Научная статья на тему 'The principle of decentralization as a basis for the formation of a qualitative human resources potential of the public administration system'

The principle of decentralization as a basis for the formation of a qualitative human resources potential of the public administration system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
public service / service in local self-government bodies / personnel / personnel potential / decentralization / development / training / personnel training / державна служба / служба в органах місцевого самовря- дування / кадри / кадровий потенціал / децентралізація / розвиток / навчання / підвищення кваліфікації кадрів

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Parkhomenko-Kutsevil Oksana Ihorivna

The article analyzed the possibilities of improving the professional training of local government staff taking into account the implementation of the principle of decentralization. The ways of improving the training of specialists of local self-government bodies are proposed, it is envisaged to expand the right of territorial communities to choose not only a higher educational institution that will train specialists but also professional programs that will prepare specialists for a particular territorial community. The analysis provided grounds for highlighting important elements of the professionalization of local government staff as the basis for the formation of decentralization in Ukraine. 1) The current legislation should provide for the allocation of funds to territorial communities for vocational training, raising the skills of local government officials. This will enable the community to select which professionals to prepare for this area. 2) It is necessary to adopt a normative legal document that would provide for the formation of a real need for vocational training and professional development of local government personnel, taking into account the monitoring carried out in need in such professional personnel. 3) Provision of territorial communities with the right to choose a higher educational institution that will train specialists who need this region (population, community). In addition, it is necessary to foresee the organization on the basis of municipal educational establishments of mobile permanent courses of training of officials of local self-government with the involvement of any specialists from all regions of Ukraine, if necessary in such courses. 4) In order to strengthen the role of the territorial community, it should be foreseen the right of the community to choose not only a higher educational institution, but also the curricula that are required for professionals who work in the area. 5) To oblige the specialists who have received education for the money of a territorial community, to work in this community for 5 years or to return the money for professional training. 6) Provide funds for the financing of talented youth abroad, provided that they work after graduation of a certain time in Ukraine. The system of training and advanced training of staff of local self-government bodies should depend on the needs of the region in certain competencies of such specialists, as well as the number of such specialists, which in turn can be made if the territorial community is empowered to monitor the needs of staff and the right of communities to order professional training or advanced training. In addition, it is necessary to give territorial communities the right not only to choose a higher educational institution, which trains local self-government personnel, but also curricula for which such training will be carried out.

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Принцип децентралізації як основа формування якісного кадрового потенціалу системи публічного управління

Проаналізовано можливості удосконалення професійної підготовки кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування з урахуванням реалізації принципу децентралізації. Запропоновано шляхи удосконалення підготовки фахівців органів місцевого самоврядування, передбачено розширити право територіальних громад на вибір не тільки вищого навчального закладу, який готуватиме фахівців, а й професійних програм, за якими готуватимуться фахівців для певної територіальної громади. Проведений аналіз дає підстави виокремити важливі елементи професіоналізації кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування як основу формування децентралізації в Україні, а саме: 1) у чинному законодавстві слід передбачити виділення коштів територіальним громадам на професійне навчання, підвищення кваліфікації посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування. Це надасть можливість громаді обрати яких саме фахівців для цієї місцевості потрібно підготувати; 2) необхідно прийняти нормативно-правовий документ, який би передбачав формування реальної потреби у професійному навчанні та підвищенні кваліфікації кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування з урахуванням проведеного моніторингу у потребі саме у таких професійних кадрах; 3) надати територіальним громадам права обирати вищий навчальний заклад, який готуватиме саме тих фахівців, яких потребує даний регіон (населення, громада). Крім того, слід передбачити організацію на базі комунальних навчальних закладів мобільних постійно діючих курсів підвищення кваліфікації посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування із залученням будьяких фахівців з усіх регіонів України за потреби у таких курсах; 4) з метою посилення ролі територіальної громади слід передбачити її право обирати не тільки вищий навчальний заклад, а й навчальні програми, які потрібні для фахівців, що працюватимуть в даній місцевості; 5) передбачити обов’язок фахівців, які отримали освіту за гроші територіальної громади, відпрацювати в цій громаді протягом 5 років або повернути гроші за професійне навчання; 6) передбачити кошти на фінансування талановитої молоді за кордоном за умови відпрацювання після закінчення навчального закладу певного часу на території України. Таким чином, система підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування має залежати від потреб регіону в певних компетентностях таких фахівців, а також кількості таких фахівців, що, в свою чергу, можна зробити, якщо надати право територіальній громаді здійснювати моніторинг потреби у кадрах та право громад замовляти професійне навчання або підвищення кваліфікації. Крім того, потрібно надати право територіальним громадам обирати не тільки вищий навчальний заклад, де здійснюють підготовку кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування, а й навчальні програми, за якими здійснюватиметься така підготовка.

Текст научной работы на тему «The principle of decentralization as a basis for the formation of a qualitative human resources potential of the public administration system»

UDC: 35.08 (477)

Parkhomenko-Kutsevil Oksana Ihorivna,

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Head of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail:[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X

Пархоменко-Куцевт Оксана kopieHa,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, 3aeidyeau кафедри публгчного адмШ-стрування, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (044)264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X

Пархоменко-Куцевил Оксана Игоревна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, заведующий кафедрой публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-286-295


of the public administration system

Abstract. The article analyzed the possibilities of improving the professional training of local government staff taking into account the implementation of the principle of decentralization. The ways of improving the training of specialists of local self-government bodies are proposed, it is envisaged to expand the right of territorial communities to choose not only a higher educational institution that will train specialists but also professional programs that will prepare specialists for a particular territorial community.

The analysis provided grounds for highlighting important elements of the pro-fessionalization of local government staff as the basis for the formation of decentralization in Ukraine.

1) The current legislation should provide for the allocation of funds to territorial communities for vocational training, raising the skills of local government officials. This will enable the community to select which professionals to prepare for this area.

2) It is necessary to adopt a normative legal document that would provide for the formation of a real need for vocational training and professional development of local government personnel, taking into account the monitoring carried out in need in such professional personnel.

3) Provision of territorial communities with the right to choose a higher educational institution that will train specialists who need this region (population, community). In addition, it is necessary to foresee the organization on the basis of municipal educational establishments of mobile permanent courses of training of officials of local self-government with the involvement of any specialists from all regions of Ukraine, if necessary in such courses.

4) In order to strengthen the role of the territorial community, it should be foreseen the right of the community to choose not only a higher educational institution, but also the curricula that are required for professionals who work in the area.

5) To oblige the specialists who have received education for the money of a territorial community, to work in this community for 5 years or to return the money for professional training.

6) Provide funds for the financing of talented youth abroad, provided that they work after graduation of a certain time in Ukraine.

The system of training and advanced training of staff of local self-government bodies should depend on the needs of the region in certain competencies of such specialists, as well as the number of such specialists, which in turn can be made if the territorial community is empowered to monitor the needs of staff and the right of communities to order professional training or advanced training. In addition, it is necessary to give territorial communities the right not only to choose a higher educational institution, which trains local self-government personnel, but also curricula for which such training will be carried out.

Keywords: public service, service in local self-government bodies, personnel, personnel potential, decentralization, development, training, personnel training.



Анотащя. Проаналiзовано можливосп удосконалення професшно! шд-готовки кадрiв оргашв мюцевого самоврядування з урахуванням реа^зацп принципу децентра^заци. Запропоновано шляхи удосконалення шдготовки фахiвцiв оргашв мюцевого самоврядування, передбачено розширити право територiальних громад на вибiр не тшьки вищого навчального закладу, який готуватиме фахiвцiв, а й професшних програм, за якими готуватимуться фа-хiвцiв для певно! територiальноl громади.

Проведений аналiз дае шдстави виокремити важливi елементи профеа-она^заци кадрiв оргашв мюцевого самоврядування як основу формування децентра^заци в Укра!ш, а саме:

1) у чинному законодавст слщ передбачити видшення кошпв територ^ альним громадам на професшне навчання, шдвищення ква^фшаци посадо-

вих оаб мюцевого самоврядування. Це надасть можливiсть громадi обрати яких саме фахiвцiв для ц1е1 мiсцевостi потрiбно пiдготувати;

2) необхiдно прийняти нормативно-правовий документ, який би передба-чав формування реально! потреби у професшному навчанш та пiдвищеннi ква^фшаци кадрiв органiв мiсцевого самоврядування з урахуванням прове-деного монiторингу у потребi саме у таких професiйних кадрах;

3) надати територiальним громадам права обирати вищий навчальний заклад, який готуватиме саме тих фахiвцiв, яких потребуе даний регюн (на-селення, громада). Крiм того, слщ передбачити органiзацiю на базi кому-нальних навчальних закладiв мобiльних постшно дiючих курсiв пiдвищення ква^фшаци посадових оаб мiсцевого самоврядування iз залученням будь-яких фахiвцiв з уах регiонiв Украши за потреби у таких курсах;

4) з метою посилення ролi територiальноl громади слщ передбачити 11 право обирати не тшьки вищий навчальний заклад, а й навчальш програми, якi потрiбнi для фахiвцiв, що працюватимуть в данш мiсцевостi;

5) передбачити обов'язок фахiвцiв, якi отримали освiту за грошi територ^ ально! громади, вщпрацювати в цiй громадi протягом 5 роюв або повернути грошi за професшне навчання;

6) передбачити кошти на фiнансування талановито! молодi за кордоном за умови вщпрацювання шсля закiнчення навчального закладу певного часу на територи Украши.

Таким чином, система шдготовки та пiдвищення квалiфiкацil кадрiв орга-нiв мiсцевого самоврядування мае залежати вщ потреб регюну в певних ком-петентностях таких фахiвцiв, а також кiлькостi таких фахiвцiв, що, в свою чергу, можна зробити, якщо надати право територiальнiй громадi здiйсню-вати мошторинг потреби у кадрах та право громад замовляти професшне навчання або шдвищення квалiфiкацil. Крiм того, потрiбно надати право те-риторiальним громадам обирати не тшьки вищий навчальний заклад, де здш-снюють шдготовку кадрiв органiв мiсцевого самоврядування, а й навчальш програми, за якими здшснюватиметься така шдготовка.

Ключовi слова: державна служба, служба в органах мюцевого самоврядування, кадри, кадровий потенщал, децентралiзацiя, розвиток, навчання, шдвищення квалiфiкацil кадрiв.



Аннотация. Проанализированы возможности совершенствования профессиональной подготовки кадров органов местного самоуправления с учетом реализации принципа децентрализации. Предложены пути совершенствования подготовки специалистов органов местного самоуправления, предусмотрено расширить право территориальных общин на выбор не только высшего учебного заведения, который будет готовить специалистов, но и

профессиональных программ, по которым будут готовить специалистов для определенной территориальной общины.

Проведенный анализ позволяет выделить важные элементы профессионализации кадров органов местного самоуправления как основу формирования децентрализации в Украине, а именно:

1) в действующем законодательстве следует предусмотреть выделение средств территориальным общинам на профессиональное обучение, повышение квалификации должностных лиц местного самоуправления. Это позволит обществу выбрать каких именно специалистов для этой местности нужно подготовить;

2) необходимо принять нормативно-правовой документ, который бы предусматривал формирование реальной потребности в профессиональном обучении и повышении квалификации кадров органов местного самоуправления с учетом проведенного мониторинга о необходимости именно в таких профессиональных кадрах;

3) предоставить территориальным общинам право избирать высшее учебное заведение, которое будет готовить именно тех специалистов, в которых нуждается данный регион (население, община). Кроме того, следует предусмотреть организацию на базе коммунальных учебных заведений мобильных постоянно действующих курсов повышения квалификации должностных лиц местного самоуправления по привлечению любых специалистов из всех регионов Украины при необходимости в таких курсах;

4) для усиления роли территориальной общины следует предусмотреть право общины выбирать не только высшее учебное заведение, но и учебные программы, необходимые специалистам для работы в данной местности;

5) предусмотреть обязанность специалистов, получивших образование за деньги территориальной общины, отработать в этой общины в течение 5 лет или вернуть деньги за профессиональное обучение;

6) предусмотреть средства на финансирование талантливой молодежи за рубежом при условии отработки после окончания учебного заведения определенного времени на территории Украины.

Таким образом, система подготовки и повышения квалификации кадров органов местного самоуправления должна зависеть от потребностей региона в определенной компетентности таких специалистов, а также количества таких специалистов, что, в свою очередь, можно сделать, если предоставить право территориальной общине осуществлять мониторинг потребности в кадрах и право общин заказывать профессиональное обучение или повышение квалификации. Кроме того, нужно предоставить право территориальным общинам выбирать не только высшее учебное заведение, где осуществляют подготовку кадров органов местного самоуправления, но и учебные программы, по которым будет осуществляться такая подготовка.

Ключевые слова: государственная служба, служба в органах местного самоуправления, кадры, кадровый потенциал, децентрализация, развитие, обучение, повышение квалификации кадров.

Formulation of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical problems. Today, the problems of decentralization are analyzed by political scientists, sociologists, economists, and specialists in public administration. At the same time, the problems of analyzing the issue of decentralization from the point of view of forming the personnel potential of the public administration system are actualized.

The personnel are the basis of qualitative reforms in the state, as it is public servants who formulate and implement administration decisions, predict the possible consequences of such decisions and correct them. Therefore, decentralization as the main reform of the country requires specially trained personnel who would have not only professional knowledge in the field of public administration, but could apply them in practice.

Thus, the personnel of the public administration system are centralized in the system of institutions of higher education, regardless of the needs of regions in certain managerial qualities and certain specialization (in particular, management of the agrarian sector, educational, etc.). In addition, professional training is aimed at mastering basic professional skills in the public administration system, without taking into account the needs of such specialist, especially the need for administration at the regional level. Separately there is a problem of lack of practical skills in administration situations.

Today, there is a need for the formation of the personnel depending on the needs of the territorial community, taking into account the demands of the

modem society and the information globalization space.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problems of formation and development of the personnel in the civil service, local self-government bodies, definition of historical patterns of personnel development in the system of public administration are analyzed by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, including: V. Averyanov, A. Antonova, H. Atamanchuk, N. Hon-charuk, V. Malinovsky, R. Naumenko, N. Nyzhnyk, O. Obolensky, V. Oluyko, E. Okhotsky, A. Rachinsky, S. Seryohin, A. Sitsinsky, I. Suray, O. Turchynov, S. Khajiradeva, O. Yakubovsky and others. The mentioned scientists analyze modern tendencies of the personnel development in the system of public administration, problems of staffing in the system of civil service, selection and competitive procedures, the main stages of reforming and modernizing the civil service of Ukraine. At the same time, the Ukrainian scientist M. Karpa analyzes the methods of managing human resources processes in the context of the formation of a public service in Ukraine.

At the same time, modern aspects of staffing and management training problems for local governments are underdeveloped.

Thus, the previously unresolved part of the general problem is the justification of the principle of decentralization as the basis for the formation of a qualitative human resources potential of the public administration system.

Setting objectives. The study provides for the basis of systematic analysis to justify the implementation of the principle of decentralization as the

basis for the formation of a qualitative human resources potential of the public administration system.

Presenting the main material.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the Service in Local Self-Government Bodies" the following positions in local government bodies are:

• firstly, elected posts for which individuals are elected at local elections; elective office on which persons are elected or approved by the relevant council;

• secondly, the positions for which persons are appointed by the village, settlement, city mayor, chairman of the district, district in the city, the regional council on a competitive basis or another procedure provided by the legislation of Ukraine [2].

At the same time, the specified law does not define the basic requirements for the preparation of the local self-government bodies, however, this is an important aspect of the development of decentralization, since it is the personnel who form and implement regional policy, determine the priorities of the region's development, formulate general plans of the cities, etc. Not only the constant development of the regions, but also the reform of the regional governance system depends on the qualifications of the local self-government personnel.

Thus, the professional training of the local government officials should vary according to the category of the posts and the need for certain skills and knowledge, since there is a different set of competencies for each category of posts.

It should be noted that according to the Concept of reforming the system of

the professional training of the civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, officials of local self-government and local council deputies professional development of civil servants, heads of the local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, officials of the local self-government — a continuous, conscious, purposeful process of personal and professional growth, based on the integration of knowledge, skills and competencies [5].

The system of professional training of the civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials, and members of local councils is an integral set of interrelated components, which includes:

• definition of the professional training needs;

• formation, placement and execution of a state order;

• formation of motivation to increase the level of professional competence;

• ensuring the functioning and development of the market for the provision of educational services in the field of professional training;

• monitoring and evaluation of the quality of education [5].

In the above Concept the stages of the professional training for the local government officials are not separate, however, in our opinion, the stages of the professional training of the local government officials are specific. The most important thing is that the professional knowledge and practical skills that local government officials need is industry oriented, at the same time, these specialists should have issues re-

lated to the formation and implementation of the local budget, the division of expenditures from the local budget, and also understand the system of the local self-government and the system of public administration.

Therefore, the key to the system of the professional training of the local government officials is to determine the need for appropriate competencies.

The professional training of the officials of the local self-government bodies should have some inherent to it features, and be based on the following principles:

- regular study of the needs of the training and assessment of the personnel changes;

- observance of the current normative legal acts on professional development;

- selection of types and terms of the professional development of the employees taking into account the results of their studies in previous years;

- selection of types and terms of the professional development of the employees taking into account the specifics of positions;

- priority of training the first-time employees elected or accepted;

- improvement of the educational programs in order to meet the needs of students' learning, development of their abilities and skills, professionalism;

- classification of the employees of the local self-government for the needs of education [1].

The national system of training, specialization and professional development of the civil servants and officials of the local self-government bodies in Ukraine is formed and functions in order to meet the needs of the central and

local executive authorities, local self-government bodies, other bodies and organizations covered by the laws of Ukraine "On State Service" and "About Service in Local Self-Government Bodies" in highly professional and highly educated workers capable of competent and responsible management of their functions, to implement the latest social technologies, to promote innovative processes of reforming the system of public administration and local self-government. In the state system of training, above all, include the following institutions: National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and its regional institutes; other higher educational establishments which carry out preparation of masters in the specialty "Public Management and Administration"; regional centers of retraining and professional development of the employees of the state authorities, local self-government bodies, state enterprises, institutions and organizations; state (branch) institutions of postgraduate education [3].

It should be noted that although there is an extensive network of educational institutions that increase the qualifications of the local government staff as well as educational programs under which these processes are carried out, in Ukraine education and training of the local government officials are not related to actual situations, functional duties performed by the specialists. In addition, the educational program does not take into account the educational level of a specialist.

In our opinion, the basic principles of the training of the personnel of the local self-government bodies should

be: professionalism; responsibility; accountability; the principle of a forward-looking nature (preparation must be aimed at the future, mastering of the latest technologies, innovative methods of work); efficiency; innovation; practical orientation; individual approach and so on.

Thus, a new approach to the training of the local self-government personnel should be oriented towards the specifics of the specialist's activities, guarantee the results of the activity, provide for special professional training of the senior management, determine the obligatory training of a specialist after his appointment, and also in connection with the change in the state policy, adoption of new regulations.

There is a direct relationship between instruction (training) of the local government officials and changes taking place in state administration today. Thus, by 1990 almost all the decisions in the republics of the former Soviet Union were through the administrative bodies that were located in Moscow. The republican ministries were subordinate to the union one. The local government office mainly served to follow the instructions, not to make policy and decision making alone. During the transition from the command-administrative system to the democratic, the mechanism of functioning of the state, which today is called to serve the society, to provide services to the population, qualitatively changes. In view of this, the functions of the civil servants are also significantly changing: modern social transformations require not executors, but active actors in the reform of the public administration [4, p. 36-37].

Thus, at present, the Ukrainian state faces an urgent problem of new understanding of the role of the local government personnel and the "education" of precisely such specialists who were able at the present stage to solve problems arising in the process of decentralization.

The analysis carried out provides grounds for highlighting important elements of the professionalization of the local government staff as the basis for the formation of decentralization in Ukraine.

Firstly, the current legislation should provide for the allocation of funds to the territorial communities for the professional training, raising the skills of the local government officials. This will enable the community to select which professionals to prepare for this area.

Secondly, it is necessary to adopt a normative legal document that would provide for the formation of a real need for professional training and professional development of the local government personnel taking into account the monitoring carried out in need in such professional personnel.

Thirdly, granting the territorial communities the right to elect a higher education institution that will train precisely those specialists that the given region needs (population, community). In addition, it should be envisaged to organize, on the basis of municipal educational institutions, mobile, permanently continuing education courses for the local government officials to attract any specialists from all the regions of Ukraine, if necessary, in such courses.

Fourthly, in order to strengthen the role of the territorial community, the

right of the community to choose not only the higher educational establishment, but also the curricula that are needed for the professionals who work in the area should be foreseen.

Fifthly, to foresee the obligation of the specialists who have received education for the money of the territorial community, to work in this community for 5 years or to return the money for the professional training.

Sixthly, to provide funds for the financing of the talented youth abroad provided that they work after graduation of a certain time in the territory of Ukraine.

Thus, the system of training and professional development of the local government personnel should depend on the needs of the region for a certain competence of such specialists, as well as the number of such specialists, which, in turn, can be done if the territorial community is given the right to monitor personnel needs and communities to order professional training or advanced training. In addition, it is necessary to give the territorial communities the right not only to choose a higher educational institution that trains local self-government personnel, but also curricula for which such training will be carried out.

Conclusions. The article analyzes the possibilities of improving the professional training of the local government staff taking into account the implementation of the principle of decentralization. The ways of improving the training of the specialists of the local self-government bodies are proposed, it is envisaged to expand the right of the territorial communities to choose not only a higher educational

institution that will train specialists, but also professional programs that will prepare specialists for a particular territorial community.

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In the future, further research is planned to analyze the foreign experience of the formation of the principle of decentralization, as well as the training of the specialists commissioned by the territorial community.


1. Dimova O. V. (2007) Features of personnel support of the service in local self-government bodies [Online] available at: http:// www.kbuapa.kharkov. ua/e-book/db/2007-1-1/dots/3/05. pdf (Accessed 16.10.2018 ).

2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2001), The Law of Ukraine " On service in local self-government bodies", available at: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/lavs/ shov/2493-14 (Accessed 16.10.2018 ).

3. Informational and analytical report "Analysis of the situation regarding vocational training, retraining and professional development of civil servants of officials of local self-government bodies in Ukraine" (2017) available at: http://pleddg.org.ua/vp-tsontent/ uploads/2017/07/Analytitsal-report_ Institution-Training-2017_7Yuly_Fi-nal.pdf (Accessed 16.10.2018 ).

4. Opanasiuk H. (2001) "Trends in the training of civil servants in Central and Eastern Europe", Vyd-vo UADU, Kyiv, Ukraine.

5. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2017), "Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" On Approving the Concept of Reforming the System of Professional Training of Civil Servants, Heads of Local State Administrations, their First Deputy and Deputy, Local Government Officials and Local Council Deputies, available

at: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua/lavs/ shov/974-2017-%D1%80 (Accessed 16.10.2018).


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4. Опанасюк Г. Тенденщ! шдготовки державних службовщв у кра!нах Центрально! та Схщно! бвропи. — К. : Вид-во УАДУ, 2001. - 284 с.

5. Про схвалення Концепщ! реформу-вання системи професшного навчання державних службовщв, голiв мiсцевих державних адмшстрацш, !х перших заступникiв та заступ-никiв, посадових осiб мiсцевого самоврядування та депутапв мкце-вих ради: розпорядження Кабшету Мiнiстрiв Укра!ни вiд 01.12.2017 р. № 974 URL: http://zakon.rada.gov. ua/laws/show/974-2017-%D1%80 (дата звернення 16.10.2018 р.)

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