SOME ASPECTS OF ACTIVE LEARNING IN THE UNIVERSITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Avdeeva A.N., Ablyalimov O.S.

The article discusses some active and interactive teaching methods. The authors of the article propose a democratic style of conducting active forms of classroom activities. Some pedagogical methods of conducting active classes are considered. It is concluded that active teaching methods are very effective, but require the teacher to have pedagogical competencies.

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УДК 37.015

Avdeeva A.N., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

associate professor

Department of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering

Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent Ablyalimov O.S., candidate of technical sciences


Department "Locomotives and locomotive economy" Tashkent State Transport University Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Annotation: The article discusses some active and interactive teaching methods. The authors of the article propose a democratic style of conducting active forms of classroom activities. Some pedagogical methods of conducting active classes are considered. It is concluded that active teaching methods are very effective, but require the teacher to have pedagogical competencies.

Key words: democratic teaching style, interactive teaching methods, psychology of influence, teaching styles, manipulation.

In accordance with the chosen strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the main goal of public education is "the development of human capital as the main factor that determines the level of competitiveness of a student in the labor market and the country as a whole" [1]. To create highly qualified specialists, teachers of institutes and universities constantly improve their professional qualifications and study new pedagogical means of teaching. Teachers try to conduct all classroom activities using active and interactive methods [2]. The characteristic features of interactive forms and methods of teaching, first of all, include individual work with students, differential tasks and motivation of students. Feedback produces effective results. At the present stage, such methods as "brainstorming", "briefing", "business game", "problem lecture", "case method", "work in small groups", "sparring partnership", "Socrates method" are widely used", "binary lecture", "decision tree", "aquarium" and many others. Performing an individual or collective task, students are happy to work in pairs, syndicates and independently. Interactive learning gives bachelors and masters not only knowledge, but also the experience of critical thinking, discussion and reflective abilities, the ability to defend one's opinion and independently collect information, acquire active perception and communication skills. Psychologists have found that students in an interactive environment

improve emotional properties, such as the ability to distribute concentration of attention, observation, perceptual abilities, loyalty to a partner appear. However, there are some difficulties in the implementation of interactive methods. The construction of an interactive lesson is based on certain principles, the main of which are the "feedback principle" and the "principle of equality of views" [2], for the implementation of which the only possible style of conducting a lesson is democratic. Choosing this style of conducting classroom activities, the teacher perceives the student as an equal partner, as a colleague in a joint search for solutions. But free communication, sometimes, destroys the lesson plan, taking up an unacceptably long time for discussions, and incorrect student answers lead away from the topic of the lesson. To control the audience, the teacher must have high self-esteem, many pedagogical skills and master psychological techniques.

When giving a lecture, or conducting a practice, the teacher periodically asks questions to assess the comprehensibility of the material. If all answers are correct, then it is logical to proceed to the next stage of the explanation. Wrong answers - a signal to stop. At this point, don't waste time asking why the students didn't understand the material. Needless to say, their answers are not correct. Any form of attack breaks the connection with the audience, reducing it to the level of manipulation. It is necessary to change the wording of the question until it becomes accessible to the majority of the audience, and students give the correct answer [3]. The first attempts to use this method of communication with the audience irritate the teacher, but experience shows that this is the right choice to maintain interactivity.

If there is enough time to complete a practical or laboratory task, then the student can be allowed to follow the wrongly chosen algorithm until he himself understands his obvious contradictions. When time is limited, then, without rejecting the entire answer, you can highlight only the correct part, praise, setting the student on a positive note, discuss controversial points, provide additional information for a different perspective of understanding, and only then point out the wrong part of the answer. Directly pointing out students' mistakes, the teacher causes resistance, affects the sense of self-worth, which ultimately gives the opposite result [4].

There are a few more mandatory rules when switching to active interaction with students, one of which is not to resort to sarcasm and irony and to strengthen the visual control of the audience to exclude any kind of conflict. Reacting to any, accidental or deliberate provocation from students, which is more likely in an active lesson than in a traditional one, the teacher risks coming into conflict not only with the initiator and the entire group as a whole [5].

Another type of active learning is the binary lecture. This form of presenting information allows you to break all patterns. The lecture turns into a performance of two actors. The interest of listeners increases many times, and with it the rate of digestibility. The second leader of the binary lesson, in

addition to the main teacher, can be either a supporter of another scientific school, or a representative of production, or a student, or an assistant conducting practical classes [6]. When conducting this type of training, some difficulties also arise. First of all, you need to choose the right topic for a binary lecture. It should be a problem lecture, with different points of view of the two presenters. If this is an informational lecture, then on the border of two related disciplines, otherwise the applied form of conducting a lesson loses its meaning. Secondly, the psychological incompatibility of the two leaders. To overcome this difficulty, it is necessary to properly prepare for the couple: work out a lesson plan in advance; discuss in what style the performance will go, who and how will monitor discipline in the audience; foresee all possible non-standard situations.

It can be concluded that the use of an active form of teaching requires professional, methodological and socio-psychological competencies from the teacher: knowledge of conflict ology, skills of psychological influence, the ability to motivate, intuition and empathy. The great German psychologist Klaus Vopel said that the main distinguishing feature of interactive learning is not the acquisition of knowledge, but human interaction in a benevolent atmosphere of mutual recognition and support. Only in a comfortable environment, the student will be able to gain fundamental knowledge.

Использованные источники:

1. Указ президента Республики Узбекистан об утверждении концепции развития системы народного образования Республики Узбекистан до 2030 года. URL: https://lex.uz/docs/4312783 (дата обращения: 15.06.2022)

2. Авдеева Анна Николаевна Принципы построения и проведения интерактивной лекции // Вестник науки и образования. 2020. №8-1 (86). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7printsipy-postroeniya-iprovedeniya-interaktivnoy-lektsii (дата обращения: 15.06.2022).

3. Авдеева Анна Николаевна НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ МЕТОДА ПОСТАНОВКИ ВОПРОСОВ И ОТВЕТОВ ПРИ ПРОВЕДЕНИИ АУДИТОРНЫХ ЗАНЯТИЙ // Вестник науки и образования. 2020. №20-2 (98). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nekotorye-aspekty-metoda-postanovki-voprosov-i-otvetov-pri-provedenii-auditornyh-zanyatiy (дата обращения: 26.02.2023).

4. Авдеева Анна Николаевна ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ С ПРОБЛЕМНЫМИ СТУДЕНТАМИ В ПРОЦЕССЕ АУДИТОРНОГО ОБУЧЕНИЯ // НАУЧНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И РАЗРАБОТКИ 2020 ГОДА: материалы II международного научно-исследовательского конкурса. Саратов, 22 апреля 2020 года С. 57-60.

5. Avdeeva A. N. DISPUTED KINDS OF INFLUENCE IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING AT THE UNIVERSITY // EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR). - 2020. - Volume: 6 Issue: 10 October. - P. 496 - 498.

6. Авдеева А.Н. Бинарное аудиторное занятие как форма мастер класса // СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ В ПСИХОЛОГИИ И ПЕДАГОГИКЕ. - 2021. - С. 24-27.

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