Научная статья на тему 'Cognitive approach to the formation of reading culture skills in students'

Cognitive approach to the formation of reading culture skills in students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
reading / reading culture / skill / comprehension / cognitive approach / imagination / active memory / vocabulary / mental functions / direct attention / чтение / культура чтения / умение / понимание / когнитивный подход / воображение / активная память / словарный запас / психические функции / непосредственное внимание.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Malikova Dilrabohon

this article is devoted to the analysis of the essence, specific features of the cognitive approach to the formation of reading culture skills in students. It also reflects the difficulties that students face in the process of reading, the problems of overcoming them. The implementation of a high level of cognitive activity allows students to constantly practice their reading culture skills. As reading skills improve, cognitive processes become more complex and students' mental performance increases. This should increase the amount of work available to students from class to class.

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данная статья посвящена анализу сущности, особенностей когнитивного подхода к формированию у студентов навыков культуры чтения. Это также отражает трудности, с которыми студенты сталкиваются в процессе чтения, проблемы их преодоления. Реализация высокого уровня познавательной деятельности позволяет учащимся постоянно практиковать свои навыки культуры чтения. По мере улучшения навыков чтения, когнитивные процессы усложняются, а умственная деятельность учащихся усиливается. Это должно увеличить количество работ, доступных учащимся от класса к классу.

Текст научной работы на тему «Cognitive approach to the formation of reading culture skills in students»

COGNITIVE APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF READING CULTURE SKILLS IN STUDENTS Malikova D.M. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Malikova573@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article is devoted to the analysis of the essence, specific features of the cognitive approach to the formation of reading culture skills in students. It also reflects the difficulties that students face in the process of reading, the problems of overcoming them. The implementation of a high level of cognitive activity allows students to constantly practice their reading culture skills. As reading skills improve, cognitive processes become more complex and students' mental performance increases. This should increase the amount of work available to students from class to class.

Keywords: reading, reading culture, skill, comprehension, cognitive approach, imagination, active memory, vocabulary, mental functions, direct attention.


Маликова Дилрабохон Махмудовна - докторант, Научно-исследовательский институт педагогических наук Узбекистана им. Т.Н. Кары Ниязи,

г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: данная статья посвящена анализу сущности, особенностей когнитивного подхода к формированию у студентов навыков культуры чтения. Это также отражает трудности, с которыми студенты сталкиваются в процессе чтения, проблемы их преодоления. Реализация высокого уровня познавательной деятельности позволяет учащимся постоянно практиковать свои навыки культуры чтения. По мере улучшения навыков чтения, когнитивные процессы усложняются, а умственная деятельность учащихся усиливается. Это должно увеличить количество работ, доступных учащимся от класса к классу.

Ключевые слова: чтение, культура чтения, умение, понимание, когнитивный подход, воображение, активная память, словарный запас, психические функции, непосредственное внимание.

Although the process of teaching a person to read has been somewhat pedagogically improved, students' reading skills have not been sufficiently developed. Having a culture of reading facilitates the understanding of the world, serves to develop human communication competence. As a result, students rise to a level where they understand the essence of the text, understand it, discuss it.

Understanding the text first of all encourages students to understand the work, to grasp its essence, to assimilate the social experience and knowledge expressed in it. Psychologists, educators and sociologists pay special attention to the development of a person's reading culture.

Cognitive approach is a priority in the development of a person's reading culture. The cognitive approach serves to help students acquire reading culture skills as well as to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the pedagogical process. As a result of relying on a cognitive approach, students who did not master the reading technique in the first place also face some difficulties. To do this, the educator must first work on the development of students' reading techniques [1].

When a reader begins to read, the main task before him is to clearly understand the content of the text. Understanding the content of a text is directly related to the cognitive activity of the reader. To understand the content of a text, the reader must first know the meaning of the words well. A good understanding of a word requires a deep understanding of its semantics. In order to understand the content of the text, to read it in parts, to know the complete content expressed in each part, on this basis to have a holistic idea of the idea of the work, to ensure its full comprehension.

A number of factors play an important role in shaping reading culture skills in students. These are: the student's worldview, views, attitudes to the heroes of the work of art, the level of understanding of the content of the text, vocabulary, figurative thinking, cognitive activity, aesthetic taste, etc. [2].

Working with cognitive models also plays a special role in shaping the reading culture of the student. An important aspect of these models is to ensure that the reader is able to fully visualize reality based on an understanding of the content of the work. In doing so, the reader understands the essence by identifying the words, phrases and the interrelationships between them in the text, and thus forms the image of the text. Other models focus on the direction of movement in the comprehension process and the skills needed to understand reading.

Although many models focus on the components of reading, they are based on the main idea, which is to understand the content of the text. It includes the information given in the text, the previously learned information that belongs to it, and the semantic tools that link them. Semantic connections are determined by the reader using the ability to draw passive and strategic conclusions. Passive summarization processes are performed automatically by the reader, but strategic processes require special attention and active memory of the reader. The application of active attention and memory will depend on the personal characteristics and experience of the reader. In addition, how the reader reads the text, i.e. how deeply the text is mastered, affects the reader's attention and memory.

The result of reading comprehension is that the reader creates an image through semantic connections in the text. The formation of such an image takes place gradually in the process of reading. It is important to have a clear idea of the inticulators that will result from the reading process. Because the indicators at the end of the reading are formed at a certain stage of the reading and are evaluated by the teacher. Each new piece of information learned during the reading is processed by the reader using several cognitive tasks [3].

Applying the right strategies at the right time during the reading is the key to ensuring an effective outcome. Therefore, students whose reading techniques are not sufficiently formed find it difficult to understand which behaviors are important to perform in cognitive processes. Measures aimed at ensuring the speed of the student's reading during the reading process have a significant impact on the formation of a culture of reading.

Cognitive processes that serve to form a culture of reading in students can be divided into two:

> processes that allow the text to be divided into components according to the content;

> high-level processes that allow the formation of a coherent text by logically linking the components together.

In such processes, students are required to think logically. As experts point out, the initial cognitive processes include understanding the content of a text, breaking it down into its components, having a certain vocabulary, and knowing the main idea expressed in the text. To form these types of skills, educators should use the text analysis method. In reading the text, it is important to make judgments, to summarize one's opinion, to integrate the text into parts, to understand the logical connection between words. With these skills, the reader will be able to connect different parts of the text. In this process, students develop intuitive, deductive thinking. They will be able to master the ability to integrate any text into parts. Students who have the ability to think intuitively and deductively in the process of reading, the ability to create creativity, independent text is constantly developing.

The use of memory power is important for the effective formation of reading culture skills in students. Because the reader focuses on the main aspects of the text he is reading. He is able to independently search for the ideological basis of the work [4].

It is desirable that the formation of a culture of reading in students is carried out in a systematic manner, ensuring the full flow of all cognitive processes. Early cognitive processes, including composing small texts, separating the main idea in a text, and interpreting word meanings, take place in the early stages of learning. Implementing a high level of cognitive activity allows students to continuously practice their reading culture skills. As reading culture skills improve, cognitive processes become more complex and students' mental activities intensify. This is to increase the number of works available to students from class to class, to organize the process of working on them, to create favorable conditions for them to demonstrate their reading skills, to encourage students to read new books on a regular basis, depending on their age and psychological characteristics. serves to ensure the effectiveness of pedagogical activities in this area.

References / Список литературы

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Abstract: the article discusses an integrative approach to the formation of basic competencies of students in the educational process. Informatization and information technologies create new conditions for transnational education, contributing, on the one hand, to increase the mobility of students and teachers in the virtual space (variety of educational materials, flexible learning modes, choice ofproviders of higher education, etc.). On the other hand, this poses the problem of updating domestic education with an orientation towards international requirements, the multidisciplinary nature of educational programs, and a high level of information competence of students.

Keywords: integrative approach, formation, competence, educational process.


Шарифзода Сардорбек Уразбой табиб угли - докторант, кафедра педагогики и психологии, факультет педагогики, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч. Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье рассматривается интегративный подход в формировании базовых компетенций учащихся в образовательном процессе. Информатизация и информационные технологии создают новые условия транснационального образования, способствующие, с одной стороны, повышению мобильности студентов и преподавателей в виртуальном пространстве (многообразие учебных материалов, гибкие режимы обучения, выбор провайдеров высшего образования и др.). С другой стороны, это ставит проблему обновления отечественного образования с ориентацией на международные требования, полипредметный характер образовательных программ, высокий уровень информационной компетентности обучающихся.

Ключевые слова: интегративный подход, формирования, компетенция, образовательный процесс.

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