Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of motivation-orientationcomponent of professional self-identificationof a future psychologist'

Peculiarities of motivation-orientationcomponent of professional self-identificationof a future psychologist Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Berdo Rimma

Methods and results of research of the motivation-orientation component of the future psychologist are disclosed. The features of self-identification are covered, the types of motives in the choice of the future specialty are analyzed. According to the results of the research, gaps in the formation of professional self-identification in universities were identified.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of motivation-orientationcomponent of professional self-identificationof a future psychologist»


Berdo Rimma, postgraduate student, the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management Vunnychenko Volodymyr Central Ukrainian State

Pedagogical University E-mail: rimma199320@gmail.com


Abstract. Methods and results of research of the motivation-orientation component of the future psychologist are disclosed. The features of self-identification are covered, the types of motives in the choice of the future specialty are analyzed. According to the results of the research, gaps in the formation of professional self-identification in universities were identified.

Keywords: self-identification, professional self-identification, future psychologist, motivation-orientation component.

Problem formulation in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. In the context of modern social changes becomes relevant to study the pedagogical mechanisms and conditions of self-identification of a specialist's personality as one of the main factors of personal and professional development.

Issue of self-identification is of interest to many researchers. At the theoretical and methodological level the problem of self-identification of personality is covered in national works (Afanasenko L. A., Bech I. D., Gerchanovskaya P. E., Grebenyuk M. A., Guba S., Zlivkov V. L., Kurguzov A. A., Melnik D. M., Semenova Yu. A., Stoyan O. O., Schneider L. B.) and foreign (R. Brubaker, E. Erickson, J. Marcia, J. Mead, F. Cooper, H. Tajfel) scientists. Their theoretical analysis [1] shows that through self-identification, the personality establishes the ideal of personal and social values, establishes the values of the socio-pro-fessional group, helps to form standards of spiritual and moral guidance, promotes active participation in the educational process. This, in turn, actualizes the problem of research on the professional self-

identification of future specialists in general and the motivational-orientation component in particular.

The motivational-orientation component of future psychologists contains such components as the attitude to the profession, interest in it, knowledge and understanding of the peculiarities and conditions of professional activity, its requirements for personality. The problem of preparing future psychologists has already been the subject of research (Borisyuk A. S., Renke S. O., Andriychuk I. P., Dru-zhinina I. A., Kobylnik L. M., Kucherenko E. V., Kul-ish V. I. etc). Thus, recently more attention is being paid to the formation of personal characteristics during the preraring of future psychologists - professional self-adjustment [2], professional self-improvement [6], professional self-development [3]. At the same time, pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional self-identification of future psychologists, despite all relevance, did not act as a subject of special research.

The purpose of the article - analysis oflevels and factors of motivational orientation component of professional self-identification of future psychologist.

Materials and methods. The study involved 141 first- and fourth-year students of Dniprovskii University of the Humanitites (DUH), Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (DNU), Alfred Nobel University, Volodymyr Vunnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University (CUSPU), who study in the field of preparation 053 "Psychology". The results of the study were processed using a table processor Microsoft Office Excel.

To evaluate the motivation-orientation component of professional self-identification of a future psychologist used the method "Motives for choosing a profession" (R. V. Ovcharova), the author's modification of the method of studying the factors of attractiveness of the profession (author of the method Yadov V. A., modification I. Kuzmina, A. Rean) and author's questionnaire "Professional self-identification of the future psychologist".

Results and discussion. First, during an empirical study, the emotional component of the choice of future specialists was determined by the method of R. V. Ovcharova.

The processing of this methodology consists in the division of all statements into four groups of motives: internal individually significant motives, internal socially significant motives, external positive motives and external negative motives.

Internal motives for choosing a profession - its social and personal importance; the pleasure that the work gives due to its creative nature; the ability to communicate, lead other people, etc. Internal motivation arises from the needs of the individual, so on its basis, the person works with pleasure, without external pressure.

External motivation is income, striving for prestige, fear of condemnation, failure, etc. External motives can be divided into positive and negative. Positive motives include: material incentives, the possibility of promotion, the poisoning of the team, prestige, ie incentives for which a person deems necessary to make their efforts. Negative motives include influence on the individual through pressure,

punishment, criticism, condemnation and other sanctions of a negative nature.

The predominance of internal motives is most effective in terms of job satisfaction and productivity. The same goes for positive external motivation [5, p. 7-9].

It is established that for all the first courses ofDUH, DNU and Alfred Nobel University the most important in choosing a profession were internal individually and socially significant motives. Moreover, the average values of these motives were almost the same (the difference of indicators in 0,02-0,33). However, more intrinsically individually relevant motives are more important to the students of the CUSPU (difference 0,49). It can be assumed that the difference in rates for students from different universities is due to their location - Dnipro City is a more promising career city, gives more opportunities to create their own social services through a larger population ofthe city, compared to Kropyvnytskyi City [4].

For the fourth-year students of all universities, the difference in the average individually and socially significant motives is almost insignificant (maximum - 0,2). Moreover, the values of almost all parameters are increased compared to the first year students, which indicates a more conscious attitude to the questions or answers.

As expected, the least significant are the negative external motives.

The next step in our research was to identify the most attractive factors of the future profession for the author's modification of the method of Yadov V. A. The essence of the author's modification was to change the instructions for closed questions. Students were offered the following: "Check the points (factors) that reflect your attitude towards your chosen profession. Only record what really matters to you. Optional in all rows is optional." The methodology sets the levels of satisfaction with the profession, which are determined by the total number of answers: up to 3 answers - low level of satisfaction with the future profession, 4-7 - average level, more than 7 - high level.

The research did not identify future professionals with low satisfaction with their chosen profession; the average level was found in 27% of respondents, and the high level - 73%. In addition, the study found that for students of the first year of all universities there were statistically significant differences in the mean values for only three factors - satisfaction with wages, availability of conditions for self-improvement and the importance of the profession for society. For the fourth year, the average values of almost all parameters change, except for the value of satisfaction with pay, which, in our opinion, is related to the rethinking of the attitude to the profession during the years of study.

It is established that the most important factors for future first-year psychologists are the factors - the importance ofthe profession for society, creativity in the activity, the availability of conditions for self-improvement. The least significant factors are the satisfaction with the salary and the length of the working day.

At the same time, for the fourth year students, the most important factors are - the ability to work with people, creativity in the activity, possible fatigue, the availability of conditions for self-improvement and satisfaction with the length of the working day. The least important factor is wage satisfaction.

At the next stage of our research, using the author's questionnaire "Professional self-identification of the future psychologist", the features of the motivational-orientation component and students' understanding of the concepts of "self-identification", "professional self-identification" and the possibility of self-identification of the psychologist's personality by modern means of information technology were identified. Respondents were asked 8 questions for outlined questions. Below are these questions and

survey results, with parenthetical percentages initially for first and fourth year students.

1. How do you understand the term "self-identification"?

Most of the students surveyed (61% of first year students and 49% of fourth year students) agree that

this is a process of defining oneself as an individual. Understanding the term as disclosing oneself in the context of a particular social group adheres to almost the same number as in the first year (28%) and in the fourth (25%). It was also proposed to define self-identification as the presence of certain intrinsic qualities, behavior, character traits. In the first year of study, only 10% are inclined to this definition, and by the end of the study the indicator increases to 21%.

Thus, most respondents correctly understand this definition, but due to the lack of attention given to the issue during the educational process, students have doubts about the meaning of the term.

2. How do you understand the term "professional self-identification"?

The answer to this question among students is also ambiguous. The greatest preference was given to the answers of "presenting yourself as a psychologist" - 49% of first year and 55% of fourth year courses and "desire to work in your chosen specialty" - 43% of first year and 35% of fourth year courses. A small number of first year students surveyed consider this presentation as a student (3%). While in the senior year this answer was not chosen at all. Also, freshmen understand professional self-identification as a complete definition in the profession, full disclosure of their professional skills, achievement of professional goals, process of becoming a professional in the chosen field.

3. How do you understand "readiness for professional self-identification"?

In this issue, the views of students of all courses agreed that it is the ability to acquire professional skills and qualities and understanding what difficulties will have to face in future professional activity. Some students (around 6%) consider this training as a practice. In addition, they offered their own answer options, such as the desire to develop in the field of psychology and to acquire professionalism, confidence in their professional abilities.

4. What prompted you (or could you induce) to professionally identify yourself as a psychologist?

This issue, like the previous one, also did not cause differences in different courses. The majority of respondents to professional self-identification are interested in their chosen future profession (46% and 41%), slightly l ess - life experience (32% and 34%), interesting literature (14% and 20%) and very few -Internet materials (8% and 5%). Respondents were also offered their options of motivation - the desire to know themselves and others better, the desire to improve themselves, the presence of life difficulties, the solution of which requires the help of a psychologist.

5. What hinders (or might interfere with) your professional self-identification as a psychologist?

As it turned out, the biggest obstacles to professional self-identification were self-doubt (32% at all courses) and sloth (35% and 28%). Significantly smaller are the obstacles in life (14% and 23%). Minimal influence on the professional self-identification of the future specialist financial position (9% and 14%). In addition, respondents noted as a hindrance to the professional self-identification of society's attitude towards psychologists.

So, we see that as students age, there are some life-changing obstacles that may lead to financial difficulties. However, the statistics concerning self-doubt are quite impressive. Thus, in the educational process it is necessary to introduce measures that will develop future specialists self-confidence.

6. What methods of professional self-identification do you know?

All the proposed options were selected by the respondents as effective for the formation of professional self-identification. The difference in rates only affected the rating of the answers provided. Yes, in the first year the rating was lined up as follows:

1) tests, surveys - 32%;

2) trainings and seminars - 31%;

3) communication with experienced psychologists - 25%;

4) Internet materials, literature - 11%.

The fourth year rating is as follows:

1) trainings, seminars - 33%;

2) communication with experienced psychologists - 33%;

3) tests, surveys - 21%;

4) Internet materials, literature - 13%.

We see that future professionals have the least confidence in the Internet materials, but try to improve themselves more through the experience of already formed specialists.

7. Do you use information technologies for professional self-identification?

The answers to this question also change with the student's course of study. In the first years, respondents consider webinars, Youtube (44%) and thematic sites (37%) important for professional self-identification, slightly less - blogs, e-books, Wikipe-dia (15%). However, in the fourth year, webinars, Youtube and blogs, e-books, Wikipedia (30% each) are equally important in the opinion of respondents, and content sites (23%) are inferior. 16% do not consider it necessary to use information technology for professional self-identification.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce more information technology tools into the educational process as an element ofprofessional self-identification.

8. What forms of professional self-identification do you use when studying at your University?

Group training (14% and 21%, respectively) was considered to be the least effective for developing professional self-identification. Seminars (39% and 22%) and practical assignments (28% and 27%) are influential forms. They also demand the transfer of experience from experienced psychologists (18% and 27%).

So, with age, future professionals are finding new and more effective ways to professionally identify themselves.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. High motivational component, but insufficient level of orientation component of motivational and orientation component of professional self-identification of future psychologist are defined. The study found that for most future psychologists,

the chosen specialty is interesting and they want to develop it as professionals, but because of socioeconomic conditions, psychological obstacles may arise when receiving higher education. Although, even with these factors, future professionals are beginning to neglect. There is also a lack of awareness of the concepts of "self-identification", "professional self-identification", "readiness for professional self-identification", distrust of information technology as a powerful tool for professional self-identification, psychological problems (self-doubt, laziness) and lack of self-identity in higher education institutions.

Therefore, the next stage of our work is to develop a program for the development of a motivational-orientation component as an important factor in the professional self-identification of a future psychologist.


Dniprovskii University of the Humanitites -DUH;

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University -DNU;

Volodymyr Vunnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University - CUSPU


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