ART PEDAGOGY IN MODERN EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Проблемы науки
Область наук
Ключевые слова
art-pedagogy / technologies / personality / professional / position / purpose / carried / success

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nigmatova Mavdzhuda Makhmudovna, Mirzayeva Dilfuza Shavkatovna

solving the problem of using art as an effective way of self-exploration and creative self-development is one of the important tasks of modern pedagogy. The purpose of this article is to show the need to create an artistic and pedagogical space as an innovative environment for creative development and professional training of students of pedagogical universities. The article deals with the influence of art and art culture on the sensory-emotional sphere and the spiritual world of the individual; the state of art education in secondary schools in Uzbekistan.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ART PEDAGOGY IN MODERN EDUCATION»

Список литературы

1. Kadirov R.K., Shukurov R.S. The ways of the activization of the independent works nof the students in the educational platform moodle // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), 2020. Т. 9. № 5. С. 27-33.

2. Shukurov R.S. The development of a healthy culture of living for students-youngsters through physical education and sports as a pedagogical problem // ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2020. Т. 10. № 8. С. 629-634.

3. Шукуров Р.С. Талаба-ёшларни жисмоний тарбия ва спорт воситасида соглом турмуш маданиятини ривожлантириш педагогик муаммо сифатида // Интернаука, 2020. № 28. С. 85-86.

4. Зарипова Г.К., Сайидова Н.С., Жураев И.И., Журацулов Ж.Ж. Теория и практика системной организации духовно-просветительского воспитания учащихся профессиональных колледжей / Монография Москва: "Проблемы науки", 2021. 120 с. ISBN 978—1-64655-084-5.

5. Курбанов Дж.И., Джураева М.З. Физическая культура в эпохе Алишера Навои // Педагогическое образование и наука, 2020. № 1. С. 103-107.

6. Курбанов Дж.И., Абдуллаев Ш.Дж. Методологические подходы к изучению правил физической активности женского спорта // Научный журнал, 2019. № 6 (40). С. 88-90.

7. Shukurov R.S. The development of a healthy culture of living for students-youngsters through physical education and sports as a pedagogical problem //ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2020. Т. 10. № 8. С. 629-634.



'Nigmatova Mavdzhuda Makhmudovna - Senior Teacher; 2Mirzayeva Dilfuza Shavkatovna — Teacher, DEPARTMENT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: solving the problem of using art as an effective way of self-exploration and creative self-development is one of the important tasks of modern pedagogy. The purpose of this article is to show the need to create an artistic and pedagogical space as an innovative environment for creative development and professional training of students of pedagogical universities. The article deals with the influence of art and art culture on the sensory-emotional sphere and the spiritual world of the individual; the state of art education in secondary schools in Uzbekistan.

Keywords: art-pedagogy, technologies, personality, professional, position, purpose, carried, success.

The modern world is an era of innovation in which, without appropriate education, it is unlikely that you will be able to build a career, find a job and achieve significant success. And this is well understood by young people: more than a billion students are currently studying at universities around the world. This number also includes students of Uzbekistan. The education system is undergoing changes that represent the next stage in the formation of a new school. That is why there are significant changes in the approach to the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process: new content, new approaches, new rights, attitudes and behaviors, as well as a new pedagogical mentality are brought to the fore. Solving the problem of using art as a way of self-exploration and creative self-development is an important task of modern pedagogy. The attitude to highly artistic works of art and to their own products of creative activity as one of the effective factors of spiritual development the main part Even in ancient times, the great thinkers Aristotle, Democritus, Pythagoras, Plato defined art as the source of harmony and order not only in the entire universe, but also in the human soul. Komensky Ya.A., Pestalozzi I.G., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Tolstoy L.N., Ushinsky K.D. and others wrote about the pedagogical possibilities of art in their works. The arts occupy a special place among the leading components of the education strategy. Art is used in the educational process primarily in the direction of the emotional sphere of the individual, it enriches a person not only with knowledge, but also with thoughts, feelings and experiences; it offers aesthetic pleasure, educates

aesthetic taste. According to its content, art has a positive impact on the formation of personality: it enriches cognitive activity, develops the ability to perceive a person, expands his spiritual world, forms attitudes and assessments not only to works of art, but also to Art is not just the material and spiritual environment surrounding a person, in which he is formed and developed, it is a part of the person himself, the most important component of his personality. It is in art that the inner world of a person, the look inside himself and the external conditions of life, his ability to master the surrounding space are combined Melik-Pashayev A.A. is convinced that " in a society that claims to have a certain level of spirituality and culture, every person should receive the basics of artistic development, and it is impossible to provide this anywhere except in a general education school. A full-fledged art education preserves the integrity of the child's personal development... Therefore, the subject field of art-pedagogical influence is, first of all, the sensory-emotional sphere of the individual: the processes of perception and sensations, attention and mnemic memory, reflexive abilities and emotional-volitional regulation, nonverbal-communicative culture. In the study of art pedagogy as a science, the scientific works of N.Yu. Sergeeva are of interest, in which the formulation and justification of the introduction into scientific use of the concept of "art pedagogy" as "a modern direction of pedagogical science that studies the laws, mechanisms, principles, rules for including the means of art in the educational context for solving professional and pedagogical tasks"is given. According to Sergeeva N.Yu. " the subject of art pedagogy in general can be defined as the formation of a person by means of art and artistic activity in the educational space. Special attention in the scientific and pedagogical literature on art pedagogy in a modern university is paid to art-pedagogical education.

a) the cultural environment of learning and teaching, formed with the help of culture-intensive technologies and a variety of qualitative means of various disciplines of humanities and natural knowledge, as well as cultural components of the content of all training courses;

b) the cultural environment of their own active learning activities;

c) multicultural space of education in an educational institution;

d) cultural mass media-an environment of self-education;

e) cultural environment of communication between children and adults;

f) the cultural environment of the family;

g) cultural environment of children's and youth amateur activities;

h) cultural environment of additional education and cultural environment of self-development zones individuals (as an internal cultural space)".

Art pedagogy in a broad sense considers the student as a person who strives for self-realization and self-determination, building interaction with him on the basis of subject-subject relations. Such a relationship implies certain requirements that are put forward to the individual he modern teacher forms and develops the creative personality of the student, and does not just transfer knowledge and skills to him. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the creative component of the process of preparing the future teacher at the university, this will expand the boundaries of his professional competence. The main method in art pedagogy, focused on the development of the sensory-emotional and spiritual sphere of the student, the formation of his ethical and aesthetic immunity, morality, is the problem-dialogue method. Such a dialogue involves the search for joint solutions, and not just the exchange of information. With this form of communication, all its subjects (both the teacher and the student) are active, because each message is designed to interpret the interlocutor and return information in an enriched form. Emotional restraint, inner freedom, unobtrusiveness-the key to the success of such communication. In addition, the teacher must be able to improvise, be able to find new approaches, change stereotypes, and master public speaking thus, in the conditions of the art-pedagogical environment of education, the teacher needs a special, non-standard psychological readiness to work with students. In this regard, there is a need to review and change the content of pedagogical and psychological disciplines studied both at the university by future teachers, and in the system of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff. Scientists and teachers engaged in innovative solutions to problems in general and vocational education, note in addition to social and organizational problems that hinder the development of the pedagogical process in the innovative direction, the motivational unpreparedness of both university teachers and school teachers to implement innovative activities. Therefore, the experience of using the pedagogical potential of art is, unfortunately, spontaneous, episodic. In the curricula of training future teachers (we do not mean special education teachers) in the vast majority of universities.


1. Nigmatova M.M., Umarova G.U. Influence of the information space on the development of cognitive creative abilities of preschool children, 2020. № 12 (63).

2. Anisimov V.P. Artpedagogy as a system of psychological support of the educational process // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, 2003. № 4.

3. Gafurova D.H. The role of children's literature in the development of preschool children. № 12(63), 2020.

4. Bulatova O.S. Art-pedagogical approach in education. Tyumen, 2004. 230 p.

5. Kamilov G.A., Guzal R.K., Zorova S.D. Features of the formation of pedagogical skills of teachers of preschool educational institutions// Academy. № 5(56), 2020.

6. Hamroyev N.N., Hatamova I.W., Matniyazova S.B. The Characteristic features of the compliment as a speech genre etiquette// Academy. № 12 (63), 2020.

7. Mirzaev D.S., Rakhmatova D.H. Methods of speech development in the process of speech development in children // Academy. № 6(57), 2020.


Мухитдинова Нигора Мехриддиновна — преподаватель, кафедра теории и методики физического воспитания, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье анализируются формы и методы формирования здорового образа жизни в дошкольном образовании.

Ключевые слова: движение, бег, еда, гимнастика, ходьба.

«Забота о здоровье - это важнейший труд воспитателя. От жизнерадостности, бодрости детей зависит их духовная жизнь, мировоззрение, умственное развитие, прочность знаний, вера в свои силы», — считал В.А. Сухомлинский.

Жизнь - это система действий. Потребность в действии дана человеку от природы. Все процессы внутреннего мира ребенка (удовольствие, удивление, концентрация, творческий поиск и т.д.) Могут быть представлены действием. Познание мира через действие способствует всестороннему развитию ребенка и определяет его или ее готовность к систематическому обучению в школе. Движение открывает огромные возможности для творческого, художественного потенциала личности. Если ограничить двигательную активность, то недоразвитая двигательная память может привести к атрофии, что приводит к нарушению условных связей и снижению умственной активности. Недостаточная физическая активность ребенка приводит к недостатку познавательной активности, знаний, навыков, возникновению состояния мышечной пассивности и снижению работоспособности организма. Взаимодействие разных движений обеспечивает развитие речи, формирует умение читать, писать, считать. Развитие навыков движения пальцев зависит от навыков логического мышления, его скорости и эффективности. Недостаточно развитая моторика ребенка может затруднять ему общение с другими людьми. Поэтому богатство и бедность действий ребенка - характерная черта его познавательного развития, его творческого воображения. В настоящее время дети испытывают недостаток мобильности, потому что они проводят много времени в статистическом состоянии (за столами, телевизорами и компьютерами). Это приводит к утомлению некоторых групп мышц, что сказывается на осанке, искривлении позвоночника и плоскостопии.

Физическое воспитание дошкольников - сложный процесс. Хотя освоение техники управления изначально осуществлялось на специально организованный занятие физкультурой, привычка к определенному движению успешно формируется только в том случае, если управление происходит дальше. Двигательный режим дошкольного учреждения включает как традиционные формы (утренняя зарядка, физическая культура, подводные игры и др.), Такие и нетрадиционные формы и средства - инновационные педагогические педагогические. Дошкольное образование - это системный деятельностный подход, ориентированный на результаты обучения, где личное развитие ребенка основывается на овладении универсальными

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