COMMON PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Makhmudova M.N.

Adolescence is a period of changes. Adolescents are vulnerable and can develop bad habits that lead to serious problems, such as adults. Often there are problems in the behavior of adolescents, and their parents can not do anything about it.

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Текст научной работы на тему «COMMON PROBLEMS IN ADOLESCENTS»

UDK 61

Makhmudova M.N.


Fergana Public Health Medical Institute

Uzbekistan, Fergana


Annotation: adolescence is a period of changes. Adolescents are vulnerable and can develop bad habits that lead to serious problems, such as adults. Often there are problems in the behavior of adolescents, and their parents can not do anything about it.

Key words: Pertaining to adolescence, behavior, feelings, physical changes, hormonal level.

Adolescence is a time for developing independence. Typically, adolescents exercise their independence by questioning their parents' rules, which at times leads to rule breaking. It is common for once loyal children to begin to grumble when asked to carry out some chores at home and to respond in harsh words when been rebuked by their parents. This is often a challenging time for most parents. Some parents and their adolescents clash over almost everything. In these situations, the core issue is really control-adolescents want to feel in control of their lives and parents want adolescents to know they still make the rules.

During adolescence, the frequency and severity of violent interactions increase. Although episodes of violence at school are highly publicized, adolescents are much more likely to be involved with violence (or more often the threat of violence) at home and outside of school. Many factors, including developmental issues, gang membership, access to weapons, substance use, and poverty, contribute to an increased risk of violence for adolescents. Of particular concern are adolescents who, in an altercation, cause serious injury or use a weapon. Because adolescents are much more independent and mobile than they were as children, they are often out of the direct physical control of adults. In these circumstances, adolescents' behavior is determined by their own moral and behavioral code. The parents guide rather than directly control the adolescents' actions.

Physical changes in adolescents occur due to changes in their hormonal


• In girls, a breast appears, and at first it can be uncomfortable.

• Girls begin to know their figures.

• The son breaks the voice of the children, the hairs on his face begin to grow. This is the most noticeable change that occurs with them in adolescence.

• The main problem for adolescents is acne.

• In adolescents, muscle mass increases. This sometimes leads to excess weight.

• The body smelled.

• Girls begin menstruation.

The best way to help your child overcome this period is to tell him about the changes that are taking place with him.

Changes in the hormonal level bring about not only physical, but also emotional changes in adolescents. Adolescence is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood. Adolescents often suffer from this: they, like adults, have responsibilities and, like children, have their own desires.

Adolescents can be excessively emotional (and this is also associated with hormones). Literally everything can make them happy, bring grief or anger. Teenage girls are very vulnerable and cry a lot. Frequent mood swings are three in both boys and girls. Physical changes lead to self-reflection in adolescents. Children in early adulthood can feel strange. In adolescence, children often understand that they are inferior or, on the contrary, superior to others. In adolescence, children often think about sex. This can make them feel guilty.

Adolescence is associated with a constant change in emotions and that's good. You can help your child cope with emotional problems.

• Help your teenager to take care of himself. Tell him that it's good to feel what he feels like.

• Encourage your child to exercise. Physical activity maintains the level of the "hormone of happiness" serotonin, which is responsible for positive emotions in the body.

• Allow your teenager to talk. Listen to him without condemnation. If he is not ready for this, then do not advise him.

• Talk with your teenager about your teenage years. This allows him to know that it is better to feel himself.

• Encourage your child to do what he likes, because this will help him to orient his emotions in the creative direction.

Feelings that overwhelm the teenager can lead him to impulsive behavior, which, in turn, can harm both himself and those around him. Impulsive behavior is characteristic of children of this age and continues in adolescence. Adolescence is a period when children strive for independence. They doubt the rules established by their parents and do what they believe to be right. In adolescents, the brain develops intensively. This makes them capricious and stubborn. Hormonal changes in teenage boys lead them to physical dependence. They also like to listen to loud music. To become more independent, adolescents want to try and risk something new. This is manifested in careless behavior. Sometimes the pressure of peers and the need to comply with the rules of their company bring out bad habits in adolescents, it is difficult to change them. Young people's fashion is changing more often. A teenager's dress and hairstyle

you may not like. The most dangerous thing in adolescence is that a teenager can contact a bad company and develop dangerous habits. Lying is one of the most common behavioral problems among adolescents. Adolescents do not conflict with their parents or lie because of fear.

Adolescents easily react to a bad condition. The biggest problem faced by parents of adolescents around the world is smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

• Most often, adolescents consume cigarettes, alcohol or drugs under the pressure of their peers.

• A tendency to dangerous behavior encourages many adolescents to drink alcohol or drugs before they reach adulthood.

• "Excitement", if it does not stop, can become a bad habit.

• This can be an example if the parents of a teenager smoke or drink alcohol.

• Low self-assessment or the desire to look "cool" can lead a teenager to the consumption of alcohol or drugs.

• If alcohol or cigarettes are ready for a teenager, he will be tempted to try


Adolescence is the period when children are ready to finish school and enter higher education institutions. They have more reading-related activities.

The pressure to study well and go to college can cause stress and distress in a teenager. Studying homework, tutoring and doing household chores often leads to overwork. Actions that distract the child from Reading are the way that leads to poor reading and additional pressure on the teenager.

Adolescents are often vulnerable-emotionally and physically. Without proper nutrition and taking care of their health, they are prone to various diseases.

• Adolescents are often busy. Between training sessions, they do not have time to rest and eat properly, so they do not get enough nutrients.

• Thoughts about their body can lead to a violation of nutrition of adolescents, especially girls. Girls are concerned about their appearance and weight, which can lead to anorexia or bulimia.

• Stress in adolescents is a way to lose appetite or cause impotence.

• Lack of healthy eating and physical activity often leads to obesity. This happens, for example, when a child eats high-calorie foods, fast food and carbonated drinks.

Parenting instruction helps adolescents cope with health problems and develop healthy lifestyle skills. As an example, encourage your child to eat healthy food, exercise and get enough sleep.


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