MOTIVATION AS A TOOL FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF STAFF Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Elubaeva B.H.

The article is devoted to motivation of staff. The purpose of article is the examining motivation, detection motivational challenges and the role of motivation in the field of HR-management. The author describes theoretical foundations of personnel motivation, considers incentives to increase productivity, identifies five barriers to successful employee motivation and analyzes importance of motivation.

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4. Fast Company (2016), "The Most Innovative Companies of 2016" Retrieved from https://www.fastcompany.com/most-innovative-companies/2016

5. Rogers, E. (1962), Diffusion of Innovations, New York: Free Press, p. 27

УДК 331.101.3

Elubaeva B. H.


2 course, faculty "Economic" Omsk state University. Dostoevsky

Russia, Omsk Елюбаева Б.Х. студент 2 курса факультет «Экономический» ОмГУ им. Достоевского Россия, г. Омск



The article is devoted to motivation of staff. The purpose of article is the examining motivation, detection motivational challenges and the role of motivation in the field of HR-management. The author describes theoretical foundations of personnel motivation, considers incentives to increase productivity, identifies five barriers to successful employee motivation and analyzes importance of motivation.

Motivation, motivation of staff, incentive, intrinsic incentive, extrinsic incentive.



1.1. The concept of motivation. Types and features of the staff motivation

1.2. Incentives to motivate employees

1.3. Five barriers to successful employee motivation

1.4. The role of motivation in HR-management




Nowadays a lot of different studies and articles pay great attention to employee motivation in the organization. They also pay attention to the creation of a system of incentives, which will promote the good work of the staff. This topic is relevant, because in any business today increases the importance of motivational aspects in personnel management. Motivation is a means of ensuring optimal use of resources, human resources.

The main purpose of motivation is to gain the maximum return on the use of labor resources, which improves overall performance and profitability of the organization. The motivational aspects are becoming increasingly important in modern management.

For anybody not a secret that the creation of a proper system of incentives for workers is an integral and important part of HR work. Therefore, CEOs are trying to achieve effective management with the help of this tool as motivation.

The purpose of my work is the examining motivation, detection motivational challenges and the role of motivation in the field of HR-management.

The tasks of this work are:

• to describe theoretical foundations of personnel motivation;

• to consider incentives to increase productivity;

• to identify five barriers to successful employee motivation;

• to analyze impotence of motivation .

1.1. The concept of motivation. Types and features of the staff


Motivation is the word derived from the word 'motive' which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals [1].

The Employee Motivation is considered to be the heart of the human resource Management. As the Human Resource Management activities have been increased since the time of its formation every activity that is connected with the Human resources are incorporated within the responsibilities of the Human Resource Management. Every organization has the desire to earn those employees who are more productive but employees productivity sometimes lays in the motivation. How well an employee is motivated, the more effort he will exert in his work. The level of effort of the employees depends upon how well they are motivated by their managers.

Motivation is an important tool that is often under-utilized by managers in today's workplace. Managers use motivation in the workplace to inspire people to work individually or in groups to produce the best results for business in the most efficient and effective manner. Each individual has his own set of motivating forces, so it is the duty of the manager to carefully identify and address these motivating forces [7].

There are two types of motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. It's important to understand that we are not all the same; thus effectively motivating employees requires that you gain an understanding of the different types of motivation. Some people respond best to intrinsic which means "from within" and will meet any obligation of an area of their passion. Quite the reverse, others will respond better to extrinsic motivation which, in their world, provides that difficult tasks can be dealt with provided there is a reward upon completion of that task.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation means that the individual's motivational stimuli are coming from within. The individual has the desire to perform a specific task, because its results are in accordance with his belief system or fulfills a desire and therefore importance is attached to it [6].

Below are some examples:

• Acceptance: We all need to feel that we, as well as our decisions, are accepted by our co-workers.

• Curiosity: We all have the desire to be in the know.

• Honor: We all need to respect the rules and to be ethical.

• Independence: We all need to feel we are unique.

• Order: We all need to be organized.

• Power: We all have the desire to be able to have influence.

• Social contact: We all need to have some social interactions.

• Social Status: We all have the desire to feel important.

Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation means that the individual's motivational stimuli are coming from outside. In other words, our desires to perform a task are controlled by an outside source [6].

Extrinsic motivation is external in nature. The most well-known and the most debated motivation is money. Below are some other examples:

• Employee of the month award;

• Benefit package;

• Bonuses;

• Organized activities;

• Share your thoughts.

1.2. Incentives to motivate employees

One of the most common ways that companies put motivation programs into action is by putting together some type of incentive system. Incentives are something which is given in addition to wagers. Incentives provide a spur or zeal in the employees for better performance. They are a type of reward system. There are three types' incentives [1]:

Monetary: This type of program incentivizes workers for performance and productivity by giving them more money. The money, if you will, can take the shape of employee stock options, profit sharing plans, paid time off, bonuses, and even cash. These rewards can be given over a period of time. They can be annual, semiannual or any one of a number of options [3].

Non-monetary: Moving away from the monetary aspect of incentive programs, non-monetary programs do not use money but instead use perks or different types of rewards. For example, an organization might include flexible work hours, additional training opportunities, or the ability for an employee to take time off to go to school and learn a new trade. All of these are examples of nonmonetary reward.

Employee Recognition: Employee recognition is a means for employers to offer feedback and encouragement to their employees. This type of program can include verbal praise, some type of award or maybe even a public announcement when an employee does an exceptional job. Many individuals surveyed continually state that they would like employee recognition programs as much if not more than

monetary programs. What this tells us is a job well done and recognition of that job by the organization is something that makes people feel motivated [3].

1.3. Five barriers to successful employee motivation

Managers complain about individuals and teams that lack motivation, professional pride, and dedication to high performance. Employees whine about supervisors' lack of knowledge, support, communication, and education [1].

Five Common Barriers to Employee Motivation:

1. We're not paid or recognized for working harder and longer. While always a common feeling, the lasting effects of this past recession has increased its popularity. Many employees witnessed laid off co-workers receive severance packages, paid training to learn new skills, ounseling, and other exit benefits, while remaining workers work harder, longer, performed other duties, and received the same or less compensation.

2. We don't agree with the process, but we've always done it that way. A common motivation destroyer since the mid-20th century, this barrier often grows through lack of two-way communication. Many employees working in the trenches have wonderful ideas for operations improvements, but are seldom asked for their suggestions. Conversely, management often forgets or refuses to explain the necessity of certain policies and procedures. Staff then assumes management lacks knowledge or a commitment to excellence.

3. My manager has no clue what I do and how I do it. This barrier can become an employee, team, manager, and even company killer. Although good leaders may or may not be loved by their employees, they must always have individual and team respect. Being a brilliant and knowledgeable manager is of little value if those being managed do not agree. Employees, however, sometimes assume that supervisors don't know what the team is doing simply because the manager isn't performing these tasks [4].

4. We do as little as possible, but just enough to avoid being fired or laid off. When employees feel unappreciated or valueless, they sometimes adopt this attitude. It is a total motivation and dedication destroyer. You could easily find numerous real world case studies that reinforce the danger inherent in this barrier if it is not addressed forcefully and quickly.

5. We're required to perform tasks that aren't in our job descriptions. When people use their job description as their working bible, these feelings often arise. But usually this barrier grows from a different underlying issue. Unless one is working in a strict, by-the-book workplace, most employees are willing to help whenever needed. However, should other barriers, real or imagined, arise and confidence in management erode, many employees blow the dust off their job descriptions and approach the phrase "other duties as assigned" with distrust[4].

1.4. The role of motivation in HR- management

Motivation is one of the most important concepts in HRD. In most organizations, it is common to hear the refrain that a particular employee is not motivated and hence his or her performance has taken a backseat. This is the reason companies spend humungous amounts of money in arranging for training sessions

and recreational events to motivate the employees [1]. Motivation can be understood as the desire or drive that an individual has to get the work done. For instance, when faced with a task, it is the motivation to accomplish it that determines whether a particular individual would complete the task according to the requirements or not. Further, the absence of motivation leads to underperformance and loss of competitiveness resulting in loss of productive resources for the organization. It is for this reason that the HR managers stress on the employees having high levels of motivation to get the job done. Motivation is a very important for an organization because of the following benefits it provides [8]:

• Puts human resources into action

• Improves level of efficiency of employees

• Increase in productivity,

• Leads to achievement of organizational goals

• Builds friendly relationship

• Effective co-operation which brings stability

• Industrial dispute and unrest in employees will reduce

The employees will be adaptable to the changes and there will be no resistance to the change

This will help in providing a smooth and sound concern in which individual interests will coincide with the organizational interests,

This will result in profit maximization through increased productivity.

Leads to stability of work force

Stability of workforce is very important from the point of view of reputation and goodwill of a concern. The employees can remain loyal to the enterprise only when they have a feeling of participation in the management. The skills and efficiency of employees will always be of advantage to employees as well as employees. This will lead to a good public image in the market which will attract competent and qualified people into a concern. As it is said, "Old is gold" which suffices with the role of motivation here, the older the people, more the experience and their adjustment into a concern which can be of benefit to the enterprise [5].

From the above discussion, we can say that motivation is an internal feeling which can be understood only by manager since he is in close contact with the employees. Needs, wants and desires are inter-related and they are the driving force to act. These needs can be understood by the manager and he can frame motivation plans accordingly. We can say that motivation therefore is a continuous process since motivation process is based on needs which are unlimited. The process has to be continued throughout [1].

We can summarize by saying that motivation is important both to an individual and a business. Motivation is important to an individual as:

• Motivation will help him achieve his personal goals.

• If an individual is motivated, he will have job satisfaction.

• Motivation will help in self-development of individual.

• An individual would always gain by working with a dynamic team.

Similarly, motivation is important to a business as:

• The more motivated the employees are, the more empowered the team


• The more is the team work and individual employee contribution, more profitable and successful is the business.

• During period of amendments, there will be more adaptability and creativity.

• Motivation will lead to an optimistic and challenging attitude at work



In conclusion, I'd like to say that motivation of employees is one of the Central places in the management of the staff, as it is the direct cause of his behavior. Orientation of workers to improve the effectiveness of the organization is essentially the main task of personnel management. This suggests that motivation and incentives are an integral component of management activities. They allow you to fully realize the individual approach to the personnel and to realize personal potential as a leader, and all other employees to achieve current and strategic goals of the organization.

In this research work we considered theoretical aspects motivation, challenges motivation and role motivation in management. This allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The goal of motivation is finding different ways and methods of effective impact on the staff in order to focus it on productive activities.

2. Common methods of personnel motivation, effective at all times and under any circumstances do not exist.

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3. Examining a small part of management - staff motivation, we found that motivation significantly increases productivity, which leads to an increase in profits.

Management must understand that they are dealing with human beings, not machines, and that motivation involves getting people to do something because they want to do it.

In conclusion of my work, I would like to quote the famous American Manager Lee Iacocca "All the control ultimately comes down to stimulate the activity of other people"[2]


1. Articles on Motivation. Available at: https://www.managementstudyguide.com/motivation-articles.htm

2. Career manager, Lee_Iacocca. Available at:


3. Employee Motivation Programs: Incentives and Reward Systems. Rob Wengrzyn. Available at: http://study.com/academy/lesson/employee-motivation-programs.html

4. Five Barriers to Successful Employee Motivation/KELLY. Available at: http://www.kellyservices.ca/CA/Careers/Career-Tips/Newsletter/Nov-13—Five-Barriers-to-Successful-Employee-Motivation/

5. Management and Motivation. Nancy N. Shanks. Available at: http://www.iblearning.com/samples/076373473X/3473X CH02 4759.pdf

6. Types of Motivation. Available at: http://www.leadership-central.com/types-of-motivation.html#axzz4QvF sRVSM

7. Understanding Motivation: An Effective Tool for Managers. Ian Bessell, Brad Dicks, Allen Wysocki, Karl Kepner, Derek Farnsworth, and Jennifer L. Clark. Available at: http: //edis. ifas .ufl .edu/hr017

8. Ways to Stimulate Personal Growth. Chris Weigant. Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/misty-sansom/14-ways-to-stimulate-personal-growth b 7456094.html

УДК 033.336

Ermakova M. U. Student of 2 course, Faculty of Economics Omsk State University of F. M. Dostoevsky

Russia, Omsk Ермакова М.Ю. студент бакалавр, 2 курс ФГБОУ ВО «ОмГУ им. Ф. М.Достоевского»

Россия, г. Омск


In this work we consider the theoretical part of financial market indicators. This theme is very important for economy of our country. Market indicators are series of technical indicators used by trades to predict the direction of the major financial indexes.

Financial market, financial market indicator, index.

ИНДИКАТОРЫ ФИНАНСОВОГО РЫНКА В этой работе будет рассмотрена теоретическая часть индикаторов финансового рынка. Эта тема очень важна для экономики нашей страны. Индикаторы рынка это технические индикаторы, использующиеся в торгах для предсказания направления основных финансовых показателей. Финансовый рынок, финансовый индикатор, индекс. Contents: Introduction

1. The concept of financial market indicators

2. The role of financial indicators in the economy

3. Influence of financial market indicators on market precious of metals Conclusion


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