Научная статья на тему 'Chemical language is cognitive method and main instrument of communication'

Chemical language is cognitive method and main instrument of communication Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Akmyrza Zaripa, Aidyn Farizat, Sarsenova Aidana

Chemical language is based on the development of logical thinking in teaching natural sciences, including chemistry. Speech is for opening of semantic connections between substances and changes. The performance of students in chemistry classes and extracurricular activities associated chemistry through the language, through the words of the national language, culture, speech follows General patterns. For students, clarity, accuracy, relevance, consistency and clarity of requirements. Chemistry is one of the natural Sciences dealing with the spectrum of qualitative changes of substances. The language is matter after letters or sounds. The object of study in chemistry, a substance, a kind of concrete substance.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Chemical language is cognitive method and main instrument of communication»

Таким образом, в соответствии с технологическим шифром нефть месторождения Кожасай, благодаря высокому выходу светлых фракций, пригодна для получения топлива после удаления сернистых компонентов и парафина.


1. Оразова Г. А., Нигмет Н. Т., Мусагалиев Е. К. Производство моторных топлив и сырья для нефтехимии из газоконденсатов. // Вестник Атырауского института нефти и газа 2009. -3(18) -С.106-110.

2. Надиров Н. К. Нефть и газ Казахстана Часть 1. Алматы <^ылым» 1995. С. 201.

3. Надиров Н. К. Нефть и газ Казахстана Часть 2. Алматы <^ылым» 1995. С. 353.

Chemical language is cognitive method and main instrument of


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Akmyrza Z. , Aidyn F. , Sarsenova A. (Republic of Kazakhstan) Химический язык - познавательный метод и главный инструмент


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Акмырза З. Ш. , Айдын Ф. Н. , Сарсенова А. Б. (Республика Казахстан)

1Акмырза Зарипа Шохманкызы /Akmyrza Zaripa - преподаватель;

2Айдын Фаризат Нургуаткызы /Aidyn Farizat - преподаватель;

3Сарсенова Айдана Бауыржановна / Sarsenova Aidana - преподаватель, отделение технологическое, Атырауский политехнический колледж имени С.Мукашева г. Атырау, Республика Казахстан

Abstract: chemical language is based on the development of logical thinking in teaching natural sciences, including chemistry. Speech is for opening of semantic connections between substances and changes. The performance of students in chemistry classes and extracurricular activities associated chemistry through the language, through the words of the national language, culture, speech follows General patterns. For students, clarity, accuracy, relevance, consistency and clarity of requirements. Chemistry is one of the natural Sciences dealing with the spectrum of qualitative changes of substances. The language is matter after letters or sounds. The object of study in chemistry, a substance, a kind of concrete substance.

Аннотация: химический язык основан на развитии логического размышления в преподавании естественных наук, в том числе химия. Выполнение заданий по химии и внеклассной деятельности связало химию через язык. Химия - одна из естественных наук, имеющих дело со спектром качественных изменений субстанций, поэтому химический язык для обучающихся представляет в первую очередь ясное суждение химических явлений, точное представление химических превращений.

Keywords: chemistry, chemical language, symbolism. Ключевые слова: химия, химический язык, символика.

Chemical language is based on the development of logical thinking in teaching natural sciences, including chemistry. Speech is for opening of semantic connections between substances and changes. The performance of students in chemistry classes and extracurricular activities associated chemistry through the language, through the words of the national language, culture, speech follows General patterns. For students, clarity,


accuracy, relevance, consistency and clarity of requirements. Chemistry is one of the natural Sciences dealing with the spectrum of qualitative changes of substances. The language is matter after letters or sounds. The object of study in chemistry, a substance, a kind of concrete substance.

Chemical knowledge and language - the result of a chemical worldview.

An important part of the language of chemistry or chemical international language, symbols, national language consists of local. The simplest living chemical names of compounds of two elements, for example: H2O - water, oxide of hydrogen, of sodium chloride NaCl. Sometimes we meet name long longitudinal faces, which will last six months.

Chemical symbolical is addition to chemical language, and consists of terminological items, as well as independent cognitive activity and the value of each part [1].

We can say that language is instrument of communication, cognition that are studied in chemistry and chemical would like to see in all educational institutions. The language of chemical science from generation to generation through the language brought him to the present. Allegedly using chemical knowledge of students, develop further and apply in different conditions. Works aimed at improving the culture of speech of pupils at lessons of chemistry of the formation constant, continuous and comprehensive labor discipline. Chemical symbols and terms, develop them to teach the correct use of the language culture of students, enhance the scientific literacy of students in chemistry.

The main instruments of student are correct views, thoughts, richness of language. Mind freedom of speech does not allow their goals and objectives. The principle of unity of thinking and speech, language, and thinking of students through communication with each other that any. If you cannot retrieve more than understand the language. This position develops the thinking of students through the actions, thoughts, formed skills ability to work in different outcomes.

Offers, so soul is to consist of meaningful words.

Chemical language is scientific knowledge in chemistry, registration, storage, and delivery systems of characters from generation to generation. He is one of the artificial scientific languages. It is artificial, unlike the natural language of the indigenous symbolication obvious.

Historically, the names of the word language is included in the subjects of the nation registered. For example, in water chemistry of the national bright oxide of hydrogen, salt sodium chloride is called. In addition, nine kinds of chemical elements in the music, they are: gold, silver, copper, iron, zinc, lead, tin, sulfur and mercury.

The chemical language - chemical method of cognitive science and its teaching. The chemical language - chemical terminology, nomenclature and units symbolism rules of their creation, interpretation is transformed, in addition, is the tool to use. As the chemical language of the French scientist. Lavoisier conducted experiments on the incineration has developed a «chemical terminology».

Symbolism of - contract the final mark of the system of science, chemical phenomena, patterns, relationships, quantity, quality characteristics and establishing the chemical language. The founder of symbolism is Swedish scientist Berzelius.

Objects, their form entry of equations of reactions of various characteristics and laws, in word or in tongue, is chemistry more concise formula. Names of organic substances on the item, for example, is largely dependent on two, and in Geneva. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with double bonds for one simple alkenes the structural formula, for example, the groups CH2=CH-CH3 propene-1, propylene and molecular formula, chemical names in the language propene-1 shows that after the first atomic balancity prepended the only source of carbon are called double.

In the process of generalization and systematization of knowledge of classification of options the scheme is very important. Versatile instrument for systematization of knowledge

generalization is. The periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements of D.Mendeleev.

Chemical language learning through educational, developing functions, allows to improve. It test the knowledge of students, the most effective instrument accounting and valuation knowledge.


1. Mirzabaev A. «The pedagogical foundations of Chemistry teaching methods». Almaty. Education. 2004.

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