Avdeeva A.N., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
associate professor
Department of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering
Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent Ablyalimov O.S., candidate of technical sciences
Department "Locomotives and locomotive economy" Tashkent State Transport University Tursunov N.K., candidate of technical sciences
associate professor "Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering" Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent Gapirov A.D., candidate of technical sciences
associate professor "Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering" Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent Tursunov T.M. senior lecturer
Department of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering
Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Abstract: the authors of the article have changed the modern interactive "method of syndicates", which can be used in practical and laboratory classes in the hall. The obligatory rules for preparing and conducting classes using syndicates are given: what should be the topic of classes, as part of the whole group into small parts, as an explanation of the sequence of the task, how to accept the presentation of the work performed. A survey has been made that examines the size of the coverage of the entire audience, activates passive students in independent work, the solidarity of the group, makes it possible to show oneself as a sensitive descendant of the team.
Key words: method, syndicate method, interactive teaching method, group leader, laboratory exercises, sensitive students, practical exercises, behavior model, control strategy, pedagogical skills and results, correct acceptance, presentation.
One of the main objectives of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is "a phased transition from education, the curricula of which are aimed at obtaining theoretical knowledge, to an education system aimed at developing practical skills, based on international experience" [1].
One of the most effective methods for conducting practical and laboratory classes is the syndicate method. This type of training covers the entire audience, activates passive students in individual work, due to group solidarity, makes it possible for sensitive students to open up.
Working in groups, in the process of making a common decision, improves interpersonal communication in a team, developing the ability to actively listen.
In order for work in syndicates to give the maximum result and really have an interactive character, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions, the first of which is the correct choice of the topic of the lesson. Optimally - focus on the general, average level of training and development of students. "Averaging, rather, refers to the shortcomings of the method, but the deeper students are aware of the information, the more and easier they remember it" [2].
Usually, syndicate work takes place in four stages: division into groups, receiving a task, the process of doing it, presenting the work, and finally getting an assessment. At the first stage, when dividing students, it is necessary to take into account that the group should be in such a quantity that in the allotted time, each participant has time to express his point of view. Initially, everyone in the syndicate is equal, but when distributing into small groups, the teacher must be sure that the knowledge and skills of the participants will be sufficient to complete the task. As practice shows, the task in syndicates should not be carried out in the first classes of the semester, it is better to take a closer look, identify leaders and take this into account when dividing into small groups. The best option assumes that the group has both a generator of creative ideas and a coordinator.
For any interactive teaching method, "the most productive is the democratic style of communication, as an ideal atmosphere for mental activity and independence of students, and a positive emotional climate motivates for cognitive activity and improves feedback" [3], but at the same time, independent work of students must be continuously control. The presence of two or more leaders in a group has a destructive effect on teamwork. In case of emergency, if the allocation of a leader and a coordinator takes too long, or only passive participants are in the group, the teacher can suggest re-forming the groups, disguising overcoming the conflict, as it were, with the planned task "exchange of one participant".
Another reason for the mentor to intervene in the work of the syndicate is when the work of the group comes to a standstill. The participation of the teacher should not be dominant. Methodically, taking part in the discussion, along with others, the teacher offers not one, but several ideas at once and does not affect the final choice. Continuous monitoring of the teacher is also necessary because the
work of the syndicate can be destroyed by the destructive behavior of individual group members. All students in the classroom have an individual character "and, despite this, it is possible to identify several frequently occurring behaviors and appropriate strategies for their control" [3], which the teacher should use when difficulties arise in the work of groups.
At the last stage of work in syndicates, it is very important to correctly reflect on the presentation of the groups. "Any insensitivity in the process ing of answers can result not only in the destruction of contact with a particular student, but also in the refusal of the entire team to cooperate" [4].
In any, even an unsuccessful presentation, you can find positive points, and first focus on them, and only then point out the shortcomings. Evaluating the work, first of all, it is not the correctness of the answer itself that is taken into account, which is necessarily compared with the existing correct one, but the process of finding it. The presentation rules should be discussed in the assignment. They indicate the time allocated, both for work and for the answer, the number of participants who participated in the presentation.
It can be concluded that the use of the syndicate method is a progressive and interactive method for conducting practical and laboratory work. The method of "syndicates" has many positive aspects: it covers the entire audience, and turns the learning process into an interactive one, develops the ability of students to actively listen, improving interpersonal communication in the team, activates passive students in independent work, group solidarity, gives the opportunity to show themselves to sensitive members of the team. Preparing and conducting a lesson, using the "syndicates" method, requires the teacher to have professional skills and abilities: the ability to properly prepare for the lesson, control the process of work, respond in time to non-standard situations, correctly accept a presentation, create a friendly atmosphere. It is possible and necessary to use the "syndicate" method discussed in the article when conducting each practical and laboratory lesson in a technical higher educational institution. The use of new interactive teaching methods in their work allows the teacher to develop their professional skills and abilities. D. Ushinsky said: "The teacher lives while he is studying, as soon as he stops studying, the teacher dies in him."
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2. Авдеева Анна Николаевна. Некоторые аспекты метода постановки вопросов и ответов при проведении аудиторных занятий // Вестник науки и образования, 2020. № 20-2 (98). Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7nekotorye-aspekty-metoda-postanovki-voprosov-iotvetov-pri-provedenii-auditornyh-zanyatiy/ (дата обращения: 19.05.2023).
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6. Авдеева Анна Николаевна. Взаимодействие с проблемными студентами в процессе аудиторного обучения // Научные исследования и разработки 2020 ГОДА: материалы II международного научно-исследовательского конкурса (22 апреля 2020 г., Саратов). С. 57-60.
7. Авдеева А. Н. Техники конструктивного влияния в процессе интерактивного обучения в ВУЗе // МИРОВАЯ НАУКА 2020. ПРОБЛЕМЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ: материалы V международной научно -практической конференции (9 апреля 2020г., Москва). Саратов: Изд-во ЦПМ «Академия Бизнеса», 2020. С. 31-33. ISBN 978-5-907199-74-3