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Ключевые слова
Brand image / product quality / promotion / purchasing / decision

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ribek Pande Ketut, Atmaja Ni Putu Cempaka Dharmadewi

The development of the business world is increasingly very competitive, in achieving competitive advantage to increase purchasing decisions. This happened in one of the civets’ coffees agro-tourism businesses in Bali. The ability to manage a company helps the business to become more advanced and able to compete. This study aims to determine the factors that influence purchasing decisions in civet coffee agro-tourism businesses in Bali. The population used is the customer who buys civet coffee products at least twice with the accidental sampling technique. The sample used is a saturated sample of 97 respondents, using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study stated that brand image had a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision of civet coffee in Bali, product quality had an effect on the purchase decision, and promotion had a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision. The novelty of this research is the object of research on the determinants of purchasing decisions on civet coffee agro-tourism in Bali which should taste the same, but this has a unique taste as premium civet coffee.

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UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-05.04


Ribek Pande Ketut*, Atmaja Ni Putu Cempaka Dharmadewi

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar, Indonesia *E-mail: pandeketutribek@unmas.ac.id


The development of the business world is increasingly very competitive, in achieving competitive advantage to increase purchasing decisions. This happened in one of the civets' coffees agro-tourism businesses in Bali. The ability to manage a company helps the business to become more advanced and able to compete. This study aims to determine the factors that influence purchasing decisions in civet coffee agro-tourism businesses in Bali. The population used is the customer who buys civet coffee products at least twice with the accidental sampling technique. The sample used is a saturated sample of 97 respondents, using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study stated that brand image had a positive and significant effect on the purchasing decision of civet coffee in Bali, product quality had an effect on the purchase decision, and promotion had a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision. The novelty of this research is the object of research on the determinants of purchasing decisions on civet coffee agro-tourism in Bali which should taste the same, but this has a unique taste as premium civet coffee.


Brand image, product quality, promotion, purchasing, decision.

The development of the business world today is very competitive. Various products have been launched with attractive variants as well as vigorous promotions using technology. One of the civets' coffees agrotourism in Bali with various innovations made to win the competition. Some of the factors used in increasing purchasing decisions in civet coffee businesses in Bali are good brand image, premium products, and heavy promotions. Several studies have stated that brand image is very influential on purchasing decisions such as Pane (2018); Pasaribu (2018); Ridwan and Apriana (2019); Miati (2020) state that brand image has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Different results were found in a study by Maupa, et al. (2019), which stated that brand image had no positive or significant effect on purchasing decisions. Supported by the findings of Ashari, et al. (2020) stated that brand image has a positive but not significant influence on purchasing decisions. Likewise, regarding product quality, there is a research gap in improving purchasing decisions. The findings of the effect of product quality on purchasing decisions were made by Ridwan and Apriana (2019); Maupa, et al. (2019); Suryani (2019); and Mauldin (2019) stated that product quality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions. Different results in a study conducted by Ashari, et al. (2020), state that there is a positive but not significant effect of product quality on purchasing decisions.

Research on the effect of promotion on purchasing decisions was carried out by Maulidina (2019); Suhadarliyah and Kian (2018); Tomahuw and Agusti (2018); and Primadasa (2019), stated that promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Different results were found in research by Ashari, et al. (2020), who states that there is a non-significant positive effect of promotion on purchasing decisions. To prove that brand image, product quality and promotion influence purchasing decisions using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) introduced by Fishbein and Ajzen. This theory connects attitudes, will and behavioural beliefs. Will is the best predictor of behaviour, meaning if you want to know what someone is doing, and the best way to know what they want. However, make judgments based on different reasons. The concept of using this theory is focused on

attention, namely considering something that is considered important. According to Jogiyanto (Rohmat, 2019) that will is determined by subjective attitudes and norms. Ajzen (Rohmat, 2019) says that attitudes influence behaviour through a careful and reasoned decision-making process whose impact is limited to only three things including: 1) Behavior is determined by a specific attitude towards something; 2) Behavior is influenced not only by attitudes but by norms- objective norms, namely beliefs about what one wants; 3) Attitudes towards behaviour along with subjective norms form an intention.

Image is the consumer's perception of a product from a company. Three things can influence the image and be outside the company, namely utilizing products, providing perceptions about a product, and providing emotional strength (Octaviana, 2016). Image can be done through the means of existing communication media. Companies are required to display a positive image to consumers. This is done to retain consumers. In addition, a positive image aims to be able to compete with other companies. A good brand can make consumers believe in a product.

Brand image has an important role in brand development because brand image concerns the reputation of brand trust and becomes a guide for consumers to try a product or service. According to Tjiptono (2016: 49), brand image is a description of consumer associations and beliefs about a particular brand, in other words, brand image is the observation and trust held by consumers as reflected in consumer memories. Brand Image Indicators According to Kotler and Keller (2016) brand image measurement can be carried out based on aspects of a brand, namely: 1) Strength which is an advantage possessed by the brand is physical and not found in other brands. This brand advantage refers to the physical attributes of the brand so that it can be considered as an advantage compared to other brands. Included in the strength group is the function of all service facilities, service prices, as well as the appearance of supporting facilities for services and has wide market coverage. 2) Uniqueness is the ability to differentiate a brand from other brands. This impression arises from the attributes of the product which are the material that differentiates or differentiates it from other products. Included in this unique group are variations in the appearance or name of a brand that is easy to remember and pronounce and the service itself. 3) Excellence is a favorable group, among others, the ease with which the product brand is pronounced and the brand's ability to remain remembered by customers which makes the service famous and a favorite in the community as well as the suitability between the brand impression in the minds of customers and the image the company wants for the brand in question.

Product is the ability of a product to perform its functions, it includes overall durability, reliability, accuracy, ease of operation and product repair as well as other product attributes (Kotler and Keller (2016: 157). Product quality is formed by several indicators including ease of use, power durability, clarity of function, and diversity of product sizes. Product quality has dimensions that are used to analyze the characteristics of a product. According to Garvin, (Tjiptono, 2016: 134) product quality has eight dimensions as follows: 1) Performance is the main operating characteristic of the core product that is bought. 2) Features, namely secondary or complementary characteristics. 3) Reliability, namely the small possibility that it will be damaged or fail to be used. 4) Conformance to specifications, namely the extent to which the design and operating characteristics meet the standards that have been previously set. 5) Durability, which is related to how long the product can be used. 6) Serviceability, including speed, competence, comfort, ease of repair; and handling complaints satisfactorily. 7) Esthetics, namely the attractiveness of the product to the five senses. 8) Perceived quality, namely the image and reputation of the product and the company's responsibility towards it.

Promotion is an effort to introduce products and services so that they can be known and accepted by the public (Firmansyah, 2018: 200). There are several types of promotion, namely: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, and direct marketing. Some of these types of promotions are an inseparable part of marketing, and some types of promotions are a part of the marketing mix. Promotional Indicators According to Kotler and Keller (2016) are as follows: 1) Promotional reach, i.e. the number of promotions carried out by the company in a certain time through available promotional media. 2) The quality of

promotion is a measure of how well the sales promotion is done. 3) Promotional quantity is the value or amount of sales promotions given to consumers. 4) Time of promotion, namely the period of promotion carried out by the company. 5) Accuracy of promotion targets, namely the suitability of targets needed when carrying out promotions to achieve the goals that are the company's goals.

Purchasing decisions are very important to be considered by customers so that entrepreneurs can provide the best products, services and pleasant impressions. Directed and good communication can provide comfort for consumers in deciding to buy. According to Engel (Firmansyah, 2018) that decision-making is a process that consists of several stages, namely need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives before purchase, purchase, consumption, and evaluation of alternatives after purchase. It is also said that buying decisions refer to consistent actions and wise ways that can be quickly carried out to meet needs.

Berkowitz (Firmansyah, 2018) also argues that the purchasing decision process is the stages that buyers go through in making choices about the products and services they want to buy. For low-priced goods, the decision-making process is carried out easily, while for high-priced goods, the decision-making process is carried out with good consideration.

According to Sudaryono (2016: 102) the decision-making process begins with a need that is trying to be fulfilled. Purchasing decisions are made with the principle of balancing the positive and negative sides of a brand or finding the best solution from the consumer's perspective after being consumed to be re-evaluated.

Kotler and Armstrong (2016: 177) define purchasing decisions as part of consumer behaviour about individuals, groups and organizations choosing, buying, using, and how goods, services, ideas or experiences satisfy needs and wants. Purchasing decisions are inseparable from the nature of a consumer so each consumer has different habits in making purchases. Indicators of Purchasing Decisions Kotler (Nopriani, 2016) states that there are several indicators of purchasing decisions: 1) The stability of a product, is a decision made by consumers, after considering various information that supports decision-making; 2) Habits in buying products are people's experiences closest (parents, siblings) in using a product; 3) Providing recommendations to others is conveying positive information to other people so that they are interested in making a purchase; 4) Make continuous repeat purchases after the consumer feels comfortable with the product or service received.


Purchasing decisions are stages in the consumer decision-making process where consumers buy a product or service. Purchasing decisions are actions taken by consumers because of the impulse or motive that is felt so that consumers are sure and decide to buy a product they need (Supangkat and Supriyatin, 2017). Consumer purchasing decisions are formed after going through several processes, namely the stages of need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decisions, and post-purchase behaviour (Achmadi and Hidayat, 2018).

Brand image can help consumers to identify something and distinguish it from products from similar competitors. Consumers consider the brand image of a brand to reflect a picture of a product. If the image of a brand in the minds of consumers is good, then consumers will easily accept the product in the market (Prasastiningtyas and Djawoto, 2016), so consumers will make decisions to buy the product.

Brand image is one of the factors that influence purchasing decisions, this is by the results of research conducted by Miati (2020), stating that brand image has a significant influence on purchasing decision-making.


• H1. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions of civet coffee in Bali;

• H2. Product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee in Bali;

• H3. The promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions of civet coffee in Bali.

The object of research was conducted on the civet coffee business in Bali. The population used in this study was all customers with a total of 97 customers, with the number of samples used by researchers as many as 97 respondents. The sampling technique used is the incidental sampling technique, namely the sampling technique based on coincidence if deemed suitable as a data source. (Sugiyono, 2017: 124).

Figure 1 - Research Model (Source: The results of the researchers' thoughts, 2023)

Testing the validity level of each item is used in item analysis, meaning that it correlates the score of each item with the total score which is the sum of each item's score. An instrument is said to be valid if the Pearson correlation value to the total score is above 0.30 (Sugiyono, 2017:125). The test results regarding the validity level of statement items are presented in Table 1:

Table 1 - Validity Test Results for Research Variable Items

Question Item Correlation Value Description

Xi.1 0,848 Valid

Xi.2 0,924 Valid

Xi.3 0,932 Valid

X2.I 0,558 Valid

X2.2 0,898 Valid

X2.3 0,606 Valid

X2.4 0,885 Valid

X2.5 0,739 Valid

X2.6 0,668 Valid

X2.7 0,719 Valid

X2.8 0,728 Valid

X3.I 0,900 Valid

X3.2 0,889 Valid

X3.3 0,635 Valid

X3.4 0,907 Valid

X3.5 0,880 Valid

Y.1 0,872 Valid

Y.2 0,872 Valid

Y.3 0,920 Valid

Y.4 0,933 Valid

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Based on the data in Table 1, it can be explained that all question items have a value greater than 0.3 so that all question items for all research variables are significantly correlated with the total score, thus it can be explained that the question instrument items are valid.

Reliability is a tool for measuring a questionnaire which is an indicator of a variable or construct. A questionnaire is said to be reliable or reliable if one's answers to the questions are consistent or stable from time to time. SPSS provides a facility to measure reliability with

the Cronbach Alpha (a) statistical test. A construct or variable is said to be reliable if the Alpha value is > 0.70 (Ghozali, 2018:46).

Table 2 - Reliability Test Results for Research Variable Items

Variable Cronbach's Alpha Description

Brand Image 0,881 Reliable

Product Quality 0,861 Reliable

Promotion 0,874 Reliable

Buying decision 0,920 Reliable

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Based on the data in Table 2, it can be explained that Cronbach's Alpha value for all research variables is above 0.70, therefore it can be concluded that the research instrument items are reliable.

The first variable research model used is brand image, based on the results of the frequency distribution calculations that have been carried out, a summary of the results is obtained as shown in Table 3.

Table 3 - Average Score on Brand Image Variables

No Statement Items Respondent's Answers Number of Respondents Total Score Average Rating Category

1 2 3 4 5

1 Luwak coffee products have advantages that cannot be found in other brands. - 1 - 28 68 97 454 4,68 Very good

2 Luwak coffee products have a uniqueness that cannot be found in other brands, especially in terms of taste. - 2 7 38 50 97 427 4,40 Good

3 Luwak coffee products are my favourite choice because this product is a brand that is easy to pronounce and easy for me to remember. - - 3 29 65 97 450 4,64 Very good

Total - 3 10 95 183 291 1.331 13,72

Average 4,57 Very good

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Based on the data from Table 3, it can be explained that the average score of the brand image variable as a whole is recorded at 4.57 or it can be categorized as very good because it is in the interval > 4.5. The average maximum score was recorded at 4.68, namely in item statement number 1, while the minimum average score was recorded at 4.40, namely in statement item number 2, with the statement "Kopi Luwak has a uniqueness that cannot be found in other brands, especially in terms of taste".

The second variable research model used is product quality, based on the results of the frequency distribution calculations that have been carried out; a summary of the results is obtained as shown in Table 4.

Based on the data from Table 4, it can be explained that the average value of the product quality variable score as a whole is recorded at 3.60 or it can be categorized as good because it is in the interval 3.5-4.5. The average maximum score was recorded at 3.72, namely in item statement number 4, while the average minimum score was recorded at 3.42, namely in item statement number 6, with the statement "Services provided by sales promotion girls (SPG) Coffee products mongoose is very satisfying". The third variable research model used is promotion, based on the results of the frequency distribution calculations that have been carried out; a summary of the results is obtained as shown in Table 5.

Based on the data from Table 5, it can be explained that the average value of the promotion variable score as a whole was recorded at 4.41 or it could be categorized as good because it was in the interval of 3.5 - 4.5. The average maximum score was recorded at 4.46, namely in item statements numbers 2 and 4, while the minimum average score was

recorded at 4.33, namely in item statement number 5, with the statement "The promotion was very helpful for me in finding coffee products".

Table 4 - Average Score on Product Quality Variables

No Statement Items Respondent's Answers Number of Respondents Total Score Average Rating Cate- g°ry

1 2 3 4 5

1 Luwak coffee products are made from hygienic and healthy ingredients for consumption. 1 5 23 67 1 97 353 3,64 Good

2 Luwak coffee products are products that have quality that meets the standards I want. - 5 30 58 4 97 352 3,63 Good

3 Luwak coffee is a product that has a long shelf life that has a texture that is not easily damaged or spoiled 1 4 37 51 4 97 344 3,55 Good

4 The services provided by the sales promotion girls (SPG) of Civet coffee products were very satisfying. - 4 26 60 7 97 361 3,72 Good

5 The display of Luwak coffee products is made as unique as possible so that makes me prefer this product. - 14 19 48 16 97 357 3,68 Good

6 Luwak coffee products have a high taste and suit my taste. 3 14 26 47 7 97 332 3,42 Pretty Good

7 Luwak coffee products have a distinctive taste that distinguishes them from other competing products. 1 14 24 53 5 97 338 3,48 Pretty Good

8 The quality and quality of Civet coffee products are what I want. - 5 26 65 1 97 353 3,64 Good

Total 6 65 211 449 45 776 2.790 28,76 -

Average value 3,60 Good

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Table 5 - Average Score over Promotional Variables

No Statement Items Respondents Answer Number of Respondents Total score Average Rating Category

1 2 3 4 5

1 Promotion of civet coffee products is often carried out regularly either directly or through the mass media. - 2 9 30 56 97 431 4,44 Good

2 Promotional activities about civet coffee products were carried out well. - 4 5 30 58 97 433 4,46 Good

3 There are lots of promotional activities for Civet coffee products. - - 14 36 47 97 421 4,34 Good

4 Promotions about Luwak coffee products are often carried out on certain days, such as Saturdays, Sundays or at the beginning of the month. - - 4 44 49 97 433 4,46 Good

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5 The promotion that was carried out helped me in finding the required civet coffee products. - - 15 35 47 97 420 4,33 Good

Total - 6 47 175 257 485 2.138 22,04 -

Average value 4,41 Good

Source: Data processing, 2023.

The fourth variable research model used is purchasing decisions, based on the results of the frequency distribution calculations that have been carried out; a summary of the results is obtained as shown in Table 6:

Table 6 - Average Score on Purchasing Decision Variables

No Statement Items Respondents Answer Number of Respondents Total score Aver age Rating Category

1 2 3 4 5

1 There is no longer any doubt to buy civet coffee products after considering various supporting information. - - 6 60 31 97 413 4,26 Good

2 I am used to buying civet coffee products because of my family's experience buying civet coffee products - 1 1 74 21 97 406 4,19 Good

3 I would recommend buying Civet coffee products to my relatives. - - 4 62 31 97 415 4,28 Good

4 I feel satisfied after buying Civet coffee products so I will make a repeat purchase - 1 2 59 35 97 419 4,32 Good

Total - 2 13 255 118 388 1.653 17,04 -

Average value 4,26 Good

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Based on the data from Table 6, it can be explained that the average score of the purchasing decision variable as a whole is recorded at 4.26 or can be categorized as good because it is in the interval of 3.5-4.5. The average maximum score was recorded at 4.32, namely in item statement number 4, while the average minimum score was recorded at 4.19, namely in item statement number 2, with the statement "I am used to buying civet coffee products because of my family's experience buying this product".

Some conditions must be met when using regression analysis, these conditions are often known as the classical test. If you want to get good, smooth, accurate regression results, the data must be normally distributed, with no multicollinearity, and no heteroscedasticity.

The normality test was carried out using the Kolgomorov-Smirnov statistical test, commonly called the K-S, which is available in the SPSS 21.00 for Windows program. The criterion used is to compare the significance level obtained with the alpha level used, where the data can be said to be normally distributed if sig. >0.05.

Table 7 - Normality Test Results

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardized Residual

N 97

Normal Parameters Mean .0000000

Std. Deviation 1.03437370

Absolute .062

Most Extreme Differences Positive .061

Negative -.062

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .608

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .853

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Based on the results of the normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in Table 7 it shows that the Asymp, Sig, (2-tailed) value is 0.853, the Asymp, Sig, (2-tailed) value is greater than a = 0.05, this means the Hypothesis zero (H0) is rejected or the data is normally distributed.

The multicollinearity test looks at the tolerance value or variance inflation factor (VIF). If the tolerance is more than 10% or VIF is less than 10 then it is said that there is no multicollinearity.

Table 8 - Multicollinearity Test Results


Model Collinearity Statistics

Tolerance VIF

Brand Image .714 1.400

1 Product Quality .673 1.486

Promotion .570 1.755

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Based on the test results shown in the multicollinearity test in Table 8, it can be explained that the tolerance value of all variables is greater than 10% (brand image = 0.714, product quality = 0.673, promotion = 0.570) and the VIF value is less than 10 (brand image = 1.400, product quality = 1.486, promotion = 1.755) which means that there is no multicollinearity between the independent variables.

Heteroscedasticity testing in this study was carried out using the Glejser test. This method is carried out by regressing the absolute value of the residuals with the independent variables. If the significance value is greater than 0.05, the model is said to be free from heteroscedasticity.

It can be explained that the statistical test results show that the variables brand image, product quality, and promotion have a significance greater than 0.05 (brand image=0.783,

product quality=0.808, promotion=0.941) so it can be concluded that the model The regression used in this study does not contain heteroscedasticity.

Data analysis techniques in this study used multiple linear regression analysis, to examine the influence of brand image, product quality, and promotion on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali, using the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 21.0 for Windows application.

Table 9 - Heteroscedasticity Test Results


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) .979 .889 1.101 .274

Brand Image Product Quality -.020 .072 -.034 -.277 .783

.006 .024 .031 .244 .808

Promotion -.003 .038 -.010 -.074 .941

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Table 10 - Multiple Linear Regression Test Results

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 3,098 1,453 2,133 0,036

Brand Image (X1) 0,443 0,118 0,318 3,760 0,000

Product quality (X2) 0,116 0,040 0,255 2,927 0,004

Promotion (X3) 0,205 0,062 0,316 3,331 0,001

R 0,724

Adjusted R Square 0,509

Sig. F test 0,000

F test 34,141

Source: Data processing, 2023.

Based on Table 10 above, the multiple linear regression equation: Y = 3.098 + 0.443 (X1) + 0.116 (X2) + 0.205 (X3)

With the following explanation:

• b1 = 0.443, this means that if the brand image has increased by 1 unit, while product quality and promotions are constant, then the purchase decision will increase by 0.443 units;

• b2 = 0.116, this means that if product quality has increased by 1 unit, while the brand image and promotion are constant, then the purchase decision will increase by 0.116 units;

• b3 = 0.205, this means that if the promotion has increased by 1 unit, while the brand image and product quality are constant, then the purchase decision will increase by 0.205 units.

The dominant influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable is tested using the highest beta standardized coefficients. By looking at the results of the standardized coefficient beta of each independent variable, namely brand image (X1), product quality (X2), and promotion (X3) according to the data in Table 10, it can be seen that the independent variable has a dominant effect on the dependent variable purchasing decision (Y) Civet coffee products in Bali, is a brand image independent variable (X1) because it shows a standardized beta coefficient value that is greater than the other independent variables, namely 0.318.

This analysis is used to determine the relationship between two or more independent variables (brand image, product quality, and promotion) on the dependent variable (purchasing decision) simultaneously. Based on the data in Table 10, a multiple correlation

coefficient of 0.724 is obtained and has a positive direction; this indicates that there is a strong relationship between brand image, product quality, and promotion on purchasing decisions. The stronger the relationship between brand image, product quality, and promotion, the stronger the purchasing decision.

The R2 test is used to determine the accuracy of the model used and is expressed in what percentage of the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variables included in the model. The model is considered good if the Coefficient of Determination (R2) = 1 or close to 1. Based on the data in Table 10, it can be explained that the value of the Adjusted R Square is 0.509, this means that 50.9% of the variation in the dependent variable in purchasing decisions can be explained by variations in the independent variables' brand image, product quality, and promotion, while the remaining 49.1% is explained by other variables outside the model (which are summarized in random errors).

F test is carried out to test the significance simultaneously or together of all independent variables on the dependent variable. Based on the data in Table 10 it can be explained that in this model, the value of Sig. F count of 0.000 is less than the value of a = 0.05 indicating that this research model is feasible to be used as an analytical tool to test the effect of brand image, product quality, and promotion on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali.

A partial test was used to partially test the effect of brand image, product quality, and promotion on purchasing decisions of Civet coffee products in Bali. Based on the data in Table 10, it can be explained:

• The Effect of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions:

The results of the study in which the significance value (Sig.) of the brand image variable was 0.000 less than the value a = 0.05, indicates that brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali, so the first hypothesis accepted.

• Effect of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions:

The results of the study where the significance value (Sig.) on the product quality variable was 0.004 less than the value a = 0.05, show that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali, so the second hypothesis accepted.

• The Effect of Promotion on Purchasing Decisions:

The results of the study where the significance value (Sig.) of the promotion variable was 0.001 less than the value of a = 0.05, show that promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali, so the third hypothesis is accepted.


By the results of the study where the significance value (Sig.) on the brand image variable was 0.000 which was smaller than the value a = 0.05, this shows that brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali.

This statement is by research conducted by Pane (2018) which states that brand image has a positive effect on purchasing decisions. The same thing was expressed by Pasaribu (2018); Ridwan and Apriana (2019); Miati (2020) who states that brand image has a positive effect on purchasing decisions.

The results of the study where the significance value (Sig.) on the product quality variable was 0.004 which was less than the value a = 0.05, indicates that product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali. This statement is by the results of research conducted by Ridwan and Apriana (2019) stating that product quality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions. Another study conducted by Maupa, et al. (2019); Suryani (2019); and Mauldin (2019) stated that product quality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions.

The results of the study where the significance value (Sig.) of the promotion variable was 0.001 less than the value of a = 0.05, show that promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali.

This statement is to research conducted by Maulidina (2019), stating that promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Other research was conducted by Suhadarliyah and Kian (2018); Tomahuw and Agusti (2018); and Primadasa (2019), which states that promotion has a positive effect on purchasing decisions.


Brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali, an increase in the brand image will be followed by an increase in purchasing decisions. Product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali, an increase in product quality will be followed by an increase in purchasing decisions. The promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for civet coffee products in Bali, an increase in the promotion will be followed by an increase in purchasing decisions.


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