CLASSICAL EXAMPLES OF WORLD LITERATURE IN UZBEK ANIMATION ART Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mahkmudov Mavzur Mansurovich

The purpose of the research: This article analyzes the unique style and skills of the artists in animated films created on the basis of the classical literature. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, conversation. Research results: As a result, a bright landscape, a dress of characters, architectural structures, relying on the oriental miniature style, are interpreted in the language of animation with a unique elegant taste. Practical application: The films “Bahrom and Dilorom” and “Black Palace” based on Alisher Navoi’s “Sabb’ai sayyor” epic in Uzbek multiplications were expressed in the developed perekladka technology, original paints during this period. Another film based on the epic “Farhad and Shirin”, which glorifies high love, was screened in A. Navoi’s “Khamsa”.

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European Journal of Arts 1 (2023) ® p,E!'ER Section 3. Film, TV and other screen arts - ISSN 2310-5666 -

UDK: 7.5527 DOI: 10.29013/EJA-23-1-38-41


1 "Theater decoration painting" of the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, Tashkent, Uzbekistan



The purpose of the research: This article analyzes the unique style and skills of the artists in animated films created on the basis of the classical literature.

Research methods: analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, conversation.

Research results: As a result, a bright landscape, a dress of characters, architectural structures, relying on the oriental miniature style, are interpreted in the language of animation with a unique elegant taste.

Practical application: The films "Bahrom and Dilorom" and "Black Palace" based on Alisher Navoi's "Sabb'ai sayyor" epic in Uzbek multiplications were expressed in the developed perekladka technology, original paints during this period. Another film based on the epic "Farhad and Shirin", which glorifies high love, was screened in A. Navoi's "Khamsa".

Keywords: multiplication, painting, image, style, rhythm, unique colors, computer graphics, special effects, technology, miniature, scenario, screen, conception, film artist, creation, interpretation.

For citation: M. M. Makhmudov. Classical Examples ofWorld Literature in Uzbek Animation Art // European Journal of Arts, 2023, №1. - C. 38-41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29013/EJA-23-1-38-41


Animation films are popular among young audiences for their interesting portrayal of characters, rich in powerful dynamics, colorful appearance, and being able to attract attention. Well-known director S. Eisenstein-the art of animation (the term "multiplier" is also used) is a connection between physiological sensations and the "high" aspirations of the mind in the process of complementing the figurative picture of the world. One of his most important tasks - the basic understanding of man, the evolution of the world, his complex and emotional appearance, as well as the processes taking place there, he described the phenomenon of animism as one of the main and most important in human thinking, with which any objects and natural phenomena come to life. The creation of such films is an extremely complex process, and this type of art began to appear in our country in the second half of the 20 th century.

Talented creators Yu. Petrovs and D. Salimov was considered, the father of the Uzbek animation art, who

have been working in the field of cinema. Because the first Uzbek animation film occurs as a result of the search and hard work of these creators. Talented creator Yu. Petrov brings about 200 pages of instruction on the creation of an animation film from the Soyuzmultfilm studio, founded in 1936 in Moscow, in order to study the secrets and hardships of this art. As a result of mastering them, they will create the first multiplicational film in the 1965 puppet technology called "6 x 6 square". This film is aimed at the use of chemicals in the fight against cotton pests, which are the wealth of our people. The Film will later give impetus to the creation of a series of paintings. As a result, films are created to date in more than 200 different genres and technologies.

We know that in the process of creating a film for children, all aspects of the work are taken into account. That is, a literary work suitable for a cartoon, legends, narratives and epics of folk oral creativity, fairy tales of traditional genres are sorted out. But we know that not every work corresponds to the language of this type of

Section 3. Film, TV and other screen arts


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European Journal of Arts 1 (2023)

ISSN 2310-5666

art. For this reason, the choice of a work is also one of the difficult processes. It is observed that along with Uzbek folk tales, myths and legends, world literary works are also addressed in this regard.

Materials and methods

In particular, director K. Kamolova's "The rain of The Sun" (1971), "Don't say little to us" (1972), director N. Tolakho'jaev's "Pleasant rain" (1984), Based on the poem "Happy Prince" by director and artist M. Mahmu-dov (1992), "Nightingale" (1999), "There is a blessing" (2004), as well as the epic "Farhad and Shirin" (2010), which glorifies the high love embodied in the work "Bah-ram and Dilorom" (1996) based on the poem "Saba'ai sayyor" ("seven planets") by our great thinker Alisher Navoi, the epic it is permissible to cite films based on "Loin and Durroj" (2010).

Famous film theorist I. Weisfeld argues that the art of animation has more aspects than cinema. He cites to the viewer the random aspects ofphysical action, the importance of allegorical and symbolic construction, the importance of abstract and unifying thoughts. Talented director Kamara Kamolova played a major role in the creation of a number of films in Uzbek multsan. For the first time in Uzbek animation, he creates a film that captures world literary works. His painting "The rain of The Sun" is based on the story of the Romanian writer Popescu created, the film focuses more on the character's behavior, ideality, opening the character's psychology than on external ornaments, beautiful decorations.

Film artist V. Gridnev creates decorations in proportion to the spirit of the characters. About this the film critic M. Mirzamuhamedova writes: "unsuitable worn-out boots, broken pathephone, hardened clay, engraved bag full of dark earth also represent the mood of a dancer with a broken leg". The main character of the work is a dancer made of porcelain, which is so naturally worked out that her dances affect the viewer like a real dancer's game and give aesthetic pleasure. The fact that the authors of the film used the technique used in the puppet theater is achieved that it is rich in dynamics. As a result, the speed of the mouse's rope game goes into the dance of the dancer. But since the control of the character's movement from the top is clearly visible, it is sometimes felt that these actions are art. But nevertheless, the authors convincingly expressed the idea of mutual assistance based on the film. When a mouse comes to the aid of a dancer with a broken leg, the events of the girl sacrificing herself and adopting her from death when her friend's

life is in danger are impressively described through the character's character and behavior.

The director later creates the painting "Don't say little to us" based on the Turkmen folk tale. This drawing, created on puppet technology, uses the multiplicative specification quite reasonably. In the work, satirical characters come out much more eloquent, and their appearance can be called truly exaggerated. That is why in the frame negative characters are more impressively expressed than positive ones. The work is distinguished from the author's previous films by its richness in acute dynamic events. The main character, Tariquy's mastery of xiyla, is directed against the cruel rich, and not to pretend to be like other characters. As a result of viewing the film, children learn to think independently through the multiplicative tool.

In the development of Uzbek animation, along with puppet films, drawing films were also created. Among them, one of the most successful films is the director N. Tulaxo'djaev and artist S. Alibekov's American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury is a film "It's going to rain cute" (1984), based on the comic of the same name. The film is the first created film for an older audience, and the idea of the work is strongly interpreted through a number of characters. The film tells the story of the threat of atomic war on Earth in a philosophical light, predicting the future.

The creators describe a deep penetration into human psychology through this fantastic work. The painting is illuminated in a fantastic state that after the war, humanity turns into ashes and settles on the ground. The film describes a destroyed view, expressed by the deplorable state of the fire, which roared after the explosion of the atom. In this horror story, the hope for light is challenged by the artist to a cute image behind a mirror, showing that there is hope for life through a bird striving for a drawn landscape. And in fact, there is not a trace of any pleasant scenery left around. It is shown only in the drawn landscape. The achievement of the creators in this film can be seen in the fact that the idea of the work, that is, the preservation of the future from an atomic war and the awareness of people from such a danger, is strongly expressed through a small amount of images and pictorial means. Since the Film was created so skillfully, the main prize at the International Film Festival (Leipzig) will be considered worthy of the "Golden Dove" and the "Silver Mikeldi" prizes at the film festival in Bilbao, Spain. Film artist skilled creator S. Alibekov is an artist of many such

European Journal of Arts 1 (2023)


ISSN 2310-5666

Section 3. Film, TV and other screen arts

fantastic deep Tagma films. Having grown up in the Uzbek multiplicative school, this creative person continues to work in the city of Moscow today.

Uzbek cartoons refer to Uzbek classical literary works as a result of increased attention to the creation of the image of a national character, National Heroes, theme and genre diversity. Director and artist M. Mahmudov for the first time, will try to screen the film "Bahram and Dilo-rom" (1996) based on the poem "Sab'ai sayyor" ("seven planets") by our great thinker Alisher Navoi "Hamsa". As a creative artist, A. Navoi writing a scenario that corresponds to the glorious and fascinating artistic words of Nazmi, giving the spirit of the epic, seeks visual means of expression, taking into account the artistic beauty, elegance and fascination of the word art in it. As a result, a bright landscape, a dress of characters, architectural structures, relying on the Oriental miniature style, are interpreted in the language of animation with a unique elegant taste.

The main characters of the film Bahram's high interest in Dilorom are illuminated by his special feelings and spiritual experiences through pictorial actions. The heroes' national royal dress based on the work and its traditional appearance atmosphere exalted the spiritual culture of the film in the expression of colors. Also on the basis of The Thinker's epic "Wonder ul Abror" is also the author of the scenario R. Jabborov and with artist S. Silka in collaboration, he creates the film "Lion and Durroj". Film is expressed in bright color and the plots are reflected in the forest area. In the film, the character mother lion teaches her child to be fearless, brave and learn hunting lessons. Since the lion is the strongest and most fearless among forest animals, all creatures are worried about him. In the film, The character Durroj is shown in the form of a deceitful image, and it is interpreted what consequences a false discourse brings. Through these pictorial images, a person's emotion is conveyed to the viewer with the expression of interesting adventures. In the film, such human qualities as not lying, being honest and truthful are glorified.

The best work in the field of film art on the occasion of the 20 th anniversary of the independence of our country will be awarded with the award and Diploma of the "Chronicle of Independence" competition, as well as a special diploma of the "greatest, most dear" Republican competition. At the same time, film screenings began on the basis of the epic Farhad and Shirin, which glorifies the High love embodied in Hamsa. The film based on this

epic is the author of the scenario E. Khasanova, director N. Tolaxo'djaev and artist A. Gvardin it will be shown on the animation screen under the auspices.

The high interest in this film was interpreted by Uzbekistan through national, specific features. The pictorial appearance of the film is illuminated in bright colors, and the images artistically represent the content of the epic. The description of the existing buildings in it shows the architectural monuments of our country. The background of the film is created in a chromatic tone in harmony with other details and characters in the frame. Familiar with this epic, the reader, while imagining the images and plots of the characters described in the work, acquires a deep meaning through their pictorial appearance in the film process.


The owner of the building, who later spread the world of Uzbek animation art, M. Makhmudov and artist M. Karabaev screens the film "Nightingale" (1999). It was given to him by the writer X. Andersen, who lived and worked in the 19th century takes the fairy tale of the same name as a basis. The creator mazur writes a scenario based on a skirt, changing some of its plots. The story of the fairy tale in the palace of the Chinese emperor is interpreted in Central Asia in the film. The main idea in the film is always to prove that the pursuit of good is not a banal external beauty, but a real inner beauty.

The plot of the film takes place in the King's Palace, and the pictorial appearance of the characters is described in the style of Oriental miniature. The artist expressed their dresses in a bright colorite, in a look typical of the courtiers. Especially when the main character of the film is surrounded by a fake-made "Nightingale", like a fictional, eye-catching toy, and not a real, lively "Nightingale", when the King and his ministers are fascinated, the rhythm in the frame is illuminated in mutual proportions. The king, lying on his deathbed, is disappointed in the Nightingale, who could not cure his pain and did not have enough strength. Listening to the pleasant voice of a lively "Nightingale" at a time of despair, he talps on it. This film was awarded the nomination "The most kind film" of the International Festival of children's animation cinema, held in Moscow in 1999, and the main prize is awarded "Golden Fish" and also introduces Uzbek multiplicative art to the world. Skilled director and artist M. Mahmudov entered Uzbek animation art as a young creative person in the years of independence.Together with Vlasov, the Danish children's writer X. Ander-

Section 3. Film, TV and other screen arts


ISSN 2310-5666

European Journal of Arts 1 (2023)

sen creates a comedy genre film called "Bohr blessing" (2004) based on an ancient tale called "no matter what a man does, bari is excellent". In this film, the creator changes the space in it to the Uzbek land, preserving the idea of the writer.

The film interprets plots characteristic of the lifestyle of the Uzbek people, and the colors embodied in the shots are mainly achromatic colors. The details described in it have a national appearance, that is, the jugs in the charkhpalak, the architecture of the houses, the oriental market and the equipment have found a compositional solution. But despite the fact that the pictorial appearance of the created characters and plots was found so well, the events reflected in the film are precisely the traditions of our people, which are characteristic of their traditions, are illuminated. In the course of the events

described in the series, The thoughts and desires of the main characters and their behavior were expressed in a monand to our culture. The film shows funny events, and through the mutual dialogue of the characters, a large and small audience acquires specific visions. Created on a drawing computer, this film will be awarded a special prize of the 2006 International Film Festival "Animay-ovka" in the city of Mogilyov and a diploma of the 3rd International Eurasian festival in Smolensk.

Conclusions. By interpreting the classical works of world literature on the screen, Uzbek animation art managed to realize the long-standing tasks set by it in harmony with the goals and ideas set by the new era. After all, our classical literature serves to expand the sphere of thinking and further enrich the worldview of the growing younger generation.


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Information about the author

Mavzur Mansurovich Mahkmudov, Dotsent of "Theater decoration painting" of the National Institute of Art and

Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Address: Askia st., 27, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

E-mail: mmavzur@mail.ru.; Tel: +998 71 255-99-18

ORCID: 0000-0002-6947-084X

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