UDC 633.12:631.53.011.2:577.122.5
Amelin A.V., Fesenko A.N., Zaikin V.V., Researchers Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia
E-mail: amelin [email protected]
Solid matter accumulation by plants is the most important indicator of production process of a grade. It is known that this crops indicator is conservative and in the course of selection it significantly doesn't change significantly, and growth of a seeds and grain crop is reached, mainly, by means of more effective use of assimilates on formation of generative organs [1, 2, 3]. But, the possibilities of this way of selection are limited - now the harvest index of the majority of modern variety crops is 40 - 50% that is near to optimal value [4]. Therefore there is a task to reveal and involve in the form crossing, differing high activity of organic substance synthesis at early stages of development and thus to raise possibilities of production process in crop formation.
Taking all this into account we conducted special laboratory researches of an assessment of initial growth of verities' buckwheat planted in different times, and this scientific article is devoted to the results of these researches.
Researches were conducted within the thematic plan of Orel SAU "Genetic Resources of Plants and Their Use" on a joint program with selectors of RSRI of pulse crops.
Objects of researches were 20 crops variety which were conditionally divided into 4 groups: local (T 11/09 and T 12/09); selections of the 1930-1970th. (Kalinin, Bogatir and Shatilovsky 5); selections of 1980-2000 (Demetra, Dozhdic, Dikul, Saulyk, Esen, Molva, Karakityanka, Aromat, Sumchanka, Ballada and Kama); modern grades (2002-2010) (Inzersky, Batyr, Devjatka and Design).
Solid matter accumulation by germs was studied by a method of seeds sprouting in rolls: 50 seeds were displayed on strips of the moistened filter paper 30 cm wide and 40 cm long, then they were covered with other less wide strip of paper and rolled, frequency on each grade 4-fold. Rolls rarely were put in glass jars, on 1/5 filled with tap water. Seeds of a crop of 2012, grown up in the conditions of isolation on a skilled field of laboratory of groats crops selection RSRI of pulse crops were used in these experiences. The accounting of dry weight was carried out after 7, 14, and 21 days, selecting for this purpose from rolls of 25 seedlings in 4-fold frequency on a grade with the subsequent drying in a drying box of the KBC G - 100/250 brand at a temperature of 105 C.
The obtained experimental data were processed by means of modern computer programs taking into account Dospekhov's methodical recommendations [5].
In a result of the researches it is established that in controlled conditions synthesis of organic substance of buckwheat seedlings is most actively carried out in the first a 7-10 days (8,8 mg/days), and then sharply decreases: for the 14th days - to 1,75 mg/days, and on 21 -to 1,09 mg/days. Apparently, it is connected with that at the first stages of seedlings development the spare connections of a seed are the main source assimilates for formation of organic substance by them. And as the spare connections of buckwheat seeds are of a small amount (weight of 1000 seeds studied in experience contained about 29,5r) in 7 days they almost everything ran low because of what synthetic activity sharply fell too.
It is established that formation activity of organic substances at buckwheat plants significantly increases in the result of selection. Seven-daily seedlings of modern grades (selection of 2002-2010) surpassed grades of selection of 1980 - 2000 in intensity of accumulation of solid on the average for 8,3%, the 1930-1970th years - for 16,1%, and local
grade population- on the average for 18,6% ,to our mind, it is caused by formation of larger seeds by them (on the average for 30%).
However, the significant superiority of modern grades was generally shown for 7-10 days of development and later was leveled out. Significant distinctions of 14 and 21 daily seedlings between skilled groups of grades samples in size of this indicator aren't revealed.
It points on the quantity of spare substances increased in buckwheat seeds in the result of selection (the mass of 1000 seeds increased from 22,7 to 36,3 g), but not so much to support intensive synthesis of solid seedlings after 7 days of development in comparison, for example, with peas. The weight of 1000 seeds of these modern grades reaches 280gr and even more, it gives the chance to seedlings to develop fully even on the distilled water to 28 days ().
Nevertheless, buckwheat modern grades (2002-2010) because of more active use of spare seeds substances at early stages of development (for 7, 14 and 21 days) surpassed local grade population in the dry mass of seedlings on the average for 19,5%, grades of selection of the 1930-1970th - for 12,1%, grades of 1980-2000 - for 7,4%.
It is established that the increase of seedlings dry weight of modern buckwheat’s sample grades is provided, first of all, by the expense of increase in rates of accumulation of dry weight with a stalk, but not with a root. Modern grades crop seedlings surpassed local grade population in the size of this indicator for 25, 23 and 19% for 7, 14 and 21 days of development, selection grades of the 1930-1970th - for 20, 12 and 12%, selection grades of 1980 - 2000 - for 14, 10 and 9%, correspondingly.
At the same time, intervarietal distinctions on accumulation of dry weight by roots at buckwheat's seedlings were less expressed and had a bit different character. In this case modern crop grades had no expressed advantage before the next selection predecessors.
So, for 7 days in size of these indicator selection grades of 1980 - 2000, for the 14th days -grades 2002-2010gg, and for 21 days - selection grades 1980-2000gg and 2002-2010gg had the leading positions. The reliable superiority of modern grades on accumulation of dry weight by a root was noted only over local grade population and that for 14 and 21 days of seedling development.
Among modern grades of culture such grade seedlings as Design, Devjatochka and Inzersky, and older grades (selections of 1980-2000) - Karakityanka, Dozhdik and Kama are characterized by the greatest value of stalk dry weight. Such grade seedlings as Karakityanka, Dozhdik, Inzersky, Devjatochka and Design are differed by the greatest root dry mass.
Thus, the size of stalk dry weight exceeds the root dries mass of buckwheat's seedlings for 47% in the first 21 days of development. Thus intervarietal distinctions are shown for the 7th days of development and further (14 and 21 days) only are increased. Seedlings of buckwheat's modern grades which for 21 days of development surpassed in this indicator local grade population on the average for 20%, and old grades (selection of the 30-70th) - on the average for 10,5% differ, first of all, by the greatest initial accumulation of dry weight.
Such grades as Devjatochka and Design which can be considered as a perspective initial material for selection are characterized by the greatest size of seedlings dry weight for 21 days of development among buckwheat's modern grades.
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