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Ключевые слова
motivation / personnel / digital economy / digital technologies / digital transformation / KPI. / мотивация / кадры / цифровая экономика / цифровые технологии / цифровая трансформация / KPI.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gafurova Dilshoda Ramazanovna, Makhmudova Sugdiyona Ahmadjon Kizi, Kadyrova Khilolakhon Nodirbek Kizi

The problem of staff motivation acquires particular relevance in the context of the digital transformation of all spheres of society. This article is devoted to the study of the theoretical aspects of the influence of the digital economy on staff motivation. Approaches and systems of personnel motivation as well as methods for assessing motivation in an organization are considered.

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Проблема мотивации персонала приобретает особую актуальность в условиях цифровой трансформации всех сфер жизни общества. Данная статья посвящена изучению теоретических аспектов влияния цифровой экономики на мотивацию персонала. Рассмотрены подходы и системы мотивации персонала, а также методы оценки мотивации в организации.




Gafurova Dilshoda Ramazanovna

PhD, Associate Professor at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

Makhmudova Sugdiyona Ahmadjon kizi

master degree student at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

Kadyrova Khilolakhon Nodirbek kizi

master degree student at Kimyo International University in Tashkent

Abstract: The problem of staff motivation acquires particular relevance in the context of the digital transformation of all spheres of society. This article is devoted to the study of the theoretical aspects of the influence of the digital economy on staff motivation. Approaches and systems of personnel motivation as well as methods for assessing motivation in an organization are considered.

Keywords: motivation, personnel, digital economy, digital technologies, digital transformation, KPI.

Annotatsiya: Jamiyatning barcha sohalarini raqamli transformatsiya sharoitida xodimlarni rag'batlantirish muammosi alohida dolzarblik kasb etadi. Ushbu maqola raqamli iqtisodiyotning xodimlar motivatsiyasiga ta'sirining nazariy jihatlarini o'rganishga bag'ishlangan. Xodimlarni rag'batlantirishning yondashuvlari va tizimlari, shuningdek tashkilotdagi motivatsiyani baholash usullari ko'rib chiqilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: motivatsiya, kadrlar, raqamli iqtisodiyot, raqamli texnologiyalar, raqamli transformatsiya, KPI.

Аннотация: Проблема мотивации персонала приобретает особую актуальность в условиях цифровой трансформации всех сфер жизни общества. Данная статья посвящена изучению теоретических аспектов влияния цифровой экономики на мотивацию персонала. Рассмотрены подходы и системы мотивации персонала, а также методы оценки мотивации в организации.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, кадры, цифровая экономика, цифровые технологии, цифровая трансформация, KPI.


Employee motivation is one of the central places in personnel management, since it is the direct cause of their behavior. The orientation of employees to improve

the efficiency of the organization is, in fact, the main task of personnel management. This suggests that motivation and stimulation are an integral part of managerial activity. They allow you to fully implement an individual approach to employees and realize the personal potential of the manager and all other employees to achieve the current and strategic goals of the organization.

The process of stimulating employees and motivating them to perform certain duties is currently one of the key issues raised by the personnel management system of absolutely any enterprise operating in absolutely any field. Motivation and incentives, as many experts note, act as a direct cause that affects the behavior of employees and their reaction to the atmosphere of the enterprise as a whole. In the modern world, society is rapidly developing, every year human habits, behavior, traditions, features -all this, of course, undergoes annual changes.

Creating a system of incentives that encourage each individual employee to work with the greatest return is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks of a manager. It must be borne in mind that the incentive system chosen by management largely depends on how the organization's goals are achieved. The question is often only how to find the right balance of material and non-material motivation of employees, since their balanced system allows not only maintaining employee loyalty and efficiency, but also reducing costs, reducing resistance to change and innovation, and achieving the implementation of the company's strategy.

Currently, each Uzbek organization has its own system of employee motivation. The study of various methods of staff motivation allows the company to eliminate the shortcomings of its incentive system and improve it. In its most general form, motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that motivate a person to work, set boundaries and forms of activity, and give this activity an orientation aimed at achieving certain goals. The influence of motivation on human behavior depends on many factors, largely individual, and can change under the influence of feedback from human activity. Employee motivation is one of the ways to increase employee productivity and a key focus of an organization's HR strategy. Motivation is usually understood as a targeted impact on an individual employee and the entire team as a whole, aimed at ensuring the tasks set.

Main part

All known theories of motivation are united by the statement that there are various ways to motivate employees. Each theory is characterized by its own effective combination of such methods. The main forms of personnel motivation are economic, socio-economic and moral motivation.

The appearance in 1995 of the term "digital economy", which was simultaneously introduced into scientific circulation by Canadian management

professor Don Topscott and American computer scientist Nicholas Negroponte, was associated with the rapid development of the basic innovation of the fifth technological order - information and communication technologies [1]. In the scientific literature, "digital economy" is understood as digital economy (a sector of the economy) and digital economics (a new direction in economic science [2]. The concept of "digital economy", in a broad sense, is defined by the World Bank, and is a system of relations (economic, social, cultural) carried out using digital technologies.

The digital economy is becoming the driving force behind the economic development of all mankind and represents a new a form of socio-economic development in which knowledge and information become the most important factor of production. According to experts, the average profitability of "digital" investments is 6.7 times higher than this indicator of the effectiveness of investments in traditional sectors of the economy. In 2019, the share of the digital economy in the total GDP of Uzbekistan amounted to 2.2 %, which is more than two times lower than that of the leading countries. The development of the ICT industry was facilitated by the growth in the volume of investments in fixed assets by the type of activity "information and communication", which in the period 2016 - 2020 increased 4 times from 1.2 to 4.8 trillion soums, including the volume of foreign investments and loans increased 2.5 times from 0.8 to 2 trillion soums. The index method is used to analyze and monitor complex socio-economic phenomena [3].

One of the authoritative international indices is the Network Readiness Index (Index), which has been formed by the World Economic Forum since 2002 and improved in 2019. In addition to the Network Readiness Index, the level of digital readiness and (or) maturity of countries in relation to digitalization is assessed by several international ratings (rankings). ): ICT Development Index (IDI), Electronic Government Development Index, International Digital Competitiveness Index (IMD World Digital Competitiveness Index, WDCI), Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), Digital Evolution Index (Digital Evolution Index), Global Connectivity Index, Digital Economy Index (Intensity) [4].

The task of digital transformation is to prepare a company, government agency, educational institution, city, country to work in a digital economy. Although the definition of the digital economy is based on data and working with them, digital transformation does not only mean technologies and their implementation, but predetermines the complex transformation of the company, which will allow it to quickly adapt to new conditions. There are the following blocks included in the digital transformation framework: "employees", "clients", "products", "processes", "business models", "partner ecosystem", "technologies" and "infrastructure". The task of digital transformation implies the use of new tools in relation to all the above "blocks". In order to implement digital transformation, a new leadership position has been created

- Chief Digital Office (first appeared in 2009). A CDO is a person who helps a company, government or city grow by turning a traditional "analogue" business into a digital one using the potential of modern online technologies and data, sometimes overseeing processes in digital directions, for example, mobile applications, social networks. McKinsey experts have identified CDO as "Transformer in Chief". Despite the rapid development of information technology, people are the main element of the corporate management system.

Digital transformation has led to the development of a new generation of people who are well adapted to carry out their work activities in the virtual world. Employees who perform their labor functions through information and telecommunication, Internet technologies have a wide range of needs and requests for work. A special place in the context of digital transformation is occupied by staff motivation. Currently, leaders of large organizations are increasingly focusing on the motivation system. of their employees to achieve corporate goals and objectives. The departure of a valuable specialist from the company causes real losses and costs associated with "downtime", recruitment, etc. According to some managers, despite the existing idea (rule) that "there are no irreplaceable people", it does not always work, and one valuable employee "can be replaced by two or three." At the same time, according to many experts, during the adaptation period, a new employee works with half efficiency. Thus, in most cases, from the point of view of economic feasibility, it is more profitable to invest resources (material, human) in motivating and retaining employees, instead of spending them on recruiting new ones. Employee motivation is the most important functional element of management (methods used by the manager to encourage staff to work with increased dedication), a mechanism for increasing labor productivity. Various employee motivation systems are being developed at enterprises, and if these systems are formed correctly, this allows the employer, with the help of its employees, to implement the established development plans, as well as achieve the organization's strategic goals, increasing its competitiveness in the market. The employer has the right to choose the methods by which he will motivate the staff, because in this way the employees will receive satisfaction from their work. An analysis of the scientific literature indicates the existence of theories that can be used to predict and interpret the behavior of employees in various situations. For example, Maslow's theory of needs, McClelland's theory of labor efficiency improvement, Victor Vroom's theory of expectations, Herzberg's two-factor theory [5].

The advantages of digital transformation include the following: flexibility and acceleration of business processes; profit growth; reduction of production costs; use of modern innovative technologies.

An inevitable condition for digital transformation is the formation of digital competencies among the personnel of organizations, which necessitates the

construction of a flexible communication system, taking into account the interests and needs of the modern workforce. In this regard, the personnel motivation system should be based on the following principles: personalized approach, transparency, openness, trusting relationships, continuous feedback, teamwork, creativity. To ensure the effective work of the team in achieving goals and solving problems, the manager needs to create a favorable climate, reduce uncertainty in work, using a wide range of motivational methods, both traditional and modern, including elements of gamification [6].

At the same time, as foreign experience shows, in the context of digitalization, there is a complication of the functional load on staff. In this regard, the task of increasing staff motivation in the context of digital transformation requires the formation of a flexible system of communications with staff based on an individual, creative approach, aimed at unlocking the personal potential of the employee, his creative thinking, the ability to work in a team, and the desire for continuous professional and personal growth, the formation of digital competencies. At the same time, it seems important to note that the motivational mechanism should take into account the specifics of the field of activity, the operating conditions, and the capabilities of a particular organization. Motivational tools for personnel management contribute to the expansion of favorable opportunities and increase the efficiency of the leader, since the achievement of goals, the sustainable development of the organization in the long term directly depends on the work of the team.

According to the McKinsey Institute, up to 50% of work processes will be automated by 2036. And companies should pay attention to this. Therefore, the use of modern technologies in the field of personnel management will increase the productivity of personnel and the speed of making managerial decisions. Let's look at methods that are gaining popularity and that can be effective today. To objectively and transparently assess the work of employees, as well as to improve efficiency, it is necessary to define performance indicators. This is one of the most important and complex tasks of personnel management. The approach, according to which performance evaluation indicators and bonuses are strictly related to the goals and objectives of the organization, in the West is called key performance indicators (KPI) - key performance indicators [7].

The introduction of key performance indicators makes the incentive system clear and transparent. Since the company's management knows the planned and effective data, it knows when to criticize employees and when to encourage them. And the employee knows whether he should count on a bonus or expect a fine. At the same time, not only the management, but also the employees themselves strive to achieve the best results of their activities. There are several methods for developing KPIs. These include: a management system based on goals, a performance management

system, a balanced scorecard. An important condition for the success of KPI implementation is process automation. There are various tools that allow you to optimize the technological support of the system in such a way that the implementation of indicators is successful and the strategy is effective. For this, MS Excel, various CRM systems and motivational boards are used. The innovative method of motivation includes an analytical reward system, i.e. a system of "sena-methods" or "sorting". Its peculiarity lies in a differentiated assessment of the complexity of the work performed, taking into account the qualifications, efforts and behavior of the employee. For this, an employee performance appraisal scale. It is important to carefully prepare for this procedure, take into account the opinions of managers and specialists, and properly document the assessment process.

This system allows you to understand the value of each position, build a transparent and fair remuneration system and reduce staff turnover. Gamification is considered the youngest approach to motivating employees. Its essence lies in the application of game techniques and elements of game design in order to involve and motivate employees to achieve their goals. Gamification brings an element of fun to the process that isn't actually fun. The use of gamification methods is directly related to computer technology, namely the technology of computer games. A special game application is being created in which employees are offered tasks in the form of assignments, for which the employee receives virtual points, which can later be used to receive special prizes. In order not to lose interest in passing the same levels, it is necessary to combine gamification methods with certain forms of material motivation. Among the companies practicing application gamification in their activities are Burger King, Composite holding company, Reebok. The search for new ways to organize the workspace today is a real method of motivation. According to a survey conducted by the RBC Marketing Research marketing agency, 51% of companies used special software for restructuring business processes, including 53% for personnel management.

Moving employees to telecommuting saves money, encourages employees to maintain work-life balance, and helps them work more productively. At the same time, company management should offer its employees everything for comfortable work at a distance. To do this, it is necessary to use mobile workplaces so that employees always stay connected, regardless of their location. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase the productivity of employees by up to 40%. In addition to mobile apps and devices, employee and employee intranet portals can be used to inform and connect employees. group pages. Providing opportunities for professional development and professional growth is also used as a method of motivation. Increasing the professional skills of employees, the profit of the company also increases. Investing in employee training will help to business succeed in the future.

The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its use as an innovative method of motivation is leading to a new level of automation [8]. Manual work is gradually being automated, so the workspace today can be more efficient and productive. Investing in the smartest building and workspace tools allows you to get more information and feedback about your customers, employees and equipment. Greater data sharing and collaboration is used as a method of motivation. For this, various cloud tools (Google Drive, Dropbox) are used, which are becoming popular with different companies. Thanks to these tools, you can make it easier to find and share files. In addition, it allows you to control the work performed by employees and reward the interaction between colleagues.

Employees get remote access to documents on their portable devices so they can easily work on the go. Cloud phone system as a method of motivation allows you to improve communication and productivity. Management needs to make sure that the phone system is installed and can be easily used to handle conference calls. No one wants to wait for a missed call or a problem with the phone system when everyone has their own job and responsibility. Therefore, you need to make sure employees know how to communicate, especially when there is a limited time frame for a project or when they are not on site.

Zoom and MS commands are used as such systems. Thus, in the digital economy, many companies are trying to automate business processes, including personnel management. There are many different innovative methods to stimulate employees. Their application depends on the size of the company, its income and the scope of its activities. It is also important to study the interests and needs of employees before choosing one or another incentive method. The use of modern motivational technologies makes it possible to increase labor productivity, achieve the company's goals and increase its competitiveness. The digitalization of the economy and society requires the creation of a motivational system focused on identifying the personal qualities and abilities of a person, the ability to think critically, the ability to work in a team, initiative, perseverance and sociability. As a result, it is necessary to adjust the incentive system based on achieving a balance between methods of material incentives and methods that open up the possibility of self-realization of employees, increase their interest in work and receive not only material but also moral satisfaction from work.

Table 1

Transformation of the labor motivation system

Traditional motivation system Motivation system in the digital economy

Wage. The system of benefits within the enterprise: bonuses, additional payments for seniority, payment for travel to and from work, health insurance, and so on. Moral encouragement The main principles for improving the motivation system at the enterprise in the context of the active introduction of digital

of subordinates. Increasing the qualification level of workers and moving up the career ladder. Development of trusting relationships between colleagues, elimination of psychological and administrative barriers. Socionics. The effectiveness of the application of labor motivation depends entirely on the economic performance of the enterprise. If the economic situation of the organization has improved, and the productivity of employees has also increased, then the system works, and its application is possible without further adjustments. Negative material benefits - a way to influence an employee if he violates the Charter of the enterprise or labor regulations

technologies both in production and in everyday life:

1. Personalization. Individual approach to each employee and taking into account his needs to change the existing workspace.

2. Openness. The motivation system should be clear to every employee of the organization.

3. Trust and honesty towards employees.

4. Continuous feedback. Staff should have the right to express their opinion and receive constructive feedback on their questions.

The ultimate goal of the motivation process is the development of new competencies by employees, as well as their effective use. This is possible provided that from the very beginning, training new competencies is focused on the production and optimization of each individual stages of the operating cycle, as well as the compliance of new competencies customer needs and production requirements [9].

To ensure competitive stability, employees must constantly improve their skills, professions related to management, as well as improve their knowledge and qualifications. For example, the incentive system should be given more attention when it comes to explaining to employees their achievements in order to reduce the feeling of injustice. World practice shows that the functional load on employees becomes more complicated in the context of digitalization. In this regard, Uzbek professional standards to a certain extent take into account the need for digital competence of employees at different levels of management. In addition, the task of increasing the motivation of employees in the context of the formation of a digital economy requires the creation of a flexible system of communication with personnel based on the needs and interests of modern employees.

Motivation of abilities should be aimed at identifying the personal qualities and abilities of an employee, the ability to think critically, the ability to work in a team, initiative, perseverance, sociability, the ability and desire to constantly learn. At the same time, there are no universal methods and tools for all organizations. For each individual organization, only those methods of personnel motivation that will be effective in the conditions of its development can be applied. It follows from this that it is necessary to combine different approaches and methods, monitor technological progress, actively use digital technologies that allow the organization to balance the

personnel motivation system, thus contributing to the growth of its efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

There are additional difficulties in control, in communication, in the possibilities of non-material motivation, which often have even more weight and a longer effect than material motivation. The lack of personal contacts between colleagues leads to the complication of informal relations between employees, a decrease or loss of synergy, a sense of alienation, loss of team support, complicating learning processes and integrating a new employee into a team. Thus, it is possible to carry out a comparative characteristic of the traditional model of the personnel motivation system with the new one, which has been formed in the digital economy.

Today, it is necessary to monitor the current challenges in society, their impact on the structure of personal incentive systems in order to be able to timely form measures aimed at improving the motivational policy and methods of stimulating staff. The main modern challenges are: - the transitional processes taking place in our society, which require not only adaptation to changes, but also the continuous development of human potential, which should form the basis of the motivational policy at enterprises; - quality as a new essence in the evolutionary development of society, with its new content and meaning, requiring innovative approaches to the instrumental component of motivation and staff assessment; - measurement of time as a factor in accelerating all processes and radical changes in technology, work organization, which also stimulate the development of other evaluation technologies and motivational tools.

These problems have become a reality and, accordingly, pose new challenges for national management. Managers of various levels begin to practice new personnel management technologies, look for new forms of personnel motivation and assessment, and check their effectiveness and adequacy. Modernization of the personnel motivation system of any enterprise, including the stages of description, design and implementation of changes, avoids the consequences associated with the introduction of new tools for various types of incentives

Staff motivation is more related to aspects of quality, especially in creative work, where the material component can give way to the intangible, where the emotional and status factors, as well as recognition, weigh more than even wages. It is no secret that it is possible to ensure the gradual development of an enterprise in the conditions of informatization only through the effective use of personnel, the release of its creative energy. Practice requires employees to have the results of professional education in the form of not only acquired knowledge. But also, their readiness and ability to solve problems in both typical and non-standard situations of professional life. In other words, personnel management in enterprises striving for successful development should be directed more towards identifying and effectively using the skills and

abilities of employees. As well as their personal qualities, creative abilities. A factor contributing to the solution of this problem is labor motivation, the important components of which are the assessment and development of personnel, the absence of which disorients a person, reduces his activity and productivity.

The study of the experience of domestic and foreign enterprises in solving issues of personnel assessment and development, building motivation systems in the information economy has made it possible to note that most of them tend to combine various methods, the use of which was once effective. So, they use a few for evaluation, a few for motivation, a few for setting wages, but they don't always think about how much one or another methodology can be consistent with each other. Today, as a tool for solving this problem, it is advisable to use a personnel management system based on competencies, which should be based not only on personnel assessments, but also on their development, planning, selection and recruitment procedures, adaptation measures and motivational programs. The high level of competence of employees is recognized as an important competitive advantage not only for enterprises. But some countries before others. That is why a competent approach in almost all developed countries is reflected in targeted national programs and implemented at the level of national educational standards. It is thanks to the emergence of the concept of "competence" that the latest technologies for assessing and motivating personnel are increasingly appearing in the personnel policy of modern enterprises. Which gradually take the leading places.

The intensification of this process was also facilitated by cardinal changes in production: its high science intensity, significant attention to product quality issues. As well as the transition from traditional technology to flexible production facilities, robotics, that is, the pursuit of innovation. They increased the importance of creative work and high professionalism, analytical abilities of staff, information susceptibility, sociability, ability to learn, which, in turn, led to an awareness of the importance of developing competencies personnel as a priority for improving the entire management system.

In a growing market, companies could afford not to pay attention to the lack of performance of a number of employees. In a crisis, when you have to "cut the bones", reduce fixed costs, often reduce staff, increasing the efficiency of the remaining employees and optimizing business processes become vital. Thus, based on the fact that competencies, motivation and staff assessment are interrelated elements. Therefore, as a methodology for stimulating staff, it is proposed to improve the KPI of employees and their automation. The need to evaluate employees based on their performance (KPI) becomes especially acute when working remotely. Therefore, this study proposes a method for monitoring the effectiveness of employees in remote work based on a specially developed automated program.

KPI is a system of indicators by which employers evaluate their employees. The performance of each individual employee is tied to the general KPI of the entire company, such as profit, efficiency, profitability. The purpose of introducing this system is to develop a mechanism for the interaction of employees in such a way that the actions of employees from different services are not contradictory and do not slow down the work of specialists from related departments. Indicators should contribute to the motivation and growth of staff efficiency, and this is directly related to setting goals. So, when the sales department fulfills the plan to attract new customers (KPI -the number of new customers attracted over the period), the department can count on an additional bonus. If the plan is not fulfilled, on the contrary, the bonus is not paid. The indicators should also be comparable, that is, the same indicators can be compared in two similar situations [10]. For example, the average check (KPI - the ratio of average daily revenue to the number of checks per day) cannot be compared in a store located in a regional-scale city and a store of the same format, but located in the outback.

With the help of key indicators, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of each employee - from a cleaning lady to a top manager - and calculate their bonus accordingly. This contributes to the development of motivation among employees, because they understand that the size of the bonus depends on their efforts.

First, the evaluation criteria are formulated in a special way. This is not done by chance: after a month, the manager cannot always remember in detail which deadlines were violated and how many cases the employee completed with due quality. However, he had a general, holistic picture of the work of a subordinate, written in "big strokes."

Secondly, the objectivity of the methodology enhances the practice of its application. More than a decade of experience in using the methodology shows that the effectiveness is high when it is filled in by both the manager and the employee himself. Then they discuss the results, and this makes a lot of sense:

1. The employee remembers his tasks better, and the manager can forget something, confuse, because he has several subordinates;

2. The manager has his own opinion on quality issues, while the employee is inclined to forgive himself for minor "sins";

3. The manager is often inclined to regard the violation of deadlines as poor quality of work, confusing these concepts, and the employee can be proud of the quality of work, neglecting the value of meeting deadlines or volume.

Third, because of these effects, both sides are trying to reach an agreement, which, as the satirists put it, is "the product of the resistance of the parties." While the main practical application of this method is the ability to adjust monthly or quarterly premiums, this circumstance is a valuable methodology, since the agreement leads to

fairness, which is more important than the accuracy of measurements, and motivates more than mathematically accurate and sometimes impersonal point counting.

Fourth, the objectivity of the methodology is enhanced by "economy of scale" if it is applied in all departments of the company. This effect allows you to compare the result with objective data, and is another powerful verification criterion and source of correction of results.


The transformation of the economy into a digital practice leads to the nature of the work of part of the employees of organizations. This proportion will be conditioned in the future, which will also contribute to the relevance of research. Digitization can increase the productivity of the body and has become a cause of increased attention and excitation. The previous personnel management system and conventional methods are not effective enough and need to be applied.

Development trends for growth in the field of Internet of Things, big data analysis, cloud computing and the creation of artificial intelligence affect all activities, in particular technology in the field of human resources. The digital transformation of business can provide growth and increase labor productivity and competitiveness. Thus, the digitalization of the economy leads to the development of a new generation of personnel in modern companies, living according to different laws and having their own value system. Modern staff has specific requests and needs, which determines the high level of need for their motivation to develop their competencies in the field of digital technologies.

KPI indicators are very convenient to use to evaluate activities in digital transformation, as modern software products can automatically calculate and determine the level of motivation of each staff individually.


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