BASICS OF TRAINING OF PEDAGOGICAL STAFF Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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pedagogical experts / scientific research / process
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Текст научной работы на тему «BASICS OF TRAINING OF PEDAGOGICAL STAFF»

совокупности с современными методами преподавания, удается достигать результативности в решении важной задачи - повышении качества образования. Список использованной литературы:

1. Ахметова Л.В. Когнитивная сфера личности-психологическая основа обучения // Вестник ТГПУ, 2009, выпуск 9(87), С.108-115.

2. Морозова И.М., Лобанок Л.В., Кемеш О.Н. Формирование предметного тезауруса с учетом различных способов переработки, хранения и применения информации при обучении математике студентов технических специальностей // «Весшк Моплеускага дзяржаунага ушверсггэта iмя А.А. Куляшова» навукова-метадычны часошс, №1(61), 2023, С.53-61.

3. Бабонова Е.Н. Проектирование методической системы подготовки педагогических кадров к использованию ИКТ в обучении в условиях становления компетентностного подхода// Вестник Омского государственного педагогического университета, 2007. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа 10.09.2023.

4. Морозова И.М., Кемеш О.Н., Лобанок Л.В. Электронное портфолио как инструмент управления качеством обучения // Материалы I Международной научно-методической конференции «Обеспечение качества образования: состояние, проблемы и перспективы», г. Минск, 2.02.2023, C.445-449.

5. Когнитивное обучение: виды обучения, гид по образованию / Google. [сайт]. https://dzen.ru/media/cognifit/kognitivnoe-obuchenie-vidy-obucheniia-gid-po-obrazovaniiu-5aa8f17b48c85ec771be1366 (дата обращения 01.10.2023 г.)

© Морозова И.М., Кемеш О.Н., Нипарко Н.С., 2023

УДК 37

Мыратдурдыева Н.Н.,

Старший преподаватель Джумаев Р.М., Студент Аманов А.М.,


Туркменский государственный институт финансов BASICS OF TRAINING OF PEDAGOGICAL STAFF Keywords:

pedagogical experts, scientific research, process

Training of teacher specialists is an urgent problem of the education modernization system. Modern national education is characterized by ensuring the harmonious integration of each Turkmen into the international educational space, achieving educational standards and the formation of a single market for it. The main principles of the Bologna process, used in most countries of the world, determine the direction of professional education, the outcome of the student in the form of basic skills acquired after the bachelor's or master's degree. Vocational training is considered as the main field of vocational training. The content of professional training is to form important skills for teachers who are skilled in their work, who know their profession well, who are able to work effectively in their field, to master the world standards aimed at their continuous professional development, and to have free access to cultural contacts in their profession.

The formation of a market for educational services and establishing a relationship with it is a long-term, complex, multifaceted task. It is closely related to socio-economic, political, legal, psychological-pedagogical, organizational and management issues. However, the global market for professional education services is expanding. Therefore, developing countries face the task of achieving a high level of supply of the market of educational services with the most qualified specialists. The concept of "competitiveness" is also a characteristic feature of the educational services market. From this point of view, training of future teachers, ensuring further improvement of the quality of education emerges as a general problem of modern pedagogy. Therefore, the modern pedagogy system acts as the main tool for "building our future".

In this regard, the content of the teacher's education requires the formation of the most important qualities of a creative, competitive personality. Fundamental ideas and scientific ideas related to the solution of these requirements have been expressed in special scientific works. In accordance with national and international practices, scientists have carried out scientific works dedicated to the unique features of training pedagogical staff. It would be appropriate to mention the scientific works of Turkmen scientists R.Nazarov, Sh.Khaljanov, G.Pirliev, B.Basarov and the methodological works prepared jointly by A.Gurbanov, L.Gurbanova, M.Toraeva. The scientific works of E. P. Belozersev, M. J. Wilensky, G. G. Vorobyov, V. G. Goncharov, I. A. Kolesnikova, E. A. Levanova, M. M. Levina, L. V. Levchuk, N. E. Mazhar, V. A. Slasteni and others are dedicated to determining the scientific basis of training of pedagogical specialists today. Their works provide reliable scientific information about the importance of the social and cultural environment in accordance with the modern directions of economic and political development related to the fourth industrial revolution, the role of education in modern social development, the ways of its development, the characteristics and professional characteristics of a pedagogue. Scientific studies have come to clear conclusions about the importance of the issue of professional training of future teachers. A systematic approach to the problem of continuous implementation of teacher education is promoted in the scientific works and theoretical opinions of scientists such as L.P. Depsames, V.A. Kuznesov, L.K. Pinkuleva, T.A. Smolina. The formation of a solid foundation of regional education in the country and the development of the national economy to high levels are conditioned by ensuring the professional development of education workers. Special works devoted to the scientific theory and practical experience of continuous training of pedagogic staff at the higher education level have also been written. These problems are thoroughly investigated in the works of scientists such as L.A. Volovich, R.H. Gilmeeva, E.M. Ibrahimova, A.A. Kirsanov, V.Sh. Maslennikova, G.V. Muhametzhanova, Z.G. Nimatov, N.A. Polovnikov. They can be considered as scientific works that indicate the specific directions of training pedagogic staff in higher education. They determine the direction of modern teacher education and scientifically justify the need for creativity in the educational process, the scientific content of the teaching process, the purposefulness of the teacher's work, and his high level as a competitive individual.

The analysis of scientific literature shows that, despite the fact that there are studies, the interest of Turkmen scientists in this issue is also high. Because the attention paid to the education system in our country is increasing every year, as well as the importance of developing pedagogic education, scientific perspectives in this field are also needed. In today's information age, in the era of high-speed development of innovative technologies, the development of science, the attraction of talented young people to scientific work, and the creation of favorable conditions for the development of creativity and intellectual abilities are constantly being carried out. Since intellectual potential is the basis of technological capabilities and material well-being in the sustainable development of the country, the intellectual education, knowledge and creative qualities of students should be continuously developed. The modern education policy is aimed at the formation of the requirements of the time - the development of a thorough understanding of the world, free thinking, flexibility to the rapidly changing socio-economic, technological and information resources of the world. References:

1. Gurbanov A. Gurbanova L., Torayeva M. Methodology of teaching English. An experimental textbook for

teaching professions. - Ashgabat, 2010.

2. Zalyalova A.G. Regional model of training of pedagogical personnel in the conditions of the educational cluster. Abstract Diss.

на соискание fly. step sugar ped. science - Kazan, 2010.

3. Yuzlikaev F.R. Methodology intensification of didactic preparation for the bachelor's degree. - Tashkent: "Jahon PRINT", 2007.

© Мыратдурдыева Н.Н., Джумаев Р.М., Аманов А.М., 2023

УДК 373.24

Петрович И.В.,

учитель-логопед, Героева Н.Л.,

старший воспитатель МБДОУ «Детский сад№125» г. Чебоксары, Россия



В статье раскрыты возможности использования учителем-логопедом игровой технологии в процессе познавательной деятельности.

Ключевые слова:

технология игрового обучения, шарики Марблс, камешки кабошоны.

Результаты диагностического обследования детей старшего дошкольного возраста, проведённого показали, что у 56% детей нарушена мелкая моторика, зрительное восприятие и пространственная ориентировка, отсутствует мотивация к обучению.

Всем известно, что несовершенство одной из данных функций затрудняет овладение графомоторными навыками, письмом и рядом других учебных и трудовых навыков. Поэтому перед нами была поставлена задача поиска современных эффективных форм и методов работы, развивающей технологии, отвечающей интересам детей.

В настоящее время в логопедической практике используется множество инновационных технологий. Из всего арсенала существующих инновационных технологий в логопедической практике, мы остановили свой выбор именно на технологии игрового обучения Марблс. И этот выбор не случайный, так технология игрового обучения Марблс - это одна из известных и распространённых педагогических систем.

Одной из главных причин внедрения Марблс технологии в коррекционно-образовательный процесс было введение федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов, которые предполагают использование новых развивающих технологий в образовательном процессе. Всем нам известно, что важнейшей отличительной особенностью стандартов нового поколения является системно-деятельностный подход, предполагающий чередование практических и умственных действий ребёнка [1].

Такой подход легко реализовать в образовательной среде Марблс, так как конструкторы Марблс

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