Научная статья на тему 'Motivational component in training of pharmaceutical students'

Motivational component in training of pharmaceutical students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chernyshkova E.V., Mikhnevich A.V., Chernyshkov D.V., Andriyanov S.V., Kuznetsov O.M.

He article deals with the results of the study carried out in Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky. The goal of the study was to determine significant motives of choosing profession by students specializing in Pharmacy during the training process (N=60). Materials and methods. To achieve the mentioned goal, the following research methods were used: «Hierarchy of needs», «Methodology for determining the main motives of choosing a profession», questionnaire «Health, activity, mood». Results. The study of needs ’ hierarchy showed that self-actualization was considered as the most common need. It was revealed that the most significant motives of choosing profession by students who were specializing in Pharmacy were social and utilitarian motives and prestige motive as well. Creative motives were meant as the least significant. Conclusion. Weak negative correlation between the degree of a need of an outside expression for respect and the activity indicator might show that there were not enough opportunities to implement this type of need within the training process.

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Статья отражает результаты проведенного на базе ФГБОУ ВО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского исследования. Целью исследования явилось определение значимых мотивов выбора профессии студентами по специальности «Фармация» в процессе их обучения (N=60). Материалы и методы. Для достижения цели были использованы следующие методики: «Иерархия потребностей», «Методика определения основных мотивов выбора профессии», опросник «Самочувствие, активность, настроение». Результаты. Исследование иерархии потребностей показало, что самой распространенной потребностью является самоактуализация. Выявлено, что наиболее значимыми мотивами в выборе профессии среди студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Фармация», являются социальные, утилитарные мотивы и мотив престижа, а наименее значимыми -творческие. Заключение. Корреляционный анализ полученных в ходе исследования данных позволяет констатировать, что слабая отрицательная корреляция между степенью выраженности потребности в уважении со стороны и показателем активности может свидетельствовать об отсутствии достаточных возможностей для реализации данного типа потребностей в рамках образовательной среды.

Текст научной работы на тему «Motivational component in training of pharmaceutical students»

2019, том 21 [5]

УДК 61:377]:37.015.31(045)


Чернышкова Е.В., Михневич А.В., Чернышков Д.В., Андриянов С.В., Кузнецов О.М., Андриянова Е.А.

ФГБОУВО «Саратовский государственный медицинский университет им. В.И. Разумовского», г. Саратов, Российская Федерация

Аннотация. Статья отражает результаты проведенного на базе ФГБОУ ВО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского исследования. Целью исследования явилось определение значимых мотивов выбора профессии студентами по специальности «Фармация» в процессе их обучения (N=60). Материалы и методы. Для достижения цели были использованы следующие методики: «Иерархия потребностей», «Методика определения основных мотивов выбора профессии», опросник «Самочувствие, активность, настроение». Результаты. Исследование иерархии потребностей показало, что самой распространенной потребностью является самоактуализация. Выявлено, что наиболее значимыми мотивами в выборе профессии среди студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Фармация», являются социальные, утилитарные мотивы и мотив престижа, а наименее значимыми -творческие. Заключение. Корреляционный анализ полученных в ходе исследования данных позволяет констатировать, что слабая отрицательная корреляция между степенью выраженности потребности в уважении со стороны и показателем активности может свидетельствовать об отсутствии достаточных возможностей для реализации данного типа потребностей в рамках образовательной среды. Ключевые слова: мотивация, обучение, студенты, профессиональная социализация, фармация.




Chernyshkova E.V., Mikhnevich A.V., Cher-nyshkov D.V., Andriyanov S.V., Kuznetsov O.M., Andriyanova E.A.

V.I. Razumovsky Saratov state medical university, Saratov, Russian Federation

Annotation. The article deals with the results of the study carried out in Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky. The goal of the study was to determine significant motives of choosing profession by students specializing in Pharmacy during the training process (N=60). Materials and methods. To achieve the mentioned goal, the following research methods were used: «Hierarchy of needs», «Methodology for determining the main motives of choosing a profession», questionnaire «Health, activity, mood». Results. The study of needs' hierarchy showed that self-actualization was considered as the most common need. It was revealed that the most significant motives of choosing profession by students who were specializing in Pharmacy were social and utilitarian motives and prestige motive as well. Creative motives were meant as the least significant. Conclusion. Weak negative correlation between the degree of a need of an outside expression for respect and the activity indicator might show that there were not enough opportunities to implement this type of need within the training process.

Key words: motivation, training, students, professional socialization, pharmacy.

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Since 1999 e-ISSN 2226-7417

On line scientific & educational Bulletin "Health and Education Millennium", 2019. Vol. 21. No 5


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[12] Чернышков Д.В., Андриянова Е.А. Специфика профессиональной социализации в медицине: теоретические обоснования // Журнал научных статей Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. 2016. Т. 18. № 2. С. 394-397.

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[1] Kononova S.V., Dadus N.N., Shalenkova E.V., Petrova S.V., Bogomolova L.S. Social status and prestige of a pharmaceutical worker in modern society // Medical Almanac. 2011; 1 (14): 215-218. (in Russian).

[2] Andriyanova E.A., Chernyshkov D.V., Kuznetsova M.N., Gorshenina V.I. Contemporary foundations of professional socialization of the college students // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. 2016; 7-1(49): 84-86.

[3] Veretelnikova Yu.Ya., Chernyshkova E.V., Belyakov A.Ye. Students' personal determinants of overcoming strategies in difficult situations // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research. 2013; 9 (1): 132-136. (in Russian).

[4] Handbook of practical psychologist / Comp. by S.T. Posokhova, S.L. Solovyov. M.: AST; SPb.: Sova, 2008; 671. (in Russian).

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[13] Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of reality. Treatise on the sociology of knowledge. M.: Medium, 1995; 325. (in Russian).

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[14] Белозерцев Е., Усачев А. К вопросу о статусе категории «культурно-образовательная среда» // Alma mater (Вестник высшей школы). 2003. № 9. С. 30-36.

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The present stage of medical education development in Russia marks a decline in prestige of pharmaceutical professions and vague representations of applicants and students about the particularity of this work. These facts promote search for opportunities to find out additional activities aimed to include students in professional field and to implement their professional socialization with greater efficiency.

Motivational sphere, in a certain sense, defines inner attitudes of an individual in relation to professional responsibilities. In the process of professional socialization usually the following motives are realized: cognitive, professional and creative motives. Besides, status raising, self-realization, material motives and study motivation are often noticed as really significant [1-4]. In the context of training process, all these types of motives are determined by specific factors and features of activity. According to I.A. Zim-nyaya, essential influence can be marked by educational system itself, educational institution that carries out a certain educational activity and organization of training process [5]. Some researchers mention that specificity of academic subject also influences motivation. Analysis of personality's activity requires studying various components of needs and motives of a future specialist. It should not be overlooked that study motivation as any other kind of motivation, has systemic character and can be described in terms of its focus, stability and dynamism. At the same time, at different stages of training a developing ratio of interacting needs and motives, change of leading dominant needs and their hierarchy building occur. As the types of students' educational activities change (study - research - professional), its subject motive changes too. While developing students' educational activity its meaning becomes «psychologically decisive» and acquires the function of motivation. The motive becomes a personal education, not a «random external stimulus»; it is expressed in student's acceptance of goals and objectives of training as personally meaningful and necessary [2, 6, 7].

Study and knowledge of psychological factors specifics influencing effectiveness of self-organization in students' educational activities can contribute to improve the quality of higher education and to develop the most important personality traits in the context of professional socialization. The result of professional socialization is willingness to perform professional duties effectively. Personal involvement in training process plays a significant role, and effect on motivation should be considered as a mechanism for optimizing training process.

The goal is to determine the significant motives of choosing profession by students specializing in Pharmacy during the training process.

Materials and methods. The study involved 60 students of specialty «Pharmacy» (from the first-year up to the fourth-year of training) of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky. Gender rate: women - 57, men - 3. The average age in the sample was 19,6 years. To achieve the mentioned goal the following research methods were used: «Hierarchy of Needs» (modified by I.A. Akindinova), «Methodology for determining the main motives for choosing a profession» (E.M. Pavlyutenkov), questionnaire «Health, activity, mood» (HAM). The first research method allowed examining motivational sphere as a part of a hierarchical structure (in accordance with A. Maslow's theory of needs). Study of psychoemotional state in its most general terms made it possible to consider it as an indirect indicator of students' adaptation degree and success of their professional socialization. Method of determining motives for choosing a profession let the researchers to establish applicants' exact motives of future profession before the admission to the university. To compile a general image of students' motivational sphere all scales (groups of motives) of this technique were used. The questionnaire «Health, activity, mood» is a type of questionnaire to reveal states and moods, and a generalized format of scales was the main reason for its choice [8-10].

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Mathematical data processing was performed by means of Microsoft Excel program statistical analysis.

Results. The study of motives for choosing the profession by pharmaceutical students gave the following results. The average hierarchy of motives associated with profession's choice can be called as formalized and formed. According to the calculated average values, the most common motives were utilitarian, such as a provided admission to the medical university. Index of the average utilitarian motives in the entire sample was 8,724. Further on social motives with their average value were marked as 8 in the sample. Social motives were related to desire to promote social progress. High value of these motives in choice of profession made by the students indicated their understanding and acceptance of universal goals, values and needs as really important for medical practice. Motives of prestige had the value in the sample as 7,897. Creative motives turned out to be the most insignificant from the students' viewpoint, the average value was 5,983.

The correlation analysis of mutual influence of motives of choosing a profession with mental status (using the method «Health, activity, mood») revealed a weak positive relationship of activity with social motives. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was 0,29. This meant a reliable relationship at significance level - 0,05. This dependence might be interpreted as follows: social motives were a source of activity in student's environment. Focus on the society, being an important part of a professional socialization, has a strong influence on it; this fact was evidenced by higher activity.

While studying the hierarchy of motives, the authors obtained the results allowing to describe how these or those needs were distributed; at the same time, according to viewpoint of the author of the modified methodology, the sample containing 60 persons is valuable to assess mood within a company [4]. Here are the examples of the average values for all five scales: material needs - 21,83; security needs -19,29; needs for interpersonal relationship - 18,98; need of an outside expression for respect - 19,67; self-actualization needs - 23,52. These results make possible to state that, in general, there are mostly wide

spread needs for self-actualization and for material benefits among students.

The need of an outside expression for respect had a weak negative correlation with all scales of the HAM methodology: correlation with well-being was 0,35; with activity - 0,3; with a mood - 0,24. All the three values were significant for this sample (significance level was 5%-1%), however, the abnormal distribution required additional analysis using the criterion of Spearman's rank correlation. Spearman correlation coefficients were some lower: correlation with well-being and mood was 0,17; with activity - 0,24 and was statistically significant at the level of 0,05. During the primary cross-analysis using the Pearson's coefficient, a weak positive correlation between need for self-actualization and activity was revealed (0,21). It could be assumed that dependence of activity on need for self-actualization was not so monosemantic. It should be considered that activity parameter was extremely dynamic and depended on a large number of other parameters. In other words, a more detailed study of this and similar dependencies requires the use of a large number of more complicated methods, like a multifactorial variance analysis of data processing methods.

Interpretation of the obtained data made possible to assume that even an implicit decrease in general indices of well-being (especially of activity) among students who need a respect from outside was caused by several reasons. First of all, educational environment did not provide sufficient opportunities for realization of this type of needs, so the activity indicator decreased within its framework. Secondly, a decrease in activity at the time when there was a need for respect from outside could be regarded to a "heritage" of adolescence, when peers' respect was caused by manifestation of independence and reached negativity in relation with educational environment. The need for self-actualization, on the contrary, caused a slight increase in activity level [11, 12].

These data can be related to the results of researches presented in some authors' works dealing with the problem of motivation of students' educational activity. Thus, the motive of success achievement is closely interrelated with self-organization of students' educational activity, which allows them to

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Since 1999 e-ISSN 2226-7417

On line scientific & educational Bulletin "Health and Education Millennium", 2019. Vol. 21. No 5

manage their cognitive, emotional and personal resources. Those students who are motivated to avoid failure, personal traits reflecting ability for self-organization are developed in a less degree. In personality's structure of these students the system of self-organization is weakly activated. On the one hand, this type of motivation is a key element that can set off the system of self-organization if necessary. On the other hand, personality traits that determine students' ability for self-organization are considered to be the basis for obtaining a successful result. Motivation for success achievement creates a psychological situation of success and eventually a person feels satisfaction, pride and self-esteem for progress he/she reaches. Psychologists identify four compound levels of this motivation. 1) Desire for success in any activity can be expressed as «I want to do it», and all attempts to force doing something other are meaningless. 2) Hope for success is explained as «I can do it, I can cope with the task», so having a belief in success students demonstrate their confidence and inclusion in cognitive activity. 3) Probability of success explicates as «Everything depends on me, I can influence the situation». 4) Individual standards of assessment achievements are developed in educational process and implement the principle «Today you have become better than yesterday». These orientations define behavioral scenario for a person who wants to achieve the desired result learning actively.

However, the flip side of success achievement is the need to avoid failure. Students, who wish to avoid failures, as a rule, demonstrate decreased level of need to improve achieved results. They may be characterized by an increased anxiety level, a non-constructive attitude towards training, low level of self-organization. They study to get rid of troubles associated with failure.

Thus, motive of success achievement (avoiding failures) is the important parameter in educational activity. Its realization is impossible without reliance on self-organizing processes (self-control, self-assessment, independence, planning, etc.). A. Maslow, C. Rogers, A. Adler determined the ratio of self-organization and motivation in regard to conditions for personality's development. Moreover, it is one of the

ways to design one's own personal space, where person acts as a subject of his/her own development, development of an individual activity's creative style.

Educational activity is motivated externally and induces activity through external impacts, e.g. - having the aim to obtain excellent marks, but not the knowledge itself, the development of avoiding failures behavior is very often observed as it is formed by a fear of getting negative marks. That is, a student tries to avoid possible troubles, saves his self-esteem, and does not allow public disapprobation and punishment. Further on, as some researches point out, the following reactions of students take place. 1) Impersonation of educational activity - students demonstrate absence of initiatives during the training process, they only wait for external (teacher, lecturer) prompting for learning. 2) Estrangement of educational activity, reducing its importance - students assure themselves that they do not need this activity, education, specialty, etc. 3) Rejection of all that is connected with educational activity (teacher, teaching methods, study materials, marks, etc.) [2, 12-14]. As a result, a long period of avoiding failures can lead to decrease in self-esteem, to changes of motivation to study and choice of future profession.

Conclusion. The study results allowed to reveal the most common motives for choosing a profession among students specializing in Pharmacy - they were utilitarian, social, and prestige motives. The least common were creative motives. As for hierarchy of motives, self-actualization was the most common need. Analyzing the obtained data, the authors determined statistically significant weak negative correlation between degree of need a respect from outside and activity indices. This fact can be explained from the standpoint of lack of sufficient opportunities to implement this type of needs within the educational environment and students' age features. The time-well diagnostics of the mentioned students' motives and needs can contribute to optimizing relationships between students and lecturers, to increasing level of educational process of training competitive specialists.

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