COMMUNICATION SKILLS AS A BASIS FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nemtsev I.A., Aleksenko A.A.

The article considers the main principles of an effective communication process, which is the basis of relations between managers and employees; lack of competently can build communication interaction within the organization, and therefore management activities should be based on established relationships within the organizational structure.

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В статье рассмотрены основные принципы эффективного коммуникационного процесса, который является основой отношений между управленцами и работниками; отсутствие грамотно выстроенного коммуникативного взаимодействия внутри организации ставит под вопрос целесообразность и эффективность её функционирования, а потому управленческая деятельность должна быть основана на налаженных связях внутри организационной структуры.


УДК 316.776.3

Nemtsev I.A.

1st year master's student Altai state University Russia, Barnaul Aleksenko A.A.

1st year master's student Altai state University Russia, Barnaul COMMUNICATION SKILLS AS A BASIS FOR EFFECTIVE


Abstract: the article considers the main principles of an effective communication process, which is the basis of relations between managers and employees; lack of competently can build communication interaction within the organization, and therefore management activities should be based on established relationships within the organizational structure.

Key words: communication, management, management effectiveness, communication skills.

Немцев И.А. студент магистрант 1 курса Алексенко А.А. студент магистрант 1 курса Алтайский государственный университет


Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены основные принципы эффективного коммуникационного процесса, который является основой отношений между управленцами и работниками; отсутствие грамотно выстроенного коммуникативного взаимодействия внутри организации ставит под вопрос целесообразность и эффективность её функционирования, а потому управленческая деятельность должна быть основана на налаженных связях внутри организационной структуры.

Ключевые слова: коммуникации, менеджмент, эффективность управления, коммуникационные навыки.

In the era of globalization of economic space and integration of the Russian Federation into the world economic space manager's skill is one of the most popular and necessary both in Russia and abroad. Professional activity of the manager is characterized by a variety of functions: strategy development and planning, setting goals, management decision-making, conducting meetings, trips and inspections of objects, work with documents. The term "strategy" has been included in the professional terminology management such concepts as "strategic

planning", " strategic management», "strategic communication". Managerial activity is related to analysis and in forecasting situations, the definition of goals and objectives, main trends and contradictions; the nomination of alternative options, evaluation of alternatives, the definition of the most optimal actions; development of strategies for the most effective solution of tasks and achievement of goals. The correct calculation strategy, according to professionals, is the key factor in achieving the management goals, respectively, the question: what skills of managers should be developed for professional strategic solutions?

Globalization of economic space, integration of Russia, increase information flows, exchange rates and processing of information at present impose new requirements for training managers. Modern Manager needs to be able to navigate in a rapidly changing environment and respond to changes in a timely manner; to process huge flows and be able to effectively manage them through business and interpersonal communication (to respond to questions, make arguments, move away from of the responses, to communicate information on the accepted decisions) for effective interaction in professional activity. The activity of the Manager is characterized by considerable complexity and dynamism.

The main features of this activity include: a wide variety of activities at different levels of management; creative nature of the activities carried out in conditions of abundance of information and rapid changes.

Most of the activity Manager's activity is implemented through communication. It can be assumed in the process of solving professional problems the Manager. Respectively, communication is professional activity of the Manager. The most optimal solution of the majority of professional management tasks in modern conditions requires a strategic approach. Communicative tasks are an integral component of professional interaction and the aim of professional tasks of managers also requires strategic solutions, which is implemented through the use of communication strategies and algorithms of strategic communication.

The issues of strategic communication and classification of communication strategies were started to learn by scientists a little more than twenty years.

Skills of strategic decision of communicative tasks are integral characteristics in the description of professional qualities of the Manager. The most important of which are sociability, ability to influence people, emotional balance, stress resistance, openness, flexibility, propensity to effective attack and equally successful defense, ability to clearly define and set goals, impact on surrounding without direct pressure, the ability to solve problems quickly and effectively. More than that, it requires flexibility of thinking and strategic skills to solve professional tasks, including communication, in the process of performing the main tasks.

Most management functions are realized through communication. In traditional pedagogy, a skill is an activity formed by repetition and bringing to automatism. It is accepted to distinguish between perceptive, intellectual and motor skills. Solving skills communicative tasks are intellectual skills that are automated techniques. Strategic solution of communication and management tasks

is the basis of effective management. Communicative task as a task of strategic management has the same stages of solution: situation analysis, search options and selection, communicative interaction and analysis of its results. Professional strategic communication can be presented as a system of communicative tasks that determines the achievement of communication goals and, as a result, leads to the solution of management problems. There are two types of communication tasks: the tasks of the upcoming activities, which are planned in, and current communicative tasks arising in the course of professional interaction. The Manager, who manages the activities of subordinates, must not only to be aware of the types of communicative actions that help guide people's activities, but also determine which of these actions are able to solve the communicative problem.

The implementation of verbal communication is the main stage of the strategic decision of the communicative task. Successful solution of the communicative task assumes the Manager has a good verbal memory; the ability to choose the right language means; the ability to logically correctly build the presentation of information, supporting statements of arguments and facts; constant analysis of communicative behavior of interlocutors and own communicative behavior; ability to react quickly to change of a communicative situation.

The strategic decision of the communicative tasks is the calculation of the optimum variants of achievement of the objectives communication using the specified conditions, including both known and unknown parameters, analysis of communicative actions and correction of communicative behavior.

At the planning step, the aim and tasks of the forthcoming communication according to which the action plan. The plan needs presence of the of available tools (necessary information, techniques, speech influence, possession of a situation); possible changes in communication conditions, leading to a change in tactics communication strategies, and probably moving to another action plan.

The second step is direct implementation of communication action plans, analysis of each course and move either to the next move of the same plan, or to another plan of action. The result of a properly constructed strategic communication is the achievement of a goal.

Communication has accurate aim to convey information, get information, convince, dissuade, etc. In natural communication most communicative actions are performed automatically. At the heart of strategic communication lies awareness of the purpose of communication and choice or development of means of achievement the goal by consistent solutions of communicative tasks. Production communication goals, development and selection the means of its achievement require the formation of skills to solve communication problems of managers. However, in the future, these skills should be brought to automatism and go into the skill since the next stage.

The formation of skills is given great importance. Formation of skills contributes to different methods of training and education. Achieving the communication goal depends on the sequential solution of private communicative

tasks through communicative strategies. Participation in long-term discussions and negotiations requires the use of strategic skills to solve communicative and professional tasks.

Successful communication is necessary for solving problems in the business sphere. The whole concept of quality management based on the presumption that all participants processes have access to all necessary information, effectively communicate between by itself, creating conditions for successful decision -making, conflict resolution, negotiation and team work [1].

The transfer of models and methods of one science in the other, respectively, from one discipline to another, indicate there are General natural connections in various systems [2]. As far as it was written, a strategic approach can be used for solving both managerial and communicative tasks. The increase of international contacts in various fields of science and business led to increase the need of the society for specialists capable of using a foreign language as a means of interaction for solutions to their professional tasks [3]. Knowledge of foreign language already ceases to be a separate profession. The ability to communicate in foreign languages increases the competitiveness of specialists practically in all branches.

Interpersonal communication is carried out in some types of communication, which imply pragmatic goals, constructive solutions and readiness of each partner to adequate behavior [4]. It seems obvious social, economic and scientific relevance of the research devoted to the formation of strategic decision-making skills of future managers ' communicative tasks.

The application of strategic communication algorithm with using communication strategies contributes to the formation of strategic skills for solving communication problems managers that leads to more effective interaction and solution of professional tasks.


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