Научная статья на тему 'Methods of translation of socio-political texts (with the examples of English language)'

Methods of translation of socio-political texts (with the examples of English language) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Yusupov Asror

This paper intends to examine the teaching methods of socio-political texts in written translation in two languagesEnglish and Uzbek. The paper includes English textual analysis with the translation into Uzbek. The findings of the research revealed that teaching socio-political texts related to English language in written translation requires understanding and identifying the terms and homonyms as well as using different kind of methods of their translation. Through these features given some examples concerning English socio-political texts as well as their translation in Uzbek language is analyzed and teaching methods are given with the conclusion of the text analysis. Moreover, using these methods in written translation is very helpful for students to understand socio-political texts in English language.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methods of translation of socio-political texts (with the examples of English language)»


Yusupov A.


Abstract: this paper intends to examine the teaching methods of socio-political texts in written translation in two languages- English and Uzbek. The paper includes English textual analysis with the translation into Uzbek. The findings of the research revealed that teaching socio-political texts related to English language in written translation requires understanding and identifying the terms and homonyms as well as using different kind of methods of their translation. Through these features given some examples concerning English socio-political texts as well as their translation in Uzbek language is analyzed and teaching methods are given with the conclusion of the text analysis. Moreover, using these methods in written translation is very helpful for students to understand socio-political texts in English language.

Keywords: teaching methods in written translation, socio-political texts, translation techniques, adaptation.

1. Introduction

Translation is a very common phenomena in the area of language teaching. Some researchers define translation as a way to conclude the appropriate interpretation. Translation as "the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)" (Catfor, 1965:p.20). According to Catford's definition equivalence is regarded the most important aspect of written translation. Similarly, Bell (1991:p.6) defines translation as "the replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in the second language". Thus, the main goal of translation process is to achieve the proper equivalence. Nida (1964:p.94) stated that" language is part of the culture, but translation from one language to another involves, in addition to other cultural problems, the social and in some case political characteristics of respect language". Nida and Taber (1982:p.12) defined translation as "translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language (SL) message firstly, in terms of meaning and secondly in term of style".

In this paper we suggest some teaching methods of translating socio-political texts in written translation with the accordance of given definitions by linguists above and their effects in understanding of socio-political texts.

2. Political and social texts

In order to understand teaching methods of socio-political texts in written translation it is essential to investigate what political and social texts. In addition, it is pivotal to investigate how to define and specify genres for the rationale of political and social texts in written translation.

Political texts belong to the category of the special languages used in social science, and are closely linked to the history of political thought. In political language there are a lot of terms that related to official events and ceremonies, historical events, recording data and facts such as highlighting important legal and territorial changes and political events in the world, wars, treaties and others. The political representations of different countries generally require the use of two or more languages and therefore the languages used on the scene of diplomacy are in permanent contact thus establishing a kind of lingua franca of diplomacy. These scenes of diplomacy are relations with third countries and international organizations, international forums and non-political events with international impact.

Political text and terminology have the following functions:

1. Expressive function that expresses aims;

2. Objective function that aims to influence people's thinking and their actions;

3. Symbolic function meaning that thoughts and feelings are expressed by political symbols.

According to those functions in the sphere of political texts there are a lot of terms which can have different meanings in English language and without a doubt in the process of written translation translators come across difficulties not only to translate but also to understand them.

Although translators function to a certain extent as editors—they clarify the text and make it acceptable to a new audience—they must not attempt to correct what they perceive to be errors in the text. If tempted to do so, they would be advised to introduce any disagreements they may have with the original in a footnote or a translator's introduction, which should be as objective as possible and take the form of explanations rather than argumentative commentaries. Social science texts in English language have variety of meanings in the field of special science or in oral speech of the nation. In this case translators need to clarify their multi-meanings to create exact translation. Social terms can be associated with different field of science such as history, linguistics, medicine and others. Social scientists who introduce new concepts usually express them in words or phrases devised expressly for the purpose. After widely accepted, they become technical terms.

Texts in the natural sciences and technical texts resemble those in the social sciences in that they require of the translator an intimate knowledge of the subject matter at hand. However, since the natural sciences deal primarily with physical phenomena and their measurement, lexical choices tend to be cut and dried. This phenomenon is seen in Uzbek language, too. For instance, in this language there are such kind of terms related to different kinds of level of nation and social science.

Teaching methods.

In order to translate socio-political texts using some teaching methods requires several steps. The main reason for this is multi-meaning of terms in English language. These methods are very helpful to identify the terms and translate them properly.

In the given table below there is given some methods which are used in written translation.

Table 1. Methods of translation


o ^

1. Teaching and identifying socio-political terms in English language;

2. Understanding socio-political terms in English texts

3. Choosing proper translation technique

Each of the methods in the table has their features to understand. The first method that is teaching and identifying socio-political term in English language is used to help and teach translators how to identify exact terms in English languages. Because of the globalization and changes in the world, a lot of new terms appear in world languages such as English, French, Russian and others. For example:

Table 2. Used new terminology

1. From Stettin the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the continent. 1. The term "iron curtain"

2. Under international law, it is illegal to deprive nationals of citizenship if to do so would leave them stateless 2.The term "stateless"

In this text the terms related to political sphere are "iron curtain" and "stateless. Translators, firstly, need to identify words or word phrases that have socio-political meaning. To carry out this process, the first method which is given in the first table is used. In order to identify the terms from English texts the translator should understand metaphors. As we mentioned above political term


"iron curtain" has its metaphor meaning. If we translate this term phrase using its direct meaning, it will lose its political meaning and the text will not be understandable. So finding out metaphors we can use the first teaching method is used in written translation process.

The second method is called understanding the terms in English texts. This method is required to get the meaning of the terms after finding out them and before translating them. The main reason for this is that there are a lot of homonyms and it is difficult to clarify and translate from one language to another. For example:

Table 3. Harmonyms

New virus is being spread fast in Chine. The

residents of some cities are objecting not to be Homonyms:

given first aids. Yet, aides are trying to help Aids

them as much as they can. Aides

The third method is choosing proper translation techniques. The process of translating sociopolitical terms in written translation translators use several translation techniques such as expanding, omitting, adding and others. For example:

Table 4. Techniques of translation


From Stettin to Trieste in the Adriatic area an iron curtain has descended across the continent.


New virus is being spread fast in China. The residents of some cities are objecting not to be given first aids. Yet, aides are trying to help them as much as they can.


Qit'a bo 'ylab joylashgan devorning Stetindan Trestegacha bo 'lgan qismi Adriatika hududida quladi


Xitoyda yangi virus tez tarqalmoqda. Ba 'zi shaharlarning aholisi birinchi tez yordam ko 'rsatilmayotganligidan norozi bo 'lmoqda. Ammo tez tibbiy yordam xodimlari imkon qadar _yordam qilishmoqda._

In these texts the translation technique adaptation is used by the translator. As it can be seen from the text the term "iron curtain " consists two words, but the translation in Uzbek language is only one word "devorning". Conversely, next terms "aids" and "aides" are one word only, but their translations in Uzbek language are consisted of several words. In order to translate them into Uzbek language, adaptation is used also. If these terms were translated word by word, their meanings would not be understandable in Uzbek language. So, choosing or finding out right translation techniques is very crucial in written translation.


Written translation is one of the most difficult subjects faced by students. The difference between Uzbek and English languages and the variation in their cultures make the process of translating a real challenge and with the globalization this challenge is becoming more complex. Teaching methods in written translation which we have discussed in this paper are really fruitful to understand and translate of socio-political texts. Throughout our paper, we have tried to show some translation methods and their usages with the given examples. Analyzing the examples, we can conclude that using the translation methods in the process of socio-political texts helps us not only to translate texts but also to understand the terms and overall meaning of contexts. In conclusion it is visible that three methods which we have given are directly connected to each other and by using those jobs of translator and students' overall comprehension of socio-political terms are easier.


1. Catford John Cubbison, 1995. A linguistic theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press.

2. Chesterman Andrew and Waguar Emma, 2002. Can theory help translators? Manchester. UK St. Jerome Publishing

3. Bell R., 1991. Translation and translating: Longman Group UK.

4. CatfordJ.C., 1995. A linguistic theory of Translation: an essay an applied linguistics. Oxford University Press. London.

5. Nida E.A., 1964. Principle of correspondence. L.Venutti. the translation studies reader.

6. Nida E.A. and Taber C.R., 1982. The theory and practice of translation. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

7. Cambridge Advanced Learner's dictionary 3rd edition.


Rakhmatillaeva Sh.B.


Abstract: the article deals with the peculiar features of implicature in advertisement texts. In this respect, it is necessary to define the word "implicature". There are different scholars, who provide definitions to the term "implicature".

Keywords: pragmatics, Implicature, slogan, Politeness Principle by Leech.

According to Dyer's point of view not all information and advertisement can get people's attention, because of the selection process. People only choose the interesting or essential one for them. In order to catch people's attention, an advertisement must be attractive. This can be obtained through the way an advertiser creates the illustration, text, headline, slogan, color.

As varieties of slogans of the products in advertisement shown on mass media are analyzed. Today, television is worldwide used by many people. Some of them want to know the data on some products showing the slogan by watching television. Often, they can see the slogan accidentally when consumers watching TV. Nowadays, the various slogans in television can be seen. Most of them are medicine but they achieve to attract readers' attention in most cases. For instance: Gets The Red Out Visine (Medicine). The slogan "Gets The Red Out" comes from the medicine product for eyes, which is called Visine. The scene shows a woman who works as manager in the official company. Besides she always busy with meetings, suddenly, when she is going to meeting to make an agreement, on the way car come in front of her making a lot of dust. Then, the dust hurts manager's eyes and makes them red. As the solution, she takes Visine to cure his eyes. Finally, she is freed from her eye's problem. The word "red" implies that the problem everybody faces about eyes being red. So, they need to resolve this problem. The word 'Gets.. ..out' implies that people can be freed of the obstacles. From those explanations, the people believe that the medicine "Visine" is the best solution for their eyes problem. They will be interested to buy "Visine" when suffering from eye ache because they want to be cured from it. By the conclusions above, it can be said that the implicit message of a slogan will influence on people to do something, to buy product. Analysis of the implicature in slogans of various kind of product advertise in mass media or TV can be helpful to identify the hidden meaning of them.

The use of pragmatic implicature in advertisements can be prolonged by a lot of examples especially in the tourism industry which has had a development in the recent years. Therefore, implicatures play an essential role in advertising as they convey messages and interpretations that people would never dream of or think about if they were given direct associations. In most situations, hidden meaning can help to people to think and require background knowledge.

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