Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №10. 2022
https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83
UDC 582.998.3:577.19 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83/04
©Alibeili Kh., Institute of Dendrology of Azerbaijan NAS,
Baku, Azerbaijan, xeyaleelibeyli@gmail.com ©Sadygov T., Institute of Dendrology of Azerbaijan NAS,
Baku, Azerbaijan, sadigovtofig2022@gmail.com ©Gafarova M., Institute of Dendrology of Azerbaijan NAS, Baku, Azerbaijan, qafarovamehriban@mail.ru ©Abbasov J., Institute of Dendrology of Azerbaijan NAS, Baku, Azerbaijan, cavid1301@gmail.com
©Алибейли Х., Институт дендрологии НАН Азербайджана,
г. Баку, Азербайджан, xeyaleelibeyli@gmail.com ©Садыгов Т. М., Институт дендрологии НАН Азербайджана,
г. Баку, Азербайджан, sadigovtofig2022@gmail.com ©Гафарова М. А., Институт дендрологии НАН Азербайджана, г. Баку, Азербайджан, qafarovamehriban@mail.ru ©Аббасов Д., Институт дендрологии НАН Азербайджана, г. Баку, Азербайджан, cavid1301@gmail.com
Abstract. Geranium Tourn. ex L. is a flowering plant Genus belonging to the Geraniaceae Family. It is mainly grown as an ornamental plant in Azerbaijan. It was brought to Europe in the 17th century. Its propagation zone is South Africa. It is cultivated in many countries because it is a very valuable essential oil plant. Geranium is also successfully cultivated in Azerbaijan. Geranium essential oil is used in the perfume industry to make perfumes, soaps and face lotions. It is also used in the food industry to flavor beverages, as well as confectionery. It is also used in the preparation of medicines. Not only the leaves of the geranium plant, but also its roots, flowers and leaves are considered very good. The root of the plant contains phenols, various phenolic compounds in the upper green part, sucrose, starch and hemicellulose. The leaves and flowers are rich in phenolic carboxylic acids, vitamins, flavonoids, pigments, essential oils and carbohydrates.
Аннотация. Geranium Tourn. ex L. — род цветковых растений, принадлежащих к семейству Geraniaceae. В Азербайджане в основном выращивается как декоративное растение. В Европу он был завезен в 17 веке. Зона его распространения — Южная Африка. Его выращивают во многих странах, потому что это очень ценное эфиромасличное растение. В Азербайджане также успешно культивируют герань. Эфирное масло герани используется в парфюмерной промышленности для изготовления духов, мыла и лосьонов для лица. Она также используется в пищевой промышленности для ароматизации напитков и кондитерских изделий, в приготовлении лекарств. Используются не только листья герани, но и ее корни, цветы и листья. Корень растения содержит фенолы, различные фенольные соединения в верхней зеленой части, сахарозу, крахмал и гемицеллюлозу. Листья и цветки богаты
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №10. 2022
https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83
фенолкарбоновыми кислотами, витаминами, флавоноидами, пигментами, эфирными маслами и углеводами.
Keywords: Geranium, ornamental plants, analysis, flowers, flavonoids.
Ключевые слова: герань, декоративные растения, анализ, цветки, флавоноиды.
The main purpose of the article is to study the morphological features, essential oil, phytochemical composition and medical significance of some species belonging to the genus Geranium, introduced in Absheron and cultivated in cultural conditions.
The plant species of the genus Geranium consists of 422 species, including monocotyledonous, dicotyledonous and perennial species. They are mainly distributed in temperate zones, mountainous parts of tropical zones and in the east of the Mediterranean region. There are 23 species in Azerbaijan, and they are mainly cultivated as ornamental plants. It was brought to Europe in the 17th century. Its propagation zone is South Africa. The leaves of geraniums are round, narrow, with an arrow-shaped tip, plamatus (the leaves of the plant protrude from one point) — palm-shaped, the cuts can extend to the middle vein of the leaf. The leaves are divided into narrow, pointed segments in the form of palms.
The flowers are bisexual. It has 5 calyx leaves, 5 petals. The flowers are white, pink, purple or blue, and often have different veins on them. Most of the fruit has a box shape that is broken down into seeds. When the seed matures, it is divided into 5 seeds. The leaves are simple, finger-shaped, covered with hairs that secrete a little - very fragrant oil. Geranium species can grow in any soil, but the soil should not be swampy, because in this case the roots of the plant cannot receive enough oxygen. Propagation is carried out in the summer by dividing the half-ripe cuttings, seeds in the fall, and in the spring by dividing.
Figure 1. Geranium species Figure 2. Leaves and flowers of Geranium
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №10. 2022
https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83
The fruit capsule consists of five cells attached to a column formed from the center. The cells form lobes of tissue in each, and these lobes gradually separate. When the fruit ripens, the beak-like stigma springs open and the seeds are scattered around.
All of the above species are perennials and generally winter-hardy and are usually grown for their attractive flowers and leaves. They are long-lived and most have palmate-shaped leaves. They grow both vertically and horizontally. Some species grow and spread vertically (rhizomes). They are usually grown from partial shade to full sun, in well-drained but moisture-retaining soils rich in humus from plant and animal remains. Other perennials grown for flowers and leaves include G. argenteum, G. eriostemon, G. farreri, G. nodosum, G. procurrens, G. renardii, G. traversii, G. tuberosum, G. versicolor, G. wallichianum and G. wlassovianum. Some of them are not winter-hardy in cold areas and are grown in special gardens such as rock gardens. The land area in the rock gardens is distinguished by the abundance of gravel, stones and rocks.
Materials and Methods
Geranium species were taken as the object of research, from which pens were made for planting. Before planting in special greenhouses in the greenhouse of the Institute of Dendrology and in the open field, sand, soil and peat were mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 and planted in special greenhouses in January-February and in the experimental field in March-April. All kinds of agro-technical care rules were shown to the plants and plant samples were collected for research. The formation of the roots of the pens was compared with the greenhouse in the open field. The collected plant samples were dried using standard methods and prepared for laboratory research. The results of the analysis are given in Table 1. Various methods were used in conducting research.
Geranium is eaten by larvae of some Lepidoptera species. Geranium is cultivated in Azerbaijan mainly as an ornamental plant. Only one type of it is used in medicine — Geranium collinum. Geranium is a perennial herb with dense hairs and fleshy roots. In the lower part of the stem, there are fruits with 5 to 7 sections, deep finger-shaped leaves, pink-red flowers, and 5-seeded fruit. The plant blooms in June-July, the fruits ripen in August [4].
It grows in the middle and upper mountainous parts of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus in Azerbaijan - in meadows, gardens and forest edges.
The hill-like geranium growing in Azerbaijan has not been studied scientifically yet. However, the hill-like geranium, which is widespread in Uzbekistan, was chemically analyzed at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and found to contain vaccines in all its parts. In addition, the leaves contain ellagic, gallic and 3-methoxygall acids, as well as flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, 3, 7, 8, 4-tetrahydroxyflavone, rutin, isoquercitrin and anthocyanins. Pelargonium chloride was found in the flowers.
Due to its analgesic and sedative properties, geranium oil is also used in neurology in radicular syndrome, rheumatism, arthritis.
It is prescribed for external and internal bleeding (especially gastric bleeding). The liquid extract has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Ibn Sina reported on the antitoxic properties of this plant against snake venom.
Results and Discussion
The roots of geranium species contain vaccines. The roots of G. dissectum are used as a vegetable. The roots and leaves of G. ibericum are black, and the flowers of G. sylvaticum are blue. The leaves of G. dissectum contain from 251.1 mg% to 457.7 mg%, and G. tuberosum contains 288.4 mg% of vitamin C. Geranium species are widespread in the foothills to the alpine grasslands. Also, one of the important conditions for studying the bioecological characteristics of ornamental
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №10. 2022
https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83
and economically important plants and determining their application to the economy is to determine the methods of their reproduction [5].
Due to the release of essential oil, keeping it in a room creates a pleasant aura [3]. It regulates the air in the room, produces oxygen and essential oil. The oil extracted from its flowers has a whitening and toning effect. It has a very good effect on all skin types, it improves blood circulation in the skin and gives it a healthy color. It has the ability to clean the air of the environment from germs. Geranium is an essential oil plant. Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flower and green parts of the plant.
It is used in folk medicine for diarrhea, dysentery, kidney, rheumatism, gout. The plant is placed on the stumps and used to treat them. In folk medicine, tea is brewed from the dried surface of the hill-like geranium, and it is used as an astringent and antiseptic in diarrhea and dysentery in gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, it is taken to prevent bloody sputum from the chest in lung disease. Geranium, native to South Africa, was brought to Europe as an ornamental plant. The leaves contain large amounts of essential oils. The flower, leaves and root are very good. As you rub the leaves of the geranium, you get a strange and pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the combined aroma of lemon, apple and mint. Essential oils derived from it are widely used in aromatherapy. It should also be noted that the house with geraniums does not contain moths, ticks, lice, fleas and other insects. Geranium is very useful in otitis media, laryngitis, stimulation of blood circulation, regulation of heart rhythm and heart muscle function, headaches [1]. It is possible to normalize blood pressure by placing geranium leaves on the heart [2]. An ointment made from the leaves is an excellent remedy for colds, coughs, angina and colds.
As a result of our scientific research, 2.5 mg of geranium oil was extracted from the 500 g of wet leaves grown in greenhouse at lab conditions. The composition of the obtained oils was checked on a chromatograph and given in the Table. As a result of the research, we come to the conclusion that we offer the obtained essential oils for use in the production of perfumes, creams, and various medicinal soaps.
Component Percentage Component Percentage
Alpha-Pinene 1.144 Estragole 2.833
Beta-Pinene 0.044 Myrtenol 0.769
Carene-3 0.303 Nerol 0.206
Alfa-Terpinen 0.439 Geraniol 40.769
1,8-Cineol (Eucalyptol) 4.557 Myrtenyl Acetate 0.502
gamma - Terpinene 0.237 Citronellyl butyrate 0.970
Tetrahydro-2-H-Pyran 0.019 Geranyl Oleate 0.609
Terpinolene 0.303 neryl acetate 0.306
Cyclohexanone-5-m-2(1-m e), -cis 6.174 Citronellyl tiglate 0.212
Linalool 8.154 Geranil acetate 0.047
Caryophyllene 2.995 Geranyl tiglate 0.722
Terpinen-4-ol 7.684 Cedrol 0.093
Citronellol 3.181 2-phenylethyl tiglate 0.735
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №10. 2022
https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83
Отчет хроматограммы Паспорт хроматограммы
Проект: лопате
Название метода: Eftr
Дата ы время: 20 08 2021 10 07:38
Анялиз-Хроыштограмма: 502
Расчет по компонентам
Колон м: Проба:
Метод расчета: Объем, нкл: Разведение: Источник:
Eon^ah_Yefi¡_1 Абсолют>ия градуировка 1 1
Время, мин Компонент Г pyuria Площадь Высота Площадь. % Концентрация Ед. концентрации Детектор
8 693 aHa-Pinen 1512 007 491 142 1 144 ПИД-1
9 077 294 150 »6 В46 0 222 ПИД-1
9 347 beta-Pinen 58 040 21.266 0.044 ПИД-1
9.480 282 974 59 811 0 214 ПИД-1
9 722 Сдаепе-З 400 151 113 361 0 303 I ПИД-1
9 919 565 103 1В9 099 0 427 I ПИД-1
10.064 101 753 35.221 0.077 ПИД-1
10 270 аНа-Тетршеп 560 253 181 728 0 439 ПИД-1
10 435 1.8-Clneol (EvkaJiptol) 6024 842 1840 356 4.557 ПИД-1
10 576 210 549 71 933 0.159 ПИД-1
10 755 155 272 51 365 0 118 ПИД-1
11 081 qarnma-Terpinen 312 941 105 426 0 237 ПИД-1
11.209 151 433 50.238 0.115 ПИД-1
11 442 33 977 12 241 0 026 ПИД-1
11 769 16 998 7 181 0 013 ПИД-1
11.вес Tatrahydro-2-H-Pyran 24 604 10.070 0.019 ПИД-1
12012 925 586 302 478 0 700 ПИД-1
12 232 311 581 91 В42 0 236 ПИД-1
12 913 26 850 10 515 0 020 ПИД-1
13.098 Tarplnolen 400 595 125.531 0.303 ПИД-1
13 361 84 571 19 565 0 064 ПИД-1
13 455 77 854 27.349 0059 пид-1
13 526 373 767 118 909 0.283 ПИД-1
14 018 Cyclohenanone 5-m-2 (1-wi a).-ds 8162 932 2181. В43 6.174 пид-1
14 155 linaool 10781 057 3133 М1 8 154 ПИД-1
14 286 416 912 135 746 0 315 ПИД-1
14.445 CanophyfiérM 3959 363 1115 481 2.995 ПИД-1
14 600 62 078 20 523 0 047 ПИД-1
14 811 132 902 29 394 0 101 ПИД-1
14.967 171 099 46.224 0.129 ПИД-1
15 045 137 997 40 249 0 104 ПИД-1
15 140 390 109 159 086 0 295 пид.1
15 234 Terplnen-4-ol 1015В 440 2753 696 7.Б84 пид-1
15.321 Citroneilo) 4206 040 1220 959 3.181 ПИД-1
15 405 240 767 84 3731 0 182 ПИД-1
15 561 160X1 49 019 0.121 пид-1
15.536 440 308 152.132 0 333 ПИД-1
15 739 104 525 30 308 0 079 ПИД-1
15.943 12В 767 33 771 0 097 ПИД-1
16.011 26В 090 78.411 0.203 ПИД-1
16.197 Estragóle 3745 818 809 796J 2 833 ПИД-1
16 394 mlrteno) 1016 132 185 S32 0 769 ПИД-1
16.507 Nenx 272 943 70.156 0.206 ПИД-1
16 633 1275 497 242 496 0 965 ПИД-1
16 B61 qeraniol 53900 832 9681 062 40 769 пид-1
17.101 Mirtemiaeelale 564 200 117.347 0 502 ПИД-1
17 252 Cilroneily butyrate 1281 866 385 539 0 970 ПИД-1
17 345 95141 31 730 0 072 ПИД-1
17453 590 099 191 396 0.446 1ПИД-1
17 742 11052 975 3036 532 8 360 ПИД-1
17 913 75 826 19 716 0 057 ПИД-1
17.996 11В 149 22 660 0-089 ПИД-1
18 273 Geranyl Oleáis В04 707 254.069 0 80S nw-1
18812 77 090 27 D85 0058 пид-1
19 173 37 864 11 576 0 029 ПИД-1
19.339 169 857 56 576 0 128 ПИД-1
19 825 rwilacetal 405 061 127 993 0306 ПИД-1
19.731 32 884 9956 0 025 ПИД-1
19 941 citronellyi llgiale 280 389 56 274 0 212 пид-1
20.055 47 662 14 673 0036 -ПИД-1
20 293 garanilacetal 61 572 16 7319 0 047 ПИД-1
20 419 56 758 22 899 0 042 ПИД-1
20 544 293 836 77 149 0 222 ПИД-1
20.629 128 869 38 818 0096 ПИД-1
20 772 Goranyl tálate 954 191 276 478 0 722 ПИД-1
21 063 28 434 10 529 0 022 ПИД-1
21.231 180 253 50 326 0 136 ПИД-1
21.531 Cedro! 122 838 34 815 0093 пид-1
21.718 107 282 29 365 0 081 ПИД-1
21 917 129 409 37 909 0 098 ПИД-1
22 030 2-phnriylethyl iKglala 971 462 247 209 0 735 ПИД-1
22 477 246 708: 85 939 0 187 ПИД-1
23839 44 110 14 276 0 034 ПИД-1
24 074 83 798 22 841 0 071 ПИД-1
Figure 2. The results of the analysis of the essential oil obtained from the leaves of the Geranium species in Crystall-2000 M gas-liquid chromatography
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №10. 2022
https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83
Figure 2. The results of the analysis of the essential oil obtained from the leaves of the Geranium species in Crystall-2000M gas-liquid chromatography
As a result of the conducted scientific research, it was found that Geranium species adapts well to local conditions. Geranium is a very productive essential oil plant. The oil was extracted from the leaves and analyzed in Crystall-2000M gas chromatography. Based on the results of the analysis, alpha-Pinene containing essential oil — 1.144%, beta-Pinene — 0.044%, Carene — 30.303%, alpha-Terpinene — 0.4391%, 8-Cineol (Eucalyptol) — 4.557%, gamma-Terpinene — 0.237%, Tetrahydro-2-H-Pyran — 0.019%, Terpinolene — 0.303%, Cyclohexanone-5-m-2(1-m e), -cis — 6.174%, linaool — 8.154%, Cariophyliene — 2.995 %, Terpinen-4-ol — 7.684%, Citronellol — 3.181%, Estragole — 2.833%, Myrtenol — 0.769%, Nerol — 0.206%, Geraniol — 40.769%, Myrtenilacetate — 0.502%, Citronelly butyrate — 0.970%, Geranyl Oleate — 0.609%, Nerylacetate — 0.306%, citronellyt tiglate — 0.212%, geranilacetate — 0.047%, Geranyl tigrate — 0.722%, Cedrol — 0.093%, 2-phenylethyl tiglate — 0.735% substances were detected. Regarding the use, it should be noted that geranium essential oil is used in the perfumery industry as the main ingredient of perfumes, soaps and face ointments. In the food industry, it is used for flavoring alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, as well as confectionery products. Geranium oil is also used in the preparation of a number of medicines.
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Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 8. №10. 2022
https://www.bulletennauki.ru https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83
Список литературы:
1. Алекбаров Р, Ибадуллаева С. Лекарственные растения (этноботаника и фитотерапия). Баку, 2013.
2. Дамиров И. А., Исламова Н. А., Каримов Ч. Б., Махмудов Р. М. Лекарственные растения Азербайджана. Баку, 1988.
3. Гасымов М. А. Морфология и систематика высших растений. Баку, 1959.
4. Мамедов Т. С. Деревья и кустарники Апшерона. Баку, 2010.
5. Taylor R. J. Sagebrush country: a wildflower sanctuary. Missoula: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 1992. P. 1-211.
Работа поступила Принята к публикации
в редакцию 30.08.2022 г. 04.09.2022 г.
Ссылка для цитирования:
Alibeili Kh., Sadygov T., Gafarova M., Abbasov J. Biomorphological Characteristics, Phytochemical Composition and Medical Significance of Species Belonging to the Geranium Tourn. ex L. Genus // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2022. Т. 8. №10. С. 40-46. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83/04
Cite as (APA):
Alibeili, Kh., Sadygov, T., Gafarova, M., & Abbasov, J. (2022). Biomorphological Characteristics, Phytochemical Composition and Medical Significance of Species Belonging to the Geranium Tourn. ex L. Genus. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 5(10), 40-46. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/83/04