COLLECTIVE COOPERATION: IN THE EXAMPLE OF INTEGRATING THE CENTRAL ASIAN DIPLOMACY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
Central Asia / integration / diplomatic relations / energy / export-import / logistics / tourism / integration of Central Asian countries / plan GOELRO / single logistics and tourism line / Центральная Азия / интеграция / дипломатические отношения / энергетика / экспорт-импорт / логистика / туризм / интеграция стран Центральной Азии / план ГОЭЛРО / единая логистическая и туристическая линия

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Makhmudov S., Narzullayeva N.

The article discusses the role of The Republic of Uzbekistan in Central Asian region and its implementation of promissing reforms. A compratire analyis of the issue of integration of the Central Asian region into the case of Europian countries has been discussed. The issue of the cooperation and cooperation that are being carried out in the region are discussed separately. It also provides necessary recommendations and recommendations on energy, export-import, unique market, logistics and tourism.

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В статье обсуждается роль Республики Узбекистан в регионе Центральной Азии и ее реализация обещающих реформ. Вопрос о сотрудничестве и сотрудничестве, осуществляемых в регионе, обсуждается отдельно. Он также содержит необходимые рекомендации и рекомендации по энергетике, экспорту-импорту, уникальному рынку, логистике и туризму.



Makhmudov S., NUUz, faculty of history 1st course of master degree in Public administration and local self-

government department Narzullayeva N., NUUz, faculty of history 3 rd course of history faculty COLLECTIVE COOPERATION: IN THE EXAMPLE OF INTEGRATING


Annotation. The article discusses the role of The Republic of Uzbekistan in Central Asian region and its implementation of promissing reforms. A compratire analyis of the issue of integration of the Central Asian region into the case of Europian countries has been discussed. The issue of the cooperation and cooperation that are being carried out in the region are discussed separately. It also provides necessary recommondations and recommendations on energy, export-import, unique market, logistics and tourism.

Key words : Central Asia, integration, diplomatic relations, energy, exportimport, logistics, tourism, integration of Central Asian countries, plan GOELRO, single logistics and tourism line.

Аннотация.В статье обсуждается роль Республики Узбекистан в регионе Центральной Азии и ее реализация обещающих реформ. Вопрос о сотрудничестве и сотрудничестве, осуществляемых в регионе, обсуждается отдельно. Он также содержит необходимые рекомендации и рекомендации по энергетике, экспорту-импорту, уникальному рынку, логистике и туризму.

Ключевые слова: Центральная Азия, интеграция, дипломатические отношения, энергетика, экспорт-импорт, логистика, туризм, интеграция стран Центральной Азии, план ГОЭЛРО, единая логистическая и туристическая линия.

Taking into account international experience, languages, religions, cultures are closely interconnected in the common goal and strategy. This can be seen in the example of many prominent international organizations. For example: the United Nations, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and so on[1]. All of the international organizations which is mentioned above have their clear goals and priorities, in short, they have identified trends. Members of the Organization try to establish mutually beneficial relations with each other.

Today, the world makes the countries to unite under the same slogan. In the globalization process, global realities are worrying not only of the countries of the world, but also the people who live there. All kinds of terrorism, religious extremism, fanaticism, sectarianism, drug trading, cybercrime, geopolitical struggles, national and ethnic conflicts have been affecting the state system and

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makes a danger position in people life.

At present, the idea that trying to keep their word in the world with nuclear weapons is outdated. Today, the term "third-handed haughtiness" has appeared, and the disgusting things that he does is can't reach of the human mind.

To avoid such a materialistic and moral frustration, to counteract such abominable habits, to accelerate joint cooperation, to unite, "refusing to look at us or not," ultimately leads to any threats, shaping the immune system, and maintaining the shared interests are one of the key issues on the agenda of each developing country.

One of the prominent international organizations, the European Union is now a major international association. The Alliance has many aspects of its structure. When applying to the official website of the European Union, we should pay attention to the one page. This regulatory document, known as "common vision a unified approach: a strong Europe, the European Union's global strategy on foreign and security policy" [2], is the strategic plan for the future of the European Union in the period of globalization. The views expressed by the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Deputy Chairman of the European Commission, Federico Mogerini, reflect the main objective of the strategic program.

It notes that the European Union's foreign policy strategy is not only about combating terrorism through military development but also by creating new jobs in the region, ensuring employment, establishing and developing open societies, also promotes cooperation in the field of enlightenment. Federico Mogeri explains in the introduction to the strategic program: "My neighbor's or the inability of my partner has impressed us with our inability. We call it a call for the twenty-first century, and this will certainly serve a 70-year peace in the near future "[3]. As it is evident, the European Union has started to build and implement this roadmap to the twenty-first century.

Let's pay attention to the Central Asia, without departing from the topic. The crossroads connecting the East to the West are in the center of attention of the world's people in the region which are rich with more than 70 million human resources, gold, gas, oil, uranium, molybdenum, coal, and other minerals. People whose forces have been trying to turn their huge landmarks into an area of testing for weapons of mass destruction, which seeks to exploit their natural resources by putting their geopolitical goals, and eradicating the peaceful life of peaceful nations, also repeatedly tried to put an end to the stable life in Central Asia. However, the real danger, is increasing step by step. In order not to be a victim such a tragic situation, and continue progressing, diplomatic relations serve as an important factor.

It is well known that 2017 was one of the most significant year in the history of our country. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech at the 72nd Session of the United Nations, which is a world-renowned organization in New York, USA, September 19-21, 2017 [4]. This was a very important international event that took place after Shavkat Mirziyoyev's

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presidency. A series of global challenges, the issue of spiritual protection of young people, deep study of our holy religion in the right direction and its inclusion in the consciousness of young people was a main topic of the lecture. Just three days after that lecture, on September 22, the "Washinton Post" newspaper publishe d a positive opinion on Shavkat Mirziyoyev's program and pointed out that it can be a good example to other world-wide plans [5]. Shortly afterwards, an international conference on "Central Asia: A Single History and Common Future, Sustainable Development and Cooperation" was organized in Samarkand on November 10, 2017 [6]. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs - Federico Mogerini, UN Resident Coordinator for Political Affairs Miroslav Yencha and representatives of several international organizations made a aspeech in the conference. A number of proposals about the future plans of Central Asia were presented and discussed at the forum for the participants. Head of our government Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed in his speech to pay attention a road map for six important priorities.

Based on the internationally recognized and experience of Uzbekistan, we can say that the role of sound diplomacy in the development of the international image of our state is remarkable. In this regard, it is desirable to promote a number of priority programs in the Central Asian region.

In conclusion, it is necessary to consider a number of proposals on a number of sectors in order to address the potential problems of Central Asia today, based on the rapid integration of Central Asia.

Central Asia is a highly irrigated area with a very complex structure. The conventional river flows and river water are used in the state. That is, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, where the river Uzbekistan begins, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan uses river water. If the ideas put forward at the Forum held in Samarkand actually reflect its potential, then the Central Asian region will take a major step forward in the next 10-15 years. There are many new economic zones. The heart of the manufacturing industry and the basis of the economy is energy industry can come across to problems. As for the conditions of Uzbekistan, today there are sufficiently many problems with electricity. There are some problems between the material and technical base of the energy sector and the system.

It is well known from the history that in 1918 the "GOLERO" plan [7] was developed and implemented in the RSFSR. Till today, the existing electricity system in the region is based on a system that has been established 100 years ago. From this point of view, it is essential to establish a coherent cooperation in the field of energy with neighbor country which can answer all reuqierements. It is desirable to set up Central Asia's Common Electricity Line. By doing so, countries in the region will have high potential for industrial production. Of course, there are many projects that can be used extensively with alternative energy. However, the efficient use of natural energy resources not only benefits the industry, but also useful for the agrarian sector.

It is necessary to form a "single market" in the region. By strengthening of the security system of the borders help to enhance the export-import potential and

"MnpoBasi Hayica" №8(17) 2018 science-j.com

help the efficient use of regional resources. Economic integration of neighboring countries in certain areas will further promote close cooperation not only in economic, but also in cultural and humanitarian spheres.

It is necessary to create a map of unique "logistics lines" in the reg ion. Of course, logistics service is a special area in developed countries today. This will not only lead to domestic trade, but also to the development of foreign trade. Countries in the region are a kind of gateway to enter into some of the world's fastest-growing or fast-developing countries. The single logistics line will be built around the world by four means of auto products, various foodstuffs, all kinds of industrial products, light and industrial products, semi-finished raw materials came through Kyrgyzstan to China and its neighboring regions, Kazakhstan through Russia and through its corridor to Eastern Europe, via Turkmenistan through the Caspian to the Mediterranean Sea, through Tajikistan to Pakistan, and to India, through Afghanistan to Iran and Iran through the Persian Gulf and adjacent areas, and accessible goods in these regions are cheap and optimal prices.

It is desirable to create the only "tourist line" in Central Asia. Given the experience of developed countries, for example, Germany, England, France, the Netherlands and the United States do not have huge resources on natural resources, their tourist potential and service are highly developed. For example, France is visited by more than 70 million tourists a year, bringing it to the state of 32.78 billion euros a year. Or, in the Gulf, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, as well as large oil reserves, are now building huge tourist complexes, investing huge amounts of resources to further develop their tourism potential. The mega constructions of the UAE in Abu-Dhabi, Dubai, Qatar's Doha city, and the Ar-Riyadh of Saudi Arabia can be example for this. Tourist services in these countries make billions of dollars a year. Countries in Central Asia also have unique tourist opportunities. The general use of these opportunities is a good idea to develop and build a "Central Asian Tourist Line" project, which will represent the tourist interests of Central Asian countries in the future in order to create a unique tourist climate in the Central Asian region. This project will have a significant impact not only on the tourism activities of the countries, but also in the transport communications system.

If the necessary measures are taken into account in the light of the above-mentioned proposals the Central Asian integration will become a special stimulus in the world as a promising development model in the near future. Of course, the role of Uzbekistan in this regard can be the leading state in the region. This will serve as a driving force in the formation of a unique image of Uzbek diplomacy.

The list of used literature:

1. Usmonov Q. - History of Uzbekistan. T.: "O'qituvchi", 2012, 247-253pp.

2. "common vision a unified approach: a strong Europe, the European Union's global strategy on foreign and security policy"

3. Global strategy of European Union. Introduction. https://eeas.europa.eu/...ru/.../r^o6a^bHa^%20cTpaTerH^%20EBponeHCKoro%20 https://eeas.europa.eu//

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science-j.com fl

4. the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the 72nd Session of the United Nations //ihttp://uza.uz/uz/politics/o-zbekiston-prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyoyev-bmt-bosh-assambley-20-09-2017

5. UzA - The speech of the President of Uzbekistan at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly, in the eye of the world mass media//http://uza.uz/uz/politics/o-zbekiston-prezidentining-bmt-bosh-assambleyasi-72-sessiyas-22-09-2017?ELEMENT_CODE=ozbekiston-prezidentining-bmt-bosh-assambleyasi-72-sessiyas-22-09 2017&SECTION_CODE=politics&print=Y

6. Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "Central Asia: A Single History and Common Future, Sustainable Development and Cooperation"http://uza.uz/uz/politics/o'zbekiston-respublikasi-prezidenti-shavkat-mirziyoyevning-s-10-11-2017

7. Hidoyatov G. - World history. T.: "O'qituvchi", 2006. p-23

Мировая наука" №8(17) 2018


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