COMPARATIVE TYPOLOGICAL STUDY OF ISSUES IN KARAKALPAK PROSE OF THE XX CENTURY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bekbergenova Mariya Dosbergenovna

The given article deals with comparative typological study of Karakalpak prose of XX century’s 60-80s. it is being connected with historical genre of Karakalpak epics, genetic, Literary and typological relations of questions. Moreover, there are given materials about historical origin of contemporary prose, literary and typological relations between folks, and also the role of literary translations in development and typological relations between nations

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Section 15. Philology

Bekbergenova Mariya Dosbergenovna, candidate of philological sciences, docent Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Faculty of Philology, Karakalpak Literature Department E-mail: Bekbergenova53@mail.ru


Abstract: The given article deals with comparative typological study of Karakalpak prose of XX century's 60-80s. it is being connected with historical genre of Karakalpak epics, genetic, Literary and typological relations of questions. Moreover, there are given materials about historical origin of contemporary prose, literary and typological relations between folks, and also the role of literary translations in development and typological relations between nations.

Keywords: prose, literary connection, problems of typology, comparative-typological analysis, epic genre, types of genre, epic, historical sayings, stories, novelette, novel.

Comparative typological study of Karakalpak prose ofXX century is being connected with historical genre of Karakalpak epics, genetic, Literary and typological relations of questions.

Karakalpak heroic dastans (epic poems) such as "Alpa-mysh", "Kyryk kiz", "Edyge", "Koblan", and others are parental of the epic genre in Karakalpak Literature.

Theoretically, it is given that myths, saying, legends, fairy tales, elegies, and others are forms of epic genre.

In the theory of Karakalpak Literary Text, we can see hypothesis by doctor of philological sciences, Professor K. Mak-setov, in which he mentioned that elegy has epic features and it is depicted as Historical Legend even though it has been included into the list of Folk Literary Texts [1]. Historical Legends, historical ballads, shejire (genetic epic poem) were served as the key element in developing and increasing the nation. There was a traditional style of elegy writing in Karakalpak Literature and moreover we could highlight the followers of this style such as Jiyen Jirau with his work "Poskan El" (The Ruined People), Ajiniyaz work "Bozatau" (the name of district on the territory of Karakalpakstan), Berdakh with his historical works.

Moreover, ballads and poems are types of epic genre. For instance, the works by M. Darybaiv "Aypara" (Aypara), "Shegarada" (At Boarder), J. Aimurzaiv "Gures" (The Fight), "Jumagul" poems, A. Dabilov "Bakhadir" (Brave), S. Nurym-betov "Khanalaslar" (Siblings), T. Jumamutatov "Makaria sulu" (Makariya Beauty) were the stages of forming and

developing epic genre in dastans. Researching the historical conformation of XX century's Karakalpak prose is one of the important questions to deal with. Academic M. K. Nur-mukhamedov had written doctoral dissertation on the topic "The Ways of developing Karakalpak prose genre", he depicted all stages of historical development from small to big issues of the genre, furthermore J. Narimbetov defended candidate's dissertation on the theme "Qaraqalpaq romani: onin qaliplesiwi ham rawajlaniwi" (Karakalpak Novels: formation and development), also we can highlight other works on this field such as candidate dissertations by A. Kojikbaiv on topic "Qaraqalpaq romaninda konflikt ham qaharman" (Conflict and Character in Karakalpak Novels), S. Bakhadirova "Xazirgi qaraqalpaq gurrinleri" (Contemporary Karakalpak Stories), K. Kamalov " Qaraqalpaq povesti: janrdin evolyutsiyasi" (Karakalpak Novelette: evolution of the genre), and also dissertation of doctor of sciences by K. Sultanov "Xazirgi prozanin rawajlaniw bagdarlari" (Direction of Contemporary Prose Development). In addition to these work, there were done and published a lot of monographs and articles by A. Nasruallaiv, K. Mambetov, S. Axmetov, T. Mambetniyazov, K. Allambergenov, P. Nurjanov etc.

From the list of this given works, M. K. Nurmukham-edov's specified with its deep investigating culture, history, language, and literature of Karakalpak language through-outly in various aspects. His several scientific books, articles, and works are well-known among linguists, literary critics


and also among people. For instance, we may underline the works such as "Qaraqalpaq a'debiyatinin rawajlaniwina Rus adebiyatinin ta'siri" (Impact of Russian Literature on development of Karakalpak Literature), "Qaraqalpaq prozasi" (Karakalpak Prose), "Краткий очерк истории каракалпакской литературы" (Brief outline of Karakalpak Literature), "Urisqa shekemgi qaraqalpaq prozasi" (Pre-War Karakalpak Prose), "Каракалпакская проза периода Великий Отечественной войны" (Karakalpak Prose while World War II), "Xazirgi Zaman qaraqalpaq prozasi" (Contemporary Karakalpak Prose), "Каракалпакская советская проза" (Karakalpak Soviet Prose), "О зарождении письменной литературы у полуоседлых и кочевых тюркоязычных народов Средней Азии и Казахстана" (On the birth of written literature in semi-settled and nomadic Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan), "Из истории русско-каракалпакских культурных связей" (From the history of Russian-Karakalpak cultural relations), "Литературная наука и идеологическая борьба" (Literary Sciences and ideological fight), "Каракалпакская поэзия" (Karakalpak Poetry), "Бердах - великий поэт каракалпакского народа" (Berdakh-an outstanding Karakalpak poet), "Бердах -основоположник каракалпакской литературы" (Berdakh-a founder of Karakalpak Literature), "Пушкин - Оренбург и оренбуржцы" (Pushkin-Oienburg and The Orienburgs), "Pushkinnin ertekleri ham Orta Aziya xaliqlarinin folklori" (Pushkin's Fairy-Tales and Central Asian People's Folk) etc.

Especially, the works in researching the prose of Karakalpak literature are currently quite important. The prose of Karakalpak literature which is the main genre of XX century's Karakalpak literature came to emergence in 1920s. Since that there hasn't been any scientific works about the history of Karakalpak prose till 1950-60 years. M. K. Nur-mukhamedov wrote his doctoral dissertation on historical development of Karakalpak prose and this scientific work was novelty in Karakalpak literature. Secondly, M. K. Nur-mukhamedov was the first scientist who carried out research. He made the great job and fulfilled the meaning of Karakalpak prosaic writer's all satirical articles, essays, novels, stories by giving description of them, he selected and analysed all literary text, criticized, isedntified strong and weak sights, described plot, theme, point of view, characters, figurative language, gave feedbacks, and also concluded his writings with vary summaries on newspaper articles, reviews, and books. This scientific work includes XX century's Karakalpak prose during the years 1920-60s. Afterwards, J. Narimbetov, A. Kojikbaiv, S. Bakhadirova, K. Kamalov's scientific works were about the forms of epic genre such as, story, tale and the emergence of novels in particular period and its importance in the history of Karakalpak literature is mentioned. There

has not been particular research on the issues of typology in the prose of Karakalpak Literature.

The term literary relationship is the process of being acquainted with the national literature and making connections. This process happens when writers start to know and deeply aware about their work and be impressed by each other's works. In the light of this literary relationship there are developed new literary traditions, new literary forms, works, images and etc.

These relationships have been in various forms. There may be visits, literary decades, weeks, translations, and so on. Karakalpak people were introduced with the literature of Uzbek, Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Turkmen, Kazakh, Tatar, Bashkurt by seminars, decades, weeks and literary translations. Their works have been constantly announced in newspapers and journals. Well-known literary translators have done these translations such as, J. Aimurzaiv, T. Jumamutatov, I. Yusupov, M. Seitnyazov, K. Seitov, K. Tu-rymbetov etc. Literature scholars K. Maksetov, I. Sagytov, A. Nasruallaiv and others wrote about the importance of literary relationship. Literary relationship enabled poets and writers to develop their works even more. One of the contemporary developers of Karakalpak literature S. Majytov started his career with translation of L. N. Tolstoy's stories into the Karakalpak language.

Literary relationship is the basis of historical development of national literature. It is known that from ancient times there was historical and cultural relationship between Western Europe and Slavic. In early times, as it is known that Arab, Persian and Turkic literature developed strongly, During VIII-XV centuries proves that literary relationship was the forms of literature field. Information about these facts, we can see in the works of professor K. Mambetov [5] and professor K. Kuranbaev [6], professor K. Maksetov [4]. Academic M. K. Nurmukhammedov investigated the relation of Russian and Kakaralpak Literature, and said that this relationship went on through long historical periods [2].

The roots and evidences about relationship of Russian and Karakalpaks found in sources of Kiev Rusi (VIII century the end of XII century) and Union of Tribes of Pechenegs (IX-XI centuries) [3, 224]. These materials proves that relations have deep roots from ancient times.

The relationships of Karakalpak Literature ofXX century were investigated in some research works by vary scholars. This issue was studied by M. K. Nurmukhammedov on topic "The impact of Russian Literature on origin, forming, and evaluation of Karakalpak Literature", K. Mambetov "History of Eastern Literature" and "Uzbek and Karakalpak Literary Relationships", K. Maksetov "Relations of Karakalpak Lietar-ture with other neighboring nations Literature", K. Kuram-bae "Soul waters soul", A. Jaksibaev "Issues on Literary

Translation", B. Kurbanbaev "Berdakh and Uzbek Literature", G. Kuramboeva "Mirtemur and Karakalpak Literary environment". The other years, the problems and issues in relationships of Literature were learned and analysed in scientific and practical conferences at World Literature University named after M. Gorkiy in Moscow city [1.].

To continue the list of scholars who studied the relationships of Literature of vary nations we could give the names of V. M. Jirmunskiy, Kh. G. Korogli and etc.

The translation of literary texts has its own important task and it helps to introduce with spiritual wealth of one nation to another, moreover it stimulates the development of national literary process and increase thematical background of the Literature. Introducing with success of the neighboring nations' culture and literature was the ancient historical aspect in Theory of Literature.

Literary Translation developed as the main element of literary relationships between nations in XX century, almost

the work of translating into Karakalpak the literature of Uzbek, Kazakh, Turkmen writers and poets' masterpieces started in XX century's 30 s.

Also all poets and writers themselves worked on translations, it helped to experience, to enlarge the working diapason, to enter new ideas, topic, themes, forms and genres in their creative works. For instance, Hero of Uzbekistan, state poet of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan Ibrayim Yusupov translated a lot of masterpieces ofworld known writers and poets works into native Karakalpak language, such as, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, Taras Shevchenko, Shakespeare, O. Khaiyam, Navoiy, Uvaisiy, Byron, Gete, Gwynne, Shailer's masterpieces.

And also works of famous Karakalpak writers and poets such as Berdakh and Ajiniyaz's work translated into Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Kazakh languages.

Each national work can be available to other nations through translation, so that literary translation is the most powerful element in Literature.


1. Maksetov K. Karakalpak Folk. Nukus. Education. 1996.

2. Jarimbetov K. Historical development and features of the genre ofXIX century Karakalpak Lyrics. Nukus. Education. 2004.

3. Pakhratdinov A., Allambergenov K., Bekberhenova M. History of Karakalpak Literature of XX century. Nukus. Karakalpakstan. 2011.

4. Relationship and interaction of national literature. Moscow. Publisher. ASc. 1963.

5. Nurmukhammedov M. K. History of Russian-Karakalpak national relations. Nukus. - Karakalpakstan. 1977.

6. Nurmukhammedov M. K. History of Russian-Karakalpak national relations. - Vol. II. Nukus. - Karakalpakstan, 1983.224 p.

7. Maksetov K. Relationship of Karakalpak Lietarture with Neibouring nations Lietarture. Nukus. - Karakalpakstan. 1987.

8. Mambetov K. Uzbek and Karakalpak Literature's relationship. Nukus. - Karakalpakstan. 1992.

9. Kurambaev K. Soul waters souls. Nukus. - Karakalpakstan. 1991.

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