Научная статья на тему 'Training motivation component of competitiveness for future professionals in municipal economy'

Training motivation component of competitiveness for future professionals in municipal economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ilienko Olena

The article focuses on the role of motivation in developing competitiveness of future professionals of municipal economy. On the basis of literature analysis, the role of motivation for developing the needs-and-motivation component of future professionals of municipal economy is substantiated, the scientific and methodical system used for its improvement is described. The analysis of the scientific literature is used to prove that the majority of the authors register motivation as a precondition for a successful professional realization, in particular, the motivation for achievement. This type of motivation involves a desire to get a success, high results in the activity that organizes an integral behavior, increases the proactive attitude of the individual, and affects the formation of the goal and the choice of the ways to achieve it. It is demonstrated that professional orientation of the personality, which is displayed mainly by a developed approach for professional fulfillment and awareness of its value, is also significant for training of the competitiveness of a future professional. The needs-and-motivation component of competitiveness is defined, which involves a high motivation of students as for the professional activity, motivation for achievement, an adequate level of accomplishment; shapes the need for a successful work and recognition of performance. The pilot survey conducted for the students majoring in the field of municipal economy demonstrates that the needs-and-motivation component is insufficiently formed and should be trained using a specially designed scientific and methodical system. The following reasons are defined for the lack of a developed competitiveness: 1) insufficient motivation for training in order to have a professional fulfillment; 2) insufficient motivation to be successful in the profession; 3) lack of awareness of the students about the significance of acquiring professional experience; 4) lack of awareness of the need to acquire a high level of professionally relevant competencies and personal qualities. Trainings for enhancing the motivation potential of the students, in particular, work with a motivational dictionary, a gradual training on setting goals and their successful achievement as well as trainings on stimulating motivation for educational activities were conducted. The results of the control testing register a significant increase in the motivation criterion of professional achievement, in particular, in the indexes of motivation for professional training, motivation for success and need for achievement, which proves the effectiveness of the types and forms of the scientific and methodical system for training competitiveness of the future professionals of municipal economy.

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Формирование мотивационного компонента конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста муниципальной экономики

Проанализована роль мотивации в формировании конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста муниципальной экономики, в частности, в формировании ее потребностно-мотивационного компонента. Доказано, что потребностно-мотивационный компонент конкурентоспособности предполагает высокую мотивацию студентов к профессиональной деятельности, мотивацию достижений, адекватный уровень притязаний; формирует потребность в успешной деятельности и признании достижений. Представлена научно-методическая система, используемая для формирования конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста муниципальной экономики. Описано пилотное исследование, направленное на выявление самооценки студентами личной готовности к конкурентной борьбе за рабочее место. Результаты исследования доказали необходимость внедрения в учебный процесс научно-методической системы формирования конкурентоспособности будущих специалистов муниципальной экономики, которая позволила бы сформировать потребностно-мотивационный, когнитивно-операционный и рефлексивно-оценочный компоненты указанного образования. Указано, что эффективное формирование потребностно-мотивационного компонента конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста проводилось с помощью алгоритмических тренингов по постановке целей и их успешного достижения, работы с мотивационным словарем, стимулирования мотивации к учебной деятельности. Отмечено, что главным результатом реализации указанной программы стало значительное повышение мотивации к реализации в профессии по показателям мотивации к профессиональному обучению, мотивации на успех/неудачу и потребности в достижениях, что доказывает эффективность типов и форм научно-методической системы формирования конкурентоспособности будущих специалистов муниципальной экономики.

Текст научной работы на тему «Training motivation component of competitiveness for future professionals in municipal economy»

6. Pshenychna N.S. Formuvannya profesiynoyi kompetentnosti maybutn'oho vchytelya fizyky shlyakhom vstanovlennya mizhpredmetnykh zv"yazkiv iz khimiyeyu [Formation of professional competence of the future teacher of physics by establishing interdisciplinary connections with chemistry]. Naukovyy visnyk Melitopol's'koho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu. Seriya: Pedahohika, 2014, vol. 1 (12), pp. 134-140.

7. Sysoyeva S.O. Metodolohiya naukovo-pedahohichnykh doslidzhen': Pidruchnyk [Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research: Textbook], Rivne, 2013. 360 p.

Стаття надйшла в редакцЮ 21.05.2018 р.

УДК 37.015.3:005.32:33


http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6353-9332 lenailyenko@yahoo.com

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Kharkiv, 17 Marshal Bazhanov St.


The article focuses on the role of motivation in developing competitiveness of future professionals of municipal economy. On the basis of literature analysis, the role of motivation for developing the needs-and-motivation component of future professionals of municipal economy is substantiated, the scientific and methodical system used for its improvement is described. The analysis of the scientific literature is used to prove that the majority of the authors register motivation as a precondition for a successful professional realization, in particular, the motivation for achievement. This type of motivation involves a desire to get a success, high results in the activity that organizes an integral behavior, increases the proactive attitude of the individual, and affects the formation of the goal and the choice of the ways to achieve it. It is demonstrated that professional orientation of the personality, which is displayed mainly by a developed approach for professional fulfillment and awareness of its value, is also significant for training of the competitiveness of a future professional. The needs-and-motivation component of competitiveness is defined, which involves a high motivation of students as for the professional activity, motivation for achievement, an adequate level of accomplishment; shapes the need for a successful work and recognition of performance. The pilot survey conducted for the students majoring in the field of municipal economy demonstrates that the needs-and-motivation component is insufficiently formed and should be trained using a specially designed scientific and methodical system. The following reasons are defined for the lack of a developed competitiveness: 1) insufficient motivation for training in order to have a professional fulfillment; 2) insufficient motivation to be successful in the profession; 3) lack of awareness of the students about the significance of acquiring professional experience; 4) lack of awareness of the need to acquire a high level of professionally relevant competencies and personal qualities. Trainings for enhancing the motivation potential of the students, in particular, work with a motivational dictionary, a gradual training on setting goals and their successful achievement as well as trainings on stimulating motivation for educational activities were conducted. The results of the control testing register a significant increase in the motivation criterion of professional achievement, in particular, in the indexes of motivation for professional training, motivation for success and need for achievement, which proves the effectiveness of the types and forms of the scientific and methodical system for training competitiveness of the future professionals of municipal economy.

Keywords: motivation, professional training, competitive professional, professional in municipal economy, scientific and methodic system, needs-motivation component.

ОЛЕНА шьенко

кандидат фшолопчних наук, доцент Харювський нащональний ушверситет мюького господарства

iM. О. М. Бекетова м. Хармв, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17


Проаналiзовано роль мотиваци в формуванн конкурентосnроможностi майбутнього фахiвця мутципально! економжи, зокрема, формування и потребово-мотивацшного компоненту. Доведено, що потребово-мотивацшний компонент конкурентоспроможностi передбачае високу мотивацю студентiв щодо профеЫйно! дiяльностi, мотивацю досягнення, адекватний рiвень домагань; формуе потребу в устштй дiяльностi та визнанш досягнень. Представлена науково-методична система, що використовуеться для конкурентоспроможностi майбутнього фахiвця мутципальног економiки. Описано тлотажне дослiдження спрямоване на виявлення самооцтки студентами особистог готовностi до конкурентног боротьби за робоче мiсце. Результати до^дження довели необхiднiсть упровадження в навчальний процес науковог системи формування конкурентоспроможностi майбуттх фахiвцiв мунщипальноЧ економжи, яка дозволяла б сформувати потребово-мотивацшний, когттивно-операцтний та рефлексивно-ощнний компоненти зазначеного утворення. Вказано, що ефективне формування потребово-мотивацшного компонента конкурентоспроможностi майбутнього фахiвця проводилось за допомогою алгоритмiчних тренiнгiв щодо постановки щлей та 1х устшного досягнення, роботи з мотивацтним словником, стимулювання мотиваци до навчальног дiяльностi. Вiдзначено, що головним результатом реалiзацii зазначеног програми стало значне тдвищення мотивацп дореалiзацiiу професи за показниками мотиваци до профестного навчання, мотиваци на устх/невдачу та потреби у досягненнях, що доводить ефективтсть титв та форм науково-методичног системи формування конкурентоспроможностi майбуттх фахiвцiв мутципальног економжи.

Ключовi слова: мотиващя, профестна тдготовка, конкурентоспроможтй фахiвець, фахiвець мутципальног економiки, науково-методична система, потребово-мотивацшний компонент.


кандидат филологических наук, доцент Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства

им. А. Н. Бекетова г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17


Проанализована роль мотивации в формировании конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста муниципальной экономики, в частности, в формировании ее потребностно-мотивационного компонента. Доказано, что потребностно-мотивационный компонент конкурентоспособности предполагает высокую мотивацию студентов к профессиональной деятельности, мотивацию достижений, адекватный уровень притязаний; формирует потребность в успешной деятельности и признании достижений. Представлена научно-методическая система, используемая для формирования конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста муниципальной экономики. Описано пилотное исследование, направленное на выявление самооценки студентами личной готовности к конкурентной борьбе за рабочее место. Результаты исследования доказали необходимость внедрения в учебный процесс научно-методической системы формирования конкурентоспособности будущих специалистов муниципальной экономики, которая позволила бы сформировать потребностно-мотивационный, когнитивно-операционный и рефлексивно-оценочный компоненты указанного образования. Указано, что эффективное формирование потребностно-мотивационного компонента конкурентоспособности будущего специалиста проводилось с помощью алгоритмических тренингов по постановке целей и их успешного достижения, работы с мотивационным словарем, стимулирования мотивации к учебной деятельности. Отмечено, что главным результатом реализации указанной программы стало значительное повышение мотивации к реализации в профессии по показателям мотивации к профессиональному обучению, мотивации на успех/неудачу и потребности в достижениях, что доказывает эффективность типов и форм научно-методической системы формирования конкурентоспособности будущих специалистов муниципальной экономики.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, профессиональная подготовка, конкурентоспособный специалист, специалист муниципальной экономики, научно-методическая система, потребностно-мотивационный компонент.

Analysis of the existing approaches of the researchers to determination of the structural components of competitiveness proves that motivation is a compulsory element of this issue. Numerous works focused on motivation are devoted to studying the structure of the motive, its methods and functions within the theory of obtaining success. Since competitiveness determines the commitment of the individual to the struggle for the ability to win, we consider it expedient to use the results of these researches in our study of forming competitiveness of future professionals of municipal economy. In specifying the content of the needs-and-motivation component of competitiveness of the future professionals in the field of municipal economy, we consider the theory of motivation to be the fundamental premise [7] as well as the theory of needs [3].

The aim of the article is to substantiate the role of motivation for developing the needs-and-motivation component of future professionals of municipal economy, describe the scientific and methodical system used for its improvement and analyze the results obtained.

In the research of L. Gren, V. Mykhailychenko, A. Romanovsky, a special type of motivation is characterized, namely, the motivation for achievement as a desire to get a success, high results in the activity that organizes an integral behavior, increases the proactive attitude of the individual, affects the formation of the goal and the choice of ways to achieve it [5, p. 231]. Consequently, we agree with the authors that the motivation for achievement is determined by an active life position, the ability to build a strategy of behavior focused on the success and effectiveness of the activity. It is known that those who seek success achieve much more in their life than those who lack such a motivation, and, therefore, the motivation for achievement can be considered as the source for aspiration and a high self-esteem of the personality. Motivation can be actuated by providing an opportunity for the student to choose an individual trajectory for training [8].

The concept of H. Murray determines another aspect of the motivation of achievement, which we consider important for the formation of the competitiveness of the personality. Thus, the scientist notices that the motive of achievement is the need to cope with something difficult, that is, something, which includes overcoming obstacles. At the same time, it becomes unimportant if a person will cope with these obstacles using open actions or manipulations. According to Murray, overcoming obstacles means surpassing not only other people but also yourself [11, p. 238]. In this way, a person with a determined motive for achievement successfully accomplishes the goals and develops self-esteem. The theory of success evolves in the works of D. McClelland, who opposes success and escaping failures. The researcher notes that for a success-oriented person, a typical behavior pattern is becoming responsible for the outcome of the activity [10, p. 98]. Consequently, formation of the motive of achievement demonstrates how much a person seeks to raise his/her own assets and how much he/she is dependent on the recognition of the success by the society.

Professional orientation of the personality, which is displayed mainly by a developed approach for professional fulfillment and awareness of its value, is significant for development of the competitiveness of a future professional. It should be mentioned in this aspect that there is a category of students who do not plan to get a professional fulfillment and have no claims to compete in the struggle for a professional position in the labor market. Hence, the professional motivation of these students can be considered unexposed and the institutions of higher education facing the challenge of training specialists for the domestic market should create conditions for motivation of future professionals for a vocational fulfilment.

The importance of developing the needs-and-motivation component of the future professional's competitiveness is proved by the theory of attribution by W. Weiner, which determines motivation as the way a person explains his/her own successes or failures. Thus, the scientist experimentally confirms that a person with a high level of motivation for achievement attributes a success or a failure to his/her level of abilities and diligence, and those who have a low level of such a motivation associate a success or failure with mostly a luck [12]. This conclusion closely correlates with the theory of locus control by J. Rotter, which characterizes the person's tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of his/her activities to the external forces (external locus control) or to their own abilities and efforts (internal locus control). Locus control is a stable property of a personality, which is formed in the process of his/her socialization [2]. In view of the above mentioned, we consider it necessary to pay attention to the development of students' motivation for self-evaluation of the causes for the results of their activities.

As it has been mentioned, competitiveness is marked by a person's orientation towards achievement, success, struggle and victory, therefore, the motive of professional achievement should be individuated from a number of similar motives. Professional achievement determines the degree of the desire to achieve a certain level of professional fulfillment. At the same time, the factors of aspiration are the situations of achievement, recognition of the personal success by other people, a possibility of self-realization in the profession, career building, etc. In this aspect it is useful to analyze the results of the research of O. Gulai on forming the motivation of achievement of future professionals in the field of construction [1]. According to O. Rezvan [7, p. 190], the level of personality achievement depends on the desire to get a success and avoid a defeat. In general, the discrepancy between the level of achievement and the level of personality's capabilities becomes the reason for the development, stimulates commitment, and improves performance. The level of achievement depends on the success of a person as the result of his/her activities, since success predetermines the pursuit of more complex goals and, at the same time, the failure forces a person to lower the level of achievement.

The theory of S. Hobfoll [9] is connected with the problem of limiting personal claims. The attention of the scientist is focused on the important principle of the resource approach, i.e. the principle of "conservation" of resources, which is determined by the ability of a person to receive, store, restore, multiply, redistribute resources in accordance with the personal values. Due to such an ability, a person has an opportunity to adapt to the conditions of life that are constantly changing. In case of loss of one of the resources, the other ones perform the function of limiting personal claims. In the light of our research, this theory allows to focus on developing adequate self-esteem motives that enable to gain a positive experience within the context of the relevant achievements.

We consider it necessary to draw attention to the motive of integration into the professional environment, which may be dominant for the recognition of the future professional's achievements by the authorities of specific professional environments. Thus, according to V. Nikiforenko, adaptation involves an active position of the individual, awareness of the social status and the related role behavior as a form of realization of personal capabilities in the process of solving general problems. Adaptation means a detailed acquaintance with the team and new responsibilities, adaption of the behavior stereotypes, assimilation - full adaptation to the environment and, finally, identification, i.e. identification of personal interests and goals with the common ones [4, p. 93].

Summing up the scientific approaches mentioned, we can notice that a future professional, who has an intention to enter the competition for the first work position with a further improvement of the professional fulfillment should be aware of the inevitability of processes, the result of which should be integration into a new place of work and joining the team. In this aspect, competitiveness helps to make the first step in the process of professional development.

The scientific developments of the researchers on the role of motivation and the need to achieve the personality's competitiveness in the labor market afford ground for emphasizing the importance of distinguishing the needs-and-motivation component of this phenomenon. This component involves a high motivation of students as for the professional activity, motivation for achievement, an adequate level of accomplishment; shapes the need for a successful work and recognition of performance; provides the need for self-regulation of the behavior and activities, self-affirmation, self-expression, the need for self-development and mastery of the profession; the need for continuous professional self-improvement, increased professionalism. Besides, it allows to form the need for development of own competitiveness; reflects the values and meaning of professional activities; forms interest in professional activities; provides a professionally directed commitment, promotes the development of a focus on acquisition of knowledge, skills and professional skills; reflects the value orientations of the professional's personality, his/her positive attitude to various types of socially significant activities.

To determine the attitude to the problem of competitiveness of the future professionals in the field of municipal economy, a pilot study was conducted at O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv. Among the respondents, there were university lecturers and students, as well as entrepreneurs of the economic branch. The survey included questions aimed at identifying respondents' opinion about self-assessment by the students of their personal readiness to be competitive when applying for the first workplace as well as studying their motivation for achievement and definition of the influential people to evaluate the students' professional activities.

The survey began with determination of the general attitude of the students to their future profession. To do this, we used an original questionnaire, created according to the topic of our research. In order to determine the curriculum content of professional training, we were mostly interested in identification of disciplines, which respondents considered important for the professional training of future economists. Accordingly, the first suggested question was "Which disciplines of the training program do you consider important for a successful employment?" The answers identify a rather wide discrepancy in understanding of the content of professional training by future economists. Thus, the discipline "Foreign language" is defined as the most important for professional competitiveness (65 %), which can be considered as a consequence of the priority policy of our state in the aspect of globalization of the professional environments.

An alarming signal about a low level of the students' awareness of the need to acquire professional competencies is the choice of the disciplines of professional orientation. In particular, Economics of the Enterprise takes the second place among the disciplines in the survey, while only 35 % of the respondents select this discipline. The importance of the disciplines "Management" and "Marketing" is noted by 17.5 % and 13.8 % of the future economists respectively. Accounting and Audit is chosen by 11.3 % of the respondents. Finance is marked by 6.3 % of the students and Enterprise Strategy and Accounting account only for 5 % of the respondents.

Disciplines with a narrow specialized content are given a very little value, in particular, 2.5 % of the respondents identify knowledge and skills of the disciplines "Enterprise Finances", "Risks", "Statistics" and "Budgeting" to be important for employ ability; and the disciplines "Organization of Business", "Economic Analysis", "Taxation", "Tariff Setting", "Planning and Control" are selected by only 1.3 % of the students.

Consequently, we believe that the results of the questionnaire reveal a rather serious problem related to a low level of awareness of the importance of acquiring professional competencies by future experts of the municipal economy.

The choice of the disciplines made by the respondents proves their predominant orientation on communication in the profession. This explains availability of a rather large proportion of the students (16.3 %) who determine the importance of the competencies acquired while mastering the discipline "Psychology". The respondents note the ability to work with people, have successful interviews with potential employers, adapt in a new team, accept new duties and methods of training as well as acquire skills of computer audit.

Taking into account the fact that from the employers' point of view, orientation of future specialists to constant self-improvement is mentioned as an essential issue, we regard as an important the question focused on the need for further professional training. 73 % of the future economists have a positive attitude to such a need, provided that the employer sponsors the training and only 15 % are inclined to have self-improvement at their own expense.

Such results determine the students' inadequate understanding of the value of self-improvement, the fact that any personal transformation should be of a high quality and the person is responsible for this quality as soon as the person decided to get a self-improvement.

Considering the fact that modern students in the vast majority have a part-time job, the respondents were asked about their experience of work in the professional field. As the result, positive responses are received only from 4 % of the students, while 53 % have work experience at low level positions, which are not connected with the professional area. Actually, the same percentage of positive responses is received when the students answer the question of their experience of a successful employment in the professional and non-professional spheres.

Consequently, we believe that the problem of professional orientation of future specialists of municipal economy needs attention, since at present, students of the economic profile are not sufficiently aware of the importance of seeking additional experience in their professional field.

The results of the conducted pilot study suggest that the problem of competitiveness development of future professionals of municipal economy is relevant for both students of the modern higher educational institutions and for potential employers, and, therefore, there is a need for its solution. The awareness of the important aspects of compliance with the requirements of the modern labor market as well as the risks that will have to be faced in the process of employment and professional implementation affects the level of competitiveness of future professionals. As the result

of the pilot survey, it was concluded that the reasons for the lack of a developed competitiveness of future professional of municipal economy may be:

1) insufficient motivation for training in order to have a professional fulfillment;

2) insufficient motivation to be successful in the profession; 3) lack of awareness of the students about the significance of acquiring professional experience; 4) lack of awareness of the need to acquire a high level of professionally relevant competencies and personal qualities.

Based on empirical data, we came to a conclusion that it was necessary to introduce into the process of training a scientific system for development of competitiveness of future professionals of municipal economy, which allowed to form the needs-and-motivation, cognitive-operational and reflexive-estimating components of the competitiveness.

One of the ways of enhancing the motivation potential of the individual is working with a motivational dictionary. In this training, attention is paid to the fact that the aphorisms selected by the students are valuable for orientation in the competition as they reflect the experience of the whole nation as well as famous statements of successful personalities in business. Therefore, the presented positive experience could be the basis for motivating future economists to gain competitiveness as one of the main qualities of a modern professional.

Training on goal setting and their successful achievement, is borrowed from the experience of V. Semichenko and adapted for the professionals of municipal economy. In organization of the training, we use the experience of J. G. Scott on the method of setting goals, which allowed evaluating in an algorithmic form the realism of the goal realization and determining the steps to achieve it [7, p. 452]. At the first stage, the desire of the students to master the future profession is tested (here we focus on the content of the profession, and not on a specific employment, since the range of the profession is much wider, which means that the student can learn to realize the various ways of professional realization).

The second step is to direct students to learn how to determine the reality of the stated goals and later, to identify the priority goals. As most students represent professional fulfillment as the implementation of a set of goals (to find a professional workplace, to receive decent salary, to have an opportunity to improve their own professional competence, etc.), the important issue is the formation of skills to focus on the most important goals and transform them into one common goal. The next step of the training is to provide self-confidence in achieving the goals. The students form the conviction that the achievement of the desired goal only takes place when ways to overcome the obstacles in reaching the goal are found. To do this, we use the exercises to create images related to the goals that have already been achieved (subjects, people, colors, sounds), and visualization of the own space by these images. Finally, future professionals are taught to determine the ways to achieve the goal. The students are asked to find the most possible options for achieving one goal. To do this, they are supposed to enter as much as possible information in the following columns of the table: What do I need to do, Necessary means, Order of fulfillment, Importance of action. The answers to the first and last positions are subject to rating, which allows evaluating the degree of importance and reality of the action implementation.

As it has been mentioned, in forming the needs-and-motivation component of the competitiveness, the importance of professional competence should be noted, which is achieved through a persistent learning, therefore, attention has to be put on the development of the motives for educational activities. Taking into account the fact that the results of the pilot study show a rather obscure awareness of the importance of professionally oriented disciplines for gaining competitiveness, the task within the framework of the study is to make an influence on the educational motives of future economists. To do this, we use exercises to create positive emotions in learning. For example, the students are offered to identify a discipline that is important for their professional competence, but is not interesting for them personally, and later, they are directed to choose from the content of the discipline the topics that the student can prepare as a presentation for the entire group. The choice made determines the elements of a selective curiosity to a specific topic, which can be enhanced by creating positive virtually emotionally marked epithets on this topic. To fulfill the task, the students are asked to explain their choice of the topic, promoting it to the audience. It should be noted that this exercise allows not only to increase personal motivation to study the discipline, but also indirectly put the student in the position of making an arbitrary decision, which he/she publicly proclaims, since positive advertising of the topic becomes a basis for the promise to study it.

As the result of the implementation of the scientific system for development competitiveness of future professionals of municipal economy, a significant increase in the motivation to achievement in the profession is registered.

The development of the needs-and-motivation component of the competitiveness of the future professional of the municipal economy allows to determine the level of orientation of the students to their realization in the profession and to the search and application of innovations in professional activities; the level of identification of the motivation for vocational training, the motivation for success and the need for achievement, which is presented in the results of the control check.

The re-questioning of the students on the motivation of professional training demonstrate qualitative changes in the experimental group. Thus, an increase of 15.1 % of the number of students who displayed a high level of motivation for professional training is explained by the fact that the respondents begin to realize the social significance of the future profession, its relevance for the society. Of particular importance is the awareness of the possibilities of professional fulfilment in its various types. Positive changes of the indicator of the need for achievement are recorded. 20.6% of the students in the experimental group demonstrate a high level of this kind of motivation, which is conditioned by the efficiency of the students' implementation of the phased program of goals formulation, which allows setting realistic goals and identifying steps to achieve them. At the same time, the control group of students shows rather slight changes in these indicators: the number of people who has a high level of motivation for education and achievement needs increased by only 3% and 6% respectively.

The level of motivation for success of the students in the experimental group increased by 17.5 %, whereas for the students of the control group this indicator increased by only 10.4 %. We can explain such changes in the control group in such a way that a natural desire for the success of a young person can be considered as a positive characteristic only if a person is realistic in evaluation of his/her own resources in relation to the achievement. Taking into account the abovementioned, the students of the control group demonstrate to a greater extent over- or underestimated readiness to take risks, and consequently their desire for a success remains as a desire or dream and never transforms into a goal and life prospects.

Conclusion. The results of testing the development of the needs-and-motivation component of the competitiveness register a significant increase in the motivation criterion of professional achievement, in particular, in the indexes of motivation for professional training, motivation for success and need for achievement, which proves the effectiveness of the types and forms of the scientific and methodical system for forming competitiveness of the future professionals of municipal economy.


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