Научная статья на тему 'Bashkir traditional game “Blind man’s buff in circles” (“Khepelek dairehen”) as the means of emotional and physical state improvement among students'

Bashkir traditional game “Blind man’s buff in circles” (“Khepelek dairehen”) as the means of emotional and physical state improvement among students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
traditional outdoor games / traditions / culture / students / higher education establishment / physical culture and sport elective disciplines (modules)

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Liliya F. Ismagilova, Ilsiyar Sh. Mutaeva, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova

The article considers Bashkir traditional outdoor game “Blind man’s buff in circles” (“Khepelek dairehen”) as the means of students’ emotional and physical state effectiveness increase. Gaming technique is the most popular in pre-school education, at schools and higher educational establishments. Games include historical roots of mankind. They describe traditions and culture of a nationality, show its strong and weak sides. Traditional outdoor Bashkir game “Blind man’s buff in circles” (“Khepelek dairehen”) has the following pedagogical value: it provides such physical quality development, as quickness of reaction and personal qualities of people; provides accuracy of movements formation; develops spatial orientation and dexterity. The aim of the research. Theoretically substantiate and practically check the effectiveness of Bashkir traditional outdoor game “Blind man’s buff in circles” (“Khepelek dairehen”), as the way of emotional and physical state improvement among the students. Materials and methods. Experimental substantiation of the traditional outdoor games effectiveness inclusion at elective physical culture lessons (modules) on the basis of higher educational establishments. 50 students of the 2nd course (foreign languages department) at Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University took part in the research. Results. In the experimental group at physical culture lessons of elective disciplines (modules) we realized Bashkir traditional outdoor game “Blind man’s buff in circles” (“Khepelek dairehen”). We estimated the level of physical and emotional state of students. In the experimental group after outdoor games realization we saw emotional and physical state improvement. Conclusion. Traditional outdoor games use at elective lessons provides emotional and physical state improvement and students’ interconnection improvement among coevals. It gets students acquainted with the peculiarities of own nation culture.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Bashkir traditional game “Blind man’s buff in circles” (“Khepelek dairehen”) as the means of emotional and physical state improvement among students»

UDC: 794.8

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-3-88-94

Bashkir traditional game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") as the means of emotional and physical state improvement among students

Liliya F. Ismagilova'*, Ilsiyar Sh. Mutaeva', ZinaidaM. Kuznetsova2

1Yelabuga Institute (branch) of "Kazan (Volga region) Federal University"

Yelabuga, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-0392-0534, Nastia2014ism@yandex.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-9387-7033, mutaeva-i@mail.ru 2Tchaikovskiy Academy of Physical Education and Sport Tchaikovskiy, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474X, kzm_diss@mail.ru

Abstract: The article considers Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") as the means of students' emotional and physical state effectiveness increase. Gaming technique is the most popular in pre-school education, at schools and higher educational establishments. Games include historical roots of mankind. They describe traditions and culture of a nationality, show its strong and weak sides. Traditional outdoor Bashkir game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") has the following pedagogical value: it provides such physical quality development, as quickness of reaction and personal qualities of people; provides accuracy of movements formation; develops spatial orientation and dexterity. The aim of the research. Theoretically substantiate and practically check the effectiveness of Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen"), as the way of emotional and physical state improvement among the students. Materials and methods. Experimental substantiation of the traditional outdoor games effectiveness inclusion at elective physical culture lessons (modules) on the basis of higher educational establishments. 50 students of the 2nd course (foreign languages department) at Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University took part in the research. Results. In the experimental group at physical culture lessons of elective disciplines (modules) we realized Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen"). We estimated the level of physical and emotional state of students. In the experimental group after outdoor games realization we saw emotional and physical state improvement. Conclusion. Traditional outdoor games use at elective lessons provides emotional and physical state improvement and students' interconnection improvement among coevals. It gets students acquainted with the peculiarities of own nation culture.

Keywords: traditional outdoor games, traditions, culture, students, higher education establishment, physical culture and sport elective disciplines (modules).

For citation: Liliya F. Ismagilova, Ilsiyar Sh. Mutaeva, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova. Bashkir traditional game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") as the means of emotional and physical state improvement among students. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(3): 71-77. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-88-94 .


Game is a unique invention of mankind. Games include historical roots of mankind. They describe traditions and culture of a nationality, show its strong and weak sides [1]. During games a lot of emotions, physical activities are realized. From the point of view of psychophysiology emotions are defined as brain reflection of the need and need satisfaction volume during the game. It can cause great amount of positive emotions and physical satisfaction. Game from the point of view of physiology is a balanced system between the need and ability of physical satisfaction. The need for

causing positive emotions at physical culture lessons is the base for game activity realization. It is directed toward emotional outburst. It can provide readiness for activity formation. One and the same game, from time to time organized during the lessons, has new outcome with unexpected motor actions of players. Traditional games have national specificity. It is always connected with the initiative moment of motor objectives realization. That is why there can't be two opinions in terms of traditional outdoor games inclusion into physical culture lesson. Games help to solve not only social problems, but also increase the interest of students in their content.

Different traditional games organization at elective physical culture and sport lessons helps to preserve emotional orientation toward further work. Games realization at the beginning or the end of the lesson doesn't demand great physical and psychic effort, but the training and upbringing effect is significant.

Historical aspect of Bashkir traditional outdoor games initiation is the process of Bashkir nation vital activity. Considering the history of Bashkir traditional outdoor games initiation we can define that Bashkir nation originates from Old Turkic tribes. They lived in Sayan -Altaic highlands, Central Asia, Southern Siberia and Central Asia. In Transurals ancient Bashkir nation was close to Finno-Ugric, Iranian, Sarmat-Alanian population. If we consider earlier periods of Bashkir traditional outdoor game development, we see that their roots are far in the XI-XIII century. There ancient Bashkir nation had close interaction with Bulgars and Kipchaks. It influenced the culture and language of Bashkir nation, caused great changes in life and as a result, we see great amount of Bashkir traditional outdoor games classification. The changes were not only in social works, bit also creative activity: the whole range of Bashkir traditional outdoor games disappeared, but instead of them new ones appeared. [2, 5].

Speaking about the history of Bashkir traditional outdoor games development we can say that life conditions of Bashkir nation played great role, as they demanded good physical fitness both among adults and oncoming generation [3, 4, 5]. During scientific-methodical sources analysis we revealed that adults trained their children for severe life conditions since childhood. That is why we can define that Bashkir children were disciplined, dexterous, smart and the most important thing, active since childhood. They were taught horseback riding, archery, wrestling [3, 4, 5].

The aim of the research: theoretically substantiate and practically check the effectiveness of Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen"), as the way of emotional and physical state improvement among the students.

Materials and methods

The research was organized on the basis of Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University in Yelabuga since March, 1, 2022 till May, 31, 2022. 50 people took part in the research, girls didn't get additional physical load during the whole period of the research.

Examined groups:

- the 1st group (control) - the 2nd course students- 25 people (girls). The students of this group trained according to track and field program.

- the 2nd group (experimental) - the 2nd course students- 25 people (girls). The students of this group trained according to track and field program using Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") at the lessons.

Research results and Discussion

At elective physical culture and sport lessons (modules) educational, health-improving and upbringing objectives are realized and it demands correct traditional outdoor games selection. Games help to strengthen the definite, directed influence on physical qualities and skills development. They are necessary for students. Games can be organized during the academic year, taking into account the stages of teaching, physical fitness of students. One of the forms of students' psychological readiness for examinations can be traditional games application. There in terms of competitions students improve physical qualities, increase working capacity, model psychological stereotype of victory and train emotions, moral-volitional qualities. They further help to cope with psychological tension. A student faces it while studying and during the exams. During the games emotions and skills are formed. It is important for the future professional activity.

Traditional outdoor games nowadays are widely used at physical culture lessons and have positive influence not only on physical fitness formation, but on emotional state. Games are popular among preschool children, schoolchildren and students [1, 6].

Let's consider Bashkir traditional outdoor games by the example of "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek daireden") game. According to information sources, there are a lot of kinds of "Blind man's buff" outdoor game. It is one of the most favorite games among people of different age. We can state that all children at least once played this game. The main distinctive feature of this game is that the game leader plays with his eyes closed. His main aim is to catch the rest of the players during the game. In other countries this game is called "Blind hen", "Blind fly", "Blind cow" and etc.. Moreover, this game has a lot of kinds and the difference is in the rules of organization.

As the most popular analogues of this game we can consider such game as "Blind man's buff - hide-and-seek" (in other words "Cowboys and Indians" [Kazaki razboiniki]).

Classification of traditional outdoor games "Blind man's buff":

1. "simple blind man's buff" - with the help of a counting rhyme or tossing a coin the leader of the game is chosen. Other participants blindfold him or her, after that the leader is rolled around his axis and let him go. The aim of the leader is to catch one of the players, who run away from him, and guess the

person he caught. If the leader guesses the person he caught, they exchange the roles. If he didn't guess, the game continues.

2. "Blind cock " - this variant is similar "Simple blind man's buff", however, here the leader of the game sits on the bench, other players spin him around and say: "Farewell, blind cock!", after that they run away. The aim of the leader is to catch one of the players and guess the person he caught. If the leader guesses the person he caught, they exchange the roles. If he didn't guess, the game continues.

3. "Blind man's buff", or "AHD" (A - alive, H -half-dead, D - dead). The aim of the game leader is to catch one of the players, who run away and guess the person he caught. If the leader guesses the person he caught, they exchange the roles. If he didn't guess, the game continues. The rules of the game: before the game a big circle is drawn (depending on the amount of the players). The players spin the leader of the game; when the leader stops, children stand in the drawn circle. It is forbidden to leave the borders of the circle. If the leader of the game choses "A" ("Alive"), the players can move in the borders of the circle. If the leader choses "H", the players, to whom the leader gets closer, can make 10 steps off the leader, selecting any direction. If the leader of the game says "D", the players can't move.

4. "Blind man's buff with the bell" - the leader of the game has to catch a person with the bell in his hands.

5. "Blind man's buff with the voice" - similar to "Simple blind man's buff". The difference is in the fact that all players form the circle and hold their hands. The leader of the game is in the center. After some time, when the players move in the circle, the leader says "Stop", points to one of the players and this player comes up to the leader and says one phrase. The aim of the leader is to guess the person according his or her voice. If the leader guesses the person he caught, they exchange the roles. If he didn't guess, the game continues.

There is a great amount of popular Bashkir traditional games. One of them is Bashkir traditional game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen").

Description: Amount of players: 3-30 people. For the game we need specially equipped sports ground or a gym with good covering and illumination, in order to prevent traumatism during the game. Implements: a kerchief or a scarf, empty sheets of paper.

Preparation before Bashkir traditional game

"Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") organization. At the beginning of the game, with the help of tossing, we choose the leader of the game and blindfold him or her (a kerchief or a scarf). Under the kerchief we put clean sheet of paper, so the leader couldn't see anything. After that we define the territory, where the people will play. While somebody blindfolds the leader other players prepare a circle for themselves (draw not big circles around themselves). The players choose themselves the place, where they draw a circle, the distance between the circles and the direction.

The game begins with the command of a teacher. The leader of the game starts to move on the territory. There the circles of the players are ready. When the leader of the game moves the players should exchange their places (circles), moving from one circle to another. As soon as the leader comes close to the players, they have to freeze (during this moment they can't exchange the places (circles)). The aim of the leader is to find the players with the help of hands (double arms). The players in the circles can bend, turn away, squat, but should observe the rules - they shouldn't lose contact with the ground. The aim of the game leader is to tell the name of a player, whom he found. If the leader guesses the name of the player, they exchange the roles and the game continues. If the leader tells wrong name, the caught player without saying a word claps hands and runs from circle to circle (gives the sign that the leader was wrong). After that the leader tries to find the next player [4, 5].


1. The leader of the game, who three times in a row tells wrong name, should be changed for another player.

2. The players, who are in the circles and who violate the rules (who don't stop after the leader comes close to them), become the leaders of the game [4, 5].

We estimated the motional state and physical readiness of the female students from Yelabuga Institute (branch) of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (foreign languages department) during the period since March, 1, 2022 till May, 31, 2022.

Pictures 1 and 2 present the results concerning health state, activity and mood (at the beginning and the end of the lessons). They demonstrate the average indices of emotional state among female students.

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Fig.1. Emotional state estimation among female students at the beginning of the lessons

On the basis of the received results we come to the conclusion that at the beginning of the lessons

the indices in both groups were almost at one level.

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Fig. 2. Emotional state estimation among female students at the end of the lessons

On the basis of the received results we come to the conclusion that at the end of the lessons health state, activity and mood of the students, who studied according to the experimental program-using traditional games, became higher, than in the group, where students studied according to track-

and-field program.

Fig. 2 and 4 present physical fitness results among female students of the 2nd course in both groups, received during the period since March, 1, 2022 till May, 31, 2022.

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Fig. 3. The average indices of physical fitness among female students of the 2nd course in both groups during the period since March, 1, 2022 till March, 15, 2022

Fig. 3 shows that physical fitness indices of the 2nd course female students in both examined groups at the beginning of the research were almost at one level.

Fig. 4 presents physical fitness indices of the 2nd course students in both groups during the period since May, 15,2022 till May, 31, 2022.

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ID 5


m jun

LOO in rim LQOO m run

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Fig. 4. The average indices of physical fitness among female students of the 2nd course in

during the period since May, 15, 2022 till May, 31, 2022

both groups

The received results prove that physical readiness of female students in both groups increased. The indices in test exercises of the 2nd course students increased more significantly, than the average indices of the 1st course students. They trained according to track-and-field program.

Taking into account the received results we come to the conclusion that traditional games have the right to get the status of game-test not only for physical fitness, but also emotional state of students determination, as their use as a game-test in order to reveal the definite traits of character, qualities and features of a personality, helps to define the potential for the specificity of the kind of activity. It characterizes their future profession.

We don't exclude the possibility to use traditional games as control tests in sports practice. There, in our opinion, the features of a personality and psycho-emotional status of the students are demonstrated.


Thus, traditional outdoor games use at elective physical culture and sport lessons (modules) on the basis of higher educational establishments would have a positive influence both on the dynamics of physical readiness and emotional state of students.

Methodical recommendations concerning Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") organization: this Bashkir traditional outdoor game should be held in class, the group of the players. They know each other very well (study together, train, communicate not only at an educational establishment).

In case of the game repetition additional rules can be included:

- time of the game organization can be defined;

- time of the round for each leader can be defined;

- it is possible to change the amount of the game leaders, depending on general amount of the players.

If there are a lot of players the game can be organized in several places, on several grounds. Judges can be the students. They watch how the players observe the rules.

Pedagogical significance of Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen"):

- provides quickness of reaction development;

- provides players' personal qualities development;

- provides accuracy of movements formation;

- provides spatial orientation development;

- provides dexterity development among the students.

Bashkir traditional outdoor game "Blind man's buff in circles" ("Khepelek dairehen") can be organized both in a gym and outdoors, during the lessons and as an extracurricular activity, for example, during sports-mass events during the holidays and etc., and during the main part of the lesson.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

4. Kuznetsova Z.M. Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij fizicheskoj kul'tury "Narodnye igry na urokah fizichreskoj kul'tury [Educational manual for the students of physical culture higher educational establishments "Traditional games at physical culture lessons". 1996: 160 [In Russ.].

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Submitted: 27.07.2022 Author's information:

Liliya F. Ismagilova - Lecturer's assistant, Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, 423600, Russia, Yelabuga, Kazanskaya str., House 89, e-mail: Nastia20i4ism@ yandex.ru

Ilsiyar Sh. Mutaeva - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, 423600, Russia, Yelabuga, Kazanskaya str., House 89. e-mail: mutaeva-i@mail.ru

Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Tchaykovskiy State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, 617764, Russia, Tchaykovskiy, Lenin str., House 67, e-mail: kzm diss@mail.ru

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