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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Abuzyarova Zh., Utalieva R.

In modern conditions, for successful business development in the context of globalization, companies need to pay special attention to the development of communication skills of their employees. The use of communication skills by managers and managers will favorably affect the successful overcoming of communication barriers, and will increase the impact of interpersonal communications when interacting both inside and outside the business.

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Абузьярова Ж.

магистр экономических наук, Атырауский университет им. Х. Досмухамедова

Атырау, Казахстан ORCID 0000-0002-2067-6046 Уталиева Р. к.п.н., ассоц. профессор, Атырауский университет им. Х. Досмухамедова

Атырау, Казахстан ORCID 0000-0003-2672-2012



Abuzyarova Zh.,

Master of Economic Sciences Atyrau University named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov

Atyrau, Kazakhstan ORCID 0000-0002-2067-6046 Utalieva R.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Atyrau State University named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov

Atyrau, Kazakhstan ORCID 0000-0003-2672-2012


В современных условиях для успешного развития бизнеса в условиях глобализации компаниям необходимо обратить особое внимание развитию коммуникационных навыков своих сотрудников. Применение коммуникационных навыков руководителями и менеджерами благоприятно скажется на успешном преодолении коммуникационных барьеров, и повысят отдачу межличностных коммуникаций при взаимодействии как внутри бизнеса, так и за его пределами.


In modern conditions, for successful business development in the context of globalization, companies need to pay special attention to the development of communication skills of their employees. The use of communication skills by managers and managers will favorably affect the successful overcoming of communication barriers, and will increase the impact of interpersonal communications when interacting both inside and outside the business.

Ключевые слова: менеджмент, внутренние коммуникации, коммуникационные барьеры, активное слушание, обратная связь, корпоративная культура.

Keywords: management, internal communications, communication barriers, active listening, feedback, corporate culture.


There are several well-tested strategies that allow us to successfully overcome communication barriers and increase the effectiveness of communication at the level of employees of the organization.

Organizations should pay special attention to the development of communication skills of their employees. The most important skills include: active listening. The meaning of active listening as a communication technique is the listener's ability to help the speaker say exactly what he intended to say. There are several principles of active listening:

* do not interrupt the speaker, do not start talking while the interlocutor is talking;

* endear the interlocutor to yourself, create an atmosphere of friendliness;

* neutralize distractions, avoid outside interference;

* demonstrate sympathy and interest in the interlocutor;

* be patient and avoid disputes at the stage of obtaining information;

* ask questions.

In addition to the ability to actively listen, there are a number of skills that can be used to reduce the likelihood of barriers and to increase the impact of interpersonal communications.

There are many ways to improve the effectiveness of interpersonal communication:

* clarify your ideas before you begin to express them (pass them on to other people);

* be receptive to possible semantic problems;

* watch your facial expression, gestures, posture, intonation;

* express openness and willingness to understand;

* seek feedback using the following techniques: ask questions; ask the interlocutor to retell your thoughts; evaluate the language of the interlocutor's poses, gestures and intonations, which may indicate confusion and misunderstanding; monitor the first results of the work; always be ready to answer questions.

The successful development of the organization's activities is often hindered by the staff's incorrect perception of the tasks assigned to them, as well as the company's strategic goals. Regular feedback from management and employees will help solve this and a number of other problems.

Feedback is a response, a response to a message, action, or event. Feedback in the framework of communication theory is the recipient's response to information received from the source. In the presence of feedback, communication turns into a two-way process, in which it is possible to adjust the goals and behavior of communication participants. Feedback contributes to the effective exchange of information, as it gives an understanding of the extent to which the message is understood by the receiving party, whether the information is correctly interpreted to it.

Every head of an organization wants to achieve the best results in working with staff. In this case, it is impossible to do without the effective use of feedback from subordinates. This important aspect of the company's corporate and HR policy allows you to solve several problems at once. First of all, being a guide of ideas and decisions of top management to the lower levels of the company, feedback helps to avoid misunderstandings by the staff of the tasks assigned to them, the strategy and corporate values of the company.

Providing constant feedback to employees provides an opportunity to find out their opinion about top management, the policy of the organization and to assess the degree to which they share the strategic goals and objectives of the company.

On the other hand, feedback is a powerful motivating tool. The absence or lack of information about the results of the work of subordinates often causes their irritation and dissatisfaction. After all, each of them expects the head to evaluate his work, which shows not only weaknesses or strengths, but also, above all, the importance of his work for the company.

The positive results that the use of feedback with subordinates gives is that, firstly, the relationship between employees and managers improves. Fears that feedback may cause a negative reaction are justified only in cases when the wrong form or the wrong moment is chosen for its transmission.

Secondly, the need to give feedback to his subordinates makes the head collect more information about the activities of his department and think more deeply about the results of his work.

Feedback methods are divided into positive and negative. Positive feedback consists in written or verbal

expressions of gratitude, rewards, promotions, and so on. It is based on the regular monitoring by the head of the activities of his subordinates. The purpose of the control is not to identify shortcomings, but an objective assessment of the work. At the same time, the detected errors are not considered as a fault - the head together with the subordinate discuss what and how to do to eliminate them.

Negative feedback includes reprimands, deductions from wages, deprivation of bonuses, demotion, dismissals. In this case, the control of the work of subordinates is aimed at identifying shortcomings and the head does not discuss with subordinates ways to eliminate them, considering it their personal problem. Only the period during which everything should be brought back to normal is determined.

According to leading experts, in order to make feedback more effective, the following rules should be followed, which have been successfully tested in practice by many managers:

1. Feedback should be regular and systematic.

2. Feedback should not be reduced to total control.

3. The use of hidden control in the feedback system does not bring anything significant.

4. Evaluating the work of subordinates, it is necessary to identify not only shortcomings, but also successes.

5. The feedback results must be communicated to the subordinate. Negative control results will be fruitless if they are not immediately discussed and ways to eliminate shortcomings are not found.

6. The conversation on the results of the evaluation of the work should be constructive and conducted in a respectful tone.

7. It is important that the subordinate agrees with the criticism, draws proper conclusions from it and understands how to fix the situation.

Managers of both Western and domestic companies are increasingly coming to the conclusion that positive feedback should prevail over negative. At the same time, the need for a share of negative criticism is not denied. A competent combination of feedback methods helps to establish contact between management and ordinary employees, and also helps to achieve better results in the company's activities and increases its competitiveness.

Corporate culture occupies more and more space in the picture of modern business. But it is not an easy task to accurately determine its meaning and boundaries. People responsible for the development and implementation of corporate culture often have a limited understanding of it. It is undeniable that corporate culture is a broad and flexible concept. It is distinguished by the complexity and interdependence of elements, the relative value of forecasts.

Corporate culture is a set of values prevailing in the organization, norms and patterns of behavior that determine the meaning and model of employees' activities, regardless of their official position and functional responsibilities.

Currently, the topic of corporate culture is a key issue of many studies, seminars and conferences. Its

role in the overall development strategy of organizations is steadily increasing. However, according to the Association of Managers, only 25% of domestic companies have special departments involved in the formation and implementation of corporate values. A wide field of improvement opens up for other firms. They have yet to realize the importance of corporate culture, which is increasingly called the intangible basis for the development and success of any organization.

Corporate culture includes the following components

* an idea of the mission (purpose) of the organization, its role in society, the main goals and objectives of the activity;

* value attitudes (concepts of permissible and unacceptable), through the prism of which all actions of employees are evaluated;

* behavioral models (response options) in various situations (both ordinary and non-standard);

* management style of the organization (delegation of authority, making important decisions, feedback, etc.);

* the current communication system (information exchange and interaction between the structural units of the organization and with the outside world, the accepted forms of address "boss-subordinate" and "subordinate-chief");

* norms of business communication between team members and with clients (other institutions, government representatives, the media, the general public, etc.>

* ways to resolve conflicts (internal and external);

* traditions and customs accepted in the organization (for example, congratulating employees on their birthday, joint trips to nature, etc.);

* the symbolism of the organization (slogan, logo, clothing style of employees, etc.).

At the same time, these components must be accepted and supported by all members of the team (or the overwhelming majority of them).

The corporate culture of any organization manifests itself, willingly or unwittingly, at every minute, regardless of whether it is managed or formed spontaneously.

The main functions of corporate culture:

1. Mobilization and unification. Shared values contribute to team building and the rapid achievement of goals.

2. Organization and harmonization. The adoption by employees of the rules and procedures of work in the company and interaction between themselves and with the external environment gives a synergy effect, ensures optimal performance and, as a result, the achievement of the business goals of the enterprise.

3. Guarding function. Defines unacceptable actions (both management and staff) that can damage the business, the business reputation of the company or entail penalties from the controlling state bodies.

4. Attracting talent to the company and retaining key employees. This function is often called HR branding or internal PR, since it is the corporate culture of the employer in its broadest sense that interests the applicant first of all.

5. Formation of image and business reputation. In the context of corporate culture, this function means, first of all, the development of personal and business relationships of employees of the enterprise with the external environment (customers, investors, suppliers, partners, competitors, the media, the public and government agencies).

6. Increasing market value. Being an integral part of intangible assets, corporate culture directly affects the market value of the company.

Corporate culture is directly related to the corporate spirit, the loyalty of employees towards the organization. One of the most important tasks of the PR department of the corporation is to maintain the spirit of corporatism both in an individual employee and in the working team, to unite employees with common interests for all and to understand the common goals of the enterprise.

In order to form a corporate culture adequate to the modern requirements of the economy and business, it is necessary to transform the values of people formed under the influence of command and administrative management methods and take a course to introduce into the consciousness of all categories of employees the elements that make up the basic structure of a market-type corporate culture. One of the most important indicators of such a culture is the orientation not only to ensure a favorable atmosphere, normal relations in the team, but also to achieve the intended goals and results of the corporation's activities.

Corporate culture can be created purposefully from above, but it can also be formed spontaneously from below, from various elements of different structures, introduced human relations between employees, managers and subordinates, different people who have become employees of the corporation.

Values are a fundamental element of corporate culture. Values give each employee confirmation that what he does meets his own interests and needs, as well as the interests and needs of the work collective and the specific unit in which he is employed, the entire corporation and society as a whole.

Myths and legends also play an important role in the company, which can be formed both by the conscious efforts of its managers and PR department, and spontaneously from below. They exist, as a rule, in the form of metaphorical stories, anecdotes that are passed down from generation to generation of workers and employees. They are connected with the history of the company's origin, its further development, the life and activities of the "founding fathers" and are designed to bring corporate values to employees in a visual, imaginative, lively form.


In accordance with the corporate culture of the organization, employees adhere to the rules and norms of behavior. A set of rules and norms of behavior, standards of relations between employees, as well as between them and managers or the management of collectives, divisions of the corporation, finds expression in official documents, codes of honor, codes of corporate conduct, etc.

There are five primary mechanisms for the transfer of corporate culture:

1. allocation of objects of attention, evaluation and control of the head;

2. criteria for the distribution of incentives and rewards;

3. intentional creation of role models;

4. strategies for resolving critical situations and crises;

5. selection criteria for hiring, promotion and dismissal


1. Baldin, K. V. Managerial decisions / K.V. Baldin, S.N. Vorobyev, V.B. Utkin. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2019.

2. Busov, V. I. Managerial decisions: a textbook for bachelors / V. I. Busov. - M. : Yurayt Publishing House, 2018

3. Berezhnaya E. V. Methods and models of managerial decision-making: Textbook / E.V. Berezhnaya, V.I. Berezhnoy. - M.: SIC INFRA-M, 2018.

4. Baryshev, A.V. Fundamentals of management decision development: a textbook / A.V. Baryshev. -Moscow: Forum: Infra-M, 2021

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Dermanska L.,

Chortkiv Educational and Scientific Institute of Entrepreneurship and Business of West Ukrainian National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Associate Professor, Ukraine Kovalchuk Y.

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Chortkiv Educational and Scientific Institute of Entrepreneurship and Business of West Ukrainian National University, Senior Lecturer,



The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine under the influence of special factors, namely the military conflict and pandemic, which led to the emergence of a significant number of vulnerable groups of population. It is determined in which organizational and legal forms of activity of economic entities social entrepreneurship operates. The advantages and disadvantages of the functioning of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are outlined. Social, economic, financial factors that will contribute to the formation of such an organizational and legal form as a social enterprise are highlighted.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship, social enterprise, social problems, vulnerable groups of population.

Formulation of the problem. Socio-economic stagnation in Ukraine as a result of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea, in turn, the emergence of new categories of people in need of social support - refugees from the Crimea and Donbass, ATO veterans. These circumstances encourage the search for additional sources of funding and ways to solve social problems of the most vulnerable categories of citizens. The experience of European countries shows the possibility of creating social enterprises that will allow vulnerable groups of population to solve social and economic problems.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Social entrepreneurship begins the process of formation in Ukraine. International experience in the development of social enterprises is significant in both scientific and theoretical and practical areas. Domestic science is represented by the works of scientists such as A. Andrushchenko, V. Kyfiak, L. Malysh, B. Koso-vych, N. Holubiak, T. Lunkina and H. Ivanenko, V. Shapoval and others.

Highlighting previously unresolved parts of the overall problem. Ukraine does not legislate on the def-

inition, creation, operation and taxation of social enterprises, and there is no single interpretation of social enterprises, social entrepreneurship and among the numerous scientific and practical studies of scientists. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the prospects of social entrepreneurship under the influence of existing factors in Ukraine.

The purpose of the work. Based on the above issues, it is advisable to study the importance and feasibility of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine and to systematize social, economic, financial factors that will contribute to the formation of this organizational and legal form of business entities.

Results. Social entrepreneurship is entrepreneur-ship, enterprise, entrepreneurial activity that combines the social goal with making a profit by selling goods and providing relevant services.

The purpose of creating a business is the main difference between a classic enterprise and a social one. In the first case, the company is created to enrich, in the second - to solve social problems.

The most quoted interpretations of "social entrepreneurship" are at the same time the most extensive.

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