Научная статья на тему 'Asomiddin Hudayberdiev. Uzbekistan: problems of youth protection from harmful information in the context of globalization (socio-philosophical analysis)'

Asomiddin Hudayberdiev. Uzbekistan: problems of youth protection from harmful information in the context of globalization (socio-philosophical analysis) Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Hudayberdiev Asomiddin

Under current conditions, the problems of information threats have been updated in the context of globalization of information processes, the rapid development and domination of information technologies, which allow politicians to exploit the information space, as well as the process of interaction between mass communications and their audience.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Asomiddin Hudayberdiev. Uzbekistan: problems of youth protection from harmful information in the context of globalization (socio-philosophical analysis)»

communities in the Omsk region, focused on immigrants from Kazakhstan, lead to the fact that the border regions, including the Omsk region, are affected in the first place.

Author of the abstract - Elena Dmitrieva


Keywords: information security, globalization, informatization, information society.

Asomiddin Hudayberdiev,

Applicant at the National Ideology Department The National University of Uzbekistan

Abstract. Under current conditions, the problems of information threats have been updated in the context of globalization of information processes, the rapid development and domination of information technologies, which allow politicians to exploit the information space, as well as the process of interaction between mass communications and their audience.

Problems related to the process of informatization in the context of globalization and its impact on the population world view, especially its young part, are studied by many scholars, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, teachers and researchers from other fields, as well as many foreign and Uzbek scientists performing research in this direction

As we know, the nowadays development of a global information-oriented society all over the world is intense, and more and more countries contribute to this process. At the same

time, the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the basis of a long-term development strategy at a high level, develops information systems and accomplishes a purpose of ranking among the most developed countries with high scientific and intellectual potential of the population. Sensitization of society and technological development require of young people to have deep knowledge and new abilities, a broad world view and specific thinking that guarantee adaptation to changes and allow them to take rightful place in society.

Acceleration of informatization processes in a number of countries points at the incomplete readiness of a human himself, especially a young one, to use effectively the means and methods of obtaining, processing, learning and applying of a large amount of information. The Internet has an impact on the consciousness of the young, who always read news with interest, get various referral information from the Internet. Intruders, knowing that the young are interested in the Internet, use it masterfully.

The globalization processes currently taking place on the world level have created unprecedented opportunities for the development of all mankind, especially the young part. First of all, today we are witnessing new heights in science and technology, modern information and communication technologies, which open borders between different countries and contribute a lot to the development of cooperation and integration. But we should not forget that such achievements are used as ideological weapons simultaneously for the implementation of projects of certain political forces with great power and financial capabilities.

Today, perception of the reality of such attempts, their negative long-term consequences and the prevention of such dangers primarily for young people has primary importance (Karimov 2009:5-6). We cannot be indifferent to the fact that in the modern globalized world there are elements that negatively affect consciousness of the young. Various ideological threats, information attacks arising in a single information space, can seriously damage the consciousness of the young generation. Now

one of the main goals is to focus on protecting the younger generation from these aggressive threats. Indeed, globalization is a general process of the world scale, arising as a consciousness of man, as a result of his thinking, and if it's permissible, another test for the mankind.

Today, some of the world's powerful states are trying to dominate the process of globalization implementing their national interests. It is a form of interest, aspect, sphere, direction, variety (Rasulov 2008:8-9). In this regard, special attention is paid to the development of a culture of information consumption among students and young people. Under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on March 19, 2019 there was held a meeting on issues of closer attention to young people: wide involvement of them in culture, art, sports, introduction of skills of competent use of information technologies, promotion of reading. At the meeting, the head of Uzbekistan launched 5 important initiatives to establish work in social, spiritual and educational spheres on the basis of the new system:

- raising interest of young people to music, painting, literature, theatre and other types of art, formation of talents.

- creation of necessary conditions for physical development of young people, manifestation of their abilities in sports.

- organization of efficient use of computer technologies and the Internet among young people.

- organization of systematic work to increase the spirituality of young people, wide promotion of reading.

- the problem of women 's employment.

At the moment, more than 800 cultural centers and 312 schools of music and art in Uzbekistan have 130 thousand boys and girls, most of whom are provided with work books, music score, but the provision of musical instruments, furniture and equipment is not sufficient yet. About 30% of Uzbekistan's population is made up of young men and women between the ages of 14 and 30. All conditions for their education and professional training have been created. The better the young

people are morally developed, the stronger their immunity to various foreign illusions will be.

The second half of the 20th century is a period of information systems and telecommunication technologies development, which have penetrated almost all spheres of life and human activity, as well as the era of globalization of the information space. Article 4 of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On Informatization clearly defines the state policy in the field of informatization, which is aimed at the development and improvement of information resources, information technologies and information systems for the establishment of a national information system, taking into account modern world principles for its improvement. The main public policy in the field of informatization is:

- exercise of the constitutional right of everyone for free getting and dissemination of information and providing free access to information resources;

- creation of a single information space of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of information systems of public authorities, network and territorial information systems, as well as information systems of entities and persons;

- international information networks and Internet access to the World Wide Web;

- formation of state information resources, creation and development of information systems, providing their compatibility and interaction;

- management of modern information technology aids;

- information technology development;

- promotion of the information resources, services and information technology market;

- stimulation the production development of software products;

- support and stimulation of entrepreneurship, creation of favorable conditions for attracting investments;

- training and development of personnel, stimulation of scientific research (Adolat 2008:50).

Furthermore, in recent years, information resources have been actively used as a space for achieving interstate, geopolitical goals. Therefore, especially in the conditions of an open information system, the importance of problems solution connected with information, information and psychological bodily security, society and state increases. As Islam Karimov noted: "Our people sincerely, naively and surely look at what is said in the press, on television, on the radio. Information and analysis centers, which work against us externally, also try to take advantage of this" (Karimov 2008:46).

As a result of information and communication technologies development, various ideological threats have emerged in the world, which can have a negative impact on the spirituality of all mankind, including the Uzbek people. Along with positive aspects, globalization has contributed to a number of serious challenges and threats. Depending on the origin and ways to overcome them, global problems can be divided into three groups:

The first group is the problems that people associate with the nature of an organized society, that is, the complex of different interests of the countries of the region (for example, the problems of East-West, South-North, developed and developing countries), in other words, those that generate conflicts in international social processes and relations.

The second group includes problems that characterize the relationships that arise in the human system and society to which it belongs.

The third one includes problems caused by relations within the "society-nature" system (Zhuraev 2008:397-398).

Under globalization, security changes qualitatively. Due to the fact that the front of fighting takes place everywhere, simple defense is not enough now. Information easily passes through any protective barriers and is absorbed by public consciousness. Thus, "information security" is a protection of the information space that serves a person, citizen, state. To understand it correctly and fully, it's necessary to know what "information space" is. Information

about something can be complete or brief, impartial or biased, positive or negative, interesting or boring, relevant or outdated, useful or useless, etc. And the ability to distinguish real information from false information requires deep knowledge and experience.

It should be emphasized that in recent years, within the framework of threats that trespass against Uzbekistan's national security, the risks of information threats become more visible. These threats are based on the political interests of some states and forces, and the widespread opening its borders to the world promotes influence of some negative effects of globalization.

Uzbekistan's information security can be both internal and external. Internal security is divided into individual, public and state security. There are many areas of information security: political, economic, cultural, ecological, legal, technical, social, etc. Uzbekistan's external information security consists of global, continental and regional security. This includes the influence of political, economic, information and other external structures on our country. Information policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of foreign relations should consist of two main parts: firstly, information assurance for its foreign policy; secondly, international cooperation in the field of information security.

In its turn, an information attack is an effect focused on a person, an organization, a state, and its main purpose is to form political and social groups that will promote violation of the normal way of life of a person, an organization and a state. In fact, this is a phenomenon of social and psychological aspect.

According to experts in the 21st century, a number of countries and organizations, engaged in such information attacks, endanger other countries, make illegal transactions, for example, transfer of large amounts of money from one country to another to finance various organizations which activities are aimed at information and psychological effect on society, i.e., waging of information and psychological war.

It's necessary to avoid ideological vacuum in the consciousness of the young generation, to be deeply aware of the

essence and original cause of political, economic and cultural processes taking place in the world, to educate young people properly on authoritative information about the events around them, and ultimately, in accordance with their world view and civic position. For the forgoing reasons, Uzbekistan is making large-scale efforts to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, with pro-active attitude and who seek for acquiring of knowledge.

For creation and regulation of a legal mechanism of receiving and dissemination of information and the information and communication sphere in our country there were adopted 11 laws, 3 Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 40 resolutions, more than 600 secondary legislation and also a number of national programs were developed.

In the context of globalization, security changes qualitatively. Due to the fact that the front of fighting takes place everywhere, simple defense is not enough now. Information easily passes through any protective barriers and is absorbed by public consciousness. Thus, "information security" is a protection of the information space that serves a person, citizen, state.

It's impossible to stop globalization, it can be used only to benefit or inflict damages to states, societies and individuals. It is therefore necessary to consider ways of effective and beneficial use of information technologies. Today, information security consists not only in security support of computer networks and infrastructure, but also in protection of the single information space.

In conclusion it may be said that Uzbekistan has experience in protecting the spirituality and consciousness of young people from any harmful information threats. A deep understanding the implication and original cause of the political processes currently taking place at the height of the information war, obtaining reliable information about what is happening around, explaining to the inhabitants and, above all, to young people that any information attacks are based on color revolutions with demonstrations and riots, is becoming an important factor in countering information threats. The role and power of the media must also be taken into account.


1 N. Juraev. Tarih falsafasining nazarij asoslari [Philosophical history is theoretical basis]. Tashkent: Manaviyat, 2008. - P .397-398.

2. I. Karimov. Eng asosij mezon - ^ayot haKi^atini aks ettirish [The main thriller is to capture the reality of life]. Tashkent: yzbekiston, 2009. P. 5-6.

3. I. Karimov. YUksak manaviyat - engilmas kuch [High spirituality is an indispensable force]. Tashkent: Manaviyat, 2008. P. 46.

4. A. Rasulov. Global zharayonlar va manaviyat [Global processes and spirituality]. ZH. yzbekistan matbuoti. Toshkent, 2008. № 5-6. P. 8-9.

5. yzbekiston Respublikasining "Ahborotlashtirish tuFrisida" gi Konuni. Ahborot va ahborotlashtirishga oid normativ-hukukij huzhzhatlar typlami [Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Information Communication." Bulletin of normative and legal documents for information and communication]. Tashkent, "Adolat," 2008. - 50 P.

AZIZ NIYAZI. FOUNDER OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF CENTRAL ASIA. TO 150-ANNIVERSARY OF ACADEMICIAN V.V. BARTOLD // The article was written for the bulletin "Russia and the Moslem World."

DOI: 10.31249/rmw/2019.04.02

Keywords: academician V.V. Bart old, historical geography, Russian and Soviet Middle Eastern studies, theory of desiccation of Central Asia, the Aral Sea, the Caspian Sea, Amu-Darya, Central Asia, Turkestan, irrigation.

Aziz Niyazi,

PhD(History), Senior Research Associate,

Center for Central Asian, Caucasian and Volga-Urals Studies,

Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

Abstract. The article analyses the main historical and geographical works of academician V.V. Bartold of Central Asia, which are generally considered as a single comprehensive study

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