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Ключевые слова
adverb / comparative analysis / adverbs / English and Tajik languages / simple / derivative / compound and composite adverbs.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich

The article dwells on the issues beset with the comparative analysis of word-building potential of English adverbial suffix -ly and its Tajik equivalents. It is underscored that the lexical fields of adverbs are very broad and their functional types are different. It is concluded that adverbs are divided into simple, derivative, compound and composite groups based on their structure in the comprative languages and depending on their meaning they are singled out into the following sub-groups, such as: place, time, direction, frequency, modal (English), cause and purpose, manner of action and quantity and degree. Hereby, we can canvass those Tajik equivalents of English derivative adverbs of formed by this suffix are not identical and the same-formed ones, and some of them are used and translated as simple, derivative, compound & mix structural and composite ones.

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EQUIVALENTS Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich

Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of linguistics and comparative typology attached to the faculty of Foreign languages under the SEI "Khujand State

University named after academician B.Gafurov https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8545-2329; https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11082369

Abstract. The article dwells on the issues beset with the comparative analysis of wordbuilding potential of English adverbial suffix -ly and its Tajik equivalents. It is underscored that the lexicalfields of adverbs are very broad and their functional types are different. It is concluded that adverbs are divided into simple, derivative, compound and composite groups based on their structure in the comprative languages and depending on their meaning they are singled out into the following sub-groups, such as: place, time, direction, frequency, modal (English), cause and purpose, manner of action and quantity and degree. Hereby, we can canvass those Tajik equivalents of English derivative adverbs offormed by this suffix are not identical and the same-formed ones, and some of them are used and translated as simple, derivative, compound & mix structural and composite ones.

Keywords: adverb, comparative analysis, adverbs, English and Tajik languages, simple, derivative, compound and composite adverbs.

Annotatsiya. Maqolada ingliz tilidagi -ly qo'shimchasi va uning tojikcha ekvivalentlarining so'z yasash imkoniyatlarini qiyosiy tahlil qilish masalalariga to'xtalib o'tiladi. Qo'shimchalarning lugaviy sohalari juda keng bo'lib, funksional turlari har xil ekanligi takidlanadi. Xulosa qilinadiki, qo'shimchalar qiyosiy tillarda tuzilishiga ko'ra sodda, hosila, qo'shma va qo'shma guruhlarga bo'linadi va ma'nosiga ko'ra quyidagi kichik guruhlarga ajratiladi: o'rin, vaqt, yo'nalish, chastota., modal (inglizcha), sabab va maqsad, harakat tarzi va miqdor va daraja. Bu orqali ingliz tilidagi hosila qo'shimchalarining tojikcha ekvivalentlari o'xshash va bir xil shaklli emasligini va ularning ba'zilari sodda, hosila, qo'shma va aralash strukturaviy va qo'shma shakllarda qo'llanib, tarjima qilinganini ko'rib chiqishimiz mumkin.

Kalit so^zlar: ergash gap, qiyosiy tahlil, ergash gaplar, ingliz va tojik tillari, sodda, hosila, qo 'shma va qo 'shma ergash gaplar.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы сравнительного анализа словообразовательного потенциала английского наречного суффикса -ly и его таджикских эквивалентов. Подчеркивается, что лексические поля наречий очень широки и их функциональные типы различны. Сделан вывод о том, что наречия по структуре в компратативных языках делятся на простые, производные, составные и сложные группы и в зависимости от значения выделяются на следующие подгруппы, такие как: место, время, направление, частотность. , модальное (английское), причина и цель, способ действия, количество и степень. Таким образом, мы можем выявить те таджикские эквиваленты английских производных наречий, образованных этим суффиксом, которые не являются тождественными и однообразными, а некоторые из них употребляются и переводятся как простые, производные, составные и смешанные структурные и составные.

Ключевые слова: наречие, сопоставительный анализ, наречия, английский и таджикский языки, простые, производные, сложные и составные наречия.


Commonly, "the subject of language typology includes all the systems of the world's famous languages and the relevant field is considered to be as a part of general linguistic studies. Therefore, a series of factological materials and proved evidence targeted at the comparative study of near and foreign languages is one of the natural branches of linguistic typology. There is a difference between typological and comparative studies of languages - both in terms of the linguistic research method: in comparative research they use the deductive method, and in terms of typology - the inductive method is used" [16, p.120; 12, p.257].

It is worth stressing that one of the issues dealing with grammatical and morphological categories of adverb in both Tajik and English languages is the key one in today's linguistics studies under the angle of comparative aspect. Hence, adverb is considered to be one of the independent parts of speech, which the relevant linguistic unit is backgrounded later than other parts of speech in the languages under comparison. As well as, the part of speech in question is introduced in details and is included into the program targeted at higher educational establishments. Iranian linguists have also paid particular attention to the exploration and consideration of adverb. In conformity with Ali Muhammad Furughi's opinion, this part of speech is a linguistic unit that is resorted to differentiate and reveal the content of verb, adjective or any other adverb [15, p.132].

As well as, D.S. Phillot devoted a section of his work to adverbs and adverbial phrases and he explained in detail the ways and means of the derivation of adverbs and adverbial composition and phrases. He noted that "auxiliary adverbal one is a participle used as an adverb, the noun of an adverb can be a noun instead of the former in question" and he considered adverbs and adverbial phrases the relevant part of speech as any words and phrases, even separate sentences [14, p.495-487].

Into the bargain, "original adverbs" the usage of nouns and adjectives and certain pronouns and Arabic words and phrases as adverbs; the derivation of adverbs by dint of suffixes has also been canvassed by G.K. Zaleman [7, p.65-67].

Under the angle of a famous scholar in linguistic studies - E.E. Bertels one can assert that "while forming the part speech in question (in Persian) transfers from adjectives to adverb without any changing its form by dint of the nominal parts with the suffix -ona and adverbization of Arabic words (by means of the suffix -an) as well" [4, p.75-79].

In reference to it, Yu.A. Rubinchik has adduced detailed information concerned with sematico-grammatical peculiarities of Tajik adverbs, on its difference from modal words and adverbs derivation by means of the affixes ba-, -i, -aki, prepositions and nominal parts and various words repetition, in particular [11, p.92].

Book Review

While conducting the contrastive analysis, we have resorted to the following works, literary productions and bilingual dictionary as reliable sources, including: "Ghulomon" by S.Aini (2019) [1]; "Lughat-i anglisi-tojiki" by A.Mamadnazarov (2011) [10]; "A Book of Golden Deeds" by Jim Manis (2004) [17] and "Lughat-i muxtasri kalimasozii zaboni adabii tojik" (1983) [5]. These sources are of great importance and contribute the key role in the development of comparative linguistics studies.

The objectives of the article under consideration are: to carry out distinctive peculiarities of some derivative adverbs morphologically; to reveal the significance of the above-mentioned reliable sources theoretically and scientifically; to compare the place and role of word-building elements forming a series of adverbs in the comparative languages; to dwell on certain urgent issues beset with the theme explored in details.


While canvassing the distinctive peculiarities and the level of usage of the prefixes under study, we have resorted the following visual methods, such as: comparative-historical, synchronic-diachronic ones.

Main results and discussion

The majority of simple adverbs of the comparative languages are of the long history and they possess specific functions and particular features, upon the whole. Affixation is very productive in adverbial word-derivation in the comparative languages. By dint of prefixes and suffixes a large considerable number of new adverbs of manner are formed from various parts of speech, namely noun, adjective, verb bases we will reveal their certain morphological and semantical features in terms of comparative aspects. The derivation of adverbs by means of affixes is considered to be one of the most common and productive ways of word-building, and all independent parts of speech possess such kind of potentiality in the languages under comparison. In reference to it, affixes occupy an important role in the word-building potential and involve in the formation of adverbs, but they are shared between adverbs and adjectives as well.

There are a number of affixes in the comparative languages: Tajik word-building elements prefixes: be-, no-, ba-, bo-, bar-, dar-, to- and the following traditional Tajik adverbial suffixes still occupy an important role, including: -aki, -o, -ona, -vor, -noki, -son, -i (-gi) and -an [6: 275] and prefixes English: im-; un-, non-, mis-, dis- suffixes: -ly, -wards, -wise, -ically and only in- is a prefix denoting the place.

Hereby, we will focus on comparative analysis of morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of certain derivative adverbs in English and Tajik languages.

It is well-grounded that adverbs of both languages are divided into simple, derivative, compound and composite morphologically. Factual material of the comparative languages like Tajik language: zud, soz, sahl, aknun, fardo, pes, der, por, di, dus, edar, edus, hamesa, hanuz, bisyor, allakai one-rooted words are included in simple adverbs and like English: very - xele, fast - tex, here - injo, why - baroi ci, always - hamesa [2; 3; 13]. For instance:

I don't realize the fact that why we must tell them about her - Man namefahmam, ki caro mo boyad ba onho dar bora-i u naql kunem [Translated by the author].

...ba sarofat-i janob-i oli amir-i Bukhoro-i sarif dar in jo bo osudagi zindagi mekuned [1, p.200]- ...owing to His Excellency - the Emir of Bukhara, you live here comfortably [Translated by the author];

Aknun dar kujo budanam va kujo raftanam-ro durust pay naburdam [1, p.317] - Now I didn't know where I have been and where I was going to [Translated by the author].

Adducing the results of the above-mentioned examples one can assert that the equivalents of simple adverbs of EL into Tajik are various ones, because here (simple) = in jo (composite) and where (simple) = dar kujo (composite) morphologically.

The majority of English adverbs are derivated by virtue of the adverbial suffix -ly. It is worth stressing the formation of adverbs from different parts of speech is considered to be one of the main and most productive ways of adverb derivation or word-building in the comparative

languages [3; 4; 16]. We can confidently express our opinion that the usage of parts of speech in adverb derivation is not identical in Tajik and English languages. Adjectives are more frequently used in the formation of adverbs than other parts of speech in the languages being compared. Hereby, we decided to single out certain English derivative adverbs into sub-groups based on various parts of speech + the adverbial suffix -ly and to dwell on distinctive and common peculiarities in term of structure:

a) based on noun + the adverbial suffix -ly: name - namely (asosan, yane), man - manly (odamvor, insoniyona), friend - friendly (dustona, rafiqona, boiltifot), brother - brotherly (barodarona), sister - sisterly (xoharona), master - masterly (jobukona, mohirona): Xanda nakuneton, -guft agrotexnik, -asosan fikr-i in rafiq durust ast [1, p.449] - My dear, I must leave you, that is my only regret, except that I could not restore my king to the throne; I leave you in the midst of a civil war, that is what afflicts me [17, p.254].

While adducing and collecting the appropriate examples and facts we didn't find the English equivalent of namely in "A Book of Golden Deeds" by Jim Manis (2004) [17], but J.Manis had resorted to that is very much as a synonym of the above-mentioned English derivative adverb in his book.

b) based on adjective + the adverbial suffix -ly: serious - seriously (jiddi, aniq), happy -happily (xusbaxtona, xursandona), general - generally (dar umum, dar majmu', umuman, hamagi), proper - properly (xosatan, az jumla, bavizha), original - originally (aslan, dar asl), wise - wisely (donismandona, xiradmandona, boaqlona), proud - proudly (boiftixor), honest - honestly (boinsofona, bovijdonona), haughty - haughtily (bogurur), active - actively (faolona, bogayratona), faithful - faithfully (bovafo): Happily their shout was heard by a man of different mould [17: 222], Sodiq az xona baromada ba taraf-i kohxona raft, zanak xursandona ba sar-i otasdon nigoh karda davida raft, ba ospazi daromad va bacagonas, ki az kuca omadand, bo jusu xurusi bacagona tractor-ro ta'rif karda xursandii u-ro meafzudand... [1, p.405], He actively and dexterously took part in all manly sports, espe-cially shooting and riding [17, p.245], Aknun lozim meoyad, ki in kas az sumo ziyodtar haq girand-diya -guft javon-i yakdasta, ki az taraf-i boy Yuldosev xitob yofta bud,piciigomezona ba boy... [1, p.396].

c) based on numeral + the adverbial suffix -ly: first -firstly (naxust, avvalan, dar avval), second - secondly (soniyan, ba'dan), third - thirdly (seyuman, seyum marotiba): Firstly, I want to tell you about this grammatical feature, secondly, I will dwell on its common and deferent aspects, thirdly, I can come to the certain conclusion - Avvalan, mexoham dar bora-i in xususiyat-i grammatiki naql namoyam, soniyan, jihatho-i umumi va farqunanda-i on-ro barrasi mekunam, ba^dan, ba yak xulosa-i aniq omada metavonam [translated by the author].

d) based on participle I &II + the adverbial suffix -ly: delighted - delightedly (taajjubomezona, hayratomezona) devoted - devotedly (bovafo), well grounded - wellgroundedly (boasos), willing - willingly (sidqan), surprising - surprisingly (taajjubomezona, hayratomezona), seeming - seemingly (zohiran), feeling - feelingly (boehsosot): Mirsab taajjubkunon sar-i xud-ro az on darica darun karda, har taraf-i darun-i zinxona-ro az nazar guzaronid [1, p.205] -Surprisingly, mirsab poked his head through the door and examined all sides of the saddle room [translated by the author].

Based on the above-given examples, we decided to dwell and canvass TEs (Tajik equivalents) of EDAs (English derivative adverbs) derived by virtue of the relevant prefix are not identical, namely, the majority of them are used and translated into TL (Tajik language) as simple, derivative & mix structural, compound and composite ones: simple: jiddi, aniq/seriously, naxust /

firstly, yane / namely; derivative by means of the prefixes bo-& ba-: bavizha / properly, boiltifot / friendly, boiftixor /proudly, bogurur / haughtily, bovafo / faithfully, bovafo / devotedly, boasos / well groundedly, boehsosot / feelingly; the suffix -an: asosan / namely, umuman / generally, xosatan / properly, aslan / originally, avvalan / firstly, soniyan, badan / secondly, seyuman / thirdly, sidqan / willingly, zohiran / seemingly; the suffix — i (-gi); hamagi / generally; the suffix -ona: insoniyona / manly, dustona, rafiqona /friendly, barodarona / brotherly, xoharona / sisterly, jobukona, mohirona / masterly, xursandona/ happily, fa olona / actively, the suffix -vor: odamvor / manly; mix structural boaqlona / wisely, boinsofona, bovijdonona / honestly, bogayratona / actively; compound: xusbaxtona / happily, taajjubomezona, hayratomezona / delightedly, taajjubomezona, hayratomezona / surprisingly, xiradmandona, donismandona / wisely; composite: dar umum, dar majmuV generally, az jumla /properly, dar asl / originally, dar avval / firstly, seyum marotiba / thirdly.

In modern English literary language, there are a number of words that resemble adverbs in term of their writing or structure (by virtue of the suffix -ly), while they are adjectives, as follows:

brotherly - barodarona manly - mardona

costly - arzanda masterly - mohirona

cowardly - tarsu motherly - modarona

deadly - margvor neighbourly - dar hamsoyagi

elderly - solxurda orderly - saristakorona

fatherly - padarona scholarly - olimona

friendly - dustona sisterly - xoharona

lively - zindadil timely - muosir

lonely - tanho motherly love - modarvor dust dostan

lovely - jozibaangez elderly people - cun odamoni solxurda

Into the bargain, EL, the following word s way, manner, fashion participate to form new

adverbs. Usually, they form series of adverbs of manner, and in Tajik language, such the formers in question are derivated by dint of the suffixes -ona, -an and -vor: in a friendly way - dustona; in a timely manner - hamzamon; in an orderly fashion - tadrigan; in a motherly way - modarvor.

It should be underscored that some adverbs have two forms in EL, the first form is a simple adverb like to adjective and the other is a derivative adverb formed by means of the adverbial suffix -ly. Traditionally, such simple and derivative adverbs differ only in terms of meaning:

close - nazdik closely - bodiqqat

deep - cuqur deeply - amiqan

first - saravval firstly - avvalan

free - roygon freely - ozodona

hard - saxt hardly - bazur

last - oxirin bor lastly - dar oxir, dar xulosa

late - der lately - dar vaqthoi oxir

near - pesi nearly - qarib

The family only lately became extinct in the person of an old maiden lady [17, p.20], Too late the warnings returned upon the King's mind, and he knew it was he alone who was sought [17, p.148], Ba har hol har kore-ro, ki sar karda bosad, der yo zud ba poyon rasonida bud [1, p.26], Dar vaqtho-i oxir odat-i ba murda janosa xondan va u-ro gurondan ham barham xurd [1, p. 112].

In certain set of phrases and compositions, the derivative adverb formed by dint of the suffix -ly does not differ from simple one, as follows: to sell cheap / cheaply - arzon furuxtan; to speak loud / loudly - baland gap zadan; to go slow / slowly - ohista roh raftan; to come quick / quickly - zud omadan; to contact somebody direct / directly - bevosita bo kas-e dar aloqa budan

[13]: - "Xar hamon xar ast, polonas digar sudaast," - guft yake az bozoriyon qadr-e ovoz-i xud-ro baland karda [1, p.63].

It is worth mentioning that the usage of simple adverbs (without the adverbial suffix -ly) is characteristic only in oral speech or vernaculars. As a rule, such kinds of derivative adverbs are placed before the verb in in a sentence: He quickly (quick - is wrong) ran towards the door. - U tez ba nazd-i dar davida raft.

It is worth mentioning that certain simple English adverbs are used without the adverbial suffix -ly and they are seen only in the composition of set of phrases:

"Take it easy! - Xavotir nasaved!; Hold tight! - Xud-ro mahkam dored!; He held her close. - Vay u-ro saxt dar ogus girift.; Stay (Keep) clear of him! - Az vay xuddori kuned!; I always play (fight) fair. - Man hamesa az ru-i alodalt bozi mekunam; Wipe the table clean. - Miz-ro toza kun; Feel free to ask questions. - Az pursis-i savol sarm nador" [13]. CONCLUSION

Adducing the results of the conducted analysis concerned with the theme explored one can come to the conclusion that the majority of English adverbs are derivated by virtue of the adverbial suffix -ly. Contently, the formation of adverbs from different parts of speech is considered to be one of the main and most productive ways of adverb derivation or word-building in the comparative languages. We can confidently express our opinion that the usage of parts of speech in adverb derivation is not identical in Tajik and English languages. Adjectives are more frequently used in the formation of adverbs than other parts of speech in the languages being compared. Hereby, we can canvass those TEs of EDAs derived by the suffix -ly are not identical and the same-formed ones, and some of them are used and translated as STAs (simple Tajik adverbs), DTAs (derivative Tajik adverbs), CTAs (compound Tajik adverbs) & ComTAs (composite Tajik adverbs).


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