i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова
Coffee / IKK / GPA / Banaran

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Silvianita Rika, Roessali Wiludjeng, Prasetyo Edy

The objectives of this study were to analyze: 1) Consumer Desire Index (IKK) on Coffee Purchase Decisions in Semarang Regency; 2) Consumer Choice Index (GPA) on Coffee Purchase Decisions in Semarang Regency. The research method was conducted by survey method. Data was collected by interviewing the number of samples taken as respondents were 100 coffee consumers who were taken using Quota Sampling in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran 50 respondents and 50 respondents at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti. Data analysis used the analysis of the Consumer Desire Index (IKK) and Consumer Choice Index (GPA). IKK and GPA analysis was conducted to see the percentage of consumer desire and choice scores as seen from the 7P variable. The Consumer Desire Index for Pondok Kopi is 67.50 and Kampoeng kopi banaran were 67.55. Consumer Choice (GPA) at Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is 3,211 and the GPA at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti was 3,207.

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RJOAS, 8(128), August 2022 UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2022-08.07


Silvianita Rika*, Roessali Wiludjeng, Prasetyo Edy

Master's Program of Agribusiness, Faculty of Animal Science and Agriculture, University of Diponegoro, Indonesia *E-mail: rikasilvianita34@gmail.com


The objectives of this study were to analyze: 1) Consumer Desire Index (IKK) on Coffee Purchase Decisions in Semarang Regency; 2) Consumer Choice Index (Gpa) on Coffee Purchase Decisions in Semarang Regency. The research method was conducted by survey method. Data was collected by interviewing the number of samples taken as respondents were 100 coffee consumers who were taken using Quota Sampling in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran 50 respondents and 50 respondents at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti. Data analysis used the analysis of the Consumer Desire Index (IKK) and Consumer Choice Index (GPA). IKK and GPA analysis was conducted to see the percentage of consumer desire and choice scores as seen from the 7P variable. The Consumer Desire Index for Pondok Kopi is 67.50 and Kampoeng kopi banaran were 67.55. Consumer Choice (GPA) at Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is 3,211 and the GPA at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti was 3,207.


Coffee, IKK, GPA, Banaran.

The development of the business world in the field of coffee products can now be said to be more advanced and rapid, it can be seen from the number of coffee businesses that are established all the time. Indonesia is an important producer and consumer of coffee commodities and ranks fourth after Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia. Indonesia is also in seventh place as the world's largest coffee consumer (Ministry of Industry, 2017). National coffee consumption will continue to increase in the next five years, in 2017 coffee consumption will be 276 and in 2021 it will be predicted to increase to 370 tons in 2021 (Ministry of Agriculture, 2018).

Semarang Regency has many great coffee places and has beautiful natural scenery. Kampoeng Kopi Banaran and Pondok Kopi are places that are well known to the people in Semarang Regency. Both of these places have their own characteristics in the coffee served and the location of the place owned. Both of these places have been established for more than 10 years, this place can maintain its existence when new coffee places have sprung up. The problem that arises due to the increasing number of coffee businesses is making consumers more selective in choosing the coffee products to be consumed. The emergence of various existing coffee businesses makes consumers have the choice to make decisions in choosing the place and the desired coffee product. Consumers make product transactions to fulfill their needs and desires, but consumers also take into account the purchased products which they think have an appeal (Silfania, 2019).

Consumers' desires and choices in choosing Kampoeng Banaran and Pondok Kopi as a place to enjoy coffee can be seen from the attributes attached to the venue, which is contained in the 7P's marketing mix. The marketing mix (7P) is product, price, promotion and place, people, process and physical evidence (Nugroho and Japarianto, 2013). Coffee purchasing decisions made by consumers certainly have several considerations in choosing which product they will choose. The consumer factors in making coffee purchasing decisions are as follows; external factors and internal factors. Factors originating from within (internal) consist of attitudes, experiences and observations, personality, self-concept, motives, and

perceptions. Meanwhile, factors originating from outside (external) consist of reference groups, family, social class, and culture (Ajiwibawani and Edward, 2015).

The great opportunities that exist in the coffee industry, along with intense competition in this industry, make the coffee industry even more interesting to research. Seeing this phenomenon, the author wants to examine the Comparison of Consumer Desire Index (IKK) and Consumer Choice Index (GPA) and the influence of the 7P marketing mix (product, price, promotion, place, people, process and physical evidence) on coffee purchasing decisions in Kampoeng Kopi. Banaran and Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti in Semrang Regency.


The research was conducted in September 2021. The research locations were in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran and Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti, Semarang Regency. The research method was conducted by survey method. Data was collected by interviewing respondents in Pondok Kopi and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran based on a questionnaire. The number of samples as respondents as many as 100 coffee consumers were taken using Quota Sampling.

The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from direct interviews with coffee consumers using questionnaires, while secondary data were in the form of literature, journals or other sources related to this research.

Data analysis 1 used in this study used the Consumer Desire Index (IKK) and Consumer Choice Index (GPA) approaches. According to Wijayanto and Widowati (2011) the Consumer Desire Index is an index that describes the level of consumer desire based on certain determinants. The Consumer Desire Index is set on a Likert scale of 4, namely: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), agree (3) and strongly agree (4).

The weighting of the 7P factors is carried out based on respondents' opinions with several stages as follows:

1. Respondents rank the most important priorities in determining the choice of the 7P factors. Rank 4 is the top priority, and so on;

2. Ranking data is compiled and averaged for each 7P factor, then sorted from the first to the last rank;

3. The average rating on each 7P factor is converted by the formula:

NKi = RPk: RPi

Where: NKi - 7P (i) conversion factor value; RPi - average rating factor 7P(i); RPk - lowest 7P factor rating average;

4. All 7P conversion factor values are added up. Furthermore, each conversion value is divided by the total conversion value to obtain a weighting factor of 7P. The formula is as follows:

TNK= S!=i NKi Bi=:N£ x 100%

Where: TNK - Total of conversion value; Bi = Weight factor 7P (i).

The Consumer Choice Index (GPA) is an index that describes the level of consumer choice towards stores based on the accumulation of certain 7P factors. The formula for the Consumer Choice Index is as follows:


IPK= ^ IKKi . Bi


Where: GPA - Consumer choice index; IKKi - Consumer desire index on the determining factor (i), scale 1-4.

The following is the calculation of scores to measure the consumer desire index (IKK) and consumer choice index (GPA). The calculation of scoring used a Likert scale whose calculations are as follows:

1. Score 4 = for the answer Strongly Agree (SA);

2. Score 3 = for the answer Agree (A);

3. Score 2 = for the answer DisAgree (DA);

4. Score 1 = for the answer Strongly DisAgree (SDA).

With the calculation of the score of each question as follows:

Total score for each criterion = Achievement Score x Number of respondents

How to calculate the overall score in terms of 7Ps (product, price, promotion, place, people, process, physical evidence) on Coffee Purchase Decisions in Semarang Regency are:

Total Score of All Criteria = Achievement Total Score x Number of Respondents x Number of Question Indicators

The number of ideal scores for all questions = 4,200 (highest), the number of lowest scores = 1,050. Based on data collected from 21 questions posed to 50 respondents at each location.

The index of consumer desire and choice in coffee purchasing decisions in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is obtained from the measurement of the 7P variables (product, price, promotion, place, people, process, physical evidence) to see the expectations and reality (desire and choice) that will be obtained. According to Ali et al (2020):

nxix jutotal score from data collection „ „„

IKK = j-x 100

Total score ideal (highest)

Description of the criteria for interpretation of consumer desire index scores and choices:

• Strongly Agree (SS) = Score 81.25% - 100%;

• Agree (S) = Number 62.60% - 81.25%;

• Disagree (TS) = Number 43.75% - 62.60%;

• Strongly Disagree (STS) = Number 25% - 43.75%.

Data analysis 2 using multiple linear regression according to Kurniawan and Yuniarto (2016) is a continuation of simple regression that uses many independent variables (variable x) to one dependent variable (variable y). Santoso (2010) stated that multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the effect of the variable independent of the dependent variable. The regression equation in this analysis is as follows:

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + b6X6 + b7X7 + e

Where: Y - Purchase Decision (score) (1 = Banaran: 0 = Coffee shop); a - constant; b1, b2, ...b15 - regression coefficient; X1 - product (score); X2 - price (score); X3 - place (score); X4 - promotion (score); X5 - people (score); X6 - process (score); X7 - physical evidence (score); e - Standard error.


Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti is a cafe located in Sidomukti Village, Bandungan District, Semarang Regency, Central Java. This coffee hut is located in the Mount Ungaran area with an altitude of 1,200 masl (meters above sea level) (Pradita, 2020). Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti sells the main product, namely coffee, this cafe provides coffee products with several variations of drink choices.

Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is located in the Afdeling Asinan plantation area, precisely on the Semarang - Solo Km 35 highway, Bawen District, Semarang Regency. The altitude of this location is 300-800 masl. Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is a place that has some potential.

Based on the data obtained from the questionnaires distributed to the respondents, the characteristics of the respondents were obtained which include gender, age, occupation.

Table 1 - Respondents by Gender

Gender Pondok kopi Kampoeng kopi banaran

Amount (person) Percentage, % Amount (person) Percentage, %

Man 23 46 20 40

Woman 27 54 30 60

Total 50 100 50 100

Table 1 above shows that the 50 Pondok Kopi respondents consist mostly of 27 female respondents or 54% and 23 male respondents or 46%. Kampoeng Kopi Banaran respondents, which amounted to 50, mostly consisted of 60 female respondents or 60% male 40 people or 40%. Consumers who come to these two places are dominated by women, women more often spend time with their female friends to walk around enjoying a cup of coffee, besides enjoying coffee products, women usually go to Banaran and Pondok Kopi to just do social gathering or reunion activities. This is in accordance with the opinion of Eli et al., (2020) that female consumers prefer new, unique and different flavors compared to male consumers who do not really like the taste that they think is strange or many variants of the taste are too sweet. Different needs between women and men lead to differences in coffee buying behavior.

Table 2 - Respondents by Age

Age (year) Pondok kopi Kampoeng kopi banaran

Amount (person) Percentage, % Amount (person) Percentage, %

15 - 31 36 72 25 50

32 - 47 10 20 15 30

48 - 64 4 8 10 20

Total 50 100 50 100

Information in table 2 above there are 3 age categories, seen from the Pondok Kopi respondents, which amounted to 50 people, mostly consisting of respondents aged 15-31 years, namely 36 people or 72% and the least, namely respondents aged 48-64 with a total of 4 people or 8%. Based on the table above, from 50 respondents in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran, most of the respondents who visited were aged 15-31 years, namely 25 people or 50%. Consumers who come to these two places are dominated by the teenage age group, because teenagers are of productive age and have a higher spirit of exploration than those of the older age group. According to Utami and Yuliawati (2020) that when viewed from a health perspective, coffee drinks are usually better consumed by teenagers than parents. at the age of 16-24 years are classified as teenagers, at that age is a productive age the level of coffee consumption is high.

Table 3 - Respondents by profession

Profession Pondok kopi Kampoeng Kopi Banaran

Amount (person) Percentage, % Amount (person) Percentage, %

Student 24 48 10 20

Swasta 18 36 11 22

Self-employed 1 2 0 0

PNS 7 14 22 44

TNI/POLRI 0 0 4 8

Pension 0 0 3 6

Other 0 20 0 0

Total 50 100 50 100

Seen from table 3 above there are 7 categories of work, respondents who come to Pondok Kopi are mostly students with a total of 24 people or 48% and there are no visitors who work as TNI / Polri and retirees. Most of the respondents who came to Kampoeng Kopi Banaran worked as civil servants with a total of 22 people or 44% and none of the visitors worked as entrepreneurs. Students usually visit coffee shops with their friends to just visit or have other activities such as doing group assignments. Civil servants also often visit or hold meetings outside the office, one of the places of choice is a comfortable and quiet coffee place to hold these meetings. This is like the opinion of Eli et al., (2020) which states that young people often enjoy coffee and carry out their activities at coffee places, because the market segment for coffee products is young people or the millennial generation.

Table 4 - Respondents Based on Purchase Frequency

Purchase Frequency Pondok kopi Kampoeng Kopi Banaran

Amount (person) Percentage, % Amount (person) Percentage, %

1 - 2 times 37 76 42 84

3 - 5 times 8 16 4 8

>5 times 5 10 4 8

Total 50 100 50 100

Table 4 above shows that the Pondok Kopi respondents, totaling 50 people who have visited Pondok Kopi at most, are 1-2 visits as many as 37 people or 76% and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran visitors who have visited the most are 1-2 visits as many as 76 people or 84%. The frequency of purchases can describe how much customer loyalty to buy and consume products in this place. The highest number of visits is in the number of visits 1-2 times. There are some consumers who come for the first time because they are curious to see the place and know that these two places are one of the famous coffee places in Semarang Regency. This is in accordance with the opinion of Eli et al., (2020) which states that the frequency of visits can describe how much loyalty or loyalty consumers have to buy

Table 5 - Recapitulation of the total IKK score and interpretation of scores

Variable Pondok kopi Kampoeng ko Di banaran

Total (Score) IKK (%) Value Interpretation Total (Score) IKK (%) Value Interpretation

Product 471 78,50 Agree (S) 459 76,50 Agree (S)

Price 468 78,00 Agree (S) 467 77,83 Agree (S)

Place 480 80,00 Agree (S) 491 81,83 Strongly Agree (SS)

Promotion 464 77,30 Agree (S) 467 77,83 Agree (S)

People 493 82,20 Strongly Agree (SS) 496 83,00 Strongly Agree (SS)

Process 488 81,30 Strongly Agree (SS) 488 81,33 Strongly Agree (SS)

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Physical evidence 496 82,70 Strongly Agree (SS)) 496 82,67 Agree (S)

Total 3.360 560,00 Agree (S) 3.364 560,67 Agree (S)

Rata - rata 480 80,00 Agree (S) 480,57 80,10 Agree (S)

Table 5 shows the results of the recapitulation of the total IKK score and the interpretation of the scores. In Appendix 7, the ideal score (highest) for all questions is 4,200 (Strongly Agree) and the lowest score is 1,050 (Strongly Disagree). Based on the data listed in table 21, the results of the recapitulation of the total IKK score and interpretation with the location of the index are determined based on the following Likert scale:

Figure 3 - IKK Kampoeng Banaran Interpretation

The total score at Pondok Kopi obtained from 21 questions given to 50 respondents who visited Pondok Kopi obtained a total score of 3,360 and at Kampoeng Kopi Banaran obtained a total score of 3,364. Based on the picture above, it can be seen that the IKK is located in the Agree category area. This means that consumers agree with the questions about the 7 variables that represent the consumer's desire to decide to buy coffee at these 2 locations. This is supported by the opinion of Torey et al., (2016) stating the results of the analysis using a Likert scale, it will be known that the consumer desire index score in terms of the 7P marketing mix lies in the score group 1, 2, 3 or 4. A score of 1 means that consumers strongly disagree up to a score of 4 consumers strongly agree.

In percentage terms, the Consumer Desire Index (IKK) of Pondok Kopi and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is obtained as follows:

25% 43,75% 62,50% 81 ¿5% 1M'/


25% 43,75% 62,50% 81,25% 100* 81,10%


Figure 5 - Interpretation of the Percentage of IKK Kampoeng Kopi Banaran

Based on the results of the analysis using a Likert scale, it shows that the average percentage of the Consumer Desire Index (IKK) at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti from product, price, place, promotion, people, process, physical evidence variables is 80% and in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran it is 80, 10%. Of these 7 variables, the one with the highest IKK percentage at Pondok Kopi is physical evidence at 82.70% and the lowest IKK percentage at Pondok Kopi is price at 78.0%. Meanwhile, those with the highest IKK percentage in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran are people at 83.00% and the lowest IKK percentage in Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is product at 76.50%. The percentage interpretation obtained shows that overall Pondok Kopi and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran have achieved or fulfilled consumer desires in coffee purchasing decisions.

Table 6 - Calculation Results of Consumer Desire Index (IKK)

Variable IKK Pondok kopi IKK Kampoeng Banaran

Product X1

X1.1. Penyajian Produk 3,16 3,14

X1.2. Rasa Produk 3,22 3,24

X1.3. Variasi Produk 3,04 3,00

Price X2

X2.1. Harga Produk 3,30 3,28

X2.2. Potongan Harga 3,04 3,06

X2.3. Variasi Pembayaran 3,08 3,06

Place X3

X3.1. Lokasi yang Strategis 3,32 3,32

X3.2. Ketersediaan lahan parker 3,06 3,06

X3.3. Kebersihan tempat 3,44 3,44

Promotion X4

X4.1. Kemenarikan Iklan 3,04 3,10

X4.2. Promosi Online 3,24 3,24

X4.3. Promosi penjualan (sales promotion) 3,00 3,00

People X5

X5.1. Keramahan Pelayanan 3,42 3,49

X5.2.Penampilan Karyawan 3,04 3,04

X5.3. Kemampuan Karyawan 3,40 3,40

Process X6

X6.1. Prosedur Masuk 3,30 3,30

X6.2. Prosedur Pemesanan 3,22 3,22

X6.3. Reservasi Tempat 3,24 3,24

Physical Evidence X7

X7.1. Fasilitas Tempat 3,28 3,28

X7.2. Perlengkapan 3,16 3,16

X7.3. Desain Tempat 3,50 3,48

Total 67,50 67,55

The product variable (X1) between these two coffee places, Pondok Kopi relatively has product advantages in terms of product presentation (IKK score 3.16) and product variety (IKK score 3.04) This score indicates that consumers in this location agree to purchase the product. coffee, while Kampoeng Kopi Banaran has product advantages in terms of taste (IKK score 3.24) this score indicates that consumers in this location agree to purchase coffee products.

Variable price (X2) between these two coffee places, Pondok Kopi relatively has advantages in terms of product prices (IKK score 3.30) and payment variations (IKK score 3.08) This score indicates that consumers in this location agree to buy coffee products , while Kampoeng Kopi Banaran has an advantage on the side of product discounts (IKK score of 3.06) this score shows that consumers in this location agree to buy coffee products. According to Zainullah (2019), the price of an item is usually related to the portion of the product obtained, the quality of the product and the benefits provided by the product.

The place variable (X3) at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti and Kampung Kopi Banaran has the same IKK score, where the location score (IKK score is 3.32), parking area (IKK score is 3.06) and the cleanliness of the place (IKK score is 3.44) This score indicates that consumers in both locations stated Agree to purchase coffee products. The location owned by these two places is equally strategic and is located on a large area, has a large parking area and the cleanliness of the place is maintained to attract consumers to visit. According to Ali et al., (2020) Many visitors are jostling inside the store, and difficulties in parking vehicles can reduce the level of consumer satisfaction in shopping.

Promotion variable (X4) Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran based on the calculation of online promotion scores and sales promotions have the same value. Online promotion (IKK score 3.24) and sales promotion (IKK score 3.00) these scores indicate that consumers in both locations stated Agree to purchase coffee products. Kampoeng Banaran. According to Zainullah (2019), advertising is all activities carried out with the aim of conveying a product to its target, good advertising contains clear content and has an attractive design.

The variable people (X5) in the employee friendliness section is favored by Kampoeng Kopi Banaran (IKK score of 3.49) while Pondok Kopi has a value (IKK score of 3.42). This score indicates that consumers in this location agree to buy coffee products. Employee performance (IKK score 3.04) and employee ability (IKK score 3.40) this score indicates that consumers in these two locations stated Agree to purchase coffee products, Pondok Kopi and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran had the same value.

The process variable (X6) at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran, the three aspects studied had the same score, entry procedure was (IKK score 3.30), ordering procedure (IKK score 3.22) and place reservation (IKK score). 3.24) this score indicates that consumers in both locations agree to purchase coffee products. The entry procedure in these two places has complied with the rules of the Health protocol,

The physical evidence variable (X7) in the design aspect of the place is favored by Pondok Kopi with a score (IKK score of 3.50) and Banaran's place design (IKK score of 3.48) this score indicates that consumers in both locations stated Agree to purchase coffee products. The design of Pondok Kopi is indoor and outdoor, the interior of the indoor section looks warm and the interior of the outdoor section presents a cool impression. An attractive and good design makes consumers interested in taking pictures and enjoying this place. According to Purwanto and Ardana (2016) that its application to interior elements that are not boring with a game of shapes, colors and materials will create an attractive and pleasant impression for both workers and visitors. While the place facilities and equipment for Pondok Kopi and Banaran have the same score, place facilities (IKK score 3.28) and place equipment (IKK score 3.16) this score indicates that consumers in both locations stated Agree to purchase coffee products.

Consumer Desire Index (IKK) in Coffee Purchase Decisions shows that in general consumers agree on the desire for coffee purchasing decisions based on these 7 variables (product, price, place, promotion, people, process, physical evidence).

RJOAS, 8(128), August 2022 Table 7 - Calculation Results of Consumer Choice Index (GPA)

Variable IPK P. Kopi IPK Banaran

Product X1

X1.1. Penyajian 0,19 0,18

X1.2. Rasa 0,19 0,20

X1.3. Variasi 0,19 0,17

Price X2

X2.1. Harga Produk 0,21 0,19

X2.2. Potongan Harga 0,20 0,19

X2.3. Variasi Pembayaran 0,20 0,19

Place X3

X3.1. Lokasi yang Strategis 0,10 0,19

X3.2. Ketersediaan lahan Parkir 0,10 0,10

X3.3. Kebersihan tempat 0,11 0,20

Promotion X4

X4.1. Iklan 0,10 0,10

X4.2. Promosi Online 0,11 0,10

X4.3. Promosi penjualan 0,11 0,10

People X5

X5.1. Keramahan 0,11 0,10

X5.2. Penampilan 0,20 0,19

X5.3. Kemampuan 0,21 0,10

Process X6

X6.1. Prosedur Masuk 0,11 0,10

X6.2. Prosedur Pemesanan 0,11 0,20

X6.3. Reservasi Tempat 0,21 0,10

Physical Evidence X7

X7.1. Fasilitas Tempat 0,11 0,20

X7.2. Perlengkapan 0,11 0,10

X7.3. Desain Tempat 0,20 0,20

Total 3,21 3,22

Based on the research results, in general, consumers prefer Kampoeng Kopi Banaran with a Consumer Choice Index (GPA) score of 3.22. There was intense competition between Kampoeng Kopi Banaran and Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti, where the GPA at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti differed slightly, reaching 3.21, this score indicates that consumers in both locations stated Agree to choose Kampoeng Kopi Banaran and Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti for buy coffee products. a statement from Sulistyawati (2010) states that the availability of adequate and safe parking facilities is a factor that influences consumers in purchasing a product, because this can provide security and comfort.

Apart from location, consumers also choose Kampoeng Kopi Banaran based on the facilities provided. The facilities owned are wifi, tv, music, toilets, prayer rooms, playgrounds, besides the tools used in making coffee products are complete. The application of the design of the Kampoeng Kopi Banaran place gives a sense of calm and coolness when visiting as stated by Purwanto and Ardana (2016) that its application to furniture and interior elements is not boring with a game of shapes, colors and materials to create an attractive and fun impression.

Kampoeng Kopi Banaran products are superior in taste compared to Pondok Kopi, but in terms of presentation and product variants, they must be further improved. The price offered by Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is also more expensive than Pondok Kopi. The high price is not a benchmark for consumers not to choose Kampoeng Kopi Banaran because the taste of the coffee product is better than Pondok Kopi as Zainullah (2019) argued that the price of an item is usually related to the portion of the product obtained, product quality and the benefits provided by the product. the.

The services of Kampoeng Kopi Banaran are still inferior to Pondok Kopi, because the higher number of visitors to Kampoeng Kopi Banaran makes the existing services less than optimal. According to Nemati (2010) that the large number of visitors (tends to be over capacity) has caused the services provided to be less than optimal. The service process (Process) here is covering how the company serves the demands of each customer. Starting from the consumer ordering (order) until finally the consumer gets what he wants (Loekito et al., 2014).

The decision to buy coffee at Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti and Kampoeng Kopi Banaran based on the value of the Consumer Desire Index (IKK) and Consumer Choice Index (GPA) it was found that the purchase decision at Kampoeng Kopi Banaran had a higher value than Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti. have several considerations in choosing which products they will consume. The consumer's product selection is influenced by information about the product, price, distribution and promotion, service, physical condition of the place. Kampoeng Banaran has a product taste with a higher value than Pondok Kopi, the taste of coffee which has a unique and distinctive taste makes consumers choose Kampoeng Kopi Banaran as a place to enjoy coffee products, such as the opinion of Wijayanto and Widowati (2011) which states that consumers have criteria for products. desired and then consumers can determine the attitude to choose the product to be taken.


The Consumer Desire Index at Pondok Kopi is 67.50, which is smaller than Kampoeng Kopi Banaran, which is 67.55. Consumer Choice Index (GPA) tends to choose Kampoeng Kopi Banaran in coffee purchasing decisions with a GPA of 3.22 and a GPA of Pondok Kopi Umbul Sidomukti.


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