Научная статья на тему 'Bukhara is a Pearl of the East'

Bukhara is a Pearl of the East Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sidikova Nozgul Nabiyevna, Davronov Farmon

This article is about our native town ancient Bukhara and its historical places, monuments, culture.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Bukhara is a Pearl of the East»

Достаточно долго работая над приемами развития орфографической зоркости, для становления соответствующего умения считаю целесообразным проводить следующие игры или упражнения.

1) Игра «Охотники и лисы», «Аукцион» где дети работают в группе над правописанием словарных слов. Именно в игре лучше запоминаются непроверяемые орфограммы.

2) Письмо под диктовку. Сначала диктую слова так, как они пишутся. Позже провожу игру «Эхо». Читаю слова, а дети повторяют шепотом, но так, чтобы я слышала. Если кто-то скопировал неправильно, то исправляют ошибку, проговаривая еще раз, затем все записывают.

3) Комментированное письмо. Учащиеся не только проговаривают слова и предложения. Здесь очень важно, чтобы все работали с комментатором, не отставая и не забегая вперёд. Сначала прошу комментировать сильных учащихся, затем постепенно включаются и все остальные.

4) Письмо по памяти. Этот вид письма развивает память, мышление, речь, внимание. Воспитывается трудолюбие, аккуратность.

5) Составление схем-опор, блок-схем, умение выводить алгоритмы.

6) Самопроверка написанного. Ученики находят и подчеркивают «опасные места» в уже написанном предложении или слове.

7) Списывание. Особо следует выделить вопрос о списывании, поскольку оно является важнейшим видом орфографических упражнений, включающим в себя операцию предварительного выделения в списываемом тексте подавляющего числа орфограмм [3, 67].

Орфографическая грамотность имеет очень большое значение в жизни современного человека, особенно молодого, который вступает в непростую взрослую жизнь. От уровня владения языком, письменной речью во многом зависит успех в карьере, уровень образованности, уважение окружающих.

Список литературы

1. Ильяшенко В.А. Начальная школа № 6. М: Нач. школа, 2000. 155 с.

2. Тоцкий П.С. Орфография без правил. М.: Просвещение, 1991. 387 с.

3. Чистякова Л.И. Начальная школа № 2. М: Начальная школа, 1997. 178 с.

BUKHARA IS A PEARL OF THE EAST 1 2 Sidikova N.N.1, Davronov F.2


Abstract: this article is about our native town ancient Bukhara and its historical places, monuments, culture.

Keywords: ancient, native, monument, history, architecture.

Bukhara is my lovely town._I was born in Bukhara. It is my native town. Bukhara is one of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan. There are two parts in our town: the new part and old one. In the new part there are many new buildings and modern shops. Here also situated

the University, Technological and medical institute, plants, factories, colleges. The old part of our town is the museum in the open air. All ancient monuments are situated here.

Over thousand years the Samanid's mausoleum keeps amazing the people with its beauty, perfect harmony and genius design. The architectural complexes Poi-Kalyan, Lyabi-Haus, Gaukushon and others are the best examples of medieval architects' creations. In Bukhara itself many monuments of dwelling architecture, palaces, bathhouses and trade facilities have been preserved. Special enchantments contain the architectural complexes outside the city - Bahavuddin, Chor-Bakr, Toshmachit and others. In the monuments preserved, the specific features of local unique architectural school are clearly seen, which testify of an outstanding mastership of Bukhara's architects. Bukhara was known as Bokhara in 19th- and early 20th-century English publications and as Buhe/Puhe in Tang Chinese. Bukhara has many names. One of its names was Numijkat. It has also been called "Bumiskat". It has 2 names in Arabic. One is "Madinat al Sufriya" meaning - "the copper city" and another is "Madinat Al Tujjar" meaning - "The city of Merchants". But, the name Bukhara is more known than all the other names. In Khorasan, there is no other city with so many names. The modern Uzbek spelling is Buxoro [1. C 142].

The history of Bukhara stretches back millennia. It is now the capital of Bukhara Region (viloyat) of Uzbekistan. Located on the Silk Road, the city has long been a center of trade, scholarship, culture, and religion. During the golden age of the Samanids, Bukhara became a major intellectual center of the Islamic world, second only to Baghdad. The historic center of Bukhara, which contains numerous mosques and madrassas, has been listed by UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites.

Bukhara has been one of the main centres of world civilisation from its early days in 6th century BCE. Bukhara was the last capital of the Emirate of Bukhara and was besieged by the Red Army during the Russian Civil War.

Bukhara is located on the lower reaches of the Zarafshan River, in the area of ancient agricultural zone. The exact time of occurrence of the city is unknown.

The climate of Bukhara is tropical, continental: summers are hot and winters are relatively warm.

Until 1920, the territory of the Old Town was surrounded by a fortified wall (Kampir Devol), with 12 gates, built in the 16th century. Wall to some extent, protected the city from attacks. More than 200 architectural monuments from the 10th century to the early 20th century are located in the territory of Old Town. Most of the Old Town is closed for traffic and represents a medieval eastern city with mosques, trade domes, covered bazaar, madrassah and majestic minarets. The city is almost not changed its appearance from the 16th century. Historical buildings of Bukhara are under the protection of the government, monuments have been carefully restored. The architecture of the new center tactfully placed outside the medieval town, as if making up a dialogue between two eras. Today, newly colored domes of the Bukhara shine bright and becoming more beautiful and attractive [2. C 33].

Bukhara is the city mostly known for light and food industries, traditional gold embroidery and weaving. Products of local masters - gold embroidered skullcaps, art panels, handbags and shoes are known far beyond the country. The city's economy is based on a number of food and light industrial undertakings, including a large works processing Karakul lambs' fleece. Bukhara's importance has grown also because it is the largest city in a natural gas region. Tourism contributes to the local economy. The city is the seat of Bukhara State University (founded 1930); there are also medical and light industry institutes there. Cultural amenities include a theatre and a museum. The end of the 11thc. Bukhara became a vassal of Russia; the continual interference of Tsarist Russia in the domestic and foreign affairs of the Bukhara Khanate resulted in the complete dominion of Tsarist Russia over the Khanate.

Reign of the last emirs of Bukhara Khanate:

1885 - 1910 the Emir Said Abdullakhid.

1910 - 1920 the Emir Said Mir-Alimhan.

From 1924 Bukhara was a part of Soviet Uzbekistan. Present day Bukhara is a historical and archeological museum under the open sky. Bukhara is approaching the age of 2500.

A lot of tourists come to our town to see our famous Ulugbeks madrasah, minaret Kalyan, Nodir devonbegi madrasah, Mohi Hossa, Ismoil Samoniy and others.


1. Abu Bakr Muhammad Narshakhi. The History of Bukhara Paperback, Tashkent, December 1, 2011.

2. Abu Bakr Muhammad Narshakhi. O'zbekiston tarixi. Tashkent, 2004.


1 2 Sidikova N.N.1, Hasanov A.2

1Sidikova Nozgul Nabiyevna - Teacher of English language, DEPARTMENT FOREIGN LANGUAGES;


Abstract: this article focuses on the methods and ways of interpretation of modern English languages.

Keywords: interpretation, translation, grammatical, converts, expression.

Interpretation or interpreting is oral translation of speech or sign from a language into another. Translation studies is the systematic study of the theory, description and application of interpretation and translation.

An interpreter is a person who converts a thought or expression in a source language into an expression with a comparable meaning in a target language either simultaneously in "real time" or consecutively when the speaker pauses after completing one or two sentences.

The interpreter's objective is to convey every semantic element as well as tone and register and every intention and feeling of the message that the source-language speaker is directing to target-language recipients (except in summary interpretation, used sometimes in conferences) [1. C 58].

For written speeches and lectures, sometimes the reading of pre-translated texts is used.

In the history of interpretation the rise of the historical-critical method opened a new era. With it, new possibilities for understanding the biblical word in its originality opened up. Just as with all human endeavors, though, so also this method contained hidden dangers along with its positive possibilities. The search for the original can lead to putting the word back into the past completely so that it is no longer taken in its actuality. It can result that only the human dimension of the word appears as real, while the genuine author, God, is removed from the reach of a method which was established for understanding human reality. The application of a "profane" method to the Bible necessarily led to discussion. Everything that helps us better to understand the truth and to appropriate its representations is helpful and worthwhile for theology. It is in this sense that we must seek how to use this method in theological research. Everything that shrinks our horizon and hinders us from seeing and hearing beyond that which is merely human must be opened up. Thus the emergence of the historical-critical method set in motion at the same time a struggle over its scope and its proper configuration which is by no means finished as yet.

Interpretation of a belles-lettres work comprises the following three stages; 1. Preparatory stage 2. Main stage. 3. Conclusive stage


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