Научная статья на тему 'Characteristics of hardiness as a predictor of disorder of adaptation in juniors'

Characteristics of hardiness as a predictor of disorder of adaptation in juniors Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kioseva Olena Victorovna

The mental state of 1076 university students was analyzed. The degree of development of such quality as hardiness was determined (hardiness level 23.48±5.54 grades) among the respondents having disorder of adaptation (52.86% estimated the subjective level of stress as an average). The underdeveloped hardiness was established to be a factor of deadaptation. The developed hardiness is a precondition and evidence of mental health of a modern student.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Characteristics of hardiness as a predictor of disorder of adaptation in juniors»

14. Helen Feltovich., Timothy J. Hall., and Vincenzo Berghella. Beyond cervical length: emerging technologies for assessing the pregnant cervix. J. Obstet Gynecol. Nov 2012; 207. (5): 345-354.

15. Neilson J. P., West H. M., Dowswell T. Betamimetics for inhibiting preterm labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Feb 5; 2.

16. Twickler, Diane M., McIntire, Donald D., Alexander, James M., Leveno, Kenneth J. Effects of Magnesium Sulfate on Preterm Fetal Cerebral Blood Flow Using Doppler Analysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2010 - Vol.115.21-25.

Kioseva Olena Victorovna, MD, PhD, Competitor for Doctor of Sciences of Ukrainian scientific-research Institute of Social and Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, E-mail: kiohelen@mail.ru

Characteristics of hardiness as a predictor of disorder of adaptation in juniors

Abstract: The mental state of 1076 university students was analyzed. The degree of development of such quality as hardiness was determined (hardiness level 23.48±5.54 grades) among the respondents having disorder of adaptation (52.86% estimated the subjective level of stress as an average). The underdeveloped hardiness was established to be a factor of deadaptation. The developed hardiness is a precondition and evidence of mental health of a modern student.

Keywords: adjustment disorder, hardiness, students, the youth, stress, university.

Introduction: The studentship is characterized by Materials and methods. Subject to the informa-a high risk of manifestation and development of mental tion consent, in compliance with the principles of bio-

diseases, aggravation of pathological temperamental attributes, social conflicts [1, 7].

Special attention is focused on the junior students of higher educational establishments facing a complex of stressful events. Completely different living circumstances resulting from a new social status and considerable educational loads may affect the psychoemotional health ofyoung people, increase the risk of taking psychoactive substances and suicides among the students [2, 16-26; 3, 17-25].

Active, successful mastering of educational activities requires a modern young man to have a high resistance to stress and high hardiness. The individual hardiness is usually understood as ability of a person to keep balance between adaptation to new requirements and striving to harmonic and full living [4, 83-94].

The aforesaid determines the relevancy of analyzing the significance of stress-overcoming youth behavior which is based upon a set of personal resources, and hardiness, particularly.

Purpose — determine the level of hardiness development among the junior students for early detection of adjustment disorders.

ethics and deontology, 1076 persons were examined: 325 young men (30.2%) and 751 young girls (69.8%), at the age of 17-20 years old, from different faculties of one of the universities in our country. It is well-known that most of the students live in hostels, since they come for study from other cities.

Research methods: information-analytical methods, clinical-anamnestic methods, clinical and psychopatho-logical methods, psychodiagnostic methods, mathematical-statistical methods.

The intensity of symptomatology was estimated using a checklist SCL-90-R (Symptom Check List-90-Re-vised, L. R. Derogatis, as adapted by N. V. Tarabrina, 200l) [6, 60; 7, 1-15].

"Hardiness Survey" was used to determine the level ofhardiness development ("Hardiness Survey" Maddi et al., 1984, screening version by Ye. N. Osina, 2013). The method enables estimating the hardiness factor representing the person's commitment to the surrounding events, degree of control of own activities and challenge acceptance level [5, 42-60].

Characteristics of hardiness as a predictor of disorder of adaptation in juniors

Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using a program package Statistica for Windows, 7.0. [8, 29-52]. The normalcy of distribution was checked using the Shapiro-Wilkie method. The group indexes of descriptive statistics were calculated: for normal distribution — arithmetical mean (M); standard deviation (SD); minimum (min) and maximum (max) ofvalues in the sampling; for the distribution not subject to the normal one, a median (Me); lower (q25) and upper quartiles (q75) were determined. The data presentation format in the text and tables is as follows: M ± SD; (min — max); Me; (q25 — q75).

Results. Using the agglomerative method of minimum variance (clustering by the "k- medium" method) [9, 220-240] the sampling (n=1076) was

distributed into three groups, according to the examination criteria ICD-10: group 1 — practically healthy students n=778 (72.3%); group 2 — persons with the symptoms of disorder of adaptation n=210 (19.5%) and group 3 — with the symptoms of adjustment disorder n=88 (8.2%).

For further study, as agreed, only the girls of the group 2 with the symptoms of disorder of adaptation were selected, namely: 72.0% (134/186), i. e. 12.5% (134/1076) of the total examined youth. Most of the students in this group 52.86% determined the subjective level of stress as an average one.

There were determined the main components of hardiness of the cohort under study. The findings are given in table 1.

Table 1. - Characteristics of the general index and components of hardiness for the girls of the 2nd group (n=134) of the junior university courses (according to the method of "Hardiness Survey" screening version by Ye. N. Osina, 2013), grades

Scale Hardiness Commitment Control Challenge

Index 23.48±5.54; (12.0-36.0); Me=22,0; (21.0-24.0) 8.0±2.47; (3.0-12.0); Me=8.0; (6.0-9.0) 7.71±1.75; (4.0-12.0); Me=8.0; (7.0-9.0) 7.77±2.28; (1.0-12.0); Me=8.0; (6.0-9.0)

Conducted examination allowed establishing some peculiarities in all the scales of the "Hardiness Survey" among the girls with the symptoms of disorder of adaption. There was established that the average values of scales "Hardiness", "Commitment", "Control" (table 1) of the 2nd group of students, as compared to the normative data, are different to the negative side, thus representing the extent of manifestation of adaptation disorders and evidence of associated psychopathologic radicals.

Thus, the average values of such parameter as "hardiness" among the respondents being studied amounted to 23.48±5.54 grades, with a norm of 24.62±6.89 grades; "commitment" — 8.0±2.47 grades, with a norm of 8.82±2.59 grades; "control" — 7.71±1.75 grades, with a norm of 8.12±2.46 grades. The range of these average values is seen to be less than for the norm. A high min-max gap is revealed -12.0 to 36.0 according to the "hardiness" scale and 1.0 to 12.0 according to the "challenge" scale. This certifies of a high degree of variety of hardiness symptoms in the cohort under study.

The "challenge" parameter makes up a total of 7.77±2.28 grades, which is somewhat higher than normal 7.68±2.64 grades, though the difference value being low (the differences obtained between the average values are 0.9 standard deviations). In other words, the girls with the symptoms of disorder of adaptation are less

deliberate in making decisions and less responsible for their behavior (min=1.0), prone to a risk-laden behavior (max=12.0) in the more complicated reality situation.

It was established that the maximum value of the "commitment" grade corresponds to the maximum possible grade (max=12.0). In the meantime, the minimum value of "commitment" is considerably lower (min=3.0). This certifies of the reduced self-confidence of the students with symptoms of disorder of adaptation.

The median value of the scale "commitment" indicates that 50% of the girls being studied have the parameter in question below the norm (Me=8.0). These students are prone to feel doubts in their own importance, sometimes demonstrating detachment, dependence, self-accusation, inability to estimate positively and apply their own resources. It occurs as difficulties in assuming responsibility and reduced self-evaluation.

The determined values of lower quartiles of the "commitment" construct represent the extent of reduction in the parameter under study: 25% of girls have 6 grades (q25=6.0). That is to say, 25% of students with the symptoms of disorder of adaptation have the disengagement mindsets prevailing.

The obtained data certify of the fact that the girls of the 2nd group are less fascinated by the teaching activities, become quickly tired of the unresolved issues, though

they perform training tasks. They do not seek to overcome the difficulties occurred in the nearest time, but set aside their solution and prefer not to get involved into the interpersonal relationships in the group, and a part of the academic program seem to be unnecessary to them. This was demonstrated by occurrence of emotional disorders as a slight feeling of anxious tension and restraint, "slight disturbance", some inner agitation at the lessons in the university with elements of arrest or fussiness in behavior, increased sensitivity to ordinary interpersonal relationships in the students group, increased fatigability, difficulty in performing usual university tasks and insufficient sleeping. The students often managed to suppress the feeling of anxiety successfully. Hereby the respondents noted that sometimes they had cardiopalmus, a feeling of air deficiency, muscular twitching, sweating, and nausea.

They estimated their state as "subjectively unpleasant". At the same time, the youth being studied is sure that everything happening, whether positive or not, contributes to creating some kind of a product of activities by a man, including educational activities.

Conclusions. Therefore, the level of hardiness development among the junior students is characterized by a polymorphous nature. It was proved that reduction in the level of hardiness development (23.48±5.54 grades) among the girls of the 2nd group in the context of stress situations acts as an early symptom of psychological distress. Disorders of adaptation considerably change functioning of students, affect life quality adversely and result in reduction of efficiency of educational activities. The obtained data provided the basis for the complex medical and social assistance to the young people with adjustment disorders.


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Minukhin Andrej Sergeevich, PhD, assistant of department of pathophisiology, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Assistant of department of sex gland pathology SI «V. Danilevsky Institute for Endocrine Pathology Problems of the NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv E-mail: Androgen_M@email.com Bondarenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich Doctor of medicine, professor, heard of the department of sex gland pathology SI «<V. Danilevsky Institute for Endocrine Pathology Problems of the NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv

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