Dense planting apple, pear, quince. Prometheus. Novi Sad. Misic P. D; 1978. Apple. Belgrade.

Misic P. 1984. Substrate fruit. Nola. Belgrade.

SALIPUROVIC Biljana., DZAMIC Ruzic. 2001. Influence of different combinations of cultivar-backed U.S.

Vegetative the generative potential of some apple varieties. Yugoslav Pomology. Vol 35th No. 133-134. pp. 55-64.

STAMPAR F. 2009. Sadjarstvo. Pledges, kmecki voice. Ljubljana. Invents M. MASSERON A., and C. Tronel 1993rd Pomme les Variety. Ctifl. Paris. ZAJMI R-A. 1986. The study of the combination of varieties of apple rootstocks for planting was part of us guostom

alluvium (fluvisol) of earth was the Djakovica. (Doctoral dissertation). University was Sarajevo. Faculty of Agriculture. Sarajevo

ZAJMI R.A. 1997. Special Fruit I. University of Prishtina. Pristina.

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