ATTENTION TO THE EDUCATION OF STUDENTS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Creative activity / education / youth / pedagogical skill / scientific activity / scientific approach / methodological method. / Творческая деятельность / образование / молодежь / педагогическое мастерство / научная деятельность / научный подход / методический метод.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rakhimova, Mashkhura

In this article, the importance of education in our country and the role of scientific activity in the organization of methods of organizing students' scientific activity. It is emphasized that as a way of directing young people to scientific activity, it helps them to present themselves to the scientific community, to gain experience in scientific discussions and roundtable discussions.

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В данной статье рассматривается значение образования в нашей стране и роль научной деятельности в организации методов организации научной деятельности студентов. Подчеркивается, что как способ направления молодежи к научной деятельности она помогает им презентовать себя научному сообществу, приобрести опыт научных дискуссий и круглых столов.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7



Rakhimova Mashkhura

Senior teacher of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi Phone: +99 890 9429868


In this article, the importance of education in our country and the role of scientific activity in the organization of methods of organizing students' scientific activity. It is emphasized that as a way of directing young people to scientific activity, it helps them to present themselves to the scientific community, to gain experience in scientific discussions and roundtable discussions.

Keywords.Creative activity, education, youth, pedagogical skill, scientific activity, scientific approach, methodological method.


В данной статье рассматривается значение образования в нашей стране и роль научной деятельности в организации методов организации научной деятельности студентов. Подчеркивается, что как способ направления молодежи к научной деятельности она помогает им презентовать себя научному сообществу, приобрести опыт научных дискуссий и круглых столов.

Ключевые слова: Творческая деятельность, образование, молодежь, педагогическое мастерство, научная деятельность, научный подход, методический метод.


In accordance with the tasks defined in the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy for 2022-2026 and the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the "Oliy Majlis" and the People of Uzbekistan, further raising the standard of living of the population, aligning the quality of education with advanced international standards, stable economic to take our growth and poverty reduction reforms to a new level andThe President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his address to the Oliy Majlis and the people of Uzbekistan, emphasized that improving the quality of education is the only right way to develop the new Uzbekistan. we see that attention is paid separately.

Therefore, we should continue the reforms we have started in this field, go to educational centers, communicate more with teachers and trainers, and jointly solve the issues raised by them to improve the quality of educational work. By 2023 He

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

said that he would propose naming it as "Year of attention to people and quality education" in our country. In his address to the parliament, the president emphasized the issue of education.It is not an exaggeration to say that this has opened a wide path for the interest in science among young people.

Improving the quality of education is the only correct way to the development of New Uzbekistan! It is not for nothing that they emphasized that we should continue the reforms we have started in this field, go to educational institutions, communicate more with teachers and trainers, and jointly solve the issues raised by them in terms of quality improvement. We believe that it can be a clear example of how we can build the future of Uzbekistan through education. We are trying to create all the necessary conditions for every person living in this country to live a peaceful and happy life, to be in good health, to get a good education, and to raise a family. we won't stop. We aim to build New Uzbekistan based on the principle of "social state". We must strengthen this in the Constitution.


Today, education of students of higher educational institutions with a new way of thinking, creative thinkers, and high spirituality is one of the most urgent problems facing our educational institutions. Solving such problems largely depends on the effective methods, tools and ways of their formation used in the educational process. So, it can be said that it depends on the professor-pedagogue to continuously implement the educational process at all stages in managing the activity of independent work of young people in educational institutions. For this, it is necessary to make it an urgent task to form the education of learning to work independently in educational institutions. In the system of pedagogical education and training, each subject exerts its influence for certain purposes in the formation of the spirituality of students and young people. It is determined by the rules of ethics of students, the criteria for evaluating knowledge in subjects, internal procedures and regulations.In Uzbekistan, the state policy in this field and the concept of education reform are reflected in the new version of the Law "On Education" adopted by the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 29, 1997, and in the National Personnel Training Program. foundScientific research, which is an important component of education, is a factor influencing the change of human worldview, combining theoretical ideas with practice, and promoting the development of society. Improving the process of scientific activity that creates creative forces and abilities of students will help them to become mature specialists. This makes it necessary to analyze the methods of organizing scientific research activities.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

Logical methods such as historicity and logic, analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison were used in the study of issues of organization of students' scientific research.

Adoption of the new version of the Law "On Education" in Uzbekistan, increasing attention to the effective use of mechanisms to ensure the balance of science, education and production, Presidential schools of a completely new content and form, Creativity schools, new higher educational institutions, branches of prestigious foreign universities, training of personnel under the joint educational program was launched in cooperation with leading foreign universities. In the Concept of the development of higher education until 2030, the acquisition of research skills and qualifications of future specialists in their fields is listed among the strategic tasks of the development of higher education. VVKrayevsky emphasizes scientific research as a "systematic, purposeful" phenomenon. The scientific research process, which is a special form of creativity, has its own methodological character. It is manifested in the extent to which the subject knows the phenomena of existence. In the process of scientific research, the subject has an active, consistent influence on the object, creates or discovers something new. Orientation of students to scientific research work can be done in two ways: the first is directly during the course of the lesson: organization of problem lessons in seminars, practical training classes, setting problematic tasks and encouraging them to solve them, within the scope of students' specialization or a subject achieve the creation of educational projects; - the second is a logical continuation of the lesson, carrying out educational and research activities outside the classroom: independent work, essays, coursework, scientific, educational and research work, performances at Olympiads and exhibitions and participate in conferences with scientific articles. In addition, conferences play an important role in directing students to research work. Scientific work - (academic conference in English) is a form of organization of scientific activity, in which scientists, researchers, students present and discuss their work. Participation in conferences and other scientific forums helps researchers and students to present themselves to the scientific community, to gain experience in scientific discussions and debates, to sharpen their speech, to prepare for speaking and answering questions during scientific seminars and dissertation defenses. It also allows popularization of their scientific research. It should be remembered that conferences and other scientific forums are an event that consists in discussing issues in a certain field of science and jointly searching for ways to solve problems. Conferences can be held in various forms: the public gathers in a certain place and at a certain time to listen to reports and discuss them; students post their work on the portal, we can see that the

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

discussion takes place remotely. Preparation for scientific works is useful for students, because the student goes deeper into the topic of research, acquires new knowledge. The scientific-practical conference program for students in different cities and educational institutions may differ, but there is a certain procedure for organizing the event, which consists of: introduction, opening of the event; greeting conference participants; scientific documents; Discussions are divided into sections, and general conclusions and suggestions are given on this basis. Each speaker will be given up to half an hour for his speech. After the speech of the last participant, there will be a discussion in the section. Based on the work results of all departments, the overall result is summarized. Field trips are often included in research programs.

It should be noted that participation in scientific work gives students many opportunities. Firstly, they will have the experience of lecturing and defending their point of view in front of a large audience, scientists, secondly, in the process of regular speeches, the student will be able to develop public speaking skills, thirdly, correcting mistakes, and fourthly, ambiguities during the question-and-answer process. or doubtful opinions are shown, fifthly, the student will have the opportunity to identify and correct the mistakes made in the research, sixthly, he can make new friends among like-minded people at public events, seventhly, useful cooperation that will be useful in the future and It is also possible to have contacts and conclude commercial contracts.

Scientific-practical conferences are aimed at discussing practical tasks, unlike scientific works. Such conferences help students learn how to apply theory in practice. Participation of young researchers in scientific conferences allows their work to reach a wider audience. This will lead students to work on their speech more carefully, and their speaking skills will be sharpened. During the conference, the student can see his work from a general scientific point of view and draw appropriate conclusions for himself. Traditional student conferences organized in higher education institutions are of great importance. Through this, students' interest and ability in scientific activity is determined, students' passion for science increases. "Scientific-research activity gives a person practical help in self-awareness, self-evaluation, that is, if a person wants to be a real scientist, he can manage his passions and aspirations, make rational, effective and optimal decisions. should be engaged in heuristic activities that serve goodness. The result of such activity is manifested as discovery, creativity.

In conclusion, it should be noted that for the implementation of state policy in the field of higher education, in our opinion, first of all, the development of the integration of science, education and production, innovations in the field of education and the active policy of the state in the field of youth and relying on it implemented

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reforms are yielding significant results; secondly, to further develop the priorities of the reform of the higher education system of our country, in which the level of coverage in higher educational institutions expand and improving the quality of education, introducing digital technologies and educational platforms, attracting young people to scientific activities, forming innovative structures, commercializing the results of scientific research, achieving international recognition and many other specific directions based on foreign experiences. should be considered. Thirdly, especially while preserving the existing opportunities in the educational system, the process of renewal in the field of education was started on the basis of the national educational system. This indicates that it serves to further improve the system of training highly qualified national personnel in our country.


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