ARRHYTHMIA SYMPTOMS APPEAR TO BE CAUSES , TYPES AND TREATMENT METHODS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
Left heart compartment / left heart ventricle . / Gis tuft / left foot ( Gis tuft ) / Right foot ( Gis tuft ) / right heart ventricle / atrioventricular node / right heart to be

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Torayev Hikmatullah

Arrhythmia heart of beating frequency , rhythm and of consistency is a violation . Normally in man heart one properly hit stands Good health in a person only physical or spiritual stress on time his hit speed will change . This is a change purpose of the organism to the blood has been the need in full to satisfy is an aspiration .

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METHODS Torayev Hikmatullah

Samarkand State Medical University, Department of Clinical Pharmacology https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8366972 Abstract. Arrhythmia - heart of beating frequency , rhythm and of consistency is a violation . Normally in man heart one properly hit stands Good health in a person only physical or spiritual stress on time his hit speed will change . This is a change purpose of the organism to the blood has been the need in full to satisfy is an aspiration .

Keywords : Left heart compartment , left heart ventricle ., Gis tuft , left foot ( Gis tuft ), Right foot ( Gis tuft ), right heart ventricle , atrioventricular node , right heart to be

Аннотация. Аритмия - нарушение частоты, ритма и консистенции сердечных сокращений. В норме в сердце человека стоит один правильный удар Крепкое здоровье у человека только физическая или духовная нагрузка на время изменит его скорость удара. Это изменение предназначения организма, чтобы кровь стала потребностью в полном объеме удовлетворять это стремление.

Ключевые слова: левый отдел сердца, левый желудочек сердца, пучок Гиса, левая ножка (пучок Гиса), правая ножка (пучок Гиса), правый желудочек сердца, атриовентрикулярный узел, правое сердце

Arrhythmia how disease ?

Heart hit the rhythm of the organism special centers by managed stands up To these centers in the heart is located one how many important nodes and transition ways enters Management from the centers heart conductorways across impulses heart to the muscles , one properly go stands Right heart in case is located sinusoidal at the node initial impulse appear will be That's why for this too knot , doctors rhythm is called a leader . He is the heart nodes inside eat important . Then look normal , sinusoidal from the node came out electricity impulse atrioventricular to the node will come From him while Gis a bunch across directly heart to the ventricles go to them shortens The heart conductor system :

1. left heart if not .

2. left heart ventricle

3. Gis bunch

4. Left foot ( Gis bunch ).

5. Right _ foot ( Gis bunch )

6. right heart ventricle

7. atrioventricular node .

8. right heart to be

9. sinusoidal node

10. high hole vein

This thin and complicated of the system different reasons according to from work output arrhythmia to the disease take will come

Calm down cases big age healthy in people heart of beating average the frequency is 6090 beats per minute equal to Heart hit one bowl from drinking bitter tea after at least 30 minutes after measure it is necessary Measuring before person limbs write and rest for 5 minutes need

Arrhythmia disease development reasons

Arrhythmia appear to be reasons various districts to be possible they are the following :

• heart diseases myocarditis , defects , cardiomyopathy , infarction ;

• electrolyte balance violation ( in the blood potassium , calcium , magnesium quantity o' change );

• nerve system stress ( neurosis , stress);

• thyroid function disorders ( thyrotoxicosis , hypothyroidism );

• poisonous substances ( nicotine , alcohol ), some of drugs It 's weird effect

Arrhythmia disease symptoms

Arrhythmia about speaking if we are his different types there is Heart rhythm acceleration tachycardia , slowing down while bradycardia is called Heart your tattoo from time before hit extrasystole , irregular hit swinging called arrhythmia . Patients such cases the following characters feeling reach can :

• of the heart often hit

• heart around unpleasant , ugly senses ;

• heart around strong impulse or his sleep stay

• of the organism common lethargy ;

• head rotation

Arrhythmias some types significant without signs will pass In this situation the disease only the patient pulse when checked or electrocardiogram analysis when done disclosed will be

Arrhythmia types . Many p occurring appearances

Sinus tachycardia is calm in case from 90-100 beats per minute in love frequency right heart rhythm Good health in humans it is physical and emotional stress during surface will come The majority cases vegetomir with dystonia (VSD). together will come Breathing in tachycardia caught if standing significant level heart hit rhythm decreases . Tachycardia body temperature when increased in thyrotoxicosis , myocarditis , anemia due to develops . Paroxysmal tachycardia is of arrhythmia one type be 140-240 per minute enough heart hit attacks with is characterized . It 's sudden starts and that's it suddenly will be completed . A few from the second pulling one how many until the day continue reach can Tachycardia in attack in the patient sweat output , temperature elevation , weakness , palpitations , heart around unpleasant sensations observed .


Sinus bradycardia is heart rhythm at 40-60 beats per minute equal to was condition The majority healthy , especially physically trained in individuals occurs . Athletes many p observed , unceasing exercises due to heart muscles they cheer up . As a result such heart from the norm Slower even if it hits the body blood with providing give takes From him except bradycardia pathological processes be the result can For example myocardium heart attack , thyroid gland ( hypothyroidism ) activity decrease , some viral diseases , poisoning effect and others From time to time with bradycardia heart around unpleasant feel them appear does

Heart blockade ( siege ) impulse heart from being heart to the ventricle in passing is a violation . 40 beats per minute less frequency bradycardia with is characterized . Blockades

stable and transient to be can Myocarditis , cardiosclerosis , myocardium infarction during , some drugs effect under ( heart glycosides , betaadrenoblockers , verapamil) . will come Stable dizziness , unconsciousness in bradycardia leave cases observation can


Extrasystole - of the heart from the deadline before contraction , in this heart uneven as if hitting or without hitting as the rest be it seems This is a disease more healthy in people occurs . If extrasystole rare ( 5 per minute if less ) . and the patient him if he doesn't feel it , then special no treatment is required . Bordi-yu , extrasystole if it accelerates , 6 per minute and more than that . Patient heart uneven hitting if he feels it , his head if it turns , then immediately to the doctor appeal to do necessary

Do not fold arrhythmia - unstable heart rhythm , from 100 to 150 beats per minute frequency and characteristic vibration rhythm with is characterized . Heart don't be vibration stable or aggressive to be can In mitral defects of the heart , of the heart ischemia disease , thyrotoxicosis , alcoholism and etc so circumstances observed . Don't shake arrhythmia to the patient insensitivity or of the heart simple hit such as to be felt can Sometimes blood in the veins thrombi harvest to be note will be done .

To the doctor when appeal to do do you need

In man arrhythmia symptoms there is if so , the diagnosis determination and treatment transfer for to the doctor appeal to do it is necessary It 's heavy arrhythmia attack during immediately with " Quick call for help to the goal is appropriate . Whereas this the disease determination for difficult diagnostic procedures a must not Diagnosis casting for mostly conducting an ECG in cases himself enough does ECG is safe , fast and accurate and cheap diagnostic method is considered

Arrhythmias a lot types between , paroxysmal tachycardia , tremor arrhythmia and heart blockade especially dangerous Because this diseases attacks during the patient most of the time fast to help needs will be

Arrhythmia to the disease diagnosis to put

Inspections the most first of all arrhythmia development main reasons to determine is directed . In this initially myocardium infarction , myocarditis , cardiosclerosis , thyrotoxicosis , electrolyte disorders and that's it such as to diseases tests will be held . Most of the time initially diagnosis by chance mandatory common examinations during is placed . Because arrhythmia long time without symptoms pass canBut Heart rhythm violation character and arrhythmia the reason only electrocardiographic check during ( ECG), precision with designation can This inspections doctor-cardiologist appoints

• Physical stress ECG tests ( veloergometry );

• ECG day and night a day during writing get

• Electrophysiological inspection

• Electrolyte exchange check ( in the blood potassium , calcium and magnesium )

• Thyroid hormones level to determine

Arrhythmia the disease treatment

Diet . Arrhythmia diseases for special diet no However potassium- rich potatoes , grapes , apricots and Oats rich in magnesium and lentils groats , crackers , nuts consumption to do recommendation will be done . These are foods use heart to the rhythm positive effect to show can

Medicines . Medicines doctor to the instruction according to and his control under acceptance to do it is necessary Nerve system of activity disorders with manifestation was light arrhythmia treatment for sedative tools , potassium and magnesium from drugs use can For example the following drugs :

This is the data only get to know for . Doctor without instruction drugs acceptance don't

do it

Sedatives: Bellaspon, Belloid, Nastoyka or extract nastoika, Corvalol, Novopassit, Persen, Lion's tail nastoyka and etc.

Potassium and magnesium drugs : Aspaarkam , Magnerot , Panangin .

Heart rhythm of violations heavy race in forms special antiarrhythmic tools is used . They are only doctor order' i with will be appointed and ECG readings through constant control by doing stands up

Your heart electricity stimulation . Treatment this method heart automatism centers natural of signals duration and certain of amplitude artificial electricity impulses with exchange is based on These are heart contractions of frequency to modernization possibility gives Temporarily electrostimulation for red or endocardial from the electrodes used , they outside is located from a pacemaker to the heart impulse take goes Heart rhythm from modification after pacemaker off is placed and necessary to arrhythmia against drug tools is ordered .


Your heart constant electrostimulation for cardiac surgery surgery work pacemaker implantation will be done . Stimulator special small equipment surgery way with skin under to the oil layer by entering is poured . Pacemaker battery , microprocessor and from the electrodes organize found The top is stainless non-allergenic metal with covered Electrodes through heart muscles with connected . His energy reserve one how many per year intended will be Later on battery can be replaced . He is the heart the rhythm his own microprocessor using watching stands Necessary if electrodes using to the heart vine by sending him work by normalizing stands

In arrhythmia the first help

Arrhythmia in attack the first in line fast help call Quick help arrived until it arrives of the patient the situation somewhat try to lighten up . Of this for the following do it

First of all the patient Calm down , no doubt laying down it is necessary Soothing drug Valerian nastoykasi , lion's tail nastoykasi , korvalal and so on tools to give

Some cases the patient deep breath take the breath holding stand up Fingers with nose squeeze and getting stronger breath release , in the lungs the air squeeze holding to stand to ask need The face blushing goes , but this Dangerous not That 's it one how many from reinforcements after heart hit attack most of the time stops .

In arrhythmia people medicine recipes

Beets , carrots and turnip waters mixture in a ratio of 1:1:1 heart any arrhythmias in type one every day for several months to drink is useful . Heart hard hooray when starting fig to eat or lemon skin to chew very useful Five-leaved lion's tail water vodka with a 1:1 ratio mixed up drinking is also beneficial gives

Heart hard when beating , tachycardia , arrhythmia and in neurosis food consumption to do before 1 teaspoon 3 times a day to drink it is necessary Arrhythmia , heart ischemic heart disease often stroke , hypertension in illness crimson

hawthorn fruits and bees wax nastoyka with mixed in a 1:1 ratio 25 drops 3 times a day it is drunk .

Pepper mint - heart rhythm when broken , the heart muscle of work interruption or stop _ to stay in cases consumption to be done the most efficient from tools . 1 teaspoon of mint leaves 1 cup boiling to water is placed and 1 hour Hot in the place is stored . From Doka will be held . In the morning from breakfast half hour little by little before sip _ it is drunk . Drip one the day is also in the can without doing long every day until the deadline it is drunk .

1 tbsp spoon honey half glass beetroot to water mixed and 3 meals a day before it is drunk . On fire cooked potatoes very useful All of it fire in reserve or in the oven is cooked .

Hawthorn from the decoction 30-40 drops per day from eating before to drink need

In arrhythmia dotted massage

1. Point location : palm lower layers under , thumb on the side , the heart hit felt standing 1.5 cm from the place in the field located Impact reach technique : thumb child with in the left hand is located 1-2 minutes per point or heart hit attack until it stops hard pressing stands up

2. Make a point location : of the previous one reverse on the side of the palm surface in part , tendons between in depth , medium folds , quiet on the side located Impact to do method : your hand palm up by doing put it down , paw elbow towards do not bend , 3 minutes during right and left in hand alternately you rub

During movement of the heart often hit

3. Make a point location : quiet from the side elbow bending around in depth located This is the point during the massaging movement heart often It is especially useful when hitting . Impact to do method : hand back with to the table you put sitting without 3 minutes during right and left hand with point alternately you rub

4. Make a point location : fingers in bukkake leg palm between appear to be in depth located Impact to do method : sitting without right and on the left leg points for 3-5 minutes during you rub

Arrhythmia often attack when doing

5. Point location : calf , knee your eyes from below four wide below ( leg long while standing ) and big marrow bone from the roundness one wide above located Impact to do method : thumb child with point for 2-3 minutes during or 300 average you rub Arrhythmia treatment when point Armenian cigar , pepper plaster , mustard with heating up can

6. Make a point location is a child of the muscle inside of next to , inside 4 wide from the top above , big marrow of the bone behind located Impact to do method : right and left leg points one in the day two times and a half one minute during little by little pressing you rub



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