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Ключевые слова
diplomacy / translation / language / understanding / documentation / culture.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bakitov A. T., Smagulova A.S., Zhunusbekkyzy A.

Understanding the nuances of Kazakh, French, and English involves delving into distinct linguistic structures, cultural contexts, and historical influences. From the intricate phonetics of Kazakh to the nuanced politeness levels in French and the vast vocabulary of English, each language presents unique challenges and opportunities for communication. Exploring these peculiarities enhances cross-cultural interactions and fosters a deeper appreciation for the richness embedded in linguistic diversity. The purpose of the paper is to explore the multifaceted challenges inherent in translating documents into Kazakh, French, and English. In Kazakh, the complexity lies in capturing the nuances of a Turkic language intertwined with unique cultural aspects. French presents challenges with its subtle expressions and the necessity to navigate formal and informal registers accurately. English, known for its versatility, demands precision to convey context-specific meanings. The relevance of the study lies in overcoming these challenges necessitates linguistic expertise coupled with a profound understanding of cultural subtleties, ensuring accurate and culturally resonant translations across these linguistically diverse landscapes. Sector 1 of the article provides the interrogation of language complexities, their roles in communicative discourse, and the disputes inherent in scientific evaluation and translation. For the purpose of examining the first sector, descriptive analysis and definitional analysis methods were used. In the sector 2 of the paper, the author arranged ways to optimize the translation process and gave guidance to present more skillful translation. The crucial importance of having background knowledge was discussed, in order to be able to avoid any errors that may occur. Comparative, component and contextual analysis were used. In the final sector, 11 steps of general methodology for translating documents were brought to view, therefore demonstrating that blending various methods is often the most effective way to capture the cultural and historical nuances when translating diplomatic documents and official articles.

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candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of diplomatic translation department , faculty of international relations, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


2candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of diplomatic translation department , faculty of international relations, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

ZHUNUSBEKKYZY A.*3 3Master's student in the first year of study of "Translation studies in the field of diplomatic

relations" Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Annotation. Understanding the nuances of Kazakh, French, and English involves delving into distinct linguistic structures, cultural contexts, and historical influences. From the intricate phonetics of Kazakh to the nuanced politeness levels in French and the vast vocabulary of English, each language presents unique challenges and opportunities for communication. Exploring these peculiarities enhances cross-cultural interactions and fosters a deeper appreciation for the richness embedded in linguistic diversity. The purpose of the paper is to explore the multifaceted challenges inherent in translating documents into Kazakh, French, and English. In Kazakh, the complexity lies in capturing the nuances of a Turkic language intertwined with unique cultural aspects. French presents challenges with its subtle expressions and the necessity to navigate formal and informal registers accurately. English, known for its versatility, demands precision to convey context-specific meanings. The relevance of the study lies in overcoming these challenges necessitates linguistic expertise coupled with a profound understanding of cultural subtleties, ensuring accurate and culturally resonant translations across these linguistically diverse landscapes. Sector 1 of the article provides the interrogation of language complexities, their roles in communicative discourse, and the disputes inherent in scientific evaluation and translation. For the purpose of examining the first sector, descriptive analysis and definitional analysis methods were used. In the sector 2 of the paper, the author arranged ways to optimize the translation process and gave guidance to present more skillful translation. The crucial importance of having background knowledge was discussed, in order to be able to avoid any errors that may occur. Comparative, component and contextual analysis were used. In the final sector, 11 steps of general methodology for translating documents were brought to view, therefore demonstrating that blending various methods is often the most effective way to capture the cultural and historical nuances when translating diplomatic documents and official articles.

Key words: diplomacy, translation, language, understanding, documentation, culture.


Аннотация. Казац, француз жэне агылшын тшдершц мэдени жэне тшдт ерекше рецктерт тYсiну эртYрлi тшдт ц^рылымдарды, мэдени контексттердi жэне тарихи эсерлердi зерттеудi цамтиды. Казац тшнщ кYрделi фонетикасынан бастап француз тiлiндегi сыпайылыцтыц нэзж децгейлерiне дешн жэне агылшын тштц кец свздж цорына

дейт эрб1р тш царым-цатынас ушгн бгрегей проблемалар мен мумкгндгктер усынады. Бул ерекшел1ктерд1 зерттеу мэдениетаралыц взара эрекеттесудг кушейтед1 жэне ттдт эртурлшкке тэн байлыцты терещрек тустуге ыцпал етед1. Бул мацаланыц мандаты цужаттарды цазац, француз жэне агылшын т1лдер1не аударумен байланысты квп цырлы мэселелерд1 зерделеу болып табылады. Казац тшнде ерекше мэдени аспектыермен вршген турк1 тшнщ нюанстарын тусту циындыц тугызады. Француз тш вз1н1ц нэзгк врнектерте жэне ресми жэне бейресми регистрлерде дэл шарлау цажеттштне байланысты циындыцтар тугызады. Эмбебаптыгымен танымал агылшын тЫ1 контекстке байланысты мэндерд1 беру уш1н дэлд1кт1 цажет етед1. Зерттеудщ взекттш: бул циындыцтарды жецу ушгн лингвистикалыц эр турлг ландшафттарда дэл жэне мэдени резонанстыц аудармаларды цамтамасыз ететт мэдени нэз1кт1ктерд1 терец тустумен б1рге лингвистикалыц бглгм цажет. Мацаланыц 1-бвлгмгнде тглдгк циындыцтар, олардыц коммуникативт1 дискурстагы рвл1 жэне гылыми багалау мен аудармага тэн даулар царастырылады. Б1р1нш1 секторды зерттеу мацсатында сипаттамалыц талдау жэне аныцтамалыц талдау эд1стер1 цолданылды. Мацаланыц 2-бвл1м1нде автор аударма процест оцтайландыру жолдарын сипаттап, негурлым бглгктг аударманы усыну бойынша усыныстар берд1. Туындауы мумк1н цателттерден аулац болу уш1н нег1зг1 бшмге ие болудыц ерекше мацыздылыгы талцыланды. Салыстырмалы, компоненттгк жэне контекстт талдаулар цолданылды. Корытынды бвл1мде эртурл1 эд1стерд1ц уйлес1м1 квб1несе дипломатиялыц цужаттар мен ресми мацалаларды аудару кезтде мэдени жэне тарихи нюанстарды ескерудщ ец ти1мд1 эд1с1 болып табылатындыгын кврсететт цужаттарды аударудыц жалпы эдгстеместщ 11 цадамы усынылды.

ТYйiндi свздер: дипломатия, аударма, т1л, тус1н1к, цужаттама, мэдениет.


Аннотация. Понимание лингвистических, культурных нюансов казахского, французского и английского языков предполагает изучение различных языковых структур, культурных контекстов и исторических влияний. От сложной фонетики казахского языка до тонких уровней вежливости во французском и обширного словарного запаса английского, каждый язык представляет уникальные проблемы и возможности для общения. Изучение этих особенностей усиливает межкультурное взаимодействие и способствует более глубокому пониманию богатства, заложенного в языковом разнообразии. Цель статьи заключается в том, что бы исследовать многогранные проблемы, присущие переводу документов на казахский, французский и английский языки. В казахском языке сложность заключается в том, чтобы уловить нюансы тюркского языка, переплетенные с уникальными культурными аспектами. Французский язык создает проблемы из-за его тонких выражений и необходимости точно ориентироваться в формальном и неформальном регистрах. Английский, известный своей универсальностью, требует точности для передачи значений, зависящих от контекста. Актуальность исследования заключается в том, что для преодоления этих проблем необходимы лингвистические знания в сочетании с глубоким пониманием культурных тонкостей, обеспечивающих точные и культурно резонансные переводы в этих лингвистически разнообразных ландшафтах. В разделе 1 статьи рассматриваются языковые сложности, их роль в коммуникативном дискурсе и споры, присущие научной оценке и переводу. С целью изучения первого сектора были использованы методы описательного анализа и дефиниционного анализа. В разделе 2 статьи авторы описали способы оптимизации процесса перевода и дал рекомендации по представлению более квалифицированного перевода. Обсуждалась исключительная важность наличия базовых знаний, чтобы иметь возможность избежать любых ошибок,

которые могут возникнуть. Были использованы сравнительный, компонентный и контекстуальный анализ. В заключительном разделе были представлены 11 шагов общей методологии перевода документов, демонстрирующих, что сочетание различных методов часто является наиболее эффективным способом учета культурных и исторических нюансов при переводе дипломатических документов и официальных статей.

Ключевые слова: дипломатия, перевод, язык, понимание, документация, культура.

Basic provisions

Nowadays, in the era of globalization, the importance of international discourse and the improvement of social forms of interaction between different countries are increasing. At the same time, the process of improving and strengthening the trends of learning foreign languages is being traced, as a result of which interest in the development of these languages in our republic is expanding. The above fully applies to countries that are expanding political, diplomatic, cultural and economic cooperation with the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In this section, we would like to focus on the interpretation of such concepts as "diplomat" and "diplomacy". Diplomatic sources use two terms of the same root, i.e. "diplomat" and "diplomacy", which express different concepts. There are different points of view regarding the definition of the term "diplomacy". The Russian diplomatic glossary provides the following definition of the term "diplomacy": "Diplomacy is the principled activity of heads of state, governments and special bodies of foreign relations in the implementation of goals and objectives of the foreign policy of the state, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of the state abroad" [Tatarinov, 1995:334].

The concept of "diplomat", according to S.I.Ozhegov, means an official, a specialist engaged in diplomatic activities, working in the field of foreign relations. In a figurative sense, subtly, this is a person acting diplomatically [Ozhegov, 1994: 928].

Thus, diplomacy is an independent science that is directly related to international relations and the art of conducting negotiations between heads of governments and states, as well as special branch bodies of foreign relations. Such bodies may include diplomatic representatives or relevant employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that take part in determining specific areas of the State's foreign policy and their implementation by peaceful means.

In the realm of document translation, this introduction sets the stage for an exploration of the intricacies involved. As global communication becomes increasingly vital, understanding the challenges and nuances in translating documents gains prominence. From linguistic variations to cultural subtleties, this journey aims to unravel the complexities that shape effective cross-language communication. The introduction highlights the significance of accurate and culturally sensitive translations, emphasizing the role of language professionals in bridging gaps and fostering meaningful intercultural exchanges.


Exploring the intricacies of language translation encompasses the examination of language complexities, their roles in communicative discourse, and the challenges inherent in scientific evaluation and translation. This investigation extends beyond linguistic, pragmatic, and cultural dimensions, also including other aspects of translation. The acknowledgment of asymmetry in the expression, content, and function of linguistic signs, a focal point in contemporary linguistics, provides insights into language structure and expression, facilitating the identification of similarities and differences in a comparative context. Underscoring the significant importance of translating syntactic structures, the research delves into syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features of interrogative sentences, particularly in fiction (Nida, E.A. and Taber, C.R.2004: 17).

The formulation of translation principles, including the scientific rationale for asymmetrical translation of Kazakh, French and English interrogative sentences, contributes substantially to modern linguistic branches like functional linguistics and translation theory. Therefore our analysis

has significance in clarifying the functions of original units, conducting comparative studies, and establishing theoretical foundations for transferring these functions across languages.

Materials and Methods

One of the most important characteristics for any scientific field is the methods used in it for conducting scientific research. The method exists as a system of actions developed by a person based on experience. The translation method is a purposeful system of interrelated techniques that takes into account the type of translation and the naturally existing translation methods.

The methodology of translation studies is the same as in any other scientific discipline. Being a linguistic discipline, linguistic theory of translation makes extensive use of data and research methods from other branches of linguistics: grammar, lexicology, semasiology, stylistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc. For the general theory of translation, it is of particular importance to extend to its object the general linguistic postulates about language as an instrument of communication, about language as a system and as a set of speech implementations, about the two-dimensional nature of language units, about the relation of language to logical categories and phenomena of the real world.

The choice of translation options to a certain extent depends on the qualifications and individual abilities of the translator. However, the subjectivity of translation is constrained by the necessity to reproduce the content of the original text as fully as possible, and the possibility of such reproduction depends on objectively existing relationships and features of the functioning of the two languages.

Thus, translation represents the translator's subjective realization of objective relationships. The goal of comparison in translation studies is often to identify ways of linguistic expression of a particular meaning, emotion, etc., and linguistic units are compared not necessarily from the same linguistic level. The aim of such comparison is to find ways to optimize the translation process.

A significant method involves comparing non-translated texts in the source and target languages, sometimes referred to as "parallel" or "analogous" texts. This work is carried out to identify correspondences between languages in specific thematic and functional-stylistic areas, which are crucial to consider when translating texts of a particular theme. To some extent, this method is similar to the one used, for example, in lexicography when compiling bilingual dictionaries. However, firstly, the goals of its application do not coincide: in translation studies, this work is done exclusively to improve the translation process. Often, this is done in new areas of human activity where lexicography has not yet provided translators with the necessary dictionaries or glossaries. In lexicography, this method is used to achieve a range of goals, not just to provide translators with necessary dictionaries. Secondly, the method of comparing thematic spheres in two languages is applied specifically to eliminate the typical lag of lexicography from the actual pace of language change.

Eugene Nida and Taber paid special attention to the indirect switching method.

They attempted to study the processes involved in achieving good translations. It was found that translation is best accomplished through three distinct yet closely interconnected processes:

- Analysis: reducing syntactic and semantic structures to the simplest, easily analyzable, and transferable forms.

- Switching: when switching the message from the source language to the target language within the limits of minimal semantic units, the translator inevitably encounters certain difficulties: differences in levels of specificity and accuracy, lack of correspondence in form and function.

- Altering the message structure through further transformations: this should be done after switching the message's content from the source language to the target language. The goal of this operation is to reproduce the message in the closest, equivalent form and with the maximum approximation to the psychological impact on readers and listeners that characterized the text in the source language. The switching procedure poses certain difficulties related to translators' varying personal preferences, which may compromise objectivity. For some, conscientious translation means a literal word-for-word translation, while for others, it involves translating the content.

Nida and Taber also identify an additional, fourth stage, the final step in creating an adequate translation:

- Checking the translation: using specific verification techniques that can confirm its correctness and ensure that it will be acceptable to its intended audience (Nida, E.A. and Taber, C.R. 2004).

During the translation practice, we should strike a balance between "formal equivalence" and "dynamic equivalence", and we should not pursue only one of them, formal equivalence or dynamic equivalence, but should flexibly apply equivalence theory according to the actual situation and effectively combine the formal equivalence theory and dynamic equivalence theory, so as to ensure the faithfulness and readability of the translation. Therefore, we can't only focus on the equivalence of words and forms during the translation, but also take into account the linguistic habits of the readers of the target language, and adopt the natural equivalents close to the original language for translation [Proshina Z. 2008:204]

Incorrect understanding of the linguistic picture of the world and the culture of the target language is the most common reason for choosing the wrong way to convert a translated lexical unit. The consequences of such an error are not only a distortion of the meaning of the statement, but also a violation of the diplomatic norms of interaction between the two cultures, misunderstanding and insulting national feelings. As a result, the entire process of international cooperation may not have positive results, or acquire a negative connotation. Therefore, the role of an interpreter and his professional competence are an instrument of conducting international diplomatic activities no less important than the competence of the diplomats themselves -participants in the communication act. Background knowledge, comprehension of cultures' peculiarities, vocabulary and discernment of source language, as well as the target language and many more helps translator in finding and choosing translation equivalents of lexical units.

Research results and discussion

In the domain of language translation, the methods utilized to convey the meaning and essence of documents across different languages are intricate and varied. From linguistic precision to cultural awareness, the systematic techniques employed in translating documents consider the intricacies of languages and the nuanced context within them. The objective is to illuminate the role of these methodologies in maintaining accuracy, coherence, and cultural appropriateness throughout the translation process. Here's a general methodology for translating documents:

1. Understanding the Source Text:

- Careful reading of the source text to comprehend its meaning, context, and intended audience.

- Identifying any cultural references, idioms, or specialized terminology.

2. Research and Familiarization:

- Conducting research, especially for technical or specialized documents, to ensure accurate translation of terminology.

- Familiarizing oneself with the subject matter to convey the content with precision.

3. Determining Target Audience:

- Identifying the target audience and adapting the translation to suit their linguistic and cultural expectations.

- Considering factors such as formality, tone, and style appropriate for the audience.

4. Choosing the Translation Approach:

- Selecting an appropriate translation approach, such as literal, free, or dynamic translation, based on the nature of the document and its purpose.

5. Creating a Draft:

- Producing an initial draft while focusing on conveying the core meaning and maintaining coherence.

- Paying attention to sentence structure, grammar, and overall readability.

6. Revision and Refinement:

- Reviewing the draft for accuracy, consistency, and adherence to the source text.

- Refining the translation to enhance clarity and flow, ensuring it reads naturally in the target language.

7. Cultural Adaptation:

- Adapting cultural nuances, idioms, and expressions to align with the target culture.

- Ensuring that the translation resonates appropriately with the cultural expectations of the audience.

8. Consultation and Collaboration:

- Seeking input or clarification from subject matter experts or the document's author, if possible.

- Collaborating with other translators or language professionals for diverse perspectives.

9. Proofreading:

- Conducting thorough proofreading to catch any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies.

- Ensuring that the final translation accurately reflects the intended message.

10. Quality Assurance:

- Implementing quality assurance measures to maintain high standards of translation.

- Checking for compliance with legal, ethical, or industry-specific requirements.

11. Document Formatting:

- Paying attention to document formatting to ensure that the translated version aligns with the layout and structure of the original.

This methodology emphasizes a holistic and meticulous approach to document translation, balancing linguistic accuracy with cultural sensitivity to produce a high-quality and contextually appropriate final product.

To support the claim, we can point out a recent visit of France president to Astana. Emmanuel Macron began, Wednesday, November 1 in Astana, a trip to Central Asia, a region where France aims to strengthen its presence against the backdrop of a race for influence between Russians, Chinese and Europeans. There have been various articles on various languages of president's statements, in which we can notice the change of structure depending on the specifics of grammar in translation.

For instance: "La vigueur [de notre partenariat] vient démontrer les bons axes stratégiques qui ont été pris mais [aussi] la nécessité de les 304ommercia et les accélérer, ce qui est tout le sens de la visite ", a 304ommerc Emmanuel Macron au côté de son homologue ommer.

"The strength [of our partnership] comes to demonstrate the good strategic axes that have been taken but [also] the need to complement and accelerate them, which is the whole meaning of the visit," said Emmanuel Macron alongside his Kazakh counterpart.

In Kazakh language it was translated as: "Бул сапар 6i3d^ ек1жацты cepiKmecmmMi3 ушт мацызды жылмен туспа-тус келт отыр. Бугт 6i3 e3eKmi халыцаралыц мэселелер бойынша niKip алмасып, Б¥¥ Жаргысын, соныц штде аумацтыц тутастыц, улттыц тэуелЫздт цагидаттарын сацтауга бeйiлдi eкeнiмiздi тагы да нацтылай аламыз." In that case we can notice usage of specific verification techniques that certify its accuracy and guarantee that it will be satisfactory to its deliberate readers as Nida and Taber have noted.

The same transformation happens in translation from French into English. For instance: "Le Kazakhstan riche en pétrole est déjà devenu un Fournisseur de pétrole de rechange pour les pays européens dépourvus d'approvisionnement russe et un maillon important de la nouvelle route 304ommercial Chine-Europe en contournant la Russie ".

In the English article it was translated as "Oil-rich Kazakhstan has already emerged as a replacement supplier of crude to European nations turning off Russian supply and an important link in the new China-Europe trade route by passing Russia."

Kassym-Jomart Tokaïev a lui aussi insisté sur la "nécessité" de donner une "impulsion supplémentaire" aux relations entre Paris et Astana. "La France est notre partenaire clé et fiable

dans l'Union européenne", s'est félicité le dirigeant, selon un communiqué de l'administration présidentielle kazakhe.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev also insisted on the "need" to give an "additional impetus" to relations between Paris and Astana. "France is our key and reliable partner in the European Union," the leader welcomed, according to a statement from the Kazakh presidential administration.

Касым-Жомарт Тоцаев Париж мен Астана арасындагы царым-цатынасца "цосымша сертн беру" цажетттн алга тартты. "Франция - Еуропалыц Одацтагы бiздiц басты жэне сенiмдi серiктесiмiз", - дедi Казацстан Президентi Эшмшшгшц мэлiмдемесiнде.


Navigating the peculiarities of translating is a multifaceted endeavor that extends beyond the mere transposition of words from one language to another. It is an intricate dance that involves delicately maneuvering through linguistic nuances, cultural subtleties, and contextual intricacies. As languages serve as vessels of culture, understanding the idiosyncrasies embedded within them becomes paramount for a translator seeking to communicate not just words, but the essence and spirit of the message.

In this intricate tapestry of linguistic diversity, each language brings forth its own set of challenges and unique characteristics. Take Kazakh, for example, where the rich cultural history and nomadic heritage infuse the language with layers of meaning that might be elusive to an outsider. The translator, therefore, must not only be proficient in the linguistic structures but also possess a keen awareness of the historical and cultural context to accurately convey the intended message.

French, with its elegance and nuanced expressions, demands a finesse that goes beyond literal translation. The translator must grasp the subtle undertones and the artistry inherent in the language to maintain the integrity of the original text. French, being a language of diplomacy and refinement, requires a translator to be not just a linguistic expert but a connoisseur of cultural sophistication.

On the other hand, English, as a global lingua franca, presents its own set of challenges. Its vast vocabulary and the ability to adapt to various contexts make it a versatile tool for communication. However, this adaptability also necessitates a nuanced understanding of the intended audience and the appropriate register to strike the right chord. The translator must navigate the spectrum of English variants, from formal to colloquial, with finesse to capture the essence of the source text accurately.

In summary, successful navigation of the peculiarities of translating demands a harmonious fusion of linguistic expertise, cultural acumen, and contextual awareness. It's not merely about substituting words; it's about transmuting meaning across cultural landscapes. A skil led translator acts as a cultural mediator, bridging gaps and facilitating a seamless exchange of ideas. In this dynamic process, the translator becomes not just a conveyor of words but a steward of cultural understanding, fostering a connection that transcends linguistic boundaries.


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2. Zhen Zhang: An Introduction to Translation Studies (Tsinghua University Press, China 2018)

3. Munday, J. (2001). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and

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5. Комиссаров В.Н. (1990) Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты) - М.: Высш.шк. - 253 с.

6. Proshina Z.(2008) THEORY OF TRANSLATION (ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN), 3d edition, revised - Vladivostok Far Eastern University Press - 256 p.

7. Tatarinov, V.A. The history of Russian terminology / V.A.Tatarinov. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1995. - 334 p.

8. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian Cultural Foundation; -2nd ed., ispr. and add. - M.: AZ, 1994. - 928 p.

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7. France24.com. 01.11.2023/https://www.france24.com/fr/france/20231101-emmanuel-macron-est-arriv%C3%A9-au-kazakhstan-o%C3%B9-il-d%C3%A9marre-sa-tourn%C3%A9e-en-asie-centrale

8. LePoint.fr. 01.11.2023/ https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/macron-au-kazakhstan-et-en-ouzbekistan-un-voyage-en-terres-convoitees-01-11 -2023-2541544 24.php#11

9. Akorda.kz. 11.03.2023/ https://www.akorda.kz/kz/kazakstan-men-franciya-prezidentteri-shagyn-kuramda-kelissoz-zhurgizdi -1103235

10. Reuters.com. 01.11.2023/ https://www.reuters.com/world/kazakhstan-welcomes-frances-macron-under-moscows-disapproving-gaze-2023-11-01/

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