information about vacancies and job seekers. With the help of this site, our fellow job seekers have the opportunity to quickly get acquainted with information about available vacancies, and employers have the opportunity to study and select the necessary specialist.
The introduction of innovative technologies and methods will help increase labor productivity, save time spent on document exchange, as well as the effective use of the electronic reserve of regulatory documents. Literature:
1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. State regulation of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat: 2010;
2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov "Turkmenistan on the path to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals." Ashgabat 2018;
3. The era of revival of a new era of a powerful state: national objectives of the vital and economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052.
4. https://turkmenistan. gov. Tm
© Kertiyev K., Soyunov K., Muhammedov K., 2024
УДК 33
Акгаева М. Дж.,
Преподаватель Акиниязова Ш. Б., Преподаватель Ярмаммедова А., Студентка Джумаева Л., Студентка
Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана CAPITAL MARKET AS THE GROWTH OF ECONOMIC SECTOR
market economy, national economy, positive economic progress.
Significant events take place in our country at the stage of essentially progressive revival of a new epoch of the powerful state, including the comprehensive economic reforms aimed at achieving positive economic progress, successive growth of well-being of the citizens. Strategic aims and objectives of this growth are prescribed in the latest national programs of comprehensive development, such as «Revival of a new epoch of the powerful state: National Program for Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052», «Program of President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022-2028». At the present time stage of development of market economy, the actuality of establishment of securities market increases for the purposes of formation of optimal and efficient mechanisms of attraction of investments, accumulation and distribution of capital between the economic sectors and the national economy entities. The matters of further improvement of the financial institutions activities, effective distribution of financial resources by expanding the range of financial tools and mechanisms, as well as development of securities market by attracting long-term investments remain in the agenda of actual tasks of Turkmenistan development. In the
conditions of market economy development our country realizes successfully the intended course, aims and objectives. In this development the country cooperates with the international organizations, strengthens own positions in the global financial market, intensifies the institute of joint-stock company, as well as improves the securities market and the stock exchange. The global financial market is the component of the worldwide capital market reflecting relationship of the demand and supply market to the capital of creditors and debtors of various countries. The global financial market is the aggregation of national and international markets the elements of which include the foreign exchange market, the securities market and insurance market. According to the market rating, there are the primary, secondary and the third market for the securities.
The primary market involves the financial activity 61 connected with the newly issued securities. At the primary market the issuers push their shares among the investors. More precisely, this is the mechanism of issuance, introduction into circulation and primary placement of the newly issued securities. In context of primary market, it is expedient to use the term «placement of securities». At repurchase market (secondary market) the issuer, in accordance with the results of sale of bonds, shares, attracts the needed financial resources, while the securities remain in the hands of the primary buyers. The next sale of the securities forms a secondary market. The secondary market is connected with the second sale of the securities. Full provision of access to information for investors is the important criterion of success of the primary market allowing quite knowingly select the securities for investment of own finances. All activities at the primary market have the aim of achievement of openness and transparency of the information, including in particular preparing of algorithm of the issue, its registration and control of integrity of information supplied from the authorized government institutions, as well as publication of sequential search algorithm and results of subscription, etc. The mechanisms of placement of securities at the secondary market can be different, i.e. in direct format «seller-buyer» and in a format with participation of a dealer. Third market means over-the-counter market, i.e. over the-counter placement of marketable securities. Stock market is the effective economic instrument allowing repeated or occasional involvement of temporarily unused money of the households. The stock exchange evaluation of effectiveness of the investments is in this case a basis for repeated distribution of investment resources of the society. The characteristic feature of the stock exchange is adherence to the norms of listing when selling and buying the securities of companies, i.e. in case of strict observance of the established criteria the extent of trust increases compared to the over-the-counter assets. Listing is the code of rules concerning directly the securities shown in the list. Security is the paper document certifying the vested property rights, the sale and concession of which is possible against presentation of the original. In other words, the security paper is the certificate for possession of property. The variety of the securities includes the shares, stocks, bonds, obligations, bills of exchange, certificates, cheques and drafts, mortgage bonds, investment shares. The process of formation and development of the national capital market is based on the duly developed system of the relevant national legislation in sphere of market relations, the modernization of which started since the first years of the Independence of Turkmenistan and is continued today, with implementation of the international standards.
1. «Conception for Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan in 2019-2025» - Ashgabat, 2018
2. «Revival of a new epoch of the powerful state: National Program for Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052». - Ashgabat: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2022
3. «Program of President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022-2028» -Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2022
© AKraeBa M. flw., AKMHMfl30Ba LU. E., ApMaMMegoBa A., flwyMaeBa 2024