Научная статья на тему 'Archetypical reengineering in the context of improving the activities of local self government bodies'

Archetypical reengineering in the context of improving the activities of local self government bodies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kostenyuk Natalia Ivanivna

The concept of reengineering in the context of improving the activities of local self-government bodies on the basis of archetype is considered. The analysis of the implementation of structural reforms in the activities of local selfgovernment bodies with the help of archetypical methods, which allow to achieve a sustainable economic effect, subject to the harmonization of priorities and stages of reforming the activities of local self-government bodies. It has been characterized that the local self-government body acts as the center of administrative and managerial processes. Reengineering sets processes that are focused on specific goals. The set goals are achieved by the influence of personnel and means of production on information, material goods and services. In the context of reforming the MHI, the ultimate goal is to provide services to the population. In this case, interested persons receive the opportunity to implement managerial goals. To do this, you need to take into account both the current and future implications of managerial actions. The basis of the system of local self-government is two main subjects: the state and the community. The role of the state lies in the legislative regulation of the local governance process. The mechanism for the formation of democratic and efficient local self-government is decentralization, which ensures the transfer of power to self-governing structures. The object of decentralization is a community that is a local social system capable of implementing a managerial function. The effectiveness of OMC activities depends on the level of interaction with citizens and enterprises, the quality of work of each institution, the interaction of government authorities among themselves. The development of the relevant technical base will not solve all problems in the system of local self-government, but can significantly improve the efficiency of its work at different levels. After all, the use of modern ICTs is accompanied by optimization of organizational procedures, which makes them simpler and more logical.

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Рассмотрено понятие реинжиниринга в контексте совершенствования деятельности органов местного самоуправления на основе архетипики. Проанализировано проведение структурных реформ в деятельности органов местного самоуправления посредством архетипики, которые позволяют достичь устойчивого экономического эффекта при условии гармонизации приоритетов и этапов реформирования деятельности органов местного самоуправления. Охарактеризовано, что орган местного самоуправления выступает как центр административно-управленческих процессов. Реинжиниринг устанавливает процессы, которые ориентированы на определенные цели. Поставленные цели достигаются влиянием кадрами и средствами производства на информацию, материальные блага и услуги. В условиях реформирования деятельности ОМС остается высшей целью предоставления услуг населению. При этом заинтересованные лица получают возможность реализации управленческих целей. Для этого необходимо учитывать как текущие, так и будущие последствия управленческих действий. Основой системы местного самоуправления есть два основных субъекта: государство и общество. Роль государства заключается в законодательной регламентации процесса местного управления. Механизмом формирования демократического и эффективного местного самоуправления является децентрализация, которая обеспечивает передачу части властных полномочий самоуправляемым структурам. Объектом децентрализации выступает община, которая является локальной социальной системой, способная реализовывать управленческую функцию. Эффективность деятельности ОМС зависит от уровня взаимодействия с гражданами и предприятиями, качества работы каждого учреждения, взаимодействия органов власти между собой. Развитие соответствующей технической базы не решит всех проблем в системе местного самоуправления, но может существенно повысить эффективность ее работы на разных уровнях. Ведь применение современных ИКТ сопровождается оптимизацией организационных процедур, что делает их более простыми и логично выдержанными.

Текст научной работы на тему «Archetypical reengineering in the context of improving the activities of local self government bodies»

UDC: 352.07:005.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-18-3-250-259

Kostenyuk Natalia Ivanivna,

Senior lecturer of the department "е-Gover-nment and Information Systems Department" Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odessa, Genuzska str, 22, tel.: (+38) 0503911354, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-7166 Костенюк Наталiя 1ватвна, старший викладач кафедри "Електронно-го урядування та тформацшних систем", Одеськийрегюнальний iнститут державного управлтня Нацiональноï академп державного управлтня при Прeзидeнтовi Украгни, 65009, м. Одет, вул, Генуезька, 22, тел.: (+38) 0503911354, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-7166

Костенюк Наталья Ивановна,

старший преподаватель кафедры "Электронного правительства и информационных систем", Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одecса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: (+38) 0503911354, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-7166


Abstract. The concept of reengineering in the context of improving the activities of local self-government bodies on the basis of archetype is considered. The analysis of the implementation of structural reforms in the activities of local self-government bodies with the help of archetypical methods, which allow to achieve a sustainable economic effect, subject to the harmonization of priorities and stages of reforming the activities of local self-government bodies.

It has been characterized that the local self-government body acts as the center of administrative and managerial processes. Reengineering sets processes that are focused on specific goals. The set goals are achieved by the influence of personnel and means of production on information, material goods and services. In the context of reforming the MHI, the ultimate goal is to provide services to the

population. In this case, interested persons receive the opportunity to implement managerial goals. To do this, you need to take into account both the current and future implications of managerial actions.

The basis of the system of local self-government is two main subjects: the state and the community. The role of the state lies in the legislative regulation of the local governance process. The mechanism for the formation of democratic and efficient local self-government is decentralization, which ensures the transfer of power to self-governing structures. The object of decentralization is a community that is a local social system capable of implementing a managerial function. The effectiveness of OMC activities depends on the level of interaction with citizens and enterprises, the quality of work of each institution, the interaction of government authorities among themselves. The development of the relevant technical base will not solve all problems in the system of local self-government, but can significantly improve the efficiency of its work at different levels. After all, the use of modern ICTs is accompanied by optimization of organizational procedures, which makes them simpler and more logical.

Keywords: archetype, local government, reengineering, reform, territorial community.


Анотащя. Розглянуто поняття решжишрингу в контекст удосконален-ня дiяльностi оргашв мюцевого самоврядування на основi архетишки. Про-аналiзовано проведення структурних реформ у дiяльностi оргашв мкцевого самоврядування за допомогою архетишки, як дають змогу досягти стшкого економiчного ефекту за умови гармошзаци прюршелв i еташв реформуван-ня дiяльностi оргашв мюцевого самоврядування.

Схарактеризовано, що орган мюцевого самоврядування виступае як центр адмшютративно-управлшських процеав. Решжишринг встановлюе процеси, яю орiентованi на певш цш. Поставлен цш досягаються впливом кадрами i засобами виробництва на iнформацiю, матерiальнi блага i послуги. В умовах реформування дiяльностi ОМС залишаеться вищою метою надан-ня послуг населенню. Зацiкавленi особи отримують можливiсть реалiзацil управлiнських цiлей. При цьому необхвдно враховувати як поточнi, так i майбутнi наслiдки управлiнських дiй.

Основою системи мюцевого самоврядування е два основш суб'екти: держава i громада. Роль держави полягае у законодавчш регламентаци процесу мiсцевого управлшня. Механiзмом формування демократичного i ефектив-ного мiсцевого самоврядування е децентралiзацiя, яка забезпечуе передачу частини владних повноважень самоврядним структурам. Об'ектом децен-тралiзацil виступае громада — локальна сощальна система, яка спроможна реалiзовувати управлiнську функцiю. Ефективнiсть дiяльностi ОМС за-лежить вiд рiвня взаемоди з громадянами i пiдприемствами, якост роботи

кожно! установи, взаемоди оргашв влади мiж собою. Розвиток вщповщно! техшчно! бази не вирiшить усiх проблем у системi мiсцевого самоврядування, але може ютотно пiдвищити ефективнiсть и роботи на рiзних рiвнях. Застосування сучасних 1КТ супроводжуеться оптимiзацiею оргашзацшних процедур, що робить !х бшьш простими i логiчно витриманими.

Ключовi слова: архетипiка, органи мiсцевого самоврядування, решжишринг, реформа, територiальна громада.


Аннотация. Рассмотрено понятие реинжиниринга в контексте совершенствования деятельности органов местного самоуправления на основе архетипики. Проанализировано проведение структурных реформ в деятельности органов местного самоуправления посредством архетипики, которые позволяют достичь устойчивого экономического эффекта при условии гармонизации приоритетов и этапов реформирования деятельности органов местного самоуправления.

Охарактеризовано, что орган местного самоуправления выступает как центр административно-управленческих процессов. Реинжиниринг устанавливает процессы, которые ориентированы на определенные цели. Поставленные цели достигаются влиянием кадрами и средствами производства на информацию, материальные блага и услуги. В условиях реформирования деятельности ОМС остается высшей целью предоставления услуг населению. При этом заинтересованные лица получают возможность реализации управленческих целей. Для этого необходимо учитывать как текущие, так и будущие последствия управленческих действий.

Основой системы местного самоуправления есть два основных субъекта: государство и общество. Роль государства заключается в законодательной регламентации процесса местного управления. Механизмом формирования демократического и эффективного местного самоуправления является децентрализация, которая обеспечивает передачу части властных полномочий самоуправляемым структурам. Объектом децентрализации выступает община, которая является локальной социальной системой, способная реализовывать управленческую функцию. Эффективность деятельности ОМС зависит от уровня взаимодействия с гражданами и предприятиями, качества работы каждого учреждения, взаимодействия органов власти между собой. Развитие соответствующей технической базы не решит всех проблем в системе местного самоуправления, но может существенно повысить эффективность ее работы на разных уровнях. Ведь применение современных ИКТ сопровождается оптимизацией организационных процедур, что делает их более простыми и логично выдержанными.

Ключевые слова: архетипика, органы местного самоуправления, реинжиниринг, реформа, территориальная община.

Problem statement. The constitutional foundations of local self-government have been laid down in Ukraine, the European Charter of local self-government has been ratified, a number of basic legal acts have been adopted creating legal and financial bases for the activities of local self-government bodies.

Since the moment the Ukrainian Constitution and basic regulatory and legal acts on local government issues were adopted, the local government development was actually carried out at the level of territorial communities of cities of regional importance, whereas the overwhelming majority of territorial communities proved untenable to fulfill all the powers of local government bodies for their excessive fragmentation and extremely weak material and financial base.

The system of local government does not meet the needs of society today. The functioning of local government bodies does not ensure the creation and maintenance of a favorable living environment in most local communities, necessary for the full development of a person, one's self-realization, protection of one's rights, and providing people with local government bodies, institutions and organizations created by them of high-quality and affordable administrative, social and other services to the population in the respective territories.

Therefore, the system of local self-government requires thoroughness in improving the management efficiency of social development in the respective territory. Preservation of disproportion of the administrative-territorial structure as the basis for the existence

of irrational territorial organization authorities leads to a conflict of competence both either among local government bodies or local government bodies and local executive authorities.

Thus, the revolution of structural reforms is an important, complex and timely issue that will reveal the possibility of achieving a sustainable economic effect, subject to the harmonization of the priorities and stages of these reforms with the reform of local self-government in researching of archety-pic paradigm, but the topic of this article is too urgent [1, p. 23].

Analysis of recent publications. These problems are reflected in the issues considered in the framework of the newly formed scientific directions in development of the reengineering at local government bodies and archetypic concept.

Y. Alekseyeva, V. Boklag, V. Ga-brinets, M. Ditkovska, A. Dudkina, S. Kanzyuba, A. Karpenko, V. Ma-tyukhin and others researchers are engaged in the theory and practice of local government in Ukraine. Identification of unresolved tasks of the common problem previously. There is no single view on the effectiveness of reengineering based on the archetypical paradigm among Ukrainian scientists despite numerous publications written by foreign researchers, which analyze the implementation of the reengineering of local authorities' self governing and the work of domestic scientists exploring the characteristics of adaptation in reengineering of local self governing adopted in the world.

The purpose of the article. Investigating of reengineering in the context to improve the activities of local go-

vemments on the basis of archetypic paradigm.

Statement of the main material of the research. The extremely important task has been arising in the modern conditions of local self-government development: to restructure not only the LGB (local government bodies) functioning system, but also to improve the management mechanisms on achieving effective performance of the LGB. Reengineering is one of the effective means of developing and introducing of new effective management tools, being a modern management tool based on archetypical concept under such circumstances.

Reengineering being as a tool for improving the activities of the LGB has emerged at the junction of two areas — management and information. That is why, new specific means of presenting and processing information are needed in the process of reengineering, which would be understandable to local self government officials. Such tools require the integration of the information technology achievements and the creation of appropriate tools to support reengineering [2, p. 12].

Reengineering is an intensive, customer oriented top-down management initiative aimed at making a breakthrough in improving efficiency and cost reduction processes. The use of reengineering tools consists of reviewing the organization's methodology to carry out its management activities and improve the LGB activity by building processes, labor, technology, and organizational structure further, so that the LGB support the vision and values of providing administrative services to the population [3, p. 544].

The main directions of the reengineering process include understanding of the importance of urgent response to external factors of influence, awareness of the need to develop and implement solutions aimed at meeting customer needs, ensuring clear and consistent communication for effective management and efforts concentration. Reengineering also contributes to raising awareness and opportunities for learning and moving the emphasis on more meaningful opportunities using the "costs/benefit" analysis [3, p. 544].

That is, the goals of reengineering implementation are building relationships within the authority and its key interested parties, identifying possible consequences of differences of opinion among interested parties, achieving a common understanding of the essence of real problems and determining the range of desired results.

Therefore, the activities of local governments can be considered as a set of specific archetypes (for example, the "Master", "Manager", "Scientist", "Pupil" archetypes). The body of local government acts as a center of administrative and managerial processes. Reengineering establishes the processes that are focused on specific goals.

The set goals are achieved by the influence of personnel and means of production on information, material goods and services. Providing services to the population remains the highest goal in the context of reforming the LGB activities. Interested parties receive the opportunity to implement managerial goals at this case. It is necessary to consider both the current and future implications of managerial actions herewith. Government officials headed

by LGB are defined as the "Center" archetype.

The "Contractor" archetype will define the person who will implement specific managerial processes. The "Contractor" can handle managerial issues. The "Center" will affect several "Contractors". "Contractors" will perceive selectively and rework these actions. The complexity of modern managerial processes leads to the need for a highly qualified "Contactor". At the same time, the "Center" will not be able to control the activities of "Contractors" without their foresight taken into account.

An interested party involved in the activities of the LGB is called the "Leader". This "Manager" — "Contactor" two-level system serves as the basic model of the LGB activities for implementation of the method of reengineering management processes. The "Manager" archetype follows the methodology of the LGB reengineering activities and carries out planning and stimulation of the "Contactor" activity. The "Manager" uses a reengineering technique to manage resources.

In this case, the "Manager" compares the previous state with the current one and draws conclusions. Self-studying of the "Manager" and learning from past mistakes and successes are carried out in that way. He manages material, labor and financial resources. The process of LGB activities is formed on the basis of the reengineering methodology. The "Manager" provides material and moral incentives for the activities of the "Contractor". An interested party who does not have the right to manage resources, but plans and controls the activities of the "Contractor" is called the "Specialist" archetype.

The "Specialist" archetype controls the use of resources. The "Specialist" stimulates the "Contactor" based on the reengineering methodology. All governing bodies ("Manager", "Specialist") are aimed at managing the "Contactor" on the basis of their functionality. The "Contractor" solves a managerial task. Thus, the "Contractor" is directly engaged in the provision of services, and the interested parties are engaged in managing the "Contactor".

Therefore, the activities of the LGB can be represented as a set of certain governing bodies ("Manager", "Specialist", "Contractor"), to have the "Contractor" managed and the "Contractor" must meet the expectations of the "Center".

That is, the basics of the reengineering process include understanding of the importance of responding to external influencing factors, awareness of the need to develop and implement solutions aimed at meeting the needs of citizens, ensuring clear and consistent communication for the purpose of the effective LGB activities and concentration on efforts. Reengineering also contributes to emerging of awareness and opportunities for organizational learning and the shifting focus to more significant opportunities [4, p. 44].

This approach greatly increases the efficiency of work by reducing the time for its implementation and the number of performers. It is very important here that the managerial approach is changing — employees make their own independent decisions. Not only horizontal, but also vertical compressions of processes take place during the reengineering.

Where the traditional ways of work organization take place, the decision maker should had applied to the management previously, but one makes decisions on one's own now. Empowering employees, increasing the role of each of them in the work process lead to a significant increase in the impact of their work.

The fact that the administrative and management process is implemented in a natural manner, it is of no less significance. Reengineering processes eliminate the linear ordering of work procedures. It allows you to separate processes. In addition, the administrative process has various implementation options. But constant adaptation of the process to external conditions is required today. Then it is legitimate to choose an option that has several implementation versions. The choice of the version is made in accordance with the specific situation. Furthermore, the number of inspections is limited significantly [5].

Combining individual work procedures allows you to reduce the number of inspections and management actions; in addition, the number of approvals is significantly reduced, that is, here we are talking about erasing the boundaries among functional units. Modern techniques open up the possibility of LGB to act autonomously at unit level, retaining the right to use centralized data and knowledge.

It is advisable to carry out the process of changing the structure and the LGB activities in blocks, where current management bodies can be at the initial stage since reforming of the whole system is an expensive and very risky process. That is, the local government can

be considered as a composition of smaller elements, on which it is necessary to carry out optimization operations, the processes of the smallest structural unit are undergone in transformations, within the framework of which the procedure can be distinguished.

A prerequisite for improving the effectiveness of the LGB activities is the transformation of governing bodies, based on the improvement of administrative and managerial processes in these bodies and among them. Since the management structures provide information and indicative planning, it is necessary to improve information flows and work with information resources. But, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the control structures for the implementation of these technologies. This can be done with the help of reengineering methodology of administrative and managerial processes proceeding in the governing bodies [8, p. 122].

The effectiveness of LGB activities depends on the level of interaction with citizens and enterprises, the quality of work of each institution, the interaction of government authorities with each other. The development of the appropriate technical base will not solve all problems in the system of local self-government, but it can significantly improve the efficiency of its work at different levels. After all, the usage of modern ICT (information communication technologies) is accompanied by optimization of organizational procedures, which makes them simpler and more logical.

Conclusions and the prospects of further research. Further areas of research are to detail the areas of reforming the LGB activities in Ukraine, to

specify the impact of transactions on the effectiveness of LGB activities, to study the impact of archetypes on the performance of LGB activities with the definition of differences in the use of reengineering in LGB activities and beyond.

LGB recommendations are as follows:

• creating opportunities for the development of informal public institutions based on national archetypes;

• ensuring the access of the LGB to financial markets and credit resources, establishing new criteria for administrative responsibility of heads of local governments and managers of budget funds;

• introducing of new principles and mechanisms of relations "local self-government — the public" on the formation of programs, accountability mechanisms and public control;

• changes in the financial provision of territorial communities in accordance with changes in the functions of ensuring the sustainability of socio-economic development for communities and providing social services of good quality to the population which affect the reduction of transactions level directly in local self-government.


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