Научная статья на тему 'Communal agrarian economy in the world market'

Communal agrarian economy in the world market Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Kapinos R.V., Osmirko I.V., Sinitsa T.V.

In the article considered are features of functioning of the modern system of communal agrarian economy, realizing specific principles of effective management, allowing to attain steady economic development economies without the use of typical for a world market relations, due to the special character of labour relations, optimization of expenses, favourable character of mutual relations with state institutes, wide development of charity, when offering lies and in founding of economy, and is his main effect.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Communal agrarian economy in the world market»

Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ■ № 9(40) ■ Часть 3 • Октябрь

Капинос Р.В.1, Осьмирко И.В.2, Синица Т.В.3

1 Кандидат экономических наук, доцент, 2кандидат экономических наук, доцент, 3кандидат экономических наук, доцент, Харьковский национальный педагогический университет имени Г.С. Сковороды ОБЩИННОЕ АГРАРНОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО В МИРОВОЙ РЫНОЧНОЙ ЭКОНОМИКЕ


В статье рассмотрены - особенности функционирования современной системы общинного аграрного хозяйства, реализующего специфические принципы эффективного хозяйствования, позволяющие достичь устойчивого экономического развития хозяйства без использования типичных для мирового рынка отношений, за счет особого характера трудовых отношений, оптимизации затрат, льготного характера взаимоотношений с государственными институтами, широкого развития благотворительности, когда пожертвование лежит и в основании хозяйства, и является его главным эффектом.

Ключевые слова: общинное аграрное хозяйство, мировая рыночная экономика, сельское хозяйство, экономическая эффективность, монастырская экономика.

Kapinos R.V.1, Osmirko I.V.2, Sinitsa T.V.3

1PhD in Economics, associate professor, 2PhD in Economics, associate professor, 3PhD in Economics, associate professor, Kharkov national pedagogical university of the name Grigory Skovoroda COMMUNAL AGRARIAN ECONOMY IN THE WORLD MARKET


In the article considered are features of functioning of the modern system of communal agrarian economy, realizing specific principles of effective management, allowing to attain steady economic development economies without the use of typical for a world market relations, due to the special character of labour relations, optimization of expenses, favourable character of mutual relations with state institutes, wide development of charity, when offering lies and in founding of economy, and is his main effect.

Keywords: communal agrarian economy, world markets, agriculture, economic efficiency, monastic economy.

An agricultural life of religious organizations — one of the least investigated branches of economics by a science. There exist some reasons for this. On the one hand, religious communities, and especially their economical life, were always hidden for an external investigation [1, 461]. On the other hand, a choice of a method and a way of researching of these associations is complicated; it is very difficult to apply the usual economical parameters to «a communal economy» (more exact definition: «a collective economy of a confession type ") the usual economical parameters. The agriculture of religio us communities has always seemed to economists to be ineffective, by the size very insignificant, frequently technically very outdated, almost natural, and in the whole poorly organized. What sense does it make to study that what appears to fall soon into decay and investigation of what will not bring any useful and profitable conclusions for the future development of all the economy? But nevertheless as the economical history shows, communal agrarian economy permanently existed in any economical system, being quite of great vitality even under the conditions of economical crisis.

What is the reason of their stability and flexibility?

Let’s see a concrete example— the economy of Uspensky Svjatogorskoi Cloister (Svjatogorsk town, the East of Ukraine). As for the economical state of the cloister, before the October revolution it used to be one of the most effective and prospering cloistral communities. At the end of the XVIII century it possessed 30 thousand acres of the woodlands (2 dessiatina—3/4 acres), 2 thousand of peasants were attached to this economy. Soon after the October revolution in 1924 Svatogorsky cloister as well as the majority of other orthodox cloisters, was closed. All the belongings were expropriated and given to a boarding house, built on the cloistral lands. In the times of the Soviet Union its temple was used as a swimming pool, a sauna and a dining room and the Yspensky cathedral as a cinema house.

Only in 70 years (in 1992) the monastery was opened again. During the past 23 years the cloister was occupied with reconstruction. Tree temples were completely renewed, a wooden temple, on so called hill Favor was also rebuilt. Nowadays the cloister has 90 monks, all of them are ” monks-workers”, or in other words they take part in an economical labor : building works (casual work), in a refectory, candle making, sewing, shoe and joiner’s workshops, in a mini-bakery, in monks’ cells, on a kitchen garden and an apiary. They worked 10—12 hours a day.

Nowadays the economy of the Svatogorsky cloister includes 8.5 hectares of plough land, only 1 hectare of it is occupied with a kitchen garden (cloistral land is stony and poorly fertilized); apiary with 30 bee stocks (600 in XIX century), garden (4 hectares), 4 cows of a breed Ukrainian Steppe, 10 items of a technique, including life expired tractor.19 hectares of the wood, which surrounds the cloister are a forest reserve. Cloistral greenhouse (10 4 meters) — is covered with a pellicle, with stea m heating, with old and worn equipment; it’s used for planting of seedlings (half of them are flowers). One of the main sources of water is a mountain stream, which runs behind the monastery walls. Brick works, mills and poultry yard, which existed in the XIX are not reconstructed. Candle work is situated a long way from the monastery (though they are short of vex). In the cloister there are 120 monks, 50—60 everyday pilgrims and 40 - 50 hired workers (builders) that are not less than 200 - 250 people. We should to take into account that some sum of money don’t reach the cloistral economy because of baggers (from 5 to 10 by the gates, whose “earnings” may make up to 100 grivnas a day) and also trades people, selling the daggers and also some food, books and crockery with sights of the cloister on it, which the visitors buy willingly.

Some money incomes could bring those who take of monastic vows. But in Svatogorsky cloister the majority of “incoming” are former students, aspirants, retired people, that are people rather poor. Besides, according to the monastic statute taking of monastic vows one can do with his property whatever he wants and a cloistral authorities have no right to put any pressure on him.


Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ■ № 9(40) ■ Часть 3 • Октябрь

Researchers face such a paradox: it is obvious, that the monastic agrarian economy is not effective, it feels a sharp need even for the most necessary - for lands, technical equipment, money, as a matter of fact there is no economy here, but nevertheless it exists.

Where are the souses of such a vital force? The main reasons must lie out of economical categories. But in the same time we can mark out a number of purely economical factors.

1. Its a wide use of unpaid or rather very low paid labor: pilgrims and monks, everyone have to work, including the highest office (a pilgrim who lives in the cloister more than 3 days, is obliged to accept "obedience" that is to work for a monastery; a nice wooden church on the hill Favor has been built in one year by a brigade consisted of 12 person. They worked practically for free, only “for food” The monastery is guarded by Zaporozhye Cossacks also for free, etc.

2. A monastery - is some kind of «a free economic area», tax —free and exempt from paying a rent for the land.

3. The low prices for "goods" and "services" given by a monastery in comparison with parish churches certainly attract "buyers".

4. A high level of charitable "support». So, a lot of heads of Donetska region and also a number of private commercial firms help constantly Svatogorsky cloister financially. In the last years several old and desolated buildings to the sum of 50 thousand grivnas were given to the cloister; without a help of the governor the monastery could not redeem the former property. These are some kind of gratuitous grants.

A monastic agrarian economy is a unique phenomenon in the modern economy [3, 121]. This is an economy based on charity and existing for the sake of charity [2, 740].


1. Codex ivris canonici // Pallottinum, 1984. 697 s.

2. Smith Adam. Inguiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations // Eksmo, 2007. 960 s.

3. Kapinos R. V. The monastic economy: the economic relationship and place in the modern national economy // Institute of Economics, RAS, 2006. 140 s.

Корнацкий С.А.

Доцент, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, Российский университет дружбы народов ЭНДОГЕННАЯ И ЭКЗОГЕННАЯ РЕГУЛЯЦИЯ МИКРОРАЗМНОЖЕНИЯ ЧЕРЕШНИ


Обсуждаются проблемы выращивания черешни в нетрадиционных зонах возделывания культуры. Рассматриваются приемы получения корнесобственных растений черешни с использованием метода in vitro и предлагается технология доращивания микрорастений с моделированием периода покоя.

Ключевые слова: черешня, клональное микроразмножение, растительные гормоны, корнесобственная культура.

Kornatskiy S.A.

Associate Professor, PhD in Agriculture, Russian Peoples' Friendship University ENDOGENOUS AND EXOGENOUS REGULATION OF MICROPROPAGATION SWEET CHERRIES


The problems of growing sweet cherries in non-traditional areas of cultivation culture are discussed. Methods for the own-rooted plants with cherries by in vitro are considered and technology of microplants rearing with modeling dormancy period is proposed..

Keywords: sweet cherry, micropropagation, plant hormones, own rooted culture.

Черешня как плодовая культура чрезвычайно популярна за счет ранней сезонной продукции с высокими вкусовыми качествами. Общепризнанно, что культура это южная, однако ситуация с ареалом распространения ее достаточно сильно изменилась в последнее время. Результативная селекционная работа позволила создать ряд сортов, которые удалось районировать даже в Нечерноземье - зоне с весьма суровыми, в отдельные годы, климатическими условиями.

Основой создания продуктивных черешневых насаждений, безусловно, является качественный посадочный материал. И, наиболее очевидная проблема в средней полосе России в этой связи - отсутствие высоко технологичного подвоя, который в питомнике давал бы выровненные рослые сеянцы, обеспечивающие высокий выход качественных саженцев. Поэтому в качестве подвоев с разной степенью успешности используют сеянцы культурных сортов черешни, сеянцы сильнорослых сортов вишни и сильнорослые клоновые подвои.

В то же время существует еще один вариант получения саженцев черешни - вегетативное размножение. Корнесобственная культура косточковых растений известна достаточно давно на примере вишни и сливы, технологически процесс детально прорабатывался в отечественной практике в середине прошлого века [1]. Однако, низкая укореняемость зеленых черенков не позволила тогда решить вопрос выращивания корнесобственного материала черешни. С разработкой принципиально нового метода вегетативного размножения - клонального микроразмножения ситуация коренным образом изменилась.

Начало работ по клональному микроразмножению черешни положено в лаборатории культуры тканей ВСТИСП (п. Измайлово, Московская обл.) в 2001-2004 годах и продолжено в биотехнологической лаборатории аграрного факультета РУДН (г. Москва) в 2012-2015 годах.

Целью изучения был подбор уровней и соотношений экзогенных и эндогенных факторов культивирования, обеспечивающих эффективную пролиферацию культур и получение растений-регенерантов in vitro.

В качестве объектов исследований использовали сорта селекции ВСТИСП - Фатеж, Чермашная и селекции ВНИИЛ - Ревна. Для культивирования применяли питательную среду Murashige и Skoog (1962). Поверхностная


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