Научная статья на тему 'STAFF MOTIVATION'

STAFF MOTIVATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Muradov Gumet

The article discusses the conceptual foundations of modern practice of staff motivation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «STAFF MOTIVATION»

UDC 005.2

Muradov Gumet Dagestan State University Russia, Makhachkala


Abstract: The article discusses the conceptual foundations of modern practice of staff motivation.

Key words: staff motivation, material motivation, non-material motivation, increase of motivation, stimulation of employees, personnel.

One of the main tasks of managers of enterprises of any form of ownership is personnel motivation. The questions about how employees can be interested in, what goals they set for themselves are paid a lot of attention from the administration of successful companies.

Of course, motivation plays no small role in the management of staff. And in our time, every head of the organization is trying to maximize all its resources to achieve high competitiveness of products. After all, the modern level of production cannot develop without effective motivation of workers, which must be improved more and more often.

The process of motivation is very complex and ambiguous. There are a large number of different theories of motivation trying to explain this phenomenon.


Theories of Motivation Theory name Surnames of scientists

Waiting theory V.Vrum

Justice theory J. Stacy Adams

Theory X and Y D. McGregor

Theory of expectation and justice Model L.Porter and E.Loler

Hierarchy of needs A. Maslow

Classical theories of work A. Fayol, F. Taylor, J. Mooney, C.

organization Bernard, M. Weber, A. Reilly

Three-factor model Clayton Alderfer

Four-factor model C. Barnard

Two-factor model Frederick Herzberg

Theory of Acquired Needs David McClelland

Many from time to time experience a lack of motivation at work and the unwillingness of management to take any initiative. Just some people confuse the concept of motivation and stimulation.

In the most general form, motivation is a combination of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to work, set boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity a direction oriented towards the achievement of certain goals. The effect of motivation on a person's behavior depends on a variety of factors, in many

ways individually and can change under the influence of feedback from a person's activities. [1]

Stimulation is one of the means by which work motivation can be carried out. The stimulating effect on staff is aimed at enhancing the functioning of workers, and the motivating effect on the activation of professional - personal development of an employee. [2]

These are two different things in the same definition that should not be confused with each other. The differences, of course, are significant. After all, the natural motive of our actions - in a word, the motivation that is and always will be, but what we create ourselves in order to reduce resistance in the way of achieving a goal is a stimulus.

The stimulus is something artificial, it does not help us achieve a specific goal and most likely relates to the tool, making its achievement more simple. And motivation is more aspiration, reflecting quite a natural desire and goal. For example, you work hard not working around in order to earn as much money as possible, to open your own business. In this case, this example will be the motivation. The stimulus will already be that situation when your supervisor is scolding or praising you, constantly pushing or encouraging you with a bonus so that you can work better.

Conclusion: No need to dwell on stimulation. Let the motivation push you to a useful activity.

Thus, we come back to the problem of staff motivation, because sooner or later the leaders of organizations are wondering how to motivate employees to effectively fulfill their duties.

To assist management in identifying internal staff needs, a methodology was developed and proposed for enterprises, including the following items:

1. To conduct a survey of all employees. After analyzing the survey form an opinion about the situation in the organization by the employees.

2. Organize a meeting, discuss the results and make the necessary changes.

3. To conduct such a method as brainstorming among managers on the topic: "Increasing employee motivation." Based on the results of the method, a plan, deadlines, responsibility for the activities are developed and implemented. Providing staff to increase motivation in the enterprise.

4. After a certain time, re-survey and compare the results with the first.

The system of staff motivation, of course, can not be the same for all companies and positions. Should take into account the strategic goals, plans of the company, as well as the features of the position. It is in this case that the motivation system will become a tool that will allow the company's management to get the desired result.

Currently, each organization has its own system of employee motivation. Each of them has its own advantages, which makes its activity useful, as well as its disadvantages, which cannot realize the potential of employees. There is a complex of material and non-material motivation incentives. I believe that every manager should choose intangible methods that are appropriate to the direction of his

company. After all, properly selected methods of both material and non-material motivation will allow you to achieve maximum return and loyalty of the company's employees.


1. Vikhansky, O. S., Naumov, A. I. Management. Ed. M., 2004.

2. Batasheva MA, Batasheva E. A. Necessity of effective stimulation and motivation of the working personnel // Young Scientist. - 2015. - № 23. - p. 479481

UDC 338.22

Ragimov M. A. master student 1st year Scientific adviser Ubaydulaeva Shamay Adzievna


This article will discuss what the digital economy and what is its legal and regulatory framework.

During the consideration of this topic, I consider it necessary first of all to identify a number of issues to be addressed in this topic:

1) what is the digital economy.

2) what are the Internet resources

3) what is the legal regulatory framework of the digital economy.

The digital economy is a type of activity of economic entities in interaction with each other through the Internet and Internet resources, the main factor of which is data in digital form in all its spheres.

Based on this, we can conclude that the digital economy is a turnover of goods, services, cash flows by buying and selling, etc .e. through the Internet, and the Internet itself is not an object of the digital economy.

To date, we know such Internet resources as "AVITO", "INSTAGRAM", etc., as well as various electronic trading, exchange platforms through which subjects interact with each other, selling goods and services thereby participating in the digital economy.

Among the legal acts components of the legal framework acts can be selected new programs Russian governance and new legal acts:

- Development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation by the decree of the RF Government from 28.07.2017 1632 N-R approved the Program of "the Digital economy of the Russian Federation". This Program develops the main provisions Of the strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030, approved by presidential decree of may 9, 2017 N 203.

-Federal law «On Organized Traiding» of 21.11.2011 № -325 FL

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