Section 3. Technical sciences
Le Duc Anh, Master, Lecturer, University of Fire Prevention and firefighting
Abstract. Fire prevention, fighting and rescue in Vietnam has been identified as one of the important tasks contributing to ensuring political security and social order and safety. Propaganda and awareness raising, awareness of law observance and mobilization of the entire population's strength in fire prevention, fighting and rescue is an urgent task required in the current situation. The article is based on the analysis and evaluation of the achieved results, indicating the existence, limitations and causes of those shortcomings and limitations; from there, draw lessons from experience and propose solutions to improve the effectiveness of propaganda and build a movement of all people for fire prevention, fighting and rescue in the coming time.
Keywords: Propaganda on fire prevention, fighting and rescue; the all-people movement for fire prevention, fighting and rescue; Vietnam
1. Make a problem cal regulations and organize relevant guidance effec-
Propagating and building a movement of all tively propagate and build a movement of all people
people for fire prevention, fighting and rescue is an on fire prevention, fighting and rescue. Thereby, the
activity of the masses of the people, with leadership effectiveness and efficiency of state management is
and direction in the organization and implementa- increasingly enhanced, creating a clear change. Mea-
tion. Besides, this is a basic, regular and long-term sures to prevent and eliminate causes and conditions
measure, having strategic significance in the work of of fire, explosion, accidents and incidents are actively
ensuring safety in fire prevention, fighting against the implemented; activities of inspection, inspection
requirements and tasks set out in the new situation. and handling of violations are promoted, strength-
Therefore, over the years, the Police force for fire pre- ened and strictly implemented. The number of fires
vention, fighting and rescue of the Vietnam Public and explosions was controlled; reduce the number
Security has always actively performed and success- of large fires and explosions causing serious damage;
fully completed all assigned tasks; has actively and The application of advanced and modern scientific
actively consulted with authorities at all levels to set and technological achievements in the field of fire
guidelines, policies and solutions, step by step per- prevention, fighting and rescue has been focused and
fect the legal system, system of standards and techni- invested in order to improve the efficiency and com-
bat power of the Police force fire prevention, fighting and rescue of the Vietnamese police.
2. Results achieved
2.1. Advantage
In the period of2017-2022, the socio-economic development in Vietnam has grown at a relatively high rate, the process of industrialization, modernization and urbanization has taken place rapidly in most localities. Houses and constructions are more and more diverse in types and properties. The number of industrial parks, production and business establishments has increased rapidly with large production scale, operating in many fields. According to statistics, at present, the whole country has 389 industrial parks, 15.238 petrol and oil facilities, 439 hydroelectric power plants, 39 thermal power plants, 22 airports, 72 seaports, 128 inland waterway ports, 25.559 markets, supermarkets, trade centers, 30,233 apartments, high-rise buildings and hundreds of thousands of establishments under the management of fire prevention, fighting and rescue [2].
Fire situation: In 5 years (from 2017 to 2021), there were 17.055 fires in Vietnam (including 15.484 fires in houses, facilities, vehicles and 1.571 forest fires). The damage caused by the fire killed 433 people, injured 790 people, preliminary property damage was estimated at 7.043 billion VND and 7.548 hectares of forest. In addition, there were 2.769 small fire-related incidents (not subject to statistics such as short-circuiting of electrical equipment on electric poles, grass fires, garbage caused by hot sun ...) [2]. Particularly in 2022, 1.741 fires occurred in Vietnam, killing 110 people, injuring 86 people, preliminary property damage was estimated at 634.077 billion VND and 1.532.69 hectares of forest [1].
In order to make a drastic change in propaganda and building a movement of all people to participate in fire prevention, fighting and rescue, the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam has coordinated with ministries, branches, localities, domestic press agencies strengthen propaganda, renew forms and contents of propaganda, build the all-people movement
for fire prevention, fighting and rescue, specifically as follows:
- The Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam has promulgated the Project on "Renovating and improving the effectiveness of propaganda, dissemination and education of laws and knowledge and skills on fire prevention, fighting and rescue meet the requirements of the new situation"; implementation in the period 2021-2030; proposed 10 groups oftasks and solutions to profoundly innovate the contents and forms of propaganda, dissemination and education of laws and knowledge and skills on fire prevention, fighting and rescue. Currently, the Ministry of Public Security ofVietnam is implementing phase 1 of the Project (from 2021 to the end of 2025); Accordingly, 63/63 local police have been instructed to arrange 01 full-time staff to conduct propaganda on fire prevention, fighting and rescue.
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications to direct network operators to send messages to mobile subscribers to warn and advise people on fire prevention and fighting safety. Accordingly, in the period from 2021 to 2022, 107 million messages have been sent to people's mobile subscribers in order to raise awareness and guide skills in fire prevention, fighting rescue [2].
- Directing functional agencies to build digital conversion application software in fire prevention, fighting and rescue so that people can inform the fire prevention, firefighting and rescue Police agency rescue when incidents or accidents occur and serve the propaganda and dissemination of law, knowledge and skills. Up to now, in Vietnam, there have been 345,467 downloads and registrations to use the account "Fire Alarm 114"; the goal by the end of2022 will mobilize 20% of the population to install the application [2].
- Cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Training in promulgating a Circular guiding the provision of knowledge and skills on fire prevention, fighting and rescue for pupils and students in educational institutions. Currently, in Vietnam, the
Ministry of Public Security is coordinating with the Ministry of Education and Training to develop and complete curricula and lectures to foster knowledge and skills in fire prevention, fighting and rescue, to put into learning programs, extracurricular activities of schools (expected to be implemented in the school year 2022-2023).
- In the period 2017-2022, the Police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue of the Ministry of Public Security ofVietnam has coordinated with central and local press agencies to promote propaganda with many contents content and forms are rich and diverse such as organizing propaganda through social networks, organizing training classes, seminars, conferences, contests; open specialized pages and categories on the mass media; During this period, the Police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue, the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam coordinated with central media agencies and the locality organizes and broadcasts 88.254 news articles and articles; broadcast 788.517 reportage, documentaries on fire prevention and fighting; issued 5.123.017 banners, slogans and recommendations on fire prevention, fighting and rescue; organizing propaganda and training in fire prevention, fighting and rescue with 177.409 sessions with 9.668.141 participants [2].
- The work of replicating and developing models of movements and advanced examples in fire prevention, fighting and rescue is interested in directing the implementation, construction, development and replication of 3.964 models points, such as the model of "a cluster of enterprises for fire prevention and fighting safety and rescue and rescue"; "public firefighting point"; "inter-group of fire prevention, fighting and rescue "; "safe residential area for fire prevention, fighting and rescue" ..., 14.413 advanced typical examples of fire prevention, fighting and rescue to promote the motto "four on the spot" (forces on the spot, vehicles on the spot, command on the spot, logistics on the spot) [2].
In general, the propaganda and building of the all-people movement for fire prevention, fighting and res-
cue in the period 2017-2022 has been paid attention and implemented quite synchronously from the party committee, the government to the government basis. Thereby, initially creating a change in awareness of the heads ofagencies and organizations regarding fire prevention, fighting and rescue; at the same time, helping people understand the responsibilities and regulations of the law, master the knowledge of fire prevention, fighting and rescue, thereby proactively implementing, coordinating and supporting the functional forces in the process oforganizing firefighting and rescue activities when there is a fire, explosion, incident or accident.
2.2 Some exist, limited
- The work of propagating and disseminating legal knowledge on fire prevention, fighting and rescue is not regular and continuous, but only stops at major events and festivals and only focuses on propagandizing in public areas cities and townships, while remote areas have not been given due attention; funding for propaganda and training has not yet met practical requirements; slow to implement the introduction of knowledge and skills of fire prevention, fighting and rescue into educational institutions to create a foundation ofknowledge and skills for incident and accident prevention for all Vietnamese citizens since the beginning of the year childhood; Not paying due attention to disseminating knowledge and understanding about prevention of fire and explosion, common incidents and accidents in daily life and production.
- The construction of typical advanced agencies, units and facilities in fire prevention, fighting and rescue is still carried out by a number of units, which is still a formality, has not gone into depth, and has not yet met the requirements of the Government requirements and objectives are met. The head of the facility has not paid attention to building and maintaining the operation of the grassroots fire prevention, fighting team, not organizing night duty and patrolling, so he cannot detect and fight fire in time, when the police force when fire prevention, fighting and rescue arrived, the fire was large, covering the entire area and difficult to extinguish.
- The research and innovation of contents, forms and measures to build the all-people movement for fire prevention, fighting and rescue in some places has not been carried out regularly. The thorough application of the four-on-the-spot motto in fire prevention, fighting and rescue has not been carried out regularly, thoroughly, and is still formal; The quality and operational efficiency of civil defense forces, grassroots and specialized fire prevention and fighting forces in some places are not high due to lack of regular attention.
- The construction and maintenance of activities of civil defense forces, grassroots and specialized fire prevention and fighting forces is still a formality and has not yet promoted its role as a core force at the grassroots to propagate, mobilize people to raise awareness and voluntarily abide by the law on fire prevention, fighting and rescue. The model of organizing civil defense teams in some places is still not suitable for socio-economic conditions, especially in ward-level areas where there is a street protection committee, and at commune level there is a communal police station, so many places do not organize a civil defense team.
2.3. Reason
- Awareness and responsibilities of some agencies, units and localities in fire prevention, fighting and rescue are not adequate, leaving the police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue and semi-specialized forces; the head of the facility and many people are still negligent, subjective, have not fully performed their roles and responsibilities in the work of fire prevention, fighting and rescue; the coordination between agencies, units and localities in performing the tasks of fire prevention, fighting and rescue is still not close.
- Funding for investment in fire prevention, fighting and rescue activities, although carefully arranged, is still very difficult in many localities. Many localities have not been able to balance their budgets and have to depend on the central budget, so they cannot take the initiative in resources for implementation; The
heads of a number of agencies and organizations are only equipped with some rudimentary means, not being able to invest in fully equipped equipment as prescribed. The regime for the team working on fire prevention, fighting and rescue is still limited.
- Staffing of the police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue in the locality is limited, while the workload is large. For the civil defense force, the policy is not consistent with reality, most of the team members are elderly, so the health and capacity conditions to handle fire situations in the locality and facility.
3. Some lessons learned
Firstly, the work of propagating and building a movement for all people to participate in fire prevention, fighting and rescue must be under the direct and comprehensive leadership of the Party committees and authorities at all levels. Police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue, civil defense force, grassroots fire prevention and fighting force, specialized forces, heads of agencies, units, enterprises, schools as the core of the advisory.
Secondly, it is necessary to do well the propaganda and replication of advanced typical models, have mechanisms and policies to reward collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the propaganda and building of the global movement. people for fire prevention, fighting and rescue, attracting a large number of people to participate.
Third, pay attention to building and strengthening the grassroots civil defense, fire prevention and fighting forces, serving as the core for propaganda and building the movement of all people for fire prevention, fighting and rescue.
4. Solution
In order to improve the effectiveness of propaganda and build the all-people movement for fire prevention, fighting and rescue in the coming time, it is necessary to carry out a number of key contents as follows:
- Party committees, authorities at all levels, heads of organizations, production and business establishments, etc. must consider the task of fire
prevention, fighting and rescue as an important task, especially in strengthening public service inspection of the implementation of the regulations. Continue to innovate and improve the quality of propaganda and dissemination of laws and knowledge and skills on fire prevention, fighting and rescue, creating a profound change in awareness and actions of the people levels, sectors and the whole society. Continue to advise on the effective implementation of the Project "Renovating and improving the effectiveness of propaganda, dissemination and education of laws and knowledge and skills on fire prevention, fighting and rescue households to meet the requirements of the new situation". Promote the use of digital transformation application software to serve the propagation and dissemination of law, knowledge of fire prevention, fighting and rescue.
- Continue to perform well in the role of advising the Party committees and authorities to lead and direct the construction, consolidating and improving the quality of propaganda and building the movement of all people for fire prevention, fighting and rescue, turning the movement of the entire people to participate in fire prevention, fighting and rescue into a movement of all people, contributing to well protecting state property, people's lives and property, thereby ensuring ensure the situation of social order and safety, serving socio-economic development.
- Implement the motto "four on the spot", establish fire prevention and fighting teams on the spot and organize training, training, sports, and contests on fire prevention, fighting and rescue for the local community this force. At the same time, review, consolidate and maintain the operation of the existing grassroots fire prevention and fighting forces and civil defense; Continue to replicate the model of building typical advanced agencies and units; fire prevention and fighting safety in neighborhoods and hamlets associated with the model of building safety agencies for security and order and safe communes for security and order. There are appropriate forms
tions and individuals that have made achievements in the all-people movement for fire prevention and fighting in order to launch, encourage and promote the movement of all people to participate in fire prevention, fighting and rescue.
- Each production facility, agency, unit, and each residential household must take the initiative in fire prevention, fighting and rescue, clearly identify the possible fire and explosion risks and have a plan firefighting and rescue specific. On that basis, develop and periodically practice and rehearse lessons learned to promptly supplement the limitations in the identified plans and plans. In public places such as high-rise apartment buildings, amusement parks, commercial centers, markets, etc., there must be full regulations on fire prevention and fighting safety, and instruct people on protection plans safety in the event of fire or explosion.
- Invest in physical facilities, means of fire prevention, fighting and rescue, technical infrastructure, traffic,... in service of fire prevention, fighting and rescue in accordance with regulations of law each locality, especially those where the police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue are difficult to access... closely combine propaganda and education with strengthening and strictly handling violations of regulations fire prevention, fighting and rescue according to regulations.
- Apply information technology in managing the database on fire prevention, fighting and rescue in each locality, especially where there is a high risk of fire and explosion. Focus on preliminarily, summarizing and evaluating the results of the performance of fire prevention, fighting and rescue tasks in each period, stage, drawing lessons from experience, and providing direction and orientation in different stages next paragraph.
5. Conclusion
The application of experience and the implementation of solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of propaganda and building a movement of all people to participate in fire prevention, fighting and
rescue is an acceptable job law enforcement, as well as educational and propaganda purposes. This is a difficult j ob, especially in a market economy. For propaganda and movement building to be effective and practical
for the work of national construction and defense and social security, it is necessary to have the participation of the whole political system and understanding, the voluntary participation of everyone in society.
1. Ministry of Public Security (2022). Report No. 1274/BC-C07, dated December 20, 2022 of the Police Department of fire prevention, fighting and rescue on work results in 2022 and directions and public tasks focus activities in 2023, Hanoi.
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3. Government (2020). Decree No. 136/2020/NB-CP, dated November 24, 2020 of the Government detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Fire Protection and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Fire Protection, Hanoi.
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