CHOOSING PSYCHOLOGY AS A CAREER: STUDY ON STUDENTS'' PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nikolaenko A.D., Lantratova A.A., Volkodav T.V.

At present, we are witnessing an increasing role of psychology as a science, as a sphere of life in which every person of modern society is included; many young people choose psychology as their profession, guided by both external and internal motives. The goal of the paper lies in identification of the dominant motives in entering the specialty of the psychologist. The leading methods of research are surveys of students and methodology of “the Motives of the choice of profession” [14]. The materials of the article can be useful in the analysis of the problems of the choice of professional activity among different professions, as well as for the formulation of recommendations on the organization of educational activities of students majoring in psychology and pedagogy.

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Nikolaenko A.D.


Faculty of pedagogy, psychology and communicative Studies

Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar Lantratova A.A.


Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicative Studies

Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar Volkodav T. V.

Ph.D., MA in Pedagogy and Psychology, associate professor in the

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Kuban State University Russia, Krasnodar



Abstract. At present, we are witnessing an increasing role of psychology as a science, as a sphere of life in which every person of modern society is included; many young people choose psychology as their profession, guided by both external and internal motives. The goal of the paper lies in identification of the dominant motives in entering the specialty of the psychologist. The leading methods of research are surveys of students and methodology of "the Motives of the choice of profession " [14]. The materials of the article can be useful in the analysis of the problems of the choice ofprofessional activity among different professions, as well as for the formulation of recommendations on the organization of educational activities of students majoring in psychology and pedagogy.

Keywords: motivation, choice of profession, psychology students, factors.

1. Introduction

1.1. Relevance

At present, psychology as a science is going through a period of development and increasing interest in the field of its practical application. Many young people, high school students choose psychology as their future profession, wanting to help people in solving their problems or having other motives, often hidden. At the same time, there is currently insufficient literature considering the current ratio of internal and external motives of the individual, particularly, when choosing a profession.

1.2 Importance of the Problem

Choosing a profession is the most important event in a person's life. Choosing a profession is a life-long process of development that involves more than one decision, but a series of decisions. The success of a person and, therefore, satisfaction and happiness depend on how accurately s/he chooses his/her career.

Wrong choice of profession or frequent career changes are very harmful to psychological health. Career increases the individual's self-esteem, gives a sense of belonging and contributes to the establishment of relations with other members of society. For these reasons, career is important for an individual, and this raises the question about choosing the right career [1]. Whether a person becomes a professional depends on the choice of profession and what his or her motives are. In his concept of motivation D.E.Super reveals the choice of profession through the mechanism of identification of I-image with the image of a representative of the profession [15]. Motivation in learning processes is one of the main factors of effective education [9].

Motivational and personal features of an individual and the strategies of interpersonal communication influence the development of burnout in students during their study. The factors indicate the direction of psycho-work for psychologists at universities, as well as for teachers and tutors of academic groups, which is especially important when working with first year students to form their motivation to learn and adapt to new activity in high school [17]. Currently there are many studies dealing with the problem of motivation for choosing teaching profession, but there are only a handful of studies that deal with the motivation for choosing teaching profession in relation to personality characteristics. The fact that only a few studies focus on the correlation or influence of personality traits on the motivation for choosing teaching profession results from the difficulty of conducting the research as well as the lack of a research tool that would identify a common motivation for the choice of profession (e.g. internal, external). A large majority of existing studies have identified the relationship between personality traits and specific interests related to a particular profession or to the general interests. Nevertheless, even on the basis of these results, it is possible to predict the direction of the hypotheses on correlation between personality traits and motivation for choosing teaching profession. By summarizing the theoretical basis and empirical evidence mentioned above, the following generalizations and assumptions can be deduced: it is expected that internal and socially beneficial values (intrinsic and altruistic motivation) are associated with higher scores of extraversion, openness, consciousness and agreeableness [16].

1.3. Features of motivation of the choice of the profession ofpsychologist

The problem of features of the choice of professional activity should be given special attention, since the lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of professional choice of a psychologist - practitioner leads to the fact that the process of acquiring a professional outlook, as well as the qualities of a specialist becomes spontaneous and uncontrolled. A person does not fully understand why he chose this profession and what his main goals were [10]. This, inevitably, negatively affects the effectiveness of training, creating various problems in the future psychologist's adjustment to his or her professional activities, therefore, the person begins to doubt the possibilities psychology can offer.

Studies show that students choose the profession of a psychologist, guided by both internal and external motives such as the ability to accumulate knowledge

in an interesting area; the ability to discover the behavior pattern of people; personal growth; the desire to help others; new career opportunities in psychology. Thus, the main motivation is self-development and the desire to help others, as well as professional interest for a student majoring in psychology [3].

1.4. Status of a problem

The problem of motivation in career issues has been often considered in scientific researches. Some of the most popular writers are Holland (1985), Barrick and Mount (2005), Kapova (2007), Jugovic, Ivanec and Vidovic (2012), Datu (2012), Chen, Wu and Chen (2010) and others. Western psychological literature traces the two main approaches: one of them is typical for the majority of non-Russian theories in which motives are often considered as initially given to the person as manifestation of his biological nature. The other approach emphasizes the denial of initial predestination of motives, where motivation is considered as a product of social interaction. Nevertheless, modern literature shows that the problem of motivation in the choice of psychology as profession, has not been sufficiently developed yet.

1.5. The hypothesis of the study

The analysis of foreign scientific literature has shown that in a situation of choosing the profession of a psychologist is determined by two groups of motives - helping others and helping yourself. Based on this, we have developed a hypothesis: when choosing a profession of a psychologist the main motivation factors are internal individually significant motives. We are also interested in the question: how can the motives influence further professional activities of a psychologist?

2. Materials and Methods

The current study was conducted on the basis of Kuban state University. The study involved 40 full-time students (M=12, F=28) aged 17 to 23 years old at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicative Studies majoring in psychology and pedagogy.

We conducted a survey using the method "Motives of choosing a profession" to determine the leading type of motivation in choosing a profession [14]. The text of the questionnaire consists of 20 statements that describe any profession. The method allows us to reveal the prevailing type of students' motivation: internal individually significant motives, internal socially significant motives, external positive motives or external negative motives.

Internal motives of choosing a profession are its social and personal significance; the satisfaction with what the work brings due to its creative nature; the ability to communicate, guide other people. Internal motivation arises from the needs of the person, so on its basis a person works with pleasure, without external pressure.

External motivation includes earnings, aspiration for prestige, fear of condemnation, failure. External motives can be divided into positive and negative. Positive motivations include: material incentives, the possibility of promotion, the approval of the team, prestige, incentives for which a person considers it necessary

to exert his/her efforts. Negative motives include exposure to personality through pressure, punishment, criticism, condemnation and other negative sanctions.

With the help of a specially designed questionnaire, we identified some personal qualities and the KubSU students' self-report of the motives for choosing a profession (Table 1).

Table 1. Self-report of career choice

Question Answer options

Indicate your gender. 1) female 2) male

What is your university course? 1) year 1. 2) year 2.

When did you realize that you had a desire to become a psychologist? 1) six months ago 2) a year ago 3) two years ago 4) over two years ago

Why did you choose to become a psychologist? 1) I want to understand myself and my friends. 2) My friends / parents advised me. 3) I believe that psychology is an interesting science, where there is a lot of unknown.

If you could not go to university this year, what would be your next steps? 1) I would try to go to university again next year. 2) I would not go to university. 3) I do not know.

Why do you want to master the profession of a psychologist? 1) I want to understand my actions and the actions of other people. 2) I think that this work is suitable for me and is quite paid. 3) I want to help people.

What is the incentive to learn for you? 1) I'm interested in this field of knowledge. 2) My parents think that this profession is attractive. 3) I am studying to have a diploma in the future. 4) I am studying to be able to solve scientific problems that are related to the functioning of mental processes.

Are you going to work in the sphere of your specialization in the future? 1) Yes, I am sure that I will work according to my major. 2) No, I do not have the desire to associate my activities with my future profession. 3) I want to work in the sphere of my specialization, but I doubt that there will be an opportunity to work.

In your opinion, where will you work after 10 years? —

3. Results

The analysis of the results of the survey has shown that 80% of the respondents were motivated by their interest in the profession, 15% of the interviewees reported that they chose the profession of a psychologist to help people. The remaining 5% responded that they study only for the sake of obtaining

a diploma. Thus, the main reason for students majoring in psychological and pedagogical education is the interest itself in the profession.

According to the results of the survey, we found that 60% of the respondents are pessimistic about their employment, they believe that they will face employment problems in the future. However, these students have a desire to work in this sphere; 5% of the respondents said that they refused to associate their future activities with the profession of a psychologist. The remaining 35% of the surveyed students said that they would not have difficulties with employment.

60% of respondents said that the desire to master this profession arose "over two years ago", 30% said that this desire appeared "two years ago", 5% of respondents noted that they decided to become a psychologist "six months ago" or "a year ago". These results allow us to conclude that the choice of the psychologist's profession is a conscious and deliberate step for the majority of the respondents.

The analysis of internal motives of professional choice showed that 60% of the respondents had a high level of expression of this group of motives; 35% had an average level of expression; 5% of subjects had an insignificant group of these motives. The results of internal socially significant motives showed that 57.5% of the students had an average level of expression of these motives; 42.5% had a high level of significance; a low level of significance of these motives was not revealed in the study group.

The analysis of the external motives of professional choice of students showed that an average level of expression of positive external motives is dominant and makes up 65%. The low level is recorded in 32.5% respondents, and a high level of motivation of this type is identified in only 2.5% cases. We have also found that respondents have a low level of negative external motives. According to the data obtained, it comprises of more than half of the respondents, which is 70% of the interviewees. A middle level includes 22.5% of the respondents. A high level of external negative motivation is observed only in 7.5%.

Thus, it can be concluded that when choosing the profession of psychologist the students have a high level of expression of internal individually significant motives. An average level of expression is characterized by internal socially significant motives and external positive motives, whereas a low level of expression is characterized by external negative motives.

4. Discussions

Summarizing the results of the study, it can be concluded that young people are internally motivated when choosing a psychological profession. At the same time, individually significant motives prevail over socially significant ones. Moreover, the interest in this profession was the main reason for entering the University, which is confirmed by the predominance of internal motives.

Most graduates refuse to work in the field of their profession, due to the fact that the need for self-knowledge is partially satisfied, and it is also important that the vacancies of 'psychologists' in many educational institutions are not open.

Therefore, graduates who sought to help people work in other professional fields. 5. Recommendations

The study revealed the problem of improving the efficiency of training and vocational education of future young professionals majoring in psychology and pedagogy. The educational process should imply the development of professional abilities, knowledge, and skills of future young professionals; form their basic, essential social qualities, which calls for a need for an integrated, systematic approach to ensure the pedagogical process.

For stimulating motivation in psychology and learning, the study recommends a further analysis using both quasi-experimental and experimental designs. Furthermore, future studies might improve the methodology of this research on a larger scale. Finally, future research might consider qualitative methods for a deeper understanding of the motivational factor in higher education.


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УДК 314.72

Ramazanova F.M. Student of Finance and Accounting Faculty Saratov Socio-Economic Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Russia, Saratov


Annotation. As the title implies the article describes the part of the rich in nonprofit organizations. The main idea of the text is the psychology of wealthy people when they make donations. Much attention is given to reasons that make the rich help charities. In addition, there is some information about rich people who spent most of their fortune on charities in order to help to ease government's work in solving global problems. I found the article quite useful for people, who are interested in non-profit sector.

Keywords: philanthropists, global problems, the rich, charities, aim.

It goes without saying that nowadays in the 21st century there is such a term as "global problems". They might be the following: terrorism, climate change, nuclear security, the North-South divide, social inequality and etc [1]. The modern society does its best to solve these problems. In addition to the government, nonprofit organizations, namely charities, play an important part in this process [2]. They contribute to the world drawing attention of people of different ages and social classes. During the TEDx talks the activist and fundraiser Dan Pallotta said:"Philanthropy is the market for love" [3].

I highly appreciate these organizations for their big goals. But I've always

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